
R-2. Rata Ra Dizh: Dizhsa — Ingles

a b c ch d e f g i j l m n o p qu r rr s t ts u w x y z zh


a [àaa’] yes (L4, S-6, L7).

a [a] already (L8). See also a mer.

a [àa’] 1. so (S-14); 2. what about? (used after a noun phrase) (S-14).

a [àaa] ah (S-14).

a [a] 1. (used before focused subjects in locational sentences) (L18); 2. (used before some subjects) (as in a nax a bzeny “the chocolate has arrived”) (S-17). See also ady a nanu.

a bai [a ba’i] all right (S-26).

a bgyac [a bgya’ahc] a long time ago (same as a wyac) (S-24).

a gual [a gùa’ll] is about to (it’s time to) (necessity aux. (see L23), as in reipya lai a gual guxnazaga “I told him I was about to get married”, a gual ynazën camyuny “it’s time for us to catch the bus”) (BXTP-3, S-28).

a guc [a guhc] (followed by a time phrase) 1. for (time phrase) (as in a guc tsë iaz “for ten years”) (BXTP-2); 2. (time phrase) ago (S-22).

a guc (time phrase) ni [a guhc … nih] (time phrase) ago (as in a guc chon iaz ni “three years ago”) (BXTP-2).

a guc xchi [a guhc x:chih] a long time ago (S-22).

a guc xchidani [a guhc x:chihdaàa’nih] that’s a really long time ago (S-22).

a gucgan [a guhcgaan] finally (as in a gucgan nu ra mniny re “the kids are finally living here”) (BXTP-2).

a mer [a meer] almost, about to (followed by irr. sentence, as in a mer yriaëng gyiedëng cuan ra mniny “she is about to leave, she’ll come with the kids”) (BXTP-8).

a naa re [a nàa’ rèe’] / a naa nua re [a nàa’ nu’-a’ rèe’] I’m here (S-3).

a re [a rèe’] here it is (YY).

a wdeidy [a wdèèi’dy] has passed (as in a wdeidy chon beu “three months has passed, three months later”) (BXTP-9).

a wyac [a wya’ahc] long ago, a long time ago (same as a bgyac) (S-22).

a zicy [a zi’cy] oh yeah?, so what? (S-28).

aazh [àa-ahzh:] he, she; him, her (fam. a-pron.) (L24).

abchon [ahbchòonn] see galy abchon.

abenton [abentoon] see rnab teiby abenton.

abga [ahbgààa’] see galy abga.

abgai [ahbgài’] see galy abgai.

abgaz [ahbgàaz] see galy abgaz.

Abrely [Abre’ely] April (S-25).

abtap [ahbtahp] see galy abtap.

abteiby [ahbte’ihby] see galy abteiby.

abtyop [ahbtyo’p] see galy abtyop.

abtsë [ahbtsêë’] see galy abtsë, gayon abtsë, ta abtsë, tyua abtsë.

abxon [ahbxòon] see galy abxon.

abxop [ahbxo’p] see galy abxop.

abyony [abyoony] airplane (L17).

adi [aadi’] has not yet (followed by subject plus irr. sentence or by irr. sentence, as in axta na adi ydicaldi xi ni rata ra blali rliu tebloizy “it has not yet come out (up to now) why all those blals look the same”) (BXTP-7).

ady [aady] not yet (followed by subject noun or bound pronoun and irr. verb, as in adya ycaa buny “I’m not married yet, I haven’t gotten married yet”) (S-19).

ady a nanu [aady a nàannùu’] as you (inf.) know (BXTP-8).

aeropwert [aeropwe’rt] airport (BXTP-4).

aëb [àa-ëhb] he, she; him, her (resp. a-pron.) (L24).

aëm [a’-ëhmm] he, she, it; him, her, it (an. a-pron.) (L24).

aëng [a’a-ënng] he, she, it; him, her, it (prox. a-pron.) (L24).

ai [a’ai] he, she, it; him, her, it (dist. a-pron.) (S-26, L24).

ai bsedya [a’ài’ bsèe’dya’] I learned it, I learned that (S-19). See also rseidy.

ainy [àa-ihny] he, she, it; him, her, it (rev. a-pron.) (L24).

Agost [Ago’st] August (S-25).

ajy [a’jy] yes (S-14).

alabar [alabaar] see runy alabar.

almwad [almwaad] pillow (L16).

amer [ameer] soon (BXTP-3).

amiegw [amiiegw] friend (L4, BXTP-1, L14).

amista [amistaa] friendship (S-29).

Angl [A’nngl] Angel (S-2). See also Los Angl, West Los Angl.

angle [a’nngle’eh] angel (L21).

Aniset [Anise’t] Aniseto (S-2).

Anjalyen [Anjalye’nn] see Lia Anjalyen.

Anjalyend [Anjalye’nnd] see Lia Anjalyen.

antes de [á’nntehs deh] before (in time) (L21).

antesta [á’nntehsta’] before (BXTP-5).

anym [a’anym] heart; soul (poss. with xten) (S-15). See also lasto, laz, corason.

apartamen [apartame’enn] apartment (BXTP-1).

Arasely [Arase’lly] see Lia Arasely.

arazh [aarahzh:] they; them (fam. a-pron.) (L24).

arëb [aarëhb] they; them (resp. a-pron.) (L24).

arëm [aarëhmm] they; them (an. a-pron.) (L24).

arëng [aarëng] they; them (prox. a-pron.) (L24).

ari [aarih] they; them (dist. a-pron.) (L24).

ariny [aarihny] they; them (rev. a-pron.) (L24).

Arnulf [Arnu’ullf] Arnulfo (S-2).

arre [arre’eh] see erre.

arreglad [arreglad] see runy arreglad.

as [a’s] 1. hi, hey (S-4, L6); 2. (used before an imperative) (L6).

as [a’s] ace (in cards) (YY).

as buas [a’s buahs] okay (S-11).

as nia [a’s nniìa’] 1. hi there (S-4, L6); 2. (used before an imperative) (L6).

asy [a’sy] later (S-22).

asy a byulazyui [a’sy a byu’lààa’zyuu’ih] you’ll like it, you’ll like them (S-17).

asy chi [a’sy chih] when (in the future) (S-22).

ati [a’ti’] not (negative word used in identificational sentences) (YY, L19).

ati merbëg [a’ti meerbëg] / atizh merbëg [a’tihzh: meerbëg] is not genuine (as in ati merbëg ra blali “the blals were not genuine”) (BXTP-8).

atizh [a’tihzh:] not (negative word used in identificational sentences) (followed by a noun or noun phrase, not a verb) (BXTP-6, L19).

atizh merbëg [a’tihzh: meerbëg] see ati merbëg.

aty [a’ty] but (as in aty nanyu xii… “but you (form.) know what it is”) (S-17).

autobuas [autobua’s] bus (L10).

axta [a’xta’] 1. until, up to (as in axta na “up to now”) (S-16, BXTP-6); 2. even (as in axta ni queity raly re zale gac gobernador “even someone who wasn’t born here can become governor”) (L23).

axta na [a’xta’ nah] still (L24).

ayudan [ayuda’aann] helper (L3).

azm [a’zm] asthma (L19).


ba [baa’ah] earlier today (L4, BXTP-4).

ba rsily [baa’ah rsìiilly] earlier this morning (BXTP-4).

Bac [Ba’ahc] Tlacolula, Tlacolula de Matamoros (S-7, L17).

badia [badiia] roadrunner (L2, S-6, L24).

bag [baag] cow (S-6, L7).

baguidy [ba’gui’idy] butterfly (S-6).

bai [ba’ai] rebozo, shawl (L14).

Baisy [Bai’sy] see Lia Baisy.

Bal [Ba’ll] Valeriano, Vale, Valerian (S-2).

bal [bàall] / bald [bàalld] 1. how many; how much (in arithmetic) (L11, S-19, S-27); 2. if (S-24, L22). § balizyza [bàallihzyza’] “wow, how many”.

bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac [bàall zi’cy rnnììi’yuu’ zhi’ zi’cy ga’c] if you (form.) say so that’s how it will be (S-17).

bald [bàalld] see bal.

Baleryan [Baleryaan] Valeriano, Valerian (S-2).

balizyza [bàallihzyza’] wow, how many (S-19). See also bal.

balna [ballnah] if (contrary to fact) (L23).

baly [baahlly] fire, flame (L4).

baly [baaly] see xnan baly, zhiny baly.

Balyen [Balye’eenn] Valentin, Valentine (S-2).

bangual [banguual] 1. old (of a person) (L24); 2. old person (L2, S-12, L24). See also xpangual.

bangualte [bangualtèe’] too old (BXTP-9).

banua [bannùùa’] scorpion (S-6, L5).

bany [ba’nny] bath, shower; bathroom (L13). See also rcwa bany.

bar [baar] stick; pole (L7).

baraj [bara’j] playing card (YY).

barga [bargàa’] type of medium-sized grasshopper (S-6).

Bartol [Bartool] Bartolo, Bart (S-2).

basquetbol [basque’tbo’ll] basketball (BXTP-1).

bas [ba’s] bus (S-26).

bat [bàa’t] skunk (S-6).

baxat [bax:aa’t] toad (L4, S-6).

bca [bca’ah] crow (L3, S-6, L11).

bcu [bcùùu’] see lo bcu.

bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa [bcwààa’ nih càa ni’ih gue’et cuahnn Dìi’zhsah] write what follows in Zapotec, translate what follows into Zapotec (L12)

bcwany na [bcwahnny nnaàa’] finger (S-15). § e-poss. xcuna [x:cuhnnaàa’]. See also na “hand”.

bcwany ni [bcwahnny ni’ih] toe (S-15). § e-poss. xcuni [x:cuhnni’ih]. See also ni “foot”.

bchily [bchiilly] / wchily [wchiilly] knife (L13).

bda [bdaa] see runy bda.

bdacw [bda’ahcw] perf. of racw.

bdan [bdàa’n] perf. of rgan.

bdany [bdàa’nny] perf. of rany.

bdap [bdàa’p] perf. of rgap.

bdas [bdahs] perf. of ras.

bdau [bda’uh] perf. of rau.

bde [bdèe] perf. of rgue “cusses”.

bde [bdee] perf. of rgue “carries”.

bdeidy [bdèèi’dy] perf. of rdeidy “crosses”.

bdes no [bde’s nnoòo’] / bdesna [bde’snnaàa’] raise your hand (S-8). See also na “hand”.

bdez [bdèe’ez] perf. of rguez.

bdi [bdih] ant (S-6).

bdiad [bdìad] perf. of rguied.

bdiby [bdìi’by] perf. of rguiby.

bdica [bdi’cah] perf. of rdica.

bdich [bdìi’ch] perf. of rguich.

bdieb [bdìeb] perf. of rguieb.

bdied [bdìed] perf. of rguied.

bdily [bdìi’lly] / [bdìi’illy] perf. of rguily.

bdiny [bdìi’iny] perf. of rguiny “borrows”.

bdix [bdìi’x] perf. of rguix.

bdixga [bdi’xga’ah] perf. of rguixga.

bdixicy [bdixi’ihcy] perf. of rguixicy.

bdizh [bdi’ihzh] perf. of rguizh.

bdo [bdoo’oh] perf. of rdo.

bdo [bdòo’] baby (L3, S-6, S-12, L7).

bdua [bdùùa’] banana (L3, L6).

bdub [bdùùu’b] perf. of rgub.

bdubiaz [bdubiihahz] last year (BXTP-3).

bduxman [bduhxmaan] last week (BXTP-3). See also xman.

be [be’eh] mushroom (L1, S-13).

be [bèe] see dizh be Dyoz.

beb [bèe’b] is (located on a flat, elevated surface) (neut. of rbeb) (S-19, L18).

becw [bèe’cw] / [bèe’ecw] dog (L2, S-6, L5). § e-poss. xyecw.

Bed [Beed] Pedro, Peter (L2, L5, S-1, S-2).

beich [be’ich] buzzard, vulture (S-6, L24).

beinte [bé’innyteh] see beny.

beiny [bèèi’ny] perf. of runy.

beinyande [bèinyande’eh] see zhiny ni beinyande.

beiny cwen [bèi’ny cwe’enn] like (BXTP-4). See also rliu beiny cwen.

beinyticwatro [be’innticwá’troh] see benyticwatr.

beinytinwebe [be’inntinwéebeh] see benytinweb.

beinytisinco [be’inntisí’nncoh] see benytisiengw.

beinytisyete [be’inntisyé’teh] see benytisyet.

beinytyocho [be’inntyó’choh] see benytyoch.

bel [beèe’l] meat (L1, L13).

bel [bèèe’ll] / beld [beèèe’lld] snake (L1, S-6, L10).

bel [bèe’ll] sister (of a female) (e-poss. only) (L14).

bel [behll] / beld [behlld] fish (L1, S-6, L5).

Bel [Be’ll] Abel (S-2). See also Lia Bel.

bel lady [beèe’l lahdy] flesh (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also lady “body”.

beld [beèèe’lld] see bel “snake”.

beld [behlld] see bel “fish”.

ben [bèen] dregs, grounds (of liquid) (L4).

bentan [bentaan] window (BXTP-5, L23).

Bentuar [Bentuuar] see Lia Bentuar.

beny [be’enny] / beinte [bé’innyteh] twenty (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benyticwatr [be’ennyticwa’tr] / beinyticwatro [be’innticwá’troh] twenty-four (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytidoz [be’ennytidooz] twenty-two (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytinweb [be’ennytinweeb] / beinytinwebe [be’inntinwéebeh] twenty-nine (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytiseiz [be’ennytiseiz] twenty-six (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytisiengw [be’ennytisi’enngw] / beinytisinco [be’inntisí’nncoh] twenty-five (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytisyet [be’ennytisye’t] / beinytisyete [be’inntisyé’teh] twenty-seven (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytitrez [be’ennytitreez] twenty-three (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytyoch [be’ennytyo’ch] / beinytyocho [be’inntyó’choh] twenty-eight (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

benytyuan [be’ennytyua’nn] twenty-one (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

Benzy [Be’nnzy] Juvencio (S-2).

Bery [Beery] Silverio (S-2).

besgyet [be’sgyeht] squash seed (S-22).

Bet [Be’t] Roberto, Robert, Heriberto, Herbert (S-2, L13). See also Lia Bet.

bets [behts] brother (of a male) (e-poss. only) (L1, S-1, BXTP-2, L14).

beu [be’èu] 1. moon (L21); 2. month (L2, BXTP-2, S-25).

beu [be’èu] comb (L24).

beu [be’euh] turtle (S-6).

beu [be’èu’] coyote (animal) (S-6).

beu [bèu’] see dizh beu.

beyu [bèeyuu’] see dizh beyu.

bez [be’ez] type of big jackrabbit (S-6).

bez [bèèe’z] mountain lion (S-6, L24).

bgaly [bgaaly] how much (referring to money) (L17).

bgwa [bgwah] see runy bgwa.

bgwuaz [bgwuhahz] son-in-law (S-18). § e-poss. xabgwuaz [x:abgwuhahz].

bgyac [bgya’ahc] see a bgyac.

bi [bihih] air (L2).

bia [bihah] perf. of ria “goes home”.

bibliotec [bibliote’c] library (BXTP-3, L24).

bicy [bi’ihcy] perf. of ricy “returns”.

Bich [Bi’ch] Junior (nickname) (S-2). See also Lia Bich.

bichi [bi’chi’ih] little (S-22, L22).

bichiizy [bi’chi’-ihzy] only little, just little. (S-22).

Bied [Bied] 1. Señora, Doña (respectful title used before Lia and a woman’s first name) (S-2); 2. Aunt (S-2).

bied [biied] 1. aunt (L2, S-2, L14); 2. sister-in-law; stepmother (S-18); 3. señora, señorita, ma’am (respectful term of address used to someone one does not know) (S-14, L14). § e-poss. xbied. See also sa bied.

bied mna [bied mnnààa’] ma’am, señora (respectful term of address used to an older woman) (S-2).

bied [bìe’d] perf. of ried.

bieda [bieda’] see xnan bieda, xnan bieda xnan wzana.

biede [biede’eh] ma’am, señora (respectful term of address used to a woman) (S-2).

biedne [bìe’dnèe] perf. of riedne.

bienyën [bie’nyëhnn] irregular “we” subject perf. of runy.

bilo [biloh] perf. of rilo (BXTP-7).

Bily [Biilly] Porfirio (S-2).

bily [bìi’lly] perf. of rual.

biny [bììi’ny] perf. of ruan.

binydyag [binydyahg] perf. of rinydyag.

binylo [binyloh] perf. of rinylo.

birwel [birwe’ll] smallpox (S-23).

bisiclet [bisicle’t] bicycle (L23).

bistied [bistiied] dress (L11).

bisy [bi’sy] see runy bisy.

Bitory [Bi’to’ory] see Lia Bitory.

Bity [Bi’ty] see Lia Bity.

blac [bla’ac] how much money (L11).

blal [blàaal] blal, precolumbian earthenware figure (BXTP-1, L13).

blalbag [bla’albag] genuine blal (BXTP-6).

blali [bla’alih] those blals (precolumbian earthenware figures) (BXTP-5).

blan [blaàa’n] perf. of rban “steals”.

Blanc [Blaa’nnc] see Lia Blanc.

ble [blee’eh] perf. of rbe “takes (something) out”.

blecy [blèe’cy] perf. of rbecy.

blelaz [blèe’lààa’z] perf of rbelaz.

blez [blèez] 1. perf. of rbez; 2. imp. of rbez.

blias [blìàa’s] ditch (L3).

blidguiny [bli’dguìiny] mosquito (S-6, L21).

blu [blùu’uh] perf. of rgu.

bluchia [blu’chììa’] perf. of rguchia.

bluny [blùuunny] perf. of rguny.

bo [bòo] charcoal (L3).

bolad [bolaad] see rcwa bolad.

bolet [bole’t] ticket (BXTP-8).

bolz [bo’oollz] bag (L6).

botei [bote’i] bottle (L18).

braser [braseer] bracero, “guest” farm worker during the Bracero Program (1942-64) (BXTP-9).

brau [bra’au] lizard (S-6, L24).

breizh [bree’ihzh] perf. of rbuzh.

brezhya [bre’zhya’ah] perf. of rbuzhya.

bri! sit down! [brih!] (S-3).

bri [brih] / wri [wrih] 1. perf. of rbi; 2. perf. of ri.

brica [bri’cah] perf. of rdica.

brixti [brihx:tih] perf. of rbixti (S-22).

bro [bròo’oh] big (BXTP-3, L19). § mod. ro. See also maru bro.

bruiny [brùu’iny] tuna, xoconostle (prickly pear cactus fruit) (S-13, L13).

Bse [Bsee] Jose, Joseph, Joe (S-2).

bsedya [bsèe’dya’] see ai bsedya.

bsia [bsihah] eagle (S-6, L19).

bsiny [bsìi’iny] broken piece of pottery (BXTP-7).

bsuaz [bsu’ahz] squirrel (S-6).

btaisy [bta’ihsy] perf. of raisy.

bto cwa [btòo’oh cwaa’ah] sold (something) to (someone) (as in bto Tiu Pamyël xablal Tiu Pamyël cwa museu “Tio Pánfilo sold his blal to the museum”) (BXTP-3). > rto.

btub [btùùu’b] maguey leaf (S-24).

btseny [btsehnny] foam (L1).

btyep [btye’ep] wasp (S-6).

btyux [btyùu’ux] tomato (S-13, L13).

btyux guizh [btyùu’ux gui’ihzh] tomatillo (S-13).

btsë [btsëh] tuna (organ-pipe cactus fruit) (L3, S-13, L24).

btsya [btsya’ah] louse (S-6).

bual [bùa’ll] perf. of rual.

buald [bùa’lld] perf. of rual.

buarr [bua’rr] donkey (S-6).

buas [buahs] then (S-14).

budy [bu’uhuhdy] chicken (L3, S-6, L7).

budy gwuar [bu’uhdy gwu’uar] turkey (S-6, L7).

budy ngual [bu’uhdy ngu’ahll] male turkey (S-6, L7).

bugambily [bugambi’lly] see gyia bugambily.

Bundy [Bu’unndy] Abundio (S-2).

buny [bùunny] 1. person (L3, S-6, L5); 2. man (L5). See also cwan xte buny duax lo, ni gau buny, ni rac buny zeiny, par gac buny dibertier, rata ra buny, rca buny, tyen gau bunyi, xa rni buny ra dizh, xte buny duax lo.

buny Dizhsa [bùunny Dìi’zhsah] Zapotec person (L19).

buny duax lo [bùunny dùa’x loh] powerful person who can give people (especially babies and children) the evil eye (S-23). See also cwan xte buny duax lo, xte buny duax lo.

buny Mizh [bùunny Mi’ii’zh] see Mizh.

buny mna [bùunny mnnààa’] woman (S-12).

buny nguiu [bùunny nguìu’] man (S-12).

bunyi [bùunnyih] see tyen gau bunyi.

buxna [bu’x:nnaàa’] perf. of ruxna.

bwen studian [bween studi’aann] good student (S-29).

bxady [bx:àady] chapulín (edible grasshopper) (S-6, L6).

bxuaz [bxuuhahz] priest (L9).

bya [byàa] nopal (prickly pear cactus pad) (L1, S-13).

byala [byàa’lla’] irregular “I” subject perf. of ried.

byalnia [byàa’llniìa’] irregular “I” subject perf. of riedne.

byats [byaàa’ts] perf. of rats.

Byern [Byee’rnn] Friday (S-25).

Byernsan [Bye’rnnsa’ann] Good Friday (S-25).

byiab [byiahb] perf. of riab.

byiu [byìiú] flea (S-6).

byoën [byoo’-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject perf. of ria “goes”.

byopën [byoo’pëhnn] irregular “we” subject perf. of ried.

byoneën [byoo’nèe-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject perf. of rine.

byopneën [byòo’pnèe-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject perf. of riedne.

byol [byo’ol] century plant flower (L4).

byuc [byu’c] hawk (S-6).

byulazyui [byu’lààa’zyuu’ih] see asy a byulazyui.

byuti! [byutìi !] come in! (S-3).

bzeiny [bzèiny] / bzëiny [bzêiny] deer (L3, S-6, L11).

bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa! [bzi’ihcy nih rnudìi’zh … cuahnn Dìi’zhsah !] tell what …. asks in Zapotec!, answer the questions in … in Zapotec! (as in bzicy ni rnudizh Part Teiby cuan Dizhsa! “answer the questions in Part Teiby in Zapotec!”) (L21).

bzigui [bziguih] / bzogui [bzoguih] black widow spider (S-6, L24).

bzilo [bziloh] eye (e-poss. only) (L14). See also gyich bzilo.

bziny [bzihny] mouse (S-6).

bzuad [bzùad] perf. of rguied.

bzuat [bzu’aht] perf. of rgyet.

bzya [bzyààa’] beans (L2, L13).

bzya niu [bzyàa’ nìu] bean sauce (S-17).

bzyan [bzyaàa’n] brother (of a female), sister (of a male) (e-poss. only) (L1, BXTP-1, L14).

bzyan guny [bzyaàa’n gùuny] younger brother (of a female), younger sister (of a male) (e-poss.) (BXTP-1).

Bzyeny [Bzye’enny] Vicente, Vincent (S-2).

bzhug na [bzhùug nnaàa’] fingernail (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also na “hand”.

bzhuën [bzhu’-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject perf. of ri “are around”.

bzhug ni [bzhùug ni’ih] toenail (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also ni “foot”.

bzhya [bzh:yàa] witch (S-12, L19).


ca [càa] is located (BXTP-5). § neut. See ni ca ni guet.

ca [càa] how (S-28).

ca [caa’ah] has, is holding (neut. of rca “gets”) (YY, L21). § coo [coo’-òo’] “you have”.

ca [cah] / cano [cahnoh] than (L24).

ca chia queity gac [ca chiia que’ihty ga’c] I bet (idiom) (as in ca chia queity gac, la Raúl Alba na gyizh ni gwe liaz Tiu Pamyël “I bet Raul Alba was the city person who went to Señor Panfilo’s house”) (BXTP-7).

ca diny [càa dìi’iny] has debt, has debts (as in caa diny “I have debts”) (L24). > ca “is located”. § neut.

cabai [caba’i] 1. horse (S-6, L5); 2. queen (in cards) (YY).

cabuzh [cabu’uhuhzh] prog. of rreizh “calls”.

cach [ca’ch] horn (S-15). § e-poss. xcach.

cachuch [cachu’ch] baseball cap (L3).

cad [caad] each (S-26).

cader [cadeer] hip; bottom, rear end (L14).

Cady [Ca’ady] see Lia Cady.

cafe [cafee] coffee (L2, S-1, L9).

cagwet [cagwe’t] man, buddy, guy, dude (term of address used to a close male friend) (S-2).

cai [ca’ài] very early in the morning, when it’s still dark (S-25).

cai [ca’i] street (S-26).

caj [ca’j] box (L8).

cald [ca’lld] soup (L13).

calda [calda’ah] prog. of rga “pours”.

calda [caldaa’ah] prog. of rda “breaks”.

caldiby [caldìi’by] prog. of rdiby.

caldieby [caldììe’by] prog. of rdieby.

caldub [caldùu’b] prog. of rdub.

caldyan [caldyààa’n] prog. of rdyan.

cali [cali] where (BXTP-2, L17). See also nu cali, nyec cali, queity cali.

cali chiu? [cali chìu’?] where are you going? (greeting) (S-4).

cali chieyu? [cali chieyuu’?] where are you going? (form. greeting) (S-4).

cali gweu? [cali gwèu’?] where did you go? (greeting) (S-4).

cali gweyu? [cali gwehyuu’?] where did you go? (form. greeting) (S-4).

Califoryën [Cali’fóoryënn] California (S-7, L17).

Calyestr [Calye’estr] Calixto, Callistus (S-2).

cam [ca’mm] bed (modern style) (L20).

cambiar [cambiaar] see rac cambiar, runy cambiar.

campan [campa’nn] bell (L6).

camyuny [cammyuuny] bus; truck; car; van (L10). See also terminal xte camyuny.

Can [Ca’aann] Alejandro, Alexander (S-2). See also Lia Can.

can [ca’aa’n] irr. of rgan.

canda [canda’ah] prog. of rga “pours”.

canda [candaa’ah] prog. of rda “breaks”.

candiby [candìi’by] prog. of rdiby.

candieby [candììe’by] prog. of rdieby.

candub [candùu’b] prog. of rdub.

candyan [candyààa’n] prog. of rdyan.

canel [caneel] cinnamon (L2, S-1).

cangag [cangahg] around (BXTP-5, L17). in rgwi cangag.

caniiny [cannìi’-ihny] see xa caniiny?

cano [canoh] see ca “than”.

canza [canzah] neut. of rcanza.

cap [càa’p] irr. of rgap.

capi [capii] shrine (L2, S-1).

carr [ca’rr] car; bus; truck (L10).

carbono [carbóno] see prweb xte carbono catorce.

caria [carììa’] does not exist (L19).

Carien [Ca’riien] Quirino (S-2).

Carl [Ca’rl] Carlos, Charles (S-2).

carnad [ca’rnaad] pomegranate (S-13). See also gyia carnad.

Carseinzy [Carse’einnzy] see Lia Carseinzy.

cart [ca’rt] letter (L12).

cas [ca’s] see runy cas.

cason [casoon] pants (L15).

castiu [casti’u] see rac castiu, runy castiu.

Cat [Ca’t] see Lia Cat.

cataly [cata’lly] how much, how many (S-17, S-22). See also don cataly nizhi.

cataly ntiu [cata’lly nti’u] how old (BXTP-7).

cataly zyet [cata’lly zye’eht] how far (S-22).

catorce [catórse] see prweb xte carbono catorce.

catorse [cató’rseh] fourteen (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

Caty [Ca’ty] Ricardo, Richard (S-2).

Cau [Ca’u] / [Lia Ca’au] see Lia Cau.

cayienyën [cayie’nyëhnn] irregular “we” subject prog. of runy.

cayuny [cayuhny] prog. of runy.

clarinet [clarine’t] clarinet (L7).

Clary [Claary] see Lia Clary.

clas [cla’s] 1. class (S-17, S-29); 2. type (S-29).

Claudy [Cla’udy] see Lia Claudy.

Claz [Claaz] see Lia Claz.

clinica [clí’nicah] clinic (S-23).

Clwaz [Clwaaz] see Lia Claz.

Cob [Coob] Jacobo, Jacob (S-2).

coch [co’ch] car (L10).

col [co’oll] line (of people, for instance), queue (L19). See also runy col.

colory [coloory] see rcwa colory.

comedor [comedoor] café, small informal restaurant (S-17).

company [compa’anny] see runy company.

comprender [comprendeer] see runy comprender.

computador [computadoor] computer (L12).

comunicar [comunicaar] see runy comunicar.

conejw [conne’jw] cottontail rabbit (S-6).

Conswel [Conswe’ll] see Lia Conswel.

contest [connte’st] see runy contest.

contod [cohntood] even; including (as in rata mniny, contod ni raly ady guxna xawzanri “all children, even the ones who are born when their parents are not yet married”) (S-29).

coo [coo’-òo’] 1. irregular “you” subject perf. of rca “gets”; 2. irregular “you” subject neut. of rca “gets”.

copy [co’py] copy (BXTP-8).

corason [coraso’nn] heart (S-15). § e-poss. xcorason. See also anym, lasto, laz.

cordor [co’rdoor] see yu cordor.

correu [corre’u] post office (S-26).

cos [co’s] thing (BXTP-1).

cosiner [cosineer] cook (L9).

Cost [Co’st] Constantino (S-2).

cotony [cotoony] shirt; blouse (L11).

coyot [coyo’t] coyote (a guide who, for a fee (often considerable) escorts an undocumented immigrant across the border) (L10).

Criest [Cri’est] Christ (S-15).

Cristyen [Cristye’nn] see Lia Cristyen.

cu [cùu’uh] irr. of rgu.

cuan [cuahnn] / quën [quëhnn] 1. and; with (L4, L6); 2. in (a language) (BXTP-1).

cuan [cu’an] where is, where are (L17). See also bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa!, rgwi cuan, riedgwi cuan.

cub [cu’uhb] tejate (traditional grain beverage) (L3, L10); masa (dough made from ground corn, used for making corn tortillas, tamales, etc.) (L10).

cub [cu’ùu’b] irr. of rgub.

cub [cu’ub] see gyia cub.

cubecy [cuhbe’cy] / cubëcy [ cuhbë’cy] brain (e-poss. only) (S-15).

cuch [cu’uch] pig (S-6, L24).

cuchia [cu’chììa’] irr. of rguchia.

cudy [cuùu’dy] thigh (e-poss. only) (L3, S-15).

cumnier [cumniier] spouse (S-18). § e-poss. xcumnier.

cuny [cùuunny] irr. of rguny.

cunyad [cunyaad] brother-in-law, sister-in-law (S-18). § e-poss. xcunyad.

cuzh [cuuzh] 1. irr. of rbuzh; 2. irr. of rreizh “calls”.

cuzhya [cuzhya’ah] irr. of rbuzhya.

cwa [cwaa’ah] perf. of rca “gets”.

cwa Dyoz [cwaa’ah Dyooz] perf. of rca Dyoz.

cwan [cwààa’n] plant (S-24).

cwan [cwa’àa’n] irr. of rban “steals”.

cwan o [cwàann o] who knows if (BXTP-1).

cwan xte buny duax lo [cwààa’n x:tèe’ bùunny dùa’x loh] medicinal plant that can be used to treat evil eye sickness (S-23).

cwana [cwàanna’] I don’t know (S-17).

cwanru [cwàannru’] I don’t know (S-26).

cwanza [cwanzàa] perf. of rcanza.

cwaren [cware’nn] / cwarenta [cwaré’nntah] forty (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

cwarenta [cwaré’nntah] see cwaren.

cwarentaydoz [cware’nntaydooz] forty-two (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

cwarentayuan [cware’nntayua’nn] forty-one (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

cwart [cwa’rt] a quarter past (in time expressions) (S-25).

cwart par [cwa’rt pahr] a quarter to (in time expressions) (S-25).

cwas [cwa’ahs] temple (side of the forehead) (e-poss. only) (S-15).

cwatr [cwa’tr] / cwatro [cwá’troh] four (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

cwatro [cwá’troh] see cwatr.

cwe [cwe’eh] 1. beside; next to; 2. side (of a person, animal, or thing) [note: this meaning is not accepted by all speakers of Valley Zapotec] (BXTP-3, L18, L20).

cwe [cwee’eh] irr. of rbe “takes (something) out”.

cwe xaly [cwe’eh x:a’ahlly] next door to (as in cwe xalyën “next door to us”) (BXTP-3).

cweb [cwèe’b] irr. of rbeb.

cweby [cweeby] mod. of ncweby (BXTP-1). See also Iaz Cweby.

cwecy [cwèe’cy] irr. of rbecy.

cwen [cwe’enn] story (BXTP-1, L13). See also rcwa cwen.

cwen [cwe’enn] see rdeidy cwen, rliu beiny cwen.

cwerp [cwe’rp] body (S-24).

cwet [cwe’t] firecracker (L13).

cweteix [cwe’tèe’ix] side (of a person or animal’s body) (e-poss. only) (L14).

cwez [cwèez] irr. of rbez.

cweyu [cwe’yu’uh] beside the house (L21).

cwi [cwii] 1. irr. of rbi; 2. irr. of ri.

Cyen [Cye’enn] Pioquinto (S-2).

cyet [cye’t] irr. of rgyet.


cha [chah] one; a, an (with breadstuffs) (L6).

chaa mandad [cha’-a’ mandaad] I’m going on an errand (response to cali chiu?) (S-4).

chaa nezgag [cha’-a’ nehzgahg] I’m just going around (response to cali chiu?) (S-4).

chaizy [chàa’izy] irr. of raizy.

cham [cha’mm] job (L22). See also runy cham.

Chan [Chaan] Feliciano (L2, S-1, S-2, L15).

chat [cha’t] kiss (L3).

chata iaz [chaata’ iihahz] all year long (S-22). See also iaz.

chec [che’c] check (money) (BXTP-9).

Chel [Che’ll] see Lia Chel.

chi [chih] when (BXTP-1). See also asy chi.

chia [chiia] irr. of ria “goes”. See also ca chia queity gac.

chicy [chi’cy] then; at that time; and then (L12).

chicyru [chi’cyru’] then (again) (BXTP-4).

Chiecw [Chie’cw] Chico, Frank, Francis, Francisco (S-2, L11).

chiel [chìel] spouse; husband; wife (e-poss. only) (BXTP-2, L14).

chies [chie’s] see ni rcwa chies.

chigual [chigùall] then (same as chigualdi) (S-26).

chigualdi [chigùalldi’] then (same as chigual) (S-24).

chile [chille’eh] irr. of rile.

chindilaz [chindi’lààa’z] irr. of rindilaz.

chine [chinèe] irr. of rine.

chinzh [chi’iinnzh] bedbug (L3, S-6).

chirmia [chirmia] traditional flute (L7).

chiru [chiru’] and; but; then (as in rinydyau ne, chi nua ladi, uas rnalaza San Luc, chiru na ni nua re, rnalaza ladi “you know what, when I’m over there, I miss San Lucas, but now that I’m here, I miss the United States”) (BXTP-1, L12).

chiru dac [chiru’ dàa’c] but then (as in bliuwa lai ra cos, chiru dac lai bzucai zeiny “I showed him things, but then he took the job away (from me)”); but (as in bzeny teiby niny Bac ricy, chiru dac ni bcwaya ricy bai “a guy from Tlacolula arrived, but (it was) one who was really bossy there”) (S-28).

chisti [chi’stìi] irr. of risti.

chitech [chite’ch] irr. of ritech.

choën [choo’-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of ria “goes”.

Chon [Cho’nn] see Lia Chon.

chon [chòonn] three (S-5, L8). § schon “another three; three more”. See also tyop chon.

chon galy [chòonn gàally] sixty (S-5). See also gayon.

choneën [choo’nèe-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of rine.

Chu [Chuu] Jesus, Chuy (S-2).

chu [chuu’] and; but; then (same as chiru) (S-26).

chu [chu’uh] irr. of ru “is (located) inside”. See also daru chu zhi.

chu zhinyri [chu’uh zhìi’inyrih] for their children to exist (S-29).

chuad [chu’-ahd] see queity xi galarzyadi chuad.

chune [chu’uhnèe] irr. of nune.

chuu [chu’-ùu’] see queity xi galarzyadi chuu.

Chyel [Chye’ll] see Lia Chyel.

Chyoly [Chyoolly] see Lia Chyoly.


Da [Daa] see Lia Da.

da [daa’ah] petate (woven mat, used for sitting or sleeping on the ground or floor) (L4, L16).

da yu [da’ah yuhuh] / daiyu [dài’ yuhuh] piece of land (S-22, L23). See also yu “soil”.

dac [dàa’c] see chiru dac.

Dad [Dad] Señor (respectful title used before a man’s first name) (S-2).

dad [daad] dice (L2, S-1).

dad [da’ad] 1. father (L14); 2. father, father-in-law (term of address) (S-18). See also xtad chiu, xtad mbaly, xtadmam.

dad chiu [da’ad chi’uu] uncle (S-18). § e-poss. xtad chiu.

Dadbied [Dadbied] blessed, holy (title used before the name of a male saint or holy person) (as in Dadbied San Luc “blessed St. Luke”) (S-19, L21).

dadich [dahdi’ihch] blanket (L8).

dadmam [da’adma’mm] grandfather (BXTP-3, L14).

dai yu [dài’ yuhuh] see da yu.

daly [da’lly] see gyia daly.

dam [da’amm] owl (S-6).

danoën [dannooh-ëhnn] / danuën [dannuuh-ëhnn] us; we (L4, L9). § danoizyën [dannoohihzyëhnn] “only us; only we”; danozhyën [danno’ozhyëhnn] danoën plus –zhyi.

danoizyën [dannoohihzyëhnn] only us; only we (L22).

danozhyën [danno’ozhyëhnn] danoën plus –zhyi (L17)

danuën [dannuuh-ëhnn] see danoën.

dany [dàany] mountain (L3).

dany [daany] see runy dany.

daru chu zhi [dàa’ru’ chu’uh zh:ih] some day (BXTP-2).

de [deheh] dust, powder (L3). See also Myercw Zhi De.

debolad [dehbolaad] immediately, right away (S-26).

declarasyony [declarasyoony] declaration (S-29).

defender [defendeer] see runy defender.

deibynezta [de’ibyne’ehzta’] all over the place (BXTP-9).

deibyta [de’ibyta’] whole; all over (as in deibta gaxlyu “all over the world, the whole world”) (BXTP-3, S-23).

deizy [de’ihzy] just (BXTP-7).

deizyta [dèi’zyta’] just, recently (BXTP-6).

Del [De’ell] Delfino (S-2).

Del [Deell] see Lia Del.

delantary [delantaary] apron (covering from the waist down) (L24).

Delyen [Delye’nn] see Lia Delyen.

demasta [demaasta’] too much (S-29).

deplan [depla’nn] really, completely, just (BXTP-2).

deplan zhi [depla’ann zhi’] just exactly (BXTP-3).

deque [dequeh] that (S-29).

derech [deree’ch] 1. right (privilege) (L4, S-29); 2. right to (followed by irr., as in derech guxnari “the right (for them) to marry”) (S-29).

derech par [deree’ch pahr] right to (followed by irr., as in rata buny rap derech par chia buny scwel “all people have the right to go to school”) (S-29).

derech par queity [deree’ch pahr que’ity] right not to (followed by irr. plus -di, as in derech par queity ybanyzidi “the right not to live in poverty”) (S-29).

derrepen [derrepe’eenn] quickly (BXTP-4).

Desy [De’sy] Modesto (S-2). See also Lia Desy.

dets [dehts] 1. back (e-poss. only) (L14); 2. behind, in back of (L18).

detsyu [dehtsyu’uh] behind the house (L21).

dibertier [dibertiier] see par gac buny dibertier, rac dibertier, runy dibertier.

diborsyar [diborsyaar] see rac diborsyar, runy diborsyar.

dibuj [dibu’j] drawing, picture (L13). See xi dibuj xten nde?.

Diegw [Diegw] Diego, James (S-2).

diez [diiez] ten (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

diesinweb [diesinweeb] / diesinwebe [diesinwéebeh] nineteen (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

diesinwebe [diesinwéebeh] see diesinweb.

diesiseiz [diesiseiz] sixteen (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

diesisyet [diesisye’t] / diesisyete [diesisyé’teh] seventeen (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

diesisyete [diesisyé’teh] see diesisyet.

diesiyoch [diesiyo’ch] / diesiyocho [diesiyó’choh] eighteen (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

diesiyocho [diesiyó’choh] see diesiyoch.

digaizy [digaa’-ihzy] free (of charge) (S-29).

dignida [dignidaa] dignity (S-29).

diny [dìi’iny] debt (L24). See also ca diny.

Disyemr [Disye’mmr] December (S-25).

dizh [dìi’zh] word, language (L2, L5). See also gal rguily dizh, gal rgwe dizh, ra dizh, rgwe dizh, rgwe dizh don, rgwe dizh xte, xa rni buny ra dizh.

dizh be Dyoz [dìi’zh bèe Dyooz] cheers (response to dizh beu or dizh beyu) (S-17).

dizh beu [dìi’zh bèu’] cheers (toast, when drinking– used to inf.) (S-17).

dizh beyu [dìi’zh bèeyuu’] cheers (toast, when drinking– used to form.) (S-17).

Dizhsa [Dìi’zhsah] Zapotec language (L4, L6). See also buny Dizhsa, bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa!.

Dizhtily [Dìi’zhtiilly] Spanish language (L6).

doctor [do’ctoor] doctor (L5).

Dolf [Do’ollf] Adolfo, Adolph (S-2).

dolr [do’lr] dollar (L11).

Domyengw [Domye’enngw] Sunday (S-25). See also Santo Domyengw.

Domyengw Rram [Domye’enngw Rra’mm] Palm Sunday (S-25).

Domyengw Xlyen [Domye’enngw X:lye’enn] the Sunday before Ash Wednesday (S-25).

don [do’onn] 1. in order to see (as in to chigueipyën Rony don xi na Rony “let’s go see Jeronimo in order to see what Jeronimo says”) (BXTP-5); 2. so (indicates a conclusion the speaker has drawn, as in don a coo buny e? “so you are married?”) (S-19, L20); 3. maybe, perhaps (as in don a nu xi muly ycaën tyen gucneën! “maybe we’ll get some money because we helped”, don a zu zhi gyiedne xtadu liu lad re “maybe someday your father will bring you here”, don a zale choën unibersida ricy “maybe we can go to college there”) (BXTP-9). See also rgwe dizh don.

don cataly nizhi [do’onn cata’lly nìi’zhih] to see how good (how delicious) it is (S-17).

dop [dòo’p] short (L19).

dose [dó’seh] twelve (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

doz [dooz] two (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

dozmilyseiz [doozmi’llyseiz] 2006 (S-25).

du [dùùu’] rope (L20).

dual [du’ahll] sin (L3).

duar [duuar] hard (BXTP-1).

duar zuiny [duuar zuu-ihny] it’s hard (rev. idiom) (L22). > zu.

duarta [duarta’] fast (as in duarta bdoi “it sold fast”) (S-24).

duax [dùa’x] see buny duax lo.

dub [dùub] maguey (S-13).

durazn [dura’azn] peach (S-13, L13).

duzh [dùu’zh] 1. some, a few, a little (L21); 2. for a while (S-19).

Dyabl [Dya’bl] the Devil (S-24).

dyag [dyahg] ear (e-poss. only) (L14).

Dyau [Dyàu’] Santiago (L3, S-2, L16).

Dyegw [Dye’gw] see San Dyegw.

dyen [dye’nn] store (BXTP-5, L20). See also teiby ra dyeni.

dyen zac [dye’nn za’c] nice store, fancy store (BXTP-5).

Dyeu [Dye’u] Diego, James (S-2).

Dyoz [Dyooz] God (L12). See also dizh be Dyoz, rca Dyoz.


e [èee] (used at the end of a question that can be answered with a “yes” or queity “no”) (L4, L7).

edifisy [edifii’sy] building (L12).

educasyony [educasyoony] education (S-29).

email [ímail] email (L12).

empanad [empanaad] empanada (type of turnover with a spicy filling) (BXTP-5).

Ener [Eneer] January (S-25).

enfad [enfaad] see rac enfad.

enfermer [enfermer] nurse (S-23).

entenad [entenad] stepchild (S-18).

Ernestyen [Ernestye’nn] see Lia Ernestyen.

erre [erre’eh] / arre [arre’eh] (an informal term of address that can be used by members of either sex, used to someone the same age as or younger than oneself) (S-2, S-10).

escojer [escojeer] see runy escojer.

esplicar [esplicaar] see runy esplicar.

estudian [estudi’aann] see studian.

Europ [Euro’p] Europe (BXTP-8).

ecsibizyony [e’csibisyoony] exhibition (BXTP-9).


fabor [faboor] see runy fabor.

fald [fa’alld] skirt (L11).

fald [fa’lld] see runy fald.

family [fami’lly] 1. wife (S-18, S-29); 2. family (S-29). § e-poss. xfamily.

fasily [fá’sihlly] easy (L4).

Febrer [Febreer] February (S-25).

Felisyet [Felisye’t] see Lia Felisyet.

Florentyen [Florentye’enn] see Lia Florentyen.

Flory [Floory] Florentino (S-2). See also Lia Flory.

foc [fo’c] light bulb (L13).

fot [fo’t] photograph, picture (L5). See also rbe fot, runy tomar fot.

Fransyescw [Fransye’scw] Francisco, Francis (S-2).

fruat [frua’t] fruit (L20).

fwers [fwe’rs] strong (L23). See also ru fwers.


ga [gààa’] nine (L2, S-5, L8). § sga “another nine; nine more”.

gab [ga’ab] few (L19).

gac [ga’c] irr. of rac. See also bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac, ca chia queity gac, nyec gac xchi, par gac buny dibertier.

gacgan [ga’cgaan] irr. of racgan.

gacne [ga’cnèe] irr. of racne.

gacw [ga’acw] irr. of racw.

gach [gàa’ch] irr. of rach.

gad [gaàa’d] irr. of rad.

gagyei [gagye’i] see gagyeita.

gagyeita [gagye’ita] around (L20).

gai [gài’] five (L3, S-5, L8). § sgai “another five; five more”.

gaisy [ga’isy] irr. of raisy.

gaiyua [gaiyùùa’] hundred (S-22). See also teiby gaiyua, tyop gaiyua.

gal [gàall] on (a day) (BXTP-1).

gal rguily dizh [gahll rguìi’lly dìi’zh] word search (L11).

gal rgwe dizh [gahll rgwèèe’ dìi’zh] dialogue (S-19).

galanduax lo [gahllandùa’x loh] evil eye sickness (same as xte buny duax lo) (S-23).

galardeidy [gahllardèèi’dy] diarrhea (S-23).

galaryal [gahllaryàa’ll] sickness of having lost one’s soul through a serious fright (susto) (S-23).

galarzya [gahllarzyàa’ah] worry (S-26). See also ru galarzya.

galarzyadi [gallarzyaàa’di’] see queity xi galarzyadi chuad, queity xi galarzyadi chuu.

galguizh [gahllgui’ihihzh] sickness, illness, disease (L3, S-23).

galryeiny [gahllryeihny] 1. brain, mind (S-15); 2. conscience (S-29). § e-poss. xcalryeiny [x:cahllryeihny].

galy [gàaly] irr. of raly.

galy [gàally] / galyd [gàallyd] twenty (S-5). See also chon galy, tap galy.

galy abchon [gàally ahbchòonn] twenty-three (S-5).

galy abga [gàally ahbgààa’] twenty-nine (S-5).

galy abgai [gàally ahbgài’] twenty-five (S-5).

galy abgaz [gàally ahbgàaz] twenty-seven (S-5).

galy abtap [gàally ahbtahp] twenty-four (S-5).

galy abteiby [gàally ahbte’ihby] twenty-one (S-5).

galy abtyop [gàally ahbtyo’p] twenty-two (S-5).

galy abtsë [gàally ahbtsêë’] thirty (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan chon [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn chòonn] thirty-three (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan ga [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn gààa’] thirty-nine (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan gai [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn gài’] thirty-five (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan gaz [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn gàaz] thirty-seven (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan tap [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn tahp] thirty-four (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan teiby [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn te’iby] thirty-one (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan tyop [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn tyo’p] thirty-two (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan xon [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn xòon] thirty-eight (S-5).

galy abtsë cuan xop [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn xo’p] thirty-six (S-5).

galy abxon [gàally ahbxòon] twenty-eight (S-5).

galy abxop [gàally ahbxo’p] twenty-six (S-5).

galyd [gàallyd] see galy.

gan [gaan] gain (L2, S-1, L12). See also runy gan.

gan [gahnn] irr. of ran “gets tired”.

gan [gàann] irr. of ran “looks after”.

ganu [gàannùu’] you’ll see (not always translated — may be used by speakers to express something like English “well”) (S-22).

gany [gàa’nny] irr. of rany.

ganyu [gàannyuu’] see lezla ganyu.

gap [ga’p] irr. of rap.

garzi [garzììi’] guts, intestines (L3, L14).

gas [ga’as] irr. of ras.

gasolyen [gasolye’nn] gas, gasoline (L11).

gatga [gàa’tga’ah] irr. of ratga.

gaty [ga’ty] irr. of raty.

gaty-gaty [gahty-gahty] often (L17).

gau [ga’u] irr. of rau. See also ni gau buny, tyen gau bunyi.

gax [gahx:] near (S-24). See also sa gax.

gaxlyu [gahxlyuh] world (L12).

gaxt [ga’axt] see runy gaxt.

gaya [gayààa’] see gayata.

gayata [gayàa’ta’] along (a river, for example) (L20).

gayon [gayòon] sixty (S-5).

gayon abtsë [gayòon ahbtsêë’] seventy (S-5).

gaz [gaaz] irr. of raz.

gaz [gàaz] seven (S-5, L8). § sgaz “another seven, seven more”.

gazh [gaazh] irr. of razh.

Glory [Gloory] see Lia Glory.

gobernador [gobernadoor] governor (S-12, L23).

Goi [Go’i] Gregorio, Goyo, Gregory, Greg (S-2).

golpy [go’oollpy] blow, hit (L3).

grabador [grabadoor] tape recorder (L7).

gradyol [gradyoo’ll] see gyia gradyol.

Grasyel [Grahsye’ll] see Lia Grasyel.

gu [gu’uh] perf. of ru “is (located) inside”.

guad [gùàa’d] perf. of rad.

gual [gu’all] see ual.

gual [gùa’ll] see a gual.

guan [gùu’ann] bull (S-6, L6).

guan [gùàa’n] irr. of ruan.

guan [guuhahnn] see runy guan.

guan sebu [gùu’ann sehbuu] zebu (type of ox with a hump) (S-6, S-14).

guatga [gùa’tga’ah] perf. of ratga.

guazh [gua’ahzh] perf. of razh.

gub [gùùu’b] broom (L3).

guc [guhc] perf. of rac. See also a guc, a guc … ni, a guc xchi, a guc xchidani, que tac zicy guc.

guc [gu’c] / uc [u’c] when (L10).

gucbe [guhcbèe’] perf. of racbe.

gucchia [guhcchììa’] perf. of racchia.

gucgan [guhcgaan] perf. of racgan. See a gucgan.

gucne [guhcnèe] perf. of racne.

Gueb [Gueeb] see Lia Gueb.

guecy [gue’ehcy] / guëcy [guë’ëhcy] 1. head (e-poss. only) (L3, L14); 2. mind (e-poss.) (S-29); 3. above; on top of, at the very top of (L18); 4. from (in arithmetic) (as in Bal na chi rbica gai guecy xon? “How much is it when five gets taken away from eight?”) (S-27).

guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh] 1. roof of a house (L21); 2. on the top of the house, on the roof of the house (L21).

gueiby [gueèi’by] irr. of reiby.

gueipy [gue’ipy] irr. of reipy.

gueizh [guee’ihzh] pueblo, town, village (S-19, L20). § e-poss. lazh [la’ahzh:]. See also lo gueizh.

guel [guèèe’ll] midnight (S-25). § comb. [guè’ll].

Guely [Gueelly] Miguel, Michael, Mike (S-2).

guepy [guèe’py] bellybutton, navel (rare) (S-15). § poss. xquepy.

guerr [gue’rr] see rdeidy guerr.

gues [guehs] 1. clay pot, earthenware pot (L8); 2. earthenware pottery item (BXTP-3).

guet [gueht] tortilla (L5). See also rau guet, rquiny guet.

guet [gue’et] see ni ca ni guet.

guetxtily [guehtx:tiilly] bread; loaf of bread (L6).

guetxtily nax [guehtx:tiilly nnahx] pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread) (L22).

gueu [guèu’] river (L3, L15).

guez [guehehz] cigarette (L11).

guëcy [guë’ëhcy] see guecy.

gugan [gugàann] perf. of rigan.

guichgwuazh [guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh] 1. needle (S-23); 2. injection, shot (S-23). See also rzub guichgwuazh “gets a shot”, rzub guichgwuazh “gives a shot”.

guidy lady [gui’dy lahdy] skin (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also lady “body”.

guieb [guììe’b] 1. metal (BXTP-6); 2. object made of metal: gun, bell, machine (as in runynei zeiny ra guieb ni rgwe dizh xi zicydi nu ra cos ntiu ni nu museu “he works with machines that tell how old the old things in the museum are”) (BXTP-6).

guinylo [guinyloh] irr. of rinylo.

guizh [gui’ihzh] see btyux guizh.

gule [gulle’eh] perf. of rile.

guly [gùuly] perf. of raly.

Guly [Gùuully] Gregorio, Goyo, Gregory, Greg (S-2).

gunaz [gunnàa’az] perf. of rinaz. YY

Gunaz Bel [gunnàa’az behll] Go Catch a Fish (“Go Fish” in Zapotec). (YY)

gunda lo [gunda’ loh] perf. of rinda lo

gunde [gundee’eh] perf. of rinde.

gundilaz [gunndi’lààa’z] perf. of rindilaz.

gune [gunèe] perf. of rine.

guny [guuny] irr. of runy.

guny [gùuny] see bzyan guny.

gunydi [guunydi’] see queity xi gunydi.

gup [gùu’p] perf. of rap.

gusan [gusàa’ann] perf. of risan.

gusti [guhstìi] perf. of risti.

guty [guhty] perf. of raty.

gux [gu’x:] sibling’s spouse’s male blood relative, parent’s sibling’s spouse’s male blood relative (term of address) (S-18).

guxna [gu’x:nnaàa’] irr. of ruxna.

guzh [gùuzh] the day after tomorrow (BXTP-4, S-25).

guzh wxiny [gùuzh wxi’ihnny] two nights from now (S-25).

gwaa [gwa’-a’] irregular “I” subject perf. of ria “goes”.

gwaizy [gwàa’izy] perf. of raizy.

gwaz [gwa’ahz] perf. of raz.

gwe [gweheh] perf. of ria “goes”.

gwe [gwèe’eh] perf. of ria “drinks”.

gwei [gwe’i] fingerprint (BXTP-7, L24).

gwel [gwe’ell] 1. time (occasion) (as in tyop gwel “two times”) (BXTP-4); 2. times (in multiplication) (S-27). See also nu gwel, rcwa gwel.

gwen [gween] good, nice (BXTP-1).

gwenag [gweenahg] fine (response to xa nuu?) (S-4).

gwual [gwùa’ll] irr. of rual.

gwual [gwu’all] 1. old man (S-26); 2. guy, fellow (S-26).

gwuald [gwùa’lld] irr. of rual.

gwuale [gwu’alle’eh] old man, man, friend (term of address used by a male speaker to a young man or to a male friend of the same age as himself) (S-2).

gwuar [gwu’uar] see budy gwuar.

gwuats [gwu’ahts] imp. of reipy.

gwuaz [gwùùa’z] perf. of reiby.

gwuch [gwùu’ch] perf. of rach.

gyac [gya’ac] irr. of ryac.

gyag [gyahg] stick; tree; wood; firewood (L5).

gyala [gyàa’lla’] irregular “I” subject irr. of ried.

gyalnia [gyàa’llniìa’] irregular “I” subject irr. of riedne.

Gyan [Gyaan] see Lia Gyan.

Gyan [Gyàan] see Lia Gyan.

gyats [gyaàa’ts] irr. of rats.

Gyeily [Gye’eihlly] Miguel, Michael, Mike (L5, S-2).

gyeny [gyehnny] neck, throat (e-poss. only) (S-15).

gyes [gye’s] 1. plaster, stucco (S-23); 2. cast (on a broken limb) (S-23).

gyet wez [gyeht wèèe’z] chilacayote (type of large squash) (S-13).

gyets [gyèe’ts] paper; letter, document (L9).

gyex [gye’ehx] avocado (S-13, L13).

gyia [gyììa’] flower (L2, L8).

gyia [gyihah] irr. of ria “goes home”.

gyia [gyii’ah] irr. of ria “drinks”.

gyia [gyìi’ah] market (L4, L20). See also lo gyia.

gyia bugambily [gyìa’ bugambi’lly] bougainvillea (S-13).

gyia carnad [gyìa’ ca’rnaad] pomegranate tree (S-13).

gyia cub [gyìa cu’ub] marigold (S-13).

gyia daly [gyìa’ da’lly] dahlia (S-13).

gyia gradyol [gyìa gradyoo’ll] gladiola (S-13).

gyia jerany [gyìa’ jera’anny] geranium (S-13).

gyia nub [gyìa’ nuub] flor de nubes (type of small white flower) (S-13).

gyia panumr [gyìa’ pannu’ummr] (type of red flower) (S-13).

gyia reiny [gyìa’ re’ehiny] poinsettia (S-13).

gyia rros [gyìa rro’s] rose (S-13).

gyia rrueg [gyìa’ rrueeg] basil flower (S-13).

gyia susen [gyìa’ suseen] azucena (type of lily) (S-13).

gyiab [gyiaab] irr. of riab.

Gyibni [Gyi’bnnii] Quiaviní (S-7).

gyibtsë [gyibtsëh] organ-pipe cactus (S-13).

gyibya [gyibyàa] prickly pear cactus (S-13).

gyicy [gyi’cy] irr. of ricy “returns”.

gyicyne [gyi’ihcynèe] irr. of ricyne.

gyich bzilo [gyihi’ch bziloh] eyelash (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also bzilo.

gyich lag [gyihi’ch lahg] eyebrow (e-poss. only) (S-15).

gyich zhagyeny [gyihi’ch zh:a’gyehny] mane (e-poss. only) (S-15).

gyichicy [gyihchi’ihcy] hair (L14).

gyieb [gyììe’b] see rcwa gyieb.

gyied [gyìe’d] irr. of ried.

gyiedchune [gyìe’dchu’uhnèe] irr. of riedchune.

gyiedne [gyìe’dnèe] irr. of riedne.

gyiedni [gyìe’dnììi’] irr. of riedni.

gyienyën [gyie’nyëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of runy.

gyigwan [gyigwàan] mirror (L23).

gyiluzh [gyi’lùùu’zh] pepper tree (S-13).

Gyimni [Gyi’mnnìi] Quiaviní (S-7).

gyiny [gyììi’ny] chile (S-13).

gyinydyag [gyinydyahg] irr. of rinydyag.

gyiwi [gyiwii] guava tree (S-13).

gyixeiny [gyix:e’ehiny] higaditos (Oaxacan dish made with eggs, vegetables, and meat) (S-17, L23).

gyizh [gyi’izh] city person (L3, L9).

gyizhily [gyizhi’iilly] chair (L8).

gyo [gyo’oh] let’s (followed by irr., as in gyo ydeën “let’s drink”) (YY, S-17).

gyo subgaën [gyo’oh subga’ëhnn] let’s sit down (S-17).

gyopën [gyoo’pëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of ried.

gyopneën [gyòo’pnèe-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of riedne.

Gyol [Gyo’oll] see Lia Gyol.

gyonta [gyòonnta’] see ygyonta.


Iarm [I’armm] see Lia Iarm.

iaz [iihahz] year (BXTP-2, S-25). See also chata iaz, tubiaz.

Iaz Cweby [iihahz cweeby] New Year’s, New Year’s Day (Jan. 1) (S-25).

ilyda [ilydaa’ah] irr. of rda “breaks”.

ildats [ildàa’ts] irr. of rdats.

ilyduax [ilydu’ahx] irr. of rduax.

imbertier [imbertiier] see runy imbertier muly lo.

importan [importa’ann] important (S-29).

induax [indu’ahx] irr. of rduax.

indyeny [idyehnny] irr. of rdyeny.

Ingles [Ingle’s] English language (L4, L6).

internasyonal [interna’syona’ll] international (BXTP-8).

inyda [inydaa’ah] irr. of rda “breaks”.

istory [istoory] history (S-19).

izyla [ihzylààa’] fine (response to xa nuu?) (S-4).

izylaza [ihzylàa’za’] fine, great (BXTP-1).


Jarard [Jera’rd] Gerardo, Gerard (S-2).

Jeiny [Jeeiny] Eugenio, Eugene (S-2).

jerany [jera’anny] see gyia jerany.

jiquëm [jí’quëmm] jicama (L4).

jodied [jodiied] terrible (S-26). § comb. [jodied].

Jorj [Jo’orj] Jorge, George (S-2).

joz [jo’oz] well, good, fine (S-14, BXTP-8).

Juast [Ju’ast] Justo, Augusto, Augustus (S-2).

Jub [Juub] see Lia Jub.

jug [juug] juice (L2, S-1, L9).

juguet [jugue’t] toy (L8).

July [Juully] see Lia July.

July [Ju’lly] July (S-25).

Juny [Juu’nny] June (S-25).

Jwany [Jwaany] Juan, John (L2, L6, S-2).

Jwanydyau [Jwanydya’au] Juan Diego, John James (S-14, S-2).

Jweby [Jweeby] Thursday (S-25).

Jweby Tyua Wbwizh [Jweeby Tyùùa’ Wbwi’ihzh] Ascension Day (S-25).

Jwebysan [Jwebysa’ann] Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday (S-25).

jwer [jweer] outside (BXTP-5).

jwers [jwe’rs] see per jwers.

jwes [jwe’s] judge (BXTP-8). See also ria lo jwes.


la [lah] name (e-poss. only) (L3, BXTP-1, L14).

la [lah] (used before borrowed street names) (S-26).

la [laa] is named (BXTP-1, L22).

la [làa] (added at the end of some questions; makes them seem more polite) (as in xi naëb la? “what did she say?”) (YY, S-17).

la [làa’] (used before some focused noun phrases, as in la Raúl Alba na gyizh ni gwe liaz Tiu Pamyël “Raul Alba was the city person who went to Señor Panfilo’s house”) (BXTP-7).

laad [làa’-ahd] you, you guys (inf. pl.) (L9). § laizyad [làa’ihzyahd] “only you guys”; lazhyad [làa’zhyahd] laad plus –zhyi (L17).

laazh [làa’zh:] him, her; he, she (fam.) (used differently by men and women; primarily used by male speakers) (L17). § laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:] “only him, etc.; only he, etc.”; lazhyazh [làa’zhyahzh] laazh plus –zhyi (L17).

lad [laad] see ladi, steby lad, steby lad lany dyeni.

lad [làad] between (non-living things) (L20).

lad re [làad rèe’] this side (of the border), i.e., the United States (to someone in the US) or Mexico (to someone in Mexico) (BXTP-1).

ladcai [ladca’i] street (BXTP-5).

ladi [laadih] 1. over there (L10); 2. Mexico (when used in the United States) (L10); 3. the United States (when used in Mexico) (L10).

lady [lahdy] clothes (L14). § e-poss. xab [x:ahb]. See also ni rguieb lady.

lady [lahdy] body (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also bel lady, guidy lady.

laëb [làa’-ëhb] he, she; him, her (resp.) (L9). § laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb] “only he, etc.; only him, etc.”; lazhyêb [làa’zhyëhb] laëb plus –zhyi (L17).

laëm [làa’-ëhmm] he, she, it; him, her, it (an.) (L11). § laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm] “only he, etc.; only him, etc.”.; lazhyëm [làa’zhyëhmm] laëm plus –zhyi (L17).

laëng [la’a-ëng] he, she, it; him, her, it (prox.) (L7). § laizyëng [la’aihzyëng] “only he, etc.; only him, etc.”; lazhyëng [làa’zhyëng] laëng plus -zhyi (L17).

lag [làa’g] 1. same (as in lag numëri lag ni ynazu “that same number is the same one you’ll take”); the same (as in lag buny ni bteidy danoën a bzhielën “we have found the same person who took us across (before)”) (S-26); 2. self (L23).

lag [lahg] see gyich lag.

lagza [làa’gza’] too (used at the beginning of the sentence) (BXTP-1).

lai [la’ai] he, she, it; him, her, it (dist.) (L7). § laizyi [la’aihzyi] “only he, etc.; only him, etc.”; lazhyi [làa’zhyih] lai plus –zhyi (L17).

lai [la’aih] tooth (e-poss. only) (S-15).

lai [lài’] 1. in the middle of, in the midst of; 2. between (living things) (L20).

lainde [la’indèe’] central courtyard, patio (S-22, L24).

lainy [làa’-ihny] he, she, it; him, her (rev.) (L21). § laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny] “only he, etc.; only him, etc.”.

laizyad [làa’ihzyahd] only you (inf. pl.), only you guys (L22).

laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:] only him, her; only he, she (fam.) (L22).

laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb] only he, she; only him, her (resp.) (L22).

laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm] only he, she, it; only him, her, it (an.) (L22).

laizyëng [la’aihzyëng] only he, she, it; only him, her, it (prox.) (L22).

laizyi [la’aihzyi] only he, she it; only him, her, it (dist.) (L22).

laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny] only he, she, it; only him, her, it (rev.) (L22).

laizyrazh [làa’ihzyrahzh:] only them; only they (fam.) (L22).

laizyrëb [làa’ihzyrëhb] only they; only them (resp.) (L22).

laizyrëm [làa’ihzyrëhmm] only them; only they (an.) (L22).

laizyrëng [làa’ihzyrëng] only they; only them (prox.) (L22).

laizyri [làa’ihzyrih] only they; only them (dist.) (L22).

laizyriny [làa’ihzyrihny] only they; only them (rev.) (L22).

laizhi [laizh:ih] noon, midday (S-25).

lala [làa’la’] (used before some subject topics) (S-26).

lam [la’mm] boss (L22).

Lang [La’nng] see Lia Lang.

lani [lahnih] see loni.

lany [làa’any] 1. stomach (e-poss. only) (L14); 2. in (BXTP-1, L18); 3. into (L18). See also ryet lany, ryuti lany, steby lad lany dyeni.

lanyu [làa’nyu’uh] in the house (L21).

lapy [la’py] pencil (L6).

larazh [làa’rahzh:] them; they (fam.) (used differently by men and women; primarily used by male speakers) (L17). § laizyrazh [làa’ihzyrahzh:] “only them; only they”; lazhyirazh [làa’zhyi’rahzh] larazh plus –zhyi (L17).

larëb [làa’rëhb] they; them (resp.) (L9). § laizyrëb [làa’ihzyrëhb] “only they; only them”; lazhyirëb [làa’zhyi’rëhb] larëb plus –zhyi (L17).

larëm [làa’rëhmm] them; they (an.) (L11). § laizyrëm [làa’ihzyrëhmm] “only them; only they”; lazhyirëm [làa’zhyi’rëhmm] larëm plus –zhyi (L17).

larëng [làa’rëng] they; them (prox.) (L9). § laizyrëng [làa’ihzyrëng] “only they; only them”; lazhyirëng [làa’zhyi’rëng] larëng plus –zhyi (L17).

lari [làa’rih] they; them (dist.) (L9). § laizyri [làa’ihzyrih] “only they; only them”; lazhyiri [làa’zhyi’rih] lari plus –zhyi (L17).

lariny [làa’rihny] they; them (rev.) (L21). § laizyriny [làa’ihzyrihny] “only they; only them”.

lasliery [lasliiery] constable (L19).

lasto [lastòo’] heart (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also anym, corason, laz.

lasto quizh [lastòo’ quìizh] lung (e-poss. only) (S-15).

lat [la’t] can (L8).

latizy [la’tihzy] for the moment (S-26).

laty [lahty] where, the place where (BXTP-2).

lauan [lah-ua’nn] one o’clock (S-25).

Lauryan [Lauryaan] Laureano, Lauro, Larry (S-2).

laz [lààa’z] heart (e-poss. only) (S-15). See also anym, corason, lasto.

lazatayuad [lazàa’ta’yùad] gentlemen; ladies and gentlemen; ladies (respectful, formal term of address) (S-2).

Lazr [La’zr] Lazaro, Lazarus (S-2).

Lazh [La’azh] (man’s nickname) (S-2).

lazh [la’ahzh] pueblo (e-poss. of lo gueizh).

lazhyad [làa’zhyahd] laad plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyazh [làa’zhyahzh] laazh plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyêb [làa’zhyëhb] laëb plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyëm [làa’zhyëhmm] laëm plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyëng [làa’zhyëng] laëng plus -zhyi (L17).

lazhyi [làa’zhyih] lai plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyirazh [làa’zhyi’rahzh] larazh plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyirëb [làa’zhyi’rëhb] larëb plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyirëm [làa’zhyi’rëhmm] larëm plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyirëng [làa’zhyi’rëng] larëng plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyiri [làa’zhyi’rih] lari plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyiyu [làa’zhyi’yu’uu’] yu plus –zhyi (L17).

lazhyiyuad [làa’zhyi’yùad] yuad plus –zhyi (L17).

lda [ldaa’ah] irr. of rda “breaks”.

lduax [ldu’ahx] irr. of rduax.

ldi [ldii] right (as in ni ldia “my right foot”) (S-15).

Leanr [Lea’nnr] see Lia Leanr.

lecsyony [lecsyoony] lesson (L5).

lechu [lechuu] lettuce (L2, S-1).

lei [le’i] law (S-29).

Lejandrien [Lejandriien] see Lia Lejandrien.

Len [Leen] see Lia Len.

Lenzh [Le’nnzh] see Lia Lenzh.

Leony [Leoony] Leon, Leo (L2, S-2, L9).

Lepy [Le’py] Lupe (S-2). See also Lia Lepy.

letr [le’tr] letter (of the alphabet) (BXTP-5).

lez [lèez] imp. of rbez.

lezla ganyu [lèezlàa’ gàannyuu’] wait! (to form.) (S-14).

lia [lia] girl (S-2, S-12).

Lia [Lia] Miss, Señorita (woman’s title, used before a personal name) (L4, S-2).

Lia Anjalyen [Lia Anjalye’nn] / Lia Anjalyend [Lia Anjalye’nnd] Angelina (S-2).

Lia Arasely [Lia Arase’lly] Araceli, Aracely (S-2).

Lia Baisy [Lia Bai’sy] Bonifacia (S-2).

Lia Bany [Lia Lia Ba’nny] Epifania (S-2).

Lia Bel [Lia Be’ll] Avelina, Vela (S-2).

Lia Bentuar [Lia Bentuuar] Ventura (S-2).

Lia Bet [Lia Be’t] Beta (S-2).

Lia Bich [Lia Bi’ch] (nickname for a woman whose given name is the same as that of her mother or grandmother) (S-2).

Lia Bitory [Lia Bi’to’ory] Victoria (S-2).

Lia Bity [Lia Bi’ty] (woman’s nickname, often a nickname for Victoria or Joventina) (S-2).

Lia Blanc [Lia Blaa’nnc] Blanca, Blanche (S-2).

Lia Cady [Lia Ca’ady] Eucadia, Elocadia (S-2).

Lia Can [Lia Ca’ann] Alejandra, Candida, Alexandra (S-2).

Lia Carseinzy [Lia Carse’einnzy] Crecencia (S-2).

Lia Cat [Lia Ca’t] Catalina, Katherine, Kate, Kathy (S-2, L17).

Lia Cau [Lia Ca’u] / [Lia Ca’au] Claudia (S-2).

Lia Clary [Lia Claary] Clara, Clare (S-2).

Lia Claudy [Lia Cla’udy] Claudia (S-2).

Lia Claz [Lia Claaz] / Lia Clwaz [Liz Clwaaz] Nicolasa, Nicole (S-2).

Lia Conswel [Lia Conswe’ll] Consuelo (S-2).

Lia Cristyen [Lia Cristye’nn] Cristina, Christine, Christina (S-2).

Lia Chel [Lia Che’ll] Graciela, Chela (S-2).

Lia Chon [Lia Cho’nn] Asuncion, Concepcion, Chona (S-2, L16).

Lia Chyel [Lia Chye’ll] Graciela, Chela (S-2).

Lia Chyoly [Lia Chyoolly] Marisol (S-2).

Lia Da [Lia Daa] Soledad (S-2, L8).

Lia Del [Lia Deell] Adela, Adele (S-2).

Lia Delyen [Lia Delye’nn] Adelina, Adeline (S-2).

Lia Desy [Lia De’sy] Modesta (S-2, L11).

Lia Ernestyen [Lia Ernestye’nn] Ernestina, Ernestine (S-2).

Lia Felisyet [Lia Felisye’t] Felicita, Felicity (S-2).

Lia Florentyen [Lia Florentye’enn] Florentina (S-2).

Lia Flory [Lia Floory] Flora (S-2).

Lia Glory [Lia Gloory] Gloria (S-2, L7).

Lia Grasyel [Lia Grahsye’ll] Graciela (S-2).

Lia Gueb [Lia Gueeb] Eva, Genoveva, Eve, Genevieve (S-2).

Lia Gyan [Lia Gyaan] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Gyan [Lia Gyàan] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Gyol [Lia Gyo’oll] Yolanda (S-2).

Lia Iarm [Lia I’armm] Irma (S-2).

Lia Jub [Lia Juub] Juvencia (S-2).

Lia July [Lia Juully] Julia (S-2).

Lia Lang [Lia La’nng] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Leanr [Lia Lea’nnr] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Lejandrien [Lia Lejandriien] Alejandrina, Alexandrina (S-2).

Lia Len [Lia Leen] Elena, Elaine (S-2, L5).

Lia Lenzh [Lia Le’nnzh] Florencia, Florence, Flo, Lorenza, Lencha (S-2).

Lia Lepy [Lia Le’py] Lupe (S-2).

Lia Lianr [Lia Lia’nr] / Lia Liandr [Lia Lia’ndr] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Lienr [Lia Lie’nr] / Lia Liendr [Lia Lie’ndr] Herlinda, Erlinda (S-2).

Lia Lorenz [Lia Lore’ennz] Lorenza (S-2).

Lia Luch [Lia Lu’ch] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Lyen [Lia Lye’nn] / Lia Lyend [Lia Lye’nnd] Linda, Herlinda, Erlinda, Ermelinda (S-2).

Lia Lyep [Lia Lye’p] Felipa, Philippa (S-2).

Lia Lyony [Lia Lyoony] Leonor, Leonorda, Leonarda, Leonora (S-2).

Lia Mad [Lia Maad] Amada (S-2).

Lia Marchyoly [Lia Marchyoolly] Marisol (S-2).

Lia Marg [Lia Ma’arg] Margarita, Marga, Margaret, Marge (S-2, L22).

Lia Margaryet [Lia Margarye’t] Margarita, Margaret (S-2).

Lia Maria [Lia Mariia] Maria, Mary (S-2).

Lia Marigyan [Lia Mahriagya’nn] Maria Ana, Mariana, Mary Anne, Marianne (S-2).

Lia Martin [Lia Ma’rtiin] / Lia Martiny [Lia Martiiny] Martina, Martine (S-2).

Lia Maryan [Lia Maryaan] Mariana, Mary Anne, Marianne (S-2).

Lia Maryen [Lia Marye’nn] Marina (S-2).

Lia Mate [Lia Matee] Matea (S-2).

Lia Maxlien [Lia Mahxliienn] Marcelina (S-2).

Lia Meny [Lia Meeny] Filomena, Amelia, Philomena (S-2).

Lia Mier [Lia Miie’r] Casimira (S-2).

Lia Milian [Lia Miliaan] Emiliana (S-2).

Lia Mitery [Lia Miteery] Emeteria (S-2).

Lia Modesy [Lia Mode’sy] Modesta (S-2).

Lia Mony [Lia Mo’oony] Monica (S-2, L15).

Lia Mony [Lia Mòony] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Myeng [Lia Mye’enng] / Lia Myengw [Lia Mye’enngw] Dominga (S-2).

Lia Naisy [Lia Nai’sy] Ignacia (S-2).

Lia Nataly [Lia Nata’ally] Natalia, Natalie (S-2).

Lia Ndien [Lia Ndiienn] Enedina, Bernardina, Bernadine (S-2).

Lia Nes [Lia Ne’s] Inez, Ines (S-2).

Lia Nien [Lia Ni’enn] Antonina, Nina (S-2).

Lia Norm [Lia No’rm] Norma (S-2).

Lia Ntony [Lia Ntoony] Antonia (S-2).

Lia Nyet [Lia Nye’t] Anita (S-2).

Lia Oliby [Lia Oliiby] / Lia Olieb [Lia Oliieb] Olivia (S-2).

Lia Pam [Lia Pa’amm] Panfila (S-2).

Lia Pastiny [Lia Pahstiiny] Faustina (S-2).

Lia Pau [Lia Pa’àu] Paula (S-2).

Lia Petr [Lia Pe’tr] Petra (S-2, L6).

Lia Ponzy [Lia Po’onnzy] Alfonsa (S-2).

Lia Pyen [Lia Pye’nn] Delfina, Pina, Delphine (S-2).

Lia Ren [Lia Re’nn] Irene (S-2).

Lia Rgyien [Lia Rgyiien] / Lia Rjien [Lia Rjiien] Virginia (S-2).

Lia Ror [Lia Roor] Aurora (S-2).

Lia Rsary [Lia Rsaary] Rosario (S-2).

Lia Ruan [Lia Ruuann] Bruna (S-2).

Lia Ryely [Lia Rye’lly] Aurelia, Aureliana (S-2).

Lia Ryen [Lia Rye’nn] Florinda, Alejandrina, Alexandrina (S-2).

Lia Rrei [Lia Rre’i] Reina, Regina (S-2).

Lia Rros [Lia Rro’s] Rosa, Rose (S-2).

Lia Sabely [Lia Sabeelly] Isabel (S-2).

Lia Sabien [Lia Sabiienn] Sabina, Sabine (S-2).

Lia San [Lia Sa’ann] Crisanta (S-2).

Lia Sely [Lia Se’lly] Celia (S-2).

Lia Siedr [Lia Siiedr] Isidra (S-2).

Lia Sily [Lia Siilly] Silvia, Sylvia (S-2, S-24, L23).

Lia Syen [Lia Sye’enn] / Lia Syend [Lia Sye’ennd] Lusina, Jacinta, Jacinth (S-2).

Lia Talach [Lia Tala’ch] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Taly [Lia Ta’ally] Natalia, Natalie (S-2).

Lia Tan [Lia Taan] Cayetana (S-2).

Lia Tery [Lia Teery] Eleuteria (S-2).

Lia Tiny [Lia Tiiny] Martina, Martine (S-2).

Lia Tory [Lia Toory] Victoria (S-2).

Lia Treiny [Lia Treeiny] Trinidad, Trini (S-2).

Lia Trez [Lia Treez] Teresa, Theresa (S-2).

Lia Tyen [Lia Tye’nn] Cristina, Christina, Christine (S-2, L10).

Lia Xmony [Lia Xmo’oony] Monica (S-2).

Lia Xtaisy [Lia Xtai’sy] Anastacia, Anastasia (S-2).

Lia Xtruad [Lia X:trua’d] Gertruda, Gertrudiz, Gertrude (S-2).

Lia Yadier [Lia Yadiier] Yadira (S-2).

Lia Yo [Lia Yoo] (woman’s name) (S-2).

Lia Yol [Lia Yo’oll] Yolanda (S-2).

Lia Zyec [Lia Zye’c] Francisca, Chica, Frances (S-2, L19).

Lia Zhuan [Lia Zh:ùaan] Juana, Jane, Jean, Joan (S-2, L9).

Lia Zhyac [Lia Zhya’c] (S-2).

Liandr [Lia’ndr] / Lianr [Lia’nr] see Lia Lianr.

liaz [liihahz] house (e-poss. of yu) (L14).

liberta [libertaa] freedom (S-29).

Lieb [Li’eb] Felipe, Philip (S-2, L23).

liebr [li’ebr] book (L5).

liebr [li’ebr] free (S-29).

Lien [Liienn] Valente, Valentin, Valentine (S-2).

Liendr [Lie’ndr] / Lienr [Lie’nr] see Lia Lienr.

liizyu [lìihzyu’] only you (inf. sg.) (L22).

Lijanr [Lija’nnr] Alejandro, Alexander (S-2).

limony [limoony] lime; lemon (S-13, L13).

liny [li’nny] border (between two countries) (L10). See also rdeidy lo liny.

liu [lìu’] you (inf. sg.) (L8). § liizyu [lìihzyu’] “only you (inf. sg.)”; lizhyu [liizhyùu’] liu plus –zhyi (L17). See also xi rrilo liu?

liu zhi [lìu’ zhi’] it’s up to you (inf.) (S-17). See also yu zhi.

lizhyu [liizhyùu’] liu plus –zhyi (L17).

lo [lohoh] 1. face (e-poss. only) (L3, L14); 2. on (BXTP-5, L18); 3. in front of (L18); 4. to (L18); 5. by (in arithmetic) (as in Bal na chi rgaizy xon lo tyop? “How much is it when eight gets divided by two?”) (S-27); 6. in (followed by a year) (S-25). See also cwan xte buny duax lo, galanduax lo, lo nya, lo zhia, nu rrespeity lo, ran lo, rbe permisy lo, rbecy lo, rbeluzh lo, rcwa lo, rcwatslo lo, rdeidy lo liny, rgue lo, rguiny lo, rgwi lo, ria lo jwes, ria mach lo, rinda lo, rnab lo, runy imbertier muly lo, rteidy lo macyëm, rzi lo, rzhilo lo, xte buny duax lo.

lo bcu [loh bcùùu’] altar (in a church) (S-19, L20).

lo gueizh [loh guee’ihzh] 1. pueblo, town, village (L20); 2. the pueblo (the way speakers refer to their own pueblo) (BXTP-1). § e-poss. lazh [la’ahzh:].

lo gyia [loh gyìi’ah] market (L20).

lo nya [loh nyààa’] field (BXTP-2, L14). See also zeiny lo nya. § e-poss. lo zhia [loh zhihah].

lo pyeiny [loh pyeeiny] altar (in a home) (L20).

lo zhia [loh zhihah] field (e-poss. of lo nya) (L14).

Loby [Lo’oby] Lopez (L3).

loc [lo’c] see por loc ni.

loc [loo’c] crazy (L19).

locwa [lohcwah] forehead (e-poss. only) (L1, S-15).

loni [lohnih] / lani [lahnih] fiesta, holiday (especially, a religious holiday, most often celebrating a particular saint) (S-25).

Loni Gwadalepy [Lohnih Gwadale’py] / Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py] the festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12) (S-25).

Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py] see Loni Gwadalepy.

loo [lòo’] see nez loo.

Lorenz [Lore’ennz] see Lia Lorenz.

Los Angl [Lohs A’nngl] Los Angeles (S-7, L20). See also West Los Angl.

losna [losnnaàa’] in the hand of, in the hands of (prep.) (L20). See also rsan losna.

loyu [lohyu’uh] in the area in front of the house, but not directly in front of the door, and very likely farther away than ruyu (L21).

luan [lùàa’n] sleeping platform (traditional style of bed) (L20).

luazh [lu’ahzh:] beard; moustache (e-poss. only) (S-15).

Luc [Lu’uc] see San Luc.

Luc [Lu’c] Lucas, Luke (S-2).

Luch [Lu’ch] see Lia Luch.

Luny [Luuny] Monday (L4, L21, S-25).

Luny Pascw [Luuny Pa’scw] Easter Monday (S-25).

Lusy [Lu’sy] Luis, Lucio, Louis, Lucius (S-2).

luzh [lùuzh] tongue (e-poss. only) (S-15).

Lyen [Lye’eenn] Valentin, Valentine (S-2).

Lyen [Lye’nn] see Lia Lyen.

lyen [lye’nn] (term of address used to a baby) (S-2).

Lyend [Lye’nnd] see Lia Lyen.

Lyep [Lye’p] see Lia Lyep.

Lyony [Lyoony] Leonardo, Leon, Leonard (S-2). See also Lia Lyony.


ma [maa] girlie, little girl, young lady (term of address used to a girl or young woman, almost always younger than the speaker) (S-2).

Macary [Macaary] Macario (S-2).

macyëm [má’cyëmm] machine (L4, BXTP-7). See also rteidy lo macyëm.

mach [ma’ch] see ria mach lo.

Mad [Maad] see Lia Mad.

Madeu [Made’u] Mateo, Matthew (S-2).

maestr [mae’str] master bricklayer (L4, S-12).

maestria [mae’striia] master’s degree (L24).

Mai [Ma’i] May (S-25).

maly [maaly] female blood relative of blood relative’s godparent (S-18). § e-poss. xmaly.

mam [ma’mm] grandparent (S-18). See also xnan mam, xtadmam. § e-poss. xmam.

Man [Ma’aann] Armando (S-2).

mandad [mandaad] on an errand (response to cali chiu? or cali gweu?) (S-4). See chaa mandad, runy mandad.

mandily [mandi’illy] apron (with a bib) (L24).

manejador [manejadoor] manager (S-28).

manejar [manejaar] see runy manejar.

Manol [Mano’ll] Manolo (S-2).

mansan [mannsaan] apple (L3, L6, S-13).

many [ma’any] animal, bird, insect (L2, S-6, L11).

manyser [ma’anyseer] bee (S-6, L5).

Mar [Maar] Bulmaro (S-2).

marcar [marcaar] see runy marcar.

Marchyoly [Marchyoolly] see Lia Marchyoly.

mardom [mardo’mm] mayordomo (S-19, L19).

Marg [Ma’arg] Margarito (S-2). See also Lia Marg.

Margaryet [Margarye’t] see Lia Margaryet.

Maria [Mariia] see Lia Maria.

Marigyan [Mahriagya’nn] see Lia Marigyan.

marimot [marimo’t] marmota, a large, heavy spherical frame covered with cloth carried during Oaxacan celebrations (L24).

Mars [Ma’ars] March (S-25).

Mart [Ma’rt] Tuesday (S-25).

Martin [Ma’rtiin] see Lia Martin.

Martiny [Martiiny] Martin (S-2). See also Lia Martin.

maru [maaru’] 1. more (BXTP-3); 2. most (S-24).

maru bro [maaru’ bròo’oh] bigger (BXTP-3).

maru mejor [maaru’ mejoor] it’s much better that (as in maru mejor nu ra mniny cuan naa “it’s much better that the children are living with me”) (BXTP-2).

maru zyeiny [maaru’ zyèiny] much more (BXTP-2).

Mary [Maary] Mario (S-2).

Maryan [Maryaan] see Lia Maryan.

Maryen [Marye’nn] see Lia Maryen.

mas [ma’s] plus (in arithmetic, modern word) (S-27).

masa [mahsa’] at least (S-29).

masta [maasta’] more than (S-22).

Mate [Matee] see Lia Mate.

Maxlien [Mahxliienn] see Lia Maxlien.

Mayol [Mayo’oll] Mayolo (S-2).

maz [maaz] see por maz.

Mazh [Ma’azh] Tomas, Thomas (S-2, L14).

mazde [maazdeh] more than (BXTP-9).

mbaly [mbaaly] male blood relative of blood relative’s godparent (S-18). § e-poss. xambaly [x:ambaaly]. See also xtad mbaly.

mbisy [mbii’sy] stingy (L4).

Meijy [Me’ijy] Mexico; Mexico City (S-7, L8).

mejor [mejoor] see maru mejor.

Mel [Me’el] Ismael, Ishmael (S-2).

membri [membrii] quince (S-13).

menos [mé’nohs] minus (in subtraction, modern word) (S-27).

Meny [Meeny] see Lia Meny.

mer [meer] see a mer.

merbëg [meerbëg] see ati merbëg.

mes [me’s] teacher (L4, L5).

mes [me’es] table (L8).

meser [meseer] waiter, waitress, server (S-12, BXTP-2, L12).

Mien [Miien] Benjamin, Maximino (S-2, L22).

Mier [Miie’r] see Lia Mier.

milagr [milàagr] miracle (L12).

Milian [Miliaan] see Lia Milian.

milynobesyentos [mi’llynobesyé’nntohs] 1900 (S-25).

milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh] 1999 (S-25).

milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh] 1587 (S-25).

Milyan [Milyaan] Emiliano, Maximiliano, Maximilian (S-2).

minuat [minua’t] minute (S-25).

Mitery [Miteery] see Lia Mitery.

Mizh [Miìi’zh] / buny Mizh [bùunny Mi’ii’zh] Mixe person (L3, L19).

mna [mnnààa’] woman (L3, L5). See also bied mna, buny mna.

mna [mnàa] perf. of ran “looks after”.

mnilai steby [mnnìi’lài’ steeby] please say that again (S-8). > rni. See also steby.

mniny [mnìi’iny] 1. child, kid (L3, L5); 2. boy (L5).

mod [mo’od] see xa mod, xa mod na.

Modesy [Mode’sy] see Lia Modesy.

modi [mo’odih] see xa modi.

Moi [Mòi’] Moises, Moses (S-2).

molestar [molestaar] see runy molestar.

moly [mo’lly] mole (a rich Oaxacan sauce made from chiles, nuts, chocolate, and spices, often served with chicken) (L16).

mon [moon] doll (L2, S-1).

Mony [Mo’oony] see Lia Mony.

Mony [Moony] see Santa Mony.

Mony [Mòony] Ramon (S-2). See also Lia Mony.

Muan [Mu’uann] / Muand [Mu’annd] Raymundo, Mundo, Raymond (S-2).

Muand [Mu’annd] see Muan.

mudy [muudy] half past (in time expressions) (S-25).

muly [mùuully] money (L3, L5). See also runy imbertier muly lo.

museu [muse’u] museum (BXTP-3).

musyc [mu’syc] band, band member (L4).

muzh [mmuuzh] blond (L3).

myegr [mye’gr] border patrol; border patrol officer (L8).

Myeng [Mye’enng] see Lia Myeng.

Myengw [Mye’engw] Domingo, Mingo (S-2).

Myengw [Mye’enngw] see Lia Myeng.

Myercw [Mye’rcw] Wednesday (S-25).

Myercw Zhi De [Mye’rcw Zh:ih Deh] Ash Wednesday (S-25).

myes [mye’es] mass (in a Roman Catholic church) (L11).


na [nnaàa’] 1. hand; forearm; front leg (of an animal) (e-poss. only) (L2, L14); 2. branch (of a tree) (e-poss. only) (L20); 3. on the branch of (L20). See also bcwany na, bzhug na.

na [nah] 1. now (L6); 2, so, then (S-17); 3. (used at the end of many question word questions) (L11). See also axta na.

na [nàa] is (BXTP-1, S-19, S-27, L19). § naëng [nàa’-ëng] “he (prox.) is”; irregular verb; see L19 and Valley Zapotec Verb Charts. See also ni na, rliu zicy ni na, xa mod na.

na [nnah] says that, said that (neut. of rni) (BXTP-4). See also zicy na. § naëb “he (form.) says”.

na par [nàa pahr] has to, is supposed to, should, ought to, must, needs to (necessity aux. (see L23), as in na par yculo chiela xnanëng “my wife has to take care of her mother”, queity nadi par gunydirëng zeiny “they don’t have to work”, na par byicyën San Luc “we had to return to San Lucas”) (BXTP-2, BXTP-4, YY, L23).

naa [nàa’] I; me (L8). § naizya [nàihzya’] “only I; only me”; nazhya [nàa’zhya’] naa plus –zhyi (L17). See also ucdi naa.

Nabida [Nabidaa] Christmas (December 25) (S-25).

nac [naa’c] neut. of rac.

nac zeiny [naa’c zèèi’ny] neut. of rac zeiny.

Nach [Na’ch] Ignacio, Nacho, Ignatius (S-2, L10).

nadar [nadaar] see runy nadar.

nadizyu [nnahdihzyùu’] see ni nadizyu.

nadizh [nadìi’zh] should, is supposed to (necessity aux. (see L23), as in nadizh bas uan nyiruan na cai la Westwood “bus number one was supposed to take me to Westwood Boulevard”) (S-26, L23).

nadota [nadòo’ta’] at first (BXTP-2).

naëb [nnahëhb] irregular “he (form.)” subject neut. of rni. See also na “says that”.

naëng [nàa’-ëng] irregular “he (prox.)” subject of na “is”.

nai [nài’] yesterday (L6, S-25).

Naisy [Na’isy] Ignacio (S-2).

Naisy [Nai’sy] see Lia Naisy.

naizya [nàihzya’] only I; only me (L22).

nal [nahll] / nald [nahlld] 1. cold (in temperature) (S-23); 2. “cold” (culturally out of equilibrium with something “hot” (nzha), referring to a food or natural phenomenon) (S-23).

nalo [na’loh] as far as (S-26).

Nambied [Nnambied] blessed, holy (title used before the name of a female saint or holy person) (L21). See also Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy.

Nan [Nnan] Señora (respectful title used before a woman’s first name) (S-2).

nan [nnàaan] 1. mother (L3, L14); 2. mother, mother-in-law (term of address) (S-18). See also xnan baly, xnan mam, xnan zhiu.

nan [nàann] knows (neut. of ran “looks after”) (S-17, S-19). See also ady a nanu.

nan zhiu [nna’an zhi’uu] aunt (S-18). § e-poss. xnan zhiu.

nanmam [nna’anma’mm] grandmother (BXTP-1, L14).

naru [nahru’] just now; finally (BXTP-1, BXTP-8).

Nary [Naary] (man’s name) (S-2).

nas [nahs] the day before yesterday (BXTP-7, S-25).

nas wxiny [nahs wxi’ihnny] the night before last (S-25).

nasyonalida [nasyonalidaa] nationality (S-29).

Nataly [Nata’ally] see Lia Nataly.

natga [nàa’tga’ah] neut. of ratga.

nax [nnahx] chocolate; hot chocolate (S-14, L21). See also guetxtily nax.

naxta [nàa’xta’] just (S-26).

nazh [na’azh:] only (S-22).

nazhi [nazhih] today (S-25).

nazhy [na’ahzhy] wet (L3).

nazhya [nàa’zhya’] naa plus –zhyi (L17).

ncweby [ncwèeby] new (L19). § mod. cweby.

ncyets [ncye’ts] white (L19).

nda [ndaàa’] hot (as in uas nda re na “it’s very hot here now”) (BXTP-4).

nde [ndèe] that one (L12).

nde [ndèe’] this one (L12).

… nde e? [… ndèe’ èee?] is this a …? (S-6)

nden [ndèenn] that one (L12).

nden [nde’nn] this one (L12).

Ndien [Ndiien] Bernardino, Enedino, Bernard (S-2). See also Lia Ndien.

Ndres [Ndre’s] Andres, Andrew (S-2).

Ndua [Ndùu’ah] Oaxaca; Oaxaca City (L4, S-7, L8).

nduax [ndùa’x] powerful (L3).

Nduny [Nduuny] Antonio, Anthony (S-2, L19).

ndyeny [ndyehnny] irr. of rdyeny.

ndyo [ndyo’oh] fat (L3).

ne [neh] see rinydyau ne.

nezag [nehzahg] this side (often used to refer to the side of the US-Mexico border one is on) (S-26).

neiny [nèiny] slowly (BXTP-7).

Nel [Ne’ll] Manuel (S-2).

Nes [Ne’s] see Lia Nes.

nesesitar [nesesitaar] see runy nesesitar.

nez [ne’ehz] 1. road, way (L20); 2. (used before a locational phrase, sometimes indicating “roughly”) (L20).

nez loo [nehz lòo’] in front of you (S-16).

nezgag [nehzgahg] just around (response to cali chiu? or cali gweu?) (S-4). See also chaa nezgag.

nga [ngàa’ah] green; unripe, raw, uncooked (L19). § mod. -ya [ya’ah] (used only for “unripe, raw, uncooked”).

ngas [nga’as] black (L2, L19). § mod. -yas [yàa’as] (used only with names of animals and in certain fixed expressions).

ngasy [nga’sy] later today (as in ngasy wxiny “later this evening”) (S-28).

ngats [ngaàa’ts] yellow (L19). § mod. -yats (used only in certain fixed expressions).

ngual [ngu’ahll] see budy ngual.

ngui [nguii] sour (L2, S-1).

nguiu [nguìu’] man (S-12). See also buny nguiu.

ngwalyën [ngwaalyëhnn] see sa ngwalyën rac.

ni [nih] 1. who, that, which (as in queity gundilaxdyën ni raprëng ricy “we didn’t believe what they had there”) (BXTP-1, BXTP-3, YY, L15); 2. the one who, the one that, the thing that; one who; what (BXTP-1, BXTP-3, S-17). See also bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa!, por loc ni, ra ni, rliu zicy ni na, sa ni, zicy ni, zhiny ni beinyande.

ni [nii] it, that (non-living object pronoun) (BXTP-3).

ni [ni’ih] 1. foot; lower leg; back leg (of an animal) (e-poss. only) (L14); 2. under (L18). See also bcwany ni, bzhug ni.

ni [ni’ih] see xi ni.

ni [nihìi] that’s why, here’s why (as in ni nyec racbia xa gunya, caria muly gapa par ygyana ra zhinya “here’s why I don’t know what to do, I don’t have any money to feed my children”) (S-24, S-29).

ni ca ni guet [nih càa ni’ih gue’et] what follows, the thing that appears below (L12).

ni gau buny [nih ga’u bùunny] food: what people are to eat (S-22). See also buny, rau.

ni na [nih nàa] in (a town or city) (BXTP-2, L20).

ni nadizyu [nih nnahdihzyùu’] just what you say (S-24).

ni rac buny zeiny [nih rahc bùunny zèèi’ny] for a person to have a cargo, for one to have a cargo (S-19).

ni rac chon [nih rahc chòonn] third (S-5).

ni rac ga [nih rahc gààa’] ninth (S-5).

ni rac gai [nih rahc gài’] fifth (S-5).

ni rac gaz [nih rahc gàaz] seventh (S-5).

ni rac tap [nih rahc tahp] fourth (S-5).

ni rac tyop [nih rahc tyo’p] second (S-5). See also seguan.

ni rac tsë [nih rahc tsêë’] tenth (S-5).

ni rac xon [nih rahc x:òon] eighth (S-5).

ni rac xop [nih rahc x:òp] sixth (S-5).

ni rculo zhily [nih rculoh zhi’ìilly] shepherd (S-12, L19).

ni rcwa chies [nih rcwààa’ah chie’s] person who knows black magic (S-12).

ni rguiby plad [nih rguìi’by plaad] dishwasher (S-12).

ni rguieb lady [nih rguìeb lahdy] tailor (S-12, L19).

ni runyrezh [nih ruhnyrehzh] type of traditional healer who helps someone regain his or her soul (S-23).

ni runyzeny [nih ruhnyzeèe’ny] ghost (S-12).

ni ryon [nih ryohnn] third (S-5).

ni rrop [nih rrohp] second (S-5).

nia [nniìa’] see as nia.

niebagli [ni’ebaglii] / niebagui [ni’ebaguii] that’s why (L21).

niebagui [ni’ebaguii] see niebagli

niegza gauwa [nìehgza’ ga’uwa’] I’ll have them too (S-17).

niela [nìellàa’] that’s why; and so (S-26).

Nien [Ni’enn] see Lia Nien.

nieru [nìerùu] however (S-22).

niëng [ni’ëng] it (prox. object pronoun) (L24).

nii [nìi] it (dist. object pronoun) (L24).

nilo [niloh] jealous (L3).

niny [nìi’iny] guy (variant of mniny) (S-28).

niu [nìu] see bzya niu.

nizh [nìi’zh] delicious, good tasting (as in uas nizh nax “the chocolate is very good”) (S-14). See also don cataly nizhi.

nizh rdia [nìi’zh rdììa’] smells delicious (S-17).

nizhi [nìi’zhih] see don cataly nizhi.

nlag [nllaag] wide (L3).

Norm [No’rm] see Lia Norm.

Nort [No’rt] the North; the United States (L21).

noben [nobe’nn] / nobenta [nobé’nntah] ninety (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

nobenta [nobé’nntah] see noben.

Nobyemr [Nobye’mmr] November (S-25).

nrazh [nraazh] orange (L24).

Nryec [Nrye’c] Enrique, Henry (S-2).

nses [nsehe’s] fast (S-26).

nsual [nsu’all] blue (L19).

ntiu [nti’u] old (BXTP-3). See also cataly ntiu.

nton [nto’onn] stupid (L4).

Ntony [Ntoony] see Lia Ntony.

nu [nu’uh] lives; exists; is located (inside something) (neut. of ru “is (located) inside”) (BXTP-1, S-19, L17, L18). neutral verb; CB verb. § “we live, we are (located)” zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn] / nuën.

nu cali [nu’uh cali] somewhere (L24).

nu gwel [nu’uh gwe’ell] sometimes (S-19).

nu rrespeity lo [nu’uh rrespei’ty loh] is respectful (inverse prep. idiom, as in nu rrespeity loëng “he is respectful”) (L24).

nu tu [nu’uh tu] someone, somebody (L24).

nu xa [nu’uh x:a] somehow (L24).

nu xi [nu’uh xi] something (L24).

nuan [nnuuan] chirimoya (S-13).

nub [nuub] see gyia nub.

nuchi [nu’chih] last night (S-25).

nuchia [nu’chììa’] is saved, is kept (neut. of ruchia) (S-22).

nuën [nu’ëhnn] irregular “we” subject neut. of ru “is (located)”.

numër [nú’mmër] number (S-26).

nune [nu’nèe] lives with (BXTP-1). § irr. chune.

nuu re e? are you here? [nu’-ùu’ rèe’ èee?] (S-3).

nweb [nweeb] / nwebe [nwéebeh] nine (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

nwebe [nwéebeh] see nweb.

nya [nyààa’] see lo nya.

Nyan [Nya’nn] Marcelo, Marcelino, Marcel (S-2).

Nyec [Nye’c] Nicolas, Nico, Nicholas, Nick (S-2).

nyec [nyèe’c] 1. not (S-24); 2. even (S-26).

nyec … nyec … [nyèe’c … nyèe’c …] neither … nor … (BXTP-2).

nyec gac xchi [nyèe’c ga’c xchihih] not too long afterward (S-24).

nyecbaza [nyèe’cbaza’] not (used as an emphatic replacement for queity, as in nyecbaza rinydilaza queityrua yninia xnanmama steby “I can’t believe that I won’t talk with my grandmother again”) (BXTP-4).

nyec cali [nyèe’c cali] nowhere (L24).

nyec tebichi [nyèe’c tebichi’ih] / nyec teiby bichi [nyèe’c te’ihby bi’chi’ih] not in the least (as in nyec tebichi queity ndeibyëb cwen atizh blalbëgui “he didn’t realize in the least that it was not a genuine blal”) (BXTP-8).

nyec teiby bichi [nyèe’c te’ihby bi’chi’ih] see nyec tebichi.

nyec tu [nyèe’c tu] 1. no one (L24); 2. no (followed by a noun referring to a human or animal) (L24).

nyec xi [nyèe’c xi] 1. no one (L24); 2. no (followed by a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate) (L24).

nyecza [nyèe’cza’] also not (as in nyecza si buny sani “a person shall also not sell his fellow man”) (S-29).

Nyet [Nye’t] Benito, Nito (S-2). See also Lia Nyet.

nyuclaz [nyu’clààa’z] would have liked to, wanted to (followed by sub., as in nyuclaza nyauwa tort per cariei “I would have liked to eat a torta but there weren’t any”) (L23).

nyiruan [nyirùu’an] sub. of riruan.

nyis [nnyi’ihs] water (L3, L5).

nyisdo [nnyi’sdòo’] ocean (L24).

nzha [nzha’ah] 1. warm (in temperature) (S-23); 2. “hot” (culturally out of equilibrium with something “cold” (nal), referring to a food or natural phenomenon) (S-23). § mod. zha.

nzhung [nzh:uhnng] hard (L3).

nzhyab [nzhya’ab] bad (S-23). § mod. zhyab.


o [o] or (BXTP-1).

Octubr [O’ctu’br] October (S-19, S-25).

och [o’ch] / ocho [ó’choh] eight (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

ochen [oche’nn] / ochenta [oché’nntah] eighty (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

ochenta [oché’nntah] see ochen.

ocho [ó’choh] see och.

odiar [odiaar] see runy odiar.

ofisyen [o’fisye’nn] office (BXTP-5).

Oliby [Oliiby] see Lia Oliby.

Olieb [Oliieb] see Lia Oliby.

omre [oo’mre’eh] man (term of address used to a man) (S-2).

onse [ó’nseh] eleven (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (L4, S-20).

operar [operaar] see rac operar, runy operar.

or [oor] hour (S-25).

ospitaly [o’spitaahlly] hospital (S-23).


pa [paa] sonny, little boy, young man (term of address used to a male, usually a boy, almost always younger than the speaker) (S-2).

Pabl [Pa’bl] Pablo, Paulo, Paul (S-2).

Pacw [Pa’cw] Paco, Frank (S-2).

Paisy [Pa’isy] Bonifacio, Boniface (S-2).

Paly [Pa’lly] (man’s name) (S-2).

Pam [Paamm] see Lia Pam.

Pamyël [Pá’mmyëll] Panfilo (S-2, L14).

Pan [Pa’an] (man’s name) (S-2).

panumr [pannu’ummr] see gyia panumr.

par [paar] pair (of cards, for instance) (YY).

par [pahr] 1. for (BXTP-2, L18); 2. in order to (followed by a sentence in the irrealis, as in par ygyani rata zhinyzhapi “in order for him to feed all his daughters” or par chile guny buny gan ni gau buny “in order for people to be able to earn their food”) (S-22, S-24); 3. by (an author, for instance) (S-24). See also cwart par, derech par, derech par queity, na par.

par gac buny dibertier [pahr ga’c bùunny dibertiier] so that people can have fun (just for fun) (L11).

part [pa’rt] part (BXTP-1).

pas [pa’s] peace (S-29).

pasaport [pasapo’rt] passport (L12).

Pascw [Pa’scw] Easter (S-25). See also Luny Pascw.

pasti [pastii] pill (S-23).

Pastiny [Pahstiiny] see Lia Pastiny.

pasyenzy [pasye’ennzy] patience (S-29).

Pau [Pa’àu] see Lia Pau.

pelot [pelo’t] ball (L12).

Pepsy [Pe’epsy] Pepsi (L3).

per [pehr] but (BXTP-1).

per jwers [pehr jwe’rs] by force; because of force (S-29).

permisy [permi’sy] see rbe permisy lo.

pes [pe’s] peso (L11).

Petr [Pe’tr] see Lia Petr.

pëg [pë’g] see pëg zhyëb.

pëg zhyëb [pë’g zhyë’b] / zhyëb [zhyë’b] / pëg [pë’g] what…!, how…! (used in exclamations, followed by adjective or verb, as in pëg zhyëb rcyetlazu beiny ra zhinyu! “how happy you must be about what your children did!”) (BXTP-8).

Pily [Pi’illy] Porfirio, Filimon, Philemon (S-2).

pistoly [pisto’lly] gun (BXTP-2).

plad [plaàad] dish (L8). See also ni rguiby plad.

plati [platii] cymbals (L2, S-1).

Plory [Ploory] Florentino (S-2).

plum [plu’mm] pen (L5).

polisia [polisiia] policeman; police (L10).

Poly [Po’oly] Hipolito, Hypolitus (S-2).

Ponzy [Po’onnzy] see Lia Ponzy.

Ponzh [Po’onnzh] Alfonso (S-2).

por [pohr] by, through (BXTP-4). See also rcwa por taria, rni por telefono, rnine por telefono.

por loc ni [pohr lo’c nih] because (S-28).

por maz [pohr maaz] even though (as in por maz probydan nari, nyec rdeidy xtadri lari “even though they were very poor, their father didn’t give them away”) (S-24).

por telefono [pohr telé’fonoh] on the telephone, by telephone (L22).

Pred [Preed] Alfredo, Alfred (S-2).

preguan [pregu’uann] see runy preguan.

preparar [preparaar] see runy preparar.

pres [pre’s] prisoner (BXTP-8). See also rine pres.

primary [primaary] 1. elementary (school); 2. elementary school (S-29).

primer [primeer] first (S-5).

pristen [prihste’enn] presidente municipal (roughly the equivalent of a mayor) (S-12, L17).

problem [proble’mm] problem (as in tewag xi problemdi “no problem”) (S-26).

proby [prooby] poor (S-24).

profesyonal [profesyona’ll] professional (S-29).

protejer [protejeer] see rac protejer, runy protejer.

protestar [protestaar] see runy protestar.

prweb [prweeb] test, exam (BXTP-7). See also runy prweb.

prweb xte carbono catorce [prweeb x:tèe’ carbono catórse] carbon dating test (BXTP-7).

pryem [prye’mm] cousin (L14).

puan [pu’ann] at the peak of, on the (very) top of (prep.) (L20).

Puisy [Pu’isy] Felix (S-2).

pulmony [pulmoony] lung (S-15).

punyeity [punye’ity] see rcwa punyeity.

pwen [pwe’eenn] bridge (L3).

pwert [pwee’rt] door (L6).

pyeiny [pyeeiny] altar (in a home) (L4, L20). See also lo pyeiny.

Pyen [Pye’nn] Delfino, Pino (S-2). See also Lia Pyen.

pyep [pye’p] 1. pipe (for smoking) (L10); 2. tanker truck (L10).


que [quèe] irr. of rgue “cusses”.

que [quee] irr. of rgue “carries”.

que tac zicy guc [queh tahc zi’ihcy guhc] what had happened (as in reipyën lai zhi gunyi fabor gunyi comunicar que tac zicy guc “we asked him to do a favor and communicate what had happened”) (S-26).

queity [que’ity] / quëity [quë’ity] not (L7). See also ca chia queity gac, derech par queity.

queity cali [que’ity cali] nowhere (L24).

queity rapdi tyem [que’ity ràa’pdi’ tye’emm] doesn’t have time to (neg., used with following irr. verb, as in queity rapdi Jwany tyem chia Jwany ricy “Juan doesn’t have time to go there”) (S-25). > rap.

queity tu [que’ity tu] 1. no one (L24); 2. no (followed by a noun referring to a human or animal) (L24).

queity xi [que’ity xi] 1. nothing (L24); 2. no (followed by a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate) (L24).

queity xi galarzyadi chuad [que’ity xi gallarzyaàa’di’ chu’-ahd] don’t worry (you guys) (BXTP-3) .

queity xi galarzyadi chuu [que’ity xi gallarzyaàa’di’ chu’-ùu’] don’t worry (BXTP-3).

queity xi gunydi [que’ity xi guunydi’] no matter (followed by tu or xi plus a noun, as in queity xi gunydi tu ras “no matter what race”, queity xi gunydi xi nasyonalida “no matter what nationality”) (S-29).

queityru [que’ityru’] no longer, not any more; not…again (as in nyecbaza rinydilaza queityrua yninia xnanmama steby “I can’t believe that I won’t talk with my grandmother again”) (S-17, BXTP-4).

quez [quèe’ez] irr. of rguez.

quëity [quë’ity] see queity.

quëm [quëhmm] because (BXTP-2).

quën [quëhnn] see cuan.

quëndizy [quëhnndihzy] just (S-28).

quënla [quëhnnlàa’] since (S-26).

quiad [quìad] irr. of rguied.

quiby [quìi’by] irr. of rguiby.

quich [quìi’ch] irr. of rguich.

quieb [quìeb] irr. of rguieb.

quied [quìed] irr. of rguied.

quilometr [quilome’tr] kilometer (S-22).

quily [qui’lly] kilo (L4, L16).

quily [quìi’lly] / [quìi’illy] irr. of rguily.

quinse [quí’nseh] fifteen (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

quiny [quìi’iny] irr. of rguiny “borrows”.

quix [quìi’x] irr. of rguix.

quixga [qui’xga’ah] irr. of rguixga.

quixicy [quixi’ihcy] irr. of rguixicy.

quizh [quiizh] irr. of rguizh (S-1).

quizh [quìizh] see lasto quizh.

quizhacw [quizh:àa’cw] shoulder (e-poss. only) (S-15).


ra [ra] (marks plural nouns) (L3, L8). See also rata ra buny, teiby ra dyeni, xa rni buny ra dizh, xieru zalo ra dizh.

ra [raa] all (L2).

ra dizh [ra dìi’zh] words; vocabulary (L5). See also xa rni buny ra dizh, xieru zalo ra dizh.

ra ni [ra nih] those who, the ones who (as in ra ni byan Ndua “those who stayed in Oaxaca”) (BXTP-2).

rac [rahc] 1. is, becomes (BXTP-2, S-27, L19); 2. gets done, gets prepared (S-22); 3. happens; 4. has things happen to him (how) (as in per na xa gacad “but now, what’s happening with you?” or, more literally, “but now, how are things happening to you?”) (S-26); 5. has, suffers from (a disease or illness) (S-23); 6. hurts, aches (S-23); 7. can, is able to, knows how to (possibility aux.) (L23). § perf. guc; irr. gac [ga’c]; neut. nac [naa’c]. See also bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac, ni rac buny zeiny, par gac buny dibertier, rac zeiny, sa ngwalyën rac.

rac cambiar [rahc cambiaar] changes (himself) (L22). > rac.

rac castiu [rahc casti’u] gets punished (L22). > rac.

rac dibertier [rahc dibertiier] has fun (L22). > rac.

rac diborsyar [rahc diborsyaar] gets divorced (L22). > rac.

rac enfad [rahc enfaad] gets annoyed, gets fed up (L22). > rac.

rac operar [rahc operaar] gets operated on, has an operation (L22). > rac.

rac protejer [rahc protejeer] gets protected (S-29). > rac.

rac torturar [rahc torturaar] gets tortured (L22). > rac.

rac zeiny [rahc zèèi’ny] has a cargo (S-19). § neut. nac zeiny [naa’c zèèi’ny]. See also ni rac buny zeiny.

racbe [rahcbèe’] 1. understands, knows, knows about (as in queity gucbedi Tiu Pamyël ni reipyën laëb “Señor Panfilo didn’t know about what we told him”) (BXTP-2, S-17, L17); 2. learns (S-28). > rac. § perf. gucbe [guhcbèe’].

racchia [rahcchììa’] gets built (S-22). > rac § perf. gucchia.

racgan [rahcgaan] can, is able to, knows how to; succeeds in (doing), completely (does) (possibility aux. (see L23), as in gucgan queity zedyi “it did not all get taken”) (S-26, L23). § perf. gucgan; irr. gacgan.

racna [rahcnah] hurts, aches (S-23). > rac.

racne [rahcnèe] helps (BXTP-4, L17). § perf. gucne; irr. gacne [ga’cnèe].

racnegza [rahcnèegza’] also helps (for now, use only with a noun or name subject) (S-19).

racw [ra’ahcw] puts on (a shirt or similar garment; a suit) (L16). d-base verb. § perf. bdacw [bda’ahcw]; irr. gacw [ga’acw]; ven. riedtacw [rìe’dtaa’cw].

racxu [rahcx:ùu] is sick, gets sick (BXTP-1, S-23). > rac.

rach [ràa’ch] breaks (of something long, such as a limb) (S-23) § perf. gwuch [gwùu’ch]; irr. gach [gàa’ch].

rad [raàa’d] receives (something) as a gift (L16). § perf. guad [gùàa’d]; irr. gad.

raisy [ra’ihsy] sleeps (L3, S-23, L21). § perf. btaisy; irr. gaisy [ga’isy]; ven. riedtaisy [rìe’dta’ihsy].

raizy [ràa’izy] hits (L17). § perf. gwaizy; irr. chaizy.

ral [ràall] is enough, is sufficient (S-26).

raly [ràaly] gets born (L23). § perf. guly, irr. galy.

ran [rahnn] gets tired (S-16). § irr. .

ran [ràann] looks after, takes care of (someone; a church or shrine) (S-19, L18). § perf. mna [mnàa]; irr. gan; neut. nan “knows”.

ran [ràa’an] plows (a field); harvests (produce) from a field (S-22).

ran lo [ràann loh] sees (something) (L18). > ran “looks after”. See also lo.

ran zeiny [ràann zèèi’ny] does (someone’s) cargo (as in gana zeiny xte xtada “I will do my father’s cargo”) (S-19). > ran “looks after”.

rany [ràa’nny] sits on (something on the ground); lies with his head on (something), puts his head down on (something) (L16). d-base verb. § perf. bdany; irr. gany; ven. riedtany [rìe’dtàa’nny].

ranzac [ràannza’c] gets along well (S-29). > ran “looks after”.

ranzac lo [ràannza’c loh] gets along well with (S-29). > ranzac, ran “looks after”.

rap [ràa’p] has (BXTP-1, YY, L17). § perf. gup; irr. gap [ga’p].

rap seguar [ràa’p seguuar] is sure (as in queity rapdya seguar “I’m not sure”) (S-19).

rap swert [ràa’p swe’rt] is lucky (as in per gupzagën swert zhi “but then we were lucky”) (S-26).

rapag [ràa’pahg] still has (as in rapagëb blal ni rliu beiny cwen blal ni nu museu “he still has the blal that looks like the blal in the museum”) (BXTP-4).

rapdi [ràa’pdi’] see queity rapdi tyem.

rapdo [ràa’pdòo] maintains (S-29).

ras [ra’s] race (S-29).

ras [rahs] chews (something) (L16). d-base verb. § perf. bdas; irr. gas [ga’as].

rata [ra’ta’] 1. everything (BXTP-2); 2. all, every (S-19).

rata ra buny [ra’ta’ ra bùunny] everybody, all people (BXTP-1).

rata ra dizh [ra’ta’ ra dìi’zh] all the words (L5).

rata zhi [ra’ta’ zh:ih] every day (L6).

ratga [ràa’tga’ah] lies down (in a location) (L18). CB verb. § perf. guatga [gùa’tga’ah]; irr. gatga; neut. natga.

rati [ra’tih] all of it (IS-29).

ratizy [ra’tihzy] see teiby ratizy.

raty [rahty] dies (L16). § perf. guty; irr. gaty [ga’ty]; def. zaty.

rats [raàa’ts] 1. gets ripe (of fruit) (L16); 2. gets yellow (L16). § perf. byats; irr. gyats.

rau [ra’uh] 1. eats (L3, S-17, L16); 2. eats (something) (L16). d-base verb. § perf. bdau; irr. gau [ga’u]; ven. riedtau [rìe’dta’uh]; “you eat” rauu [ràu’]; “we will eat” ydauwën [ydau’wëhnn]. See also ni gau buny, tyen gau bunyi.

rau guet [ra’uh gueht] eats (L16). > rau. See also guet.

rauu [ràu’] irregular “you” subject hab. of rau.

rauya [ra’uhya’ah] / raugya [ra’uhgya’ah] bites (L17). > rau.

raz [ra’ahz] bathes, takes a bath (L16). § perf. gwaz; irr. gaz [gaaz].

razh [ra’ahzh] gets paid; gets paid for (BXTP-9). § perf. guazh; irr. gazh [gaazh].

rbab [rbahb] gets itchy (L4).

rban [rbàa’an] follows a medical diet (L7).

rban [rbaàa’n] steals (L17). § perf. blan; irr. cwan.

rbany [rbahnny] wakes up (L5).

rbanyzi [rbàanyzìi’] lives in poverty (S-29).

rbe [rbee’eh] takes (something) out (S-14, L15, BXTP-7). § perf. ble; irr. cwe; and. rinde [rindee’eh].

rbe fot [rbee’eh fo’t] takes pictures (BXTP-4). > rbe “takes (something) out”.

rbe permisy lo [rbee’eh permi’sy loh] asks permission from (someone) (L18). > rbe “takes (something) out”.

rbeb [rbèe’b] 1. gets into a position (on a flat, elevated surface); is (habitually) in a position (on a flat, elevated surface) (L18); 2. rides (an animal) (L6). § irr. cweb; neut. beb.

rbecy [rbèe’cy] puts on (pants) (L15). § perf. blecy; irr. cwecy.

rbecy lo [rbèe’cy loh] fights (a bull) (L18). > rbecy.

rbelaz [rbèe’lààa’z] abandons, leaves behind; leaves, quits (BXTP-2, S-19, L23). § perf. blelaz.

rbeluzh [rbee’lùuzh] sticks out his tongue (L18).

rbeluzh lo [rbee’lùuzh loh] sticks out his tongue at (someone) (L18).

rbes [rbe’s] left (as in na rbesu “your left hand”) (S-15).

rbez [rbèez] 1. waits for (L3, L15); 2. stops it (stops doing something); stops going (L15); 3. sits (form. verb) (L21); 4. lives (form. verb) (L21); 5. is at home (form. verb) (L21). § perf. blez [blèez] / wlez [wlèez]; irr. cwez; imp. blez [blèez] / wlez [wlèez] / lez [lèez]; ven. riedndez [rìe’dndèez] / riedldez [rìe’dldèez].

rbi [rbih] sits down, takes a seat (used only with “he”, “she”, “it”, or “they” subjects, or in imp.) (L15). § perf. bri; irr. cwi [cwii].

rbica [rbicàa] gets taken away (S-27).

rbix [rbi’ihx] rings (of a bell) (L6).

rbixlaz [rbihxlààa’z] feels nauseated (S-23).

rbixti [rbihx:tih] gets created, gets founded (S-22). § perf. brixti [brihx:tih].

rbuzh [rbu’uhuhzh] calls (someone), calls to (someone) (L15). § perf. breizh [bree’ihzh]; irr. cuzh [cuuzh].

rbuzhya [rbuzhya’ah] shouts, yells (L15). § perf. brezhya [bre’zhya’ah]; irr. cuzhya; ven. riedcuzhya [rìe’duzhya’ah].

rca [rcaa’ah] 1. gets; takes (YY, S-19, L21); 2. marries (someone) (S-29); 3. (used to express a recipient object) (L21). CB verb. § irr. yca; perf. cwa; neut. ca “has, is holding”; coo [coo’-òo’] “you took” (perf.), “you have” (neut.).

rca [rcah] rings (of a bell) (S-25).

rca buny [rcaa’ah bùunny] gets married (as in rata ra buny nguiu ni a cwa buny “all men who are married”, a – don a coo buny e? “ah – so you are married?”) (S-19). > rca “gets”.

rca Dyoz [rcaa’ah Dyooz] God takes (someone): used to say (someone) dies (as in cwa Dyoz xnanmama “my grandmother died (God took my grandmother)”) (BXTP-4). > rca “gets”.

rcanza [rcanzàa] 1. strolls, wanders around, walks along (BXTP-5); 2. gets around (S-26). § perf. cwanza, neut. canza.

rcaz [rcàa’z] wants (L3, L7).

rcoo [rcòo’] irregular “you” subject hab. of rcwa.

rculo [rculoh] takes care of (BXTP-1, L13). See ni rculo zhily.

rculozac [rculohza’c] takes good care of (L10).

rcuzh [rcuhzh] plays (a wind instrument) (L7).

rcuya [rcu’yàa’ah] / rlaya [rla’yàa’ah] pushes (L21).

rcwa [rcwààa’ah] 1. writes (BXTP-1, BXTP-3, L12, L13); 2. throws (L12, L13); 3. makes (tortillas) (L12, L13). CB verb; “I”, “you”, and “he [dist.]” forms do not work like a CB verb. § rcwaa [rcwaàa’] “I write”; rcoo [rcòo’] “you write”; rcwai [rcwài’] “he (dist.) writes”. See also ni rcwa chies.

rcwa bany [rcwààa’ah ba’nny] takes a bath, takes a shower (L13). > rcwa.

rcwa bcal [rcwààa’ah bcàa’ll] anesthetizes (S-23). > rcwa.

rcwa bolad [rcwààa’ah bolaad] flips a coin (L13). > rcwa.

rcwa colory [rcwààa’ah coloory] paints (L13). > rcwa.

rcwa cwen [rcwààa’ah cwe’enn] tells a story (L13). > rcwa.

rcwa gwel [rcwààa’ah gwe’ell] 1. turns (S-16); 2. turns (something) (as in bcwa gwel liu “turn yourself”) (S-16).

rcwa gyieb [rcwààa’ah gyììe’b] rings a bell; shoots a gun (L13). > rcwa.

rcwa lo [rcwààa’ah loh] writes (something) to (someone); throws (something) to (someone) (L18). > rcwa. See also lo.

rcwa por taria [rcwààa’ah pohr tariia] gets paid on a piecework basis (S-26).

rcwa punyeity [rcwààa’ah punyei’ty] punches (L13). > rcwa.

rcwaa [rcwaàa’] irregular “I” subject hab. of rcwa.

rcwai [rcwài’] irregular dist. subject hab. of rcwa.

rcwany [rcwàa’nny] wakes (someone) up (L5).

rcwats [rcwàa’ts] buries; hides (something) (L21).

rcwatslo lo [rcwàa’tsloh loh] hides from (someone) (as in bcwatsloën lo myegr “we hid from the border patrol”) (BXTP-2, L18).

rcwaya [rcwàa’yaàa’] acts bossy, acts mean (S-28).

rcwez [rcwèez] turns off (an appliance) (L7).

rcwual [rcwùa’ll] turns on (a radio, stereo, etc.) (L7).

rcyetlaz [rcye’tlààa’z] is happy, gets happy (L5).

rcyi [rcyi’ih] cooks on an open fire, grills, roasts (something) (L4, L13). CB verb. § comb. [rcyi’].

rcha [rcha’ah] warms (L4, L13). CB verb. § comb. [rcha’].

rchiby [rchìiby] scares (someone) (L7).

rchiguely [rchiguèe’lly] tickles (L23).

rchu [rchùu] changes (something), replaces (something) (L13).

rchu yu [rchùu yu’uh] moves, changes residence (L13). > rchu.

rchyezhy [rchyèeezhy] sneezes (L3).

rda [rdaa’ah] breaks (a round or compact object) (L13). CB verb. § comb. [rdàa’]; irr. inyda [inydaa’ah] / ilyda [ilydaa’ah] / lda [ldaa’ah]; prog. canda [candaa’ah] / calda [caldaa’ah].

rda [rdàa] can, is able to (as in per adyëng ndaëng gunyëng rati “but he can’t do all of it yet”) (S-28).

rdats [rdàa’ts] spies on (L17). § irr. ildats [ildàa’ts]; ven. riedndats [rìe’dndàa’ts] / riedldats [rìe’dldàa’ts].

rdeidy [rdèèi’dy] 1. gives (something) to (someone other than the speaker or hearer) (L5); 2. gives (someone or something) away (S-24).

rdeidy [rdèèi’dy] 1. crosses (something) (L10); 2. crosses to (a place) (L10); 3. gets across (L10); 4. passes (as in bdeidyta zhi “the whole day passed”) (S-26). § comb. [rdèi’dy]; perf. bdeidy / wdeidy; irr. teidy.

rdeidy cwen [rdèèi’dy cwe’enn] realizes (as in nyec tebichi queity ndeibyëb cwen atizh blalbëgui “he didn’t realize in the least that it was not a genuine blal”) (BXTP-8).

rdeidy guerr [rdèèidy gue’rr] bothers (someone) (L24). > rdeidy “gives”.

rdeidy lo liny [rdèèi’dy loh li’nny] crosses the border (L10). > rdeidy “crosses”.

rdets [rde’ts] is inside out (L3).

rdia [rdììa’] see nizh rdia.

rdia ya [rdììa’ yaàa’] jumps up and down; is excited (as in tabaza ya bdia bunyi “that man was really excited”) (S-24).

rdiareiny [rdìa’re’iny] establishes a separate household from his parents (of a man who marries and leaves his parents’ home) (S-19).

rdiby [rdi’ìi’by] ties (something) onto (something) (L21). § prog. candiby [candìi’by] / caldiby [caldìi’by]; ven. riedndiby [rìe’dndi’ìi’by] / riedldiby [rìe’dldi’ìi’by].

rdica [rdi’cah] / rrica [rri’cah] 1. appears, shows up (BXTP-2, L15); 2. comes out (of a test, for example) (BXTP-7). § perf. bdica / brica; irr. ydica.

rdicaldi [rdi’cahldìi] comes out, gets figured out (of the truth of something) (BXTP-7).

rdieby [rdììe’by] boils (of a liquid) (L5). § prog. candieby / caldieby.

rdily [rdìi’lly] 1. fights someone; 2. fight each other (plural subject); scolds someone (L10). § irr. tily.

rdinal [rdinàall] chases (L10).

rdo [rdòo’oh] gets sold, sells (is sold) (L15). § perf. bdo [bdoo’oh]; irr. to [too’oh].

rduax [rdu’ahx] barks (L5). § irr. induax [indu’ahx] / ilyduax [ilydu’ahx] / lduax.

rduazh [rdùùa’zh] finishes (something) (L24).

rdub [rdùu’b] sweeps (L3, L9). § prog. candub [candùu’b] / caldub [caldùu’b].

rdyan [rdyaàa’n] gets hungry (L8). § prog. candyan [candyààa’n] / caldyan [caldyààa’n].

rdyeny [rdyehnny] 1. rises (of the sun) (L21); 2. sprouts, comes up (of a plant) (S-24, L21). § irr. ndyeny [ndyehnny], indyeny [indyehnny].

re [rèe] 1. that, those (L5); 2. there (L12).

re [rèe’] 1. this, these (as in ra mniny re “these children, these kids”) (L5, BXTP-2); 2. here (BXTP-1, L12). See also a re, lad re.

re [rèe’eh] drinks (S-17). § ydeën [ydèe’ëhnn] “we will drink”.

rega [rèe’gah] right here (S-17).

reiby [rèèi’by] vomits, throws up (S-23). § perf. gwuaz [gwùùa’z]; irr. gueiby [gueèi’by].

reiny [re’ehiny] blood (S-15). See also gyia reiny.

reipy [re’ihpy] 1. tells, asks (someone other than the speaker or hearer) (L16); 2. tells, asks (someone other than the speaker or hearer) to (followed by an irr. verb); 3. calls (someone other than the speaker or hearer) (a name) (as in reipyëng laëng Chiecw “he calls him Chico” or Chiecw reipy ra buny ni rgwe Dizhsa laëng “people that speak Zapotec call him Chico”). (BXTP-1, L16) § no perf.; irr. gueipy [gue’ipy]; imp. gwuats [gwu’ahts]; and. rigueipy [rigue’ihpy]; ven. riedgueipy [rìe’dgue’ihpy].

relijyony [relijyoony] religion (S-29).

Ren [Re’nn] see Lia Ren.

ren [re’nn] 1. this (L12); 2. here (L12).

ren [rèenn] 1. that (L12); 2. there (L4, L12).

Resy [Re’sy] Patricio, Patrick (S-2).

rgaizy [rgàa’izy] gets divided (S-27).

rga [rgaa’ah] gets caught (BXTP-8). CB verb.

rga [rga’ah] pours (L21). § prog. canda [canda’ah] / calda [calda’ah].

rgan [rgàa’n] pets, strokes (an animal) (L16). § perf. bdan; irr. can [ca’aa’n].

rgap [rgàa’p] slaps (a part of someone’s body, especially the face) (L14). § perf. bdap; irr. cap; ven. riedtap [rìe’dtaa’p].

rgats [rgàa’ts] gets buried (L10).

rgu [rgùu’uh] 1. puts (something) into (L4, L15); 2. deposits (money) (somewhere) (L15) § perf. blu; irr. cu; ven. riedndu [rìe’dndùu’uh] / riedldu [rìe’dldùu’uh].

rguad [rgùad] 1. stings (someone) (L5); 2. pokes (something) at (someone) (L3, L5).

rgub [rgùùu’b] 1. sucks (L11); 2. smokes (cigarettes, tobacco, a pipe) (L11); 3. uses a lot of (fuel) (of a vehicle) (L11). § perf. bdub; irr. cub [cu’ùu’b].

rguch [rguhch] bathes (someone or something) (L7).

rguchia [rgu’chììa’] saves, puts away (BXTP-9). § perf. bluchia; irr. cuchia.

rgue [rguèe] cusses (L13). § perf. bde; irr. que; ven. riedte [rìe’dtèe].

rgue [rgueh] carries, hauls (something heavy or more than one item) (L13). § perf. bde; irr. que [quee].

rgue lo [rguèe loh] insults, cusses at, cusses out (someone) (L18). > rgue “cusses”.

rguez [rguèe’ez] 1. hugs; 2. carries (someone or something) in the arms (L11). § perf. bdez; irr. quez.

rgui [rguii] gets sour (L2, S-1).

rguiad [rguìad] see rguied.

rguiby [rguìi’by] washes (BXTP-2, L11). § perf. bdiby; irr. quiby. See also ni rguiby plad.

rguich [rguìi’ch] breaks (a long object). (L13) § perf. bdich; irr. quich.

rguieb [rguìeb] 1. sews; 2. sews (something). (L11) § perf. bdieb; irr. quieb; ven. riedtieb [rìe’dtìeb]. See also ni rguieb lady.

rguied [rguìed] / rguiad [rguìad] pierces (ears). (L15) § perf. bzuad [bzùad] / bdied / bdiad; irr. quied / quiad.

rguily [rguìi’lly] / [rguìi’illy] looks for. (L11) § perf. bdily; irr. quily. See also gal rguily dizh.

rguiny [rguìiny] hits (L3).

rguiny [rguìi’iny] 1. borrows (L11); 2. asks for the hand of (a girl) in marriage (in a betrothal negotiation) (L11). § perf. bdiny; irr. quiny; and. ritiny [ritìi’iny].

rguiny lo [rguìi’iny loh] borrows (something) from (someone) (L18). > rguiny “borrows”. See also lo.

rguix [rguìi’x] lays (a long object) down, puts (a long object) down (L11). § perf. bdix; irr. quix.

rguixga / rguixja [rgui’xga’ah / rguixja’ah] puts (something) down, lays (something) down (in a location) (L20). § perf. bdixga / bdixja.

rguixicy [rguixi’ihcy] nods off (as when falling asleep) (L11). § perf. bdixicy; irr. quixicy.

rguizh [rgui’ihzh] 1. pays (a person; a bill; an amount); pays back, repays (a person; an amount) (L2, L11); 2. pays (someone) (an amount) (L2, L11); 3. pays for: especially, pays for (a mass) (L11). § perf. bdizh; irr. quizh [quiizh].

rguny [rgùuunny] scratches (a part of one’s body) (L15). § perf. bluny; irr. cuny.

rguty [rguhty] kills (S-24, L21).

rgwe [rgwèèe’] 1. speaks, talks (BXTP-1, S-14, L16); 2. speaks (a language) (L16). See also gal rgwe dizh. %% Felipe says you always need dizh

rgwe dizh [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh] speaks, talks (L16). > rgwe. See also gal rgwe dizh.

rgwe dizh don [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh do’onn] says whether, says if (as in prweb re ygwe dizh don a blalbag na blal ni bzierëng lo Raúl Alba cuan blal ni deizy bzi museu “this test will say if the blal that they bought from Raul Alba and the blal that the museum just bought are genuine blals”) (BXTP-7).

rgwe dizh xte [rgwèe’eh dìi’zh x:tèe’] tells about, speaks about (same as rgwe xtizh; as in a nana a bgwe ra mniny dizh loo xte rata ra blal ni rliu tebloizy ni mnarëng loni “I know that the kids have told you about all the blals that look just the same that they saw”) (BXTP-8). > rgwe dizh.

rgwe xtizh [rgwèe’eh x:tìi’zh] tells about, speaks about (same as rgwe dizh xte; as in bgweën xtizh ra blal “we spoke about the blals”) (BXTP-8). > rgwe dizh.

rgwezac [rgwèe’za’c] speaks (a language) well (L7).

rgwi [rgwi’ih] looks around (in a location – used with a location phrase) (L18). § and. rigwi.

rgwi cangag [rgwi’ih cangahg] looks around (BXTP-5).

rgwi cuan [rgwi’ih cu’an] visits (as in biedgwiëng cuanën “he came and visited us”) (L21). > rgwi. § ven. riedgwi cuan.

rgwi lo [rgwi’ih loh] looks at, watches, checks out (as in uas xchi bgwii lo ra blal “he looked at the blals for a long time”) (BXTP-4, L18). § and. rigwi lo. See also lo.

rgwizuats [rgwi’zùa’ts] looks at (something) carefully (S-26).

rgya [rgyàa’ah] dances (L21).

rgyan [rgyaàa’n] feeds (someone or something) (L5).

rgyet [rgye’eht] plays (BXTP-1, L15). § perf. bzuat [bzu’aht]; irr. cyet [cye’t]; ven. riedcyet [rìe’dcye’t].

rgyetne [rgye’ehtnèe] plays with (BXTP-4).

Rgyien [Rgyiien] see Lia Rgyien.

ri [rii] are around, are there, are located in (a location) (plural living subject) (L2, S-1, BXTP-5, L21). (neut.; no hab.) § perf. bri [brih] / wri [wrih]; irr. cwi [cwii]; no prog.;”we” subject forms use base zhu [zhu’]: neut. zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn], perf. bzhuën; irr. yzhuën.

ri [ri’ih] water jug (cántaro) § e-poss. xti [x:ti’ih] (L24).

ria [rihah] 1. goes (BXTP-1, L17); 2. goes to (a place) (BXTP-1, S-19, L17); 3. costs (L17). § perf. gwe [gweheh]; irr. chia [chiia]; no prog. form; def. ze [zeheh]; inc. ze [zèe]; ryoën [ryoo’-ëhnn] “we go”; byoën [byoo’-ëhnn] “we went”; choën [choo’-ëhnn] “we will go”; gwaa “I went”; zaa [za’-a’] “I will surely go”; zoën [zoo’-ëhnn] “we will surely go” (highly irregular verb, see L17, L22 and Valley Zapotec Verb Charts).

ria [rihah] goes home, goes back inside (L22). § perf. bia; irr. gyia.

ria [rìi’ah] 1. drinks (L16); 2. drinks (something) (L16). d-base verb. § perf. gwe [gwèe’eh]; irr. gyia; ven. riedgyia [rìe’dgyìi’ah].

ria lo jwes [rihah loh jwe’s] goes before the judge, goes to court (BXTP-8). > ria “goes”.

ria mach lo [rihah ma’ch loh] flirts with, courts (a young woman) (of a young man) (L18). > ria “goes”.

riab [riahb] falls (L4, L16). § perf. byiab; irr. gyiab.

riabiny [riahbihny] there is a job opening (rev. idiom) (L22). > riab.

riabzac [riahbza’c] 1. pleases (someone) (of a person) (BXTP-3, L16); 2; likes (a person) (inverse idiom) (as in riabzac Lia Araceli naa, per maru riabzacad naa! “I like Araceli, but I like you guys more!”) (L16). > riab.

ribany [ribàany] goes and survives (S-22).

ribanyne [ribàanynèe] goes and survives with (the aid of something), goes and does (something) to survive (S-22). > ribany, -ne.

ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy] only goes and survives with (the aid of something), only goes and does (something) to survive (as in ribanynedizy buny ni “people only go and do it in order to survive”) (S-22).

ricy [ri’cy] 1. there (L3, L15); 2. it (referring to a place, as in Museum of Man la ricy “its name is the Museum of Man”) (BXTP-1, L8, BXTP-3).

ricy [ri’ihcy] 1. returns, comes back, goes back (L16); 2. returns to, comes back to, goes back to (a place) (L16). § perf. bicy; irr. gyicy [gyi’cy].

ricyne [ri’ihcynèe] returns with (someone) (BXTP-4). § irr. gyicyne.

rida [ridàa’] imp. of ried.

ridala [ridàa’làa’] form. imp. of ried.

ridne [ri’dnèe] see riedne.

ridtau [ri’dta’uh] see riedtau.

ried [rìe’d] comes (L3, L21). § perf. bied; irr. gyied; inc. zied [ziìe’d]; imp. rida [ridàa’], pl. imp. ual rida, form. imp. ridala [ridàa’làa’]; ryala [ryàa’lla’] “I come”; byala [byàa’lla’] “I came”; gyala [gyàa’lla’] “I will come”; zyala [zyàa’lla’] “I was coming”; ryopën [ryoo’pëhnn] “we come”; byopën [byoo’pëhnn] “we came”; gyopën [gyoo’pëhnn] “we will come”; zyopën [zyoo’pëhnn] “we were coming”.

riedcuzhya [rìe’duzhya’ah] comes and shouts (ven. of rbuzhya).

riedcyet [rìe’dcye’t] comes and plays (ven. of rgyet).

riedchune [rìe’dchu’uhnèe] comes to be with (BXTP-2). § irr. gyiedchune [gyìe’dchu’uhnèe].

riedgueipy [rìe’dgue’ihpy] comes and tells (ven. of reipy).

riedguexna [rìe’dgue’x:nnaàa’] comes and gets married (ven. of ruxna).

riedgwi cuan [rìe’dgwi’ih cu’an] comes and visits (ven. of rgwi cuan) (L21).

riedgyia [rìe’dgyìi’ah] comes and drinks (ven. of ria “drinks”).

riedldats [rìe’dldàa’ts] / riedndats [rìe’dndàa’ts] comes and spies on (ven. of rdats).

riedldez [rìe’dldèez] / riedndez [rìe’dndèez] comes and waits for (ven. of rbez).

riedldiby [rìe’dldi’ìi’by] / riedndiby [rìe’dndi’ìi’by] comes and ties onto (ven. of rdiby).

riedldu [rìe’dldùu’uh] / riedndu [rìe’dndùu’uh] comes and puts down (ven. of rgu).

riedndats [rìe’dndàa’ts] see riedldats.

riednde [rìe’dndèe] see riedlde.

riedndez [rìe’dndèez] see riedldez.

riedndiby [rìe’dndi’ìi’by] see riedldiby.

riedndu [rìe’dndùu’uh] see riedldu.

riedne [rìe’dnèe] / ridne [ri’dnèe] 1. comes with (BXTP-2); 2. brings (S-17, L21). > ried, -ne. § perf. biedne; irr. gyiedne; “I bring” riednia [rìe’dniìa’] / ryalnia [ryàa’llniìa’]; “I brought” biednia [bìe’dniìa’] / byalnia [byàa’llniìa’]; “I will bring” gyiednia [gyìe’dniìa’] / gyalnia [gyàa’llniìa’]; “we bring” ryopneën [ryòo’pnèe-ëhnn]; “we brought” byopneën [byòo’pnèe-ëhnn]; “we will bring” gyopneën [gyòo’pnèe-ëhnn].

riedni [rìe’dnììi’] comes and tells (ven. of rni).

riedtacw [rìe’dtaa’cw] comes and puts on (a shirt) (ven. of racw).

riedtaisy [rìe’dta’ihsy] comes and sleeps (ven. of raisy).

riedtany [rìe’dtàa’nny] comes and sits down on (ven. of rany).

riedtap [rìe’dtaa’p] comes and slaps (ven. of rgap).

riedtau [rìe’dta’uh] / ridtau [ri’dta’uh] comes and eats; comes to eat (S-17) (ven. of rau).

riedte [rìe’dtèe] comes and cusses (ven. of rgue “cusses”).

riedtieb [rìe’dtìeb] comes and sews (ven. of rguieb).

riegza [riehgza’] also goes (S-22). > ria “goes”.

rienyën [rie’nyëhnn] irregular “we” subject hab. of runy.

rigan [rigàann] goes and sees (someone) (BXTP-4) (and. of ran “looks after”).

rigual [rigùa’ll] goes and sings, goes and reads (and. of rual).

rigueipy [rigue’ihpy] goes and asks (and. of reipy).

riguexna [rigue’x:nnaàa’] goes and gets married (and. of ruxna).

rigwi [rigwi’ih] goes and looks around (and. of rgwi) (BXTP-5).

rigwi lo [rigwi’ih lo] and. of rgwi lo.

rile [rille’eh] can, is able to, knows how to (possibility aux. (see L23), as in rile rual Lia Sily Dizhtily “Silvia can read Spanish”) (S-24, BXTP-8, L23). § perf. gule, irr. chile, def. zale.

rilo [riloh] finishes (BXTP-7). § perf. bilo.

rinaz [rinnàa’az] goes and grabs, goes and takes (YY). § perf. gunaz.

rinda lo [rindàa loh] runs into, encounters (someone) (L18). § perf. gunda lo [gunda’ loh].

rinde [rindee’eh] goes and takes (and. of rbe “takes”) (BXTP-7). § perf. gunde.

rindilaz [rinndi’lààa’z] believes (as in nii queity chindilazbëgyu! “you wouldn’t believe it!”) (BXTP-3, S-28). § perf. gundilaz; irr. chindilaz; gundilazën / bindilazën “we believed”.

rine [rinèe] 1. goes with (BXTP-3); 2. takes (BXTP-3, L21). > ne. § perf. gune; irr. chine; “we take” ryoneën [ryoo’nèe-ëhnn]; “we took” byoneën [byoo’nèe-ëhnn]; “we will take” choneën [choo’nèe-ëhnn].

rine pres [rinèe pre’s] takes (someone) prisoner (BXTP-8). > rine.

rinydyag [rinydyahg] 1. hears, listens to (BXTP-4, L17); 2. (used to identify a listener in a conversation) (S-26). § perf. binydyag; irr. gyinydyag.

rinydyau ne [rinydyàu’ neh] you know what, guess what (BXTP-4).

rinylo [rinyloh] sees (L13). § perf. binylo; irr. guinylo.

riruan [rirùu’an] takes (someone) (somewhere) (and. of rruan) (S-26). § sub. nyiruan.

risan [risàa’ann] goes and leaves (something) (and. of rsan). § perf. gusan [gusàa’ann].

risti [rihstìi] gets up (out of bed) (L13). § perf. gusti; irr. chisti [chi’stìi].

ritech [rite’ch] goes and spills (a non-liquid); goes and broadcasts (seeds), goes and sows (seeds) by scattering them widely (S-24). (and. of rtech). § irr. chitech.

ritiny [ritìi’iny] goes and asks for the hand of (a girl) in marriage (and. of rguiny “borrows”).

Rjien [Rjiien] see Lia Rgyien.

rla [rlàa] 1. bumps into, hits against; attacks (of a turkey) (L21); 2. is safe, is all right (of a non-living subject) (S-26, L23).

rlainy [rlàa-ihny] it’s fortunate (rev. idiom) (L22). > rla.

rlasa [rlàa’sa’ah] separate from each other, get divorced from each other (pl. subject, reciprocal verb) (S-29).

rlaya [rla’yàa’ah] see rcuya.

rliu [rllìu’] shows (BXTP-2).

rliu beiny cwen [rllìu’ bèi’ny cwe’enn] looks like (BXTP-4).

rliu tebloizy [rllìu’ te’bloh-ihzy] look just the same (as in rata ra blali rliu tebloizy “all these blals look the same”) (BXTP-7).

rliu zicy [rllìu’ zi’cy] looks like (as in xi ni rliu blal ni nu San Dyegw zicy blal xte Tiu Pamyël “why the blal in San Diego looks like Señor Panfilo’s blal”) (BXTP-6). See also zicy.

rliu zicy ni na [rllìu’ zi’cy nih nàa] looks like (as in rliuri zicy ni na ni mnan loni San Dyegw “they look like the one we saw in San Diego”) (BXTP-7).

rliuna [rllìu’nnaàa’] points (BXTP-5). > rliu, na “hand”.

rluazh [rluhahzh] finishes, gets over, gets finished (as in ni bdauwën chi bluazh clas xte Dizhsa bdubiaz “we ate that when the Zapotec class was over last year”)(S-17).

rmudy [rmuudy] medicine (L2, L9, S-23).

rnab [rnààa’b] 1. asks for; orders (something) (in a restaurant) (L6, S-17); 2. sends for (someone) to join them (L6). § rnabag [rnàa’bahg] “also orders”.

rnab lo [rnààa’b loh] asks for (something) from (someone) (L18). > rnab. See also lo.

rnab teiby abenton [rnààa’b te’ihby abentoon] hitchhikes, thumbs a ride (as in mnabën teiby abenton “we thumbed a ride”) (BXTP-2).

rnalaz [rnnahlààa’z] remembers (someone); misses, thinks about (someone) (L6).

Rnany [Rna’anny] Hernandez (L3).

rnaz [rnnàa’az] grabs, catches (something) (L5).

Rnest [Rne’est] Ernesto, Ernest (S-2, L17).

rni [rnnììi’] 1. says (BXTP-1, BXTP-3, L16); 2. tells, says to (BXTP-3, S-17); 3. asks (YY, S-17); 4. thinks (as in danoën rniën queityën teidyën “we thought we wouldn’t be able to get across”) (S-26). § neut. na [nnah]. See also bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac, xa rni buny ra dizh, xa caniiny?, zicy na.

rni por telefono [rnnììi’ pohr telé’fonoh] makes a phone call; telephones (an institution) (as in mniëb por telefono scwel “he (form.) telephoned the school”) (BXTP-4, L22).

rnigya [rnnìi’gya’ah] guesses (as in mnigya xi “guess what!”) (BXTP-3).

rnine [rnnìi’nèe] talks with (BXTP-4).

rnine por telefono [rnnì’nèe pohr telé’fonoh] telephones (someone); calls (someone) on the telephone (L22). > rni por telefono, -ne.

rnizh [rnìi’izh] gives (something) to (the speaker or hearer) (as in mnizhlaëbi “he gave it”) (L8).

rnudizh [rnuhdìi’zh] asks a question of (someone), asks (someone) a question (L5). See also bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa!

rnyity [rnyi’ihty] misses (something), is missing (something), has lost (something); gets lost; loses the game (L6, YY).

ro [ròo’oh] mod. of bro (BXTP-3, L19). See also scwel ro.

Rony [Ro’ony] Jeronimo, Geronimo (S-2, L7).

ropta [ro’pta’] see yropta.

Ror [Roor] see Lia Ror.

rquiny [rquììi’ny] 1. eats, drinks (form. verb) (S-17, L16); 2. has to, is supposed to, should, ought to, must, needs to (necessity aux.) (L23).

rquiny guet [rquììi’ny gueht] eats (form. verb) (L16). > rquiny. See also guet.

rsa [rsahah] drives (L3).

rsagual [rsaguuall] e-poss. of sagual.

rsaguel [rsaguehll] is so good as to (used in polite commands) (L10).

rsan [rsàa’ann] 1. leaves (something) behind (L6); 2. misses (a bus, train, etc.) (inverse idiom) (L16). § and. risan [risàa’ann].

rsan losna [rsàa’ann losnnaàa’] leaves (property) to (someone) (L20). > rsan, losna.

Rsary [Rsaary] see Lia Rsary.

rse [rse’eh] echo of (someone’s) voice (e-poss. only) (L14).

rsei [rsèi] chin (e-poss. only) (S-17).

rseidy [rsèèi’dy] learns (something); teaches (someone) (something) (L6). See also ai bsedya.

rtseily [rtse’ihlly] takes apart, destroys (S-29).

rsily [rsìii’lly] morning (L4, BXTP-1, BXTP-4, S-25). See also ba rsily.

rsobrien [rsobriien] e-poss. of sobrien.

rsubiaz [rsubihahz] dries (something) (L7).

rsubiny [rsubi’ihnny] sows, plants (S-22).

rsudieby [rsudììe’by] boils (something) (L5).

rswegr [rswe’egr] e-poss. of swegr.

rsya [rsyàa] cleans, cleans up (S-19).

rtainy [rtàa’iny] crushes, dents (L8).

rtaz [rtàa’az] hits, beats up (L3, L6).

rtech [rte’ch] spills (a non-liquid) (L15); broadcasts (seeds), sows (seeds) by scattering them widely (S-24). § and. ritech [rite’ch].

rteidy [rtèèi’dy] takes across, brings across (L9).

rteidy lo macyëm [rtèèi’dy loh má’cyëmm] puts (something) through a machine (as in na par yteidyën xablal rsagual chielu lo macyëm tyen ygwei dizh don a blalbëgui “we have to put your wife’s sagual’s blal through the machine in order to tell if it is a genuine blal”) (BXTP-8). > rteidy

rto [rtòo’oh] sells (as in ytooi “you will sell it”) (L4, BXTP-3, L13). CB verb. § comb. [rtòo’].

rtop [rtòo’p] gathers (L8).

rtyepy [rtyèe’py] whistles (L7).

rtyis [rtyi’ihs] jumps (L5).

rtyu [rtyu’uh] picks (fruit, flowers) (L13). CB verb. § comb. [rtyu’].

rtyug [rtyùu’g] cuts; slices (L21).

rtyuginy [rtyùu’gihny] gets hungry (inverse rev. idiom) (L22). > rtyug.

ru [ru’uh] is (located) inside (usually habitually); exists (in a location) (as in amer chua Los Angl “soon I will be in Los Angeles”; de bolad zhi brataggueli a danoën a zhuën ricy steby bai “fortunately the next day we were there again”.) (BXTP-3, L18). § perf. gu; irr. chu; neut. nu; “we are located” rzhuën [rzhu’-ëhnn] / ruën (all “we” forms may use the normal base or the zhu [zhu’] base).

ru [ru’uh] 1. mouth (e-poss. only) (L14); 2. at the edge of (L18); 2. at (as in bliunaëng ru teiby bentan xte teiby ra dyeni “he pointed at a window of one of the stores”) (BXTP-5); 3. on (as in Alba’s Antiquities” na letr ni ca ru bentan cuan Ingles “the letters that were on the window said ‘Alba’s Antiquities’ in English”) (BXTP-5).

ru [ruh] cough (S-23).

ru fwers [ru’uh fwers] is strong (usually used in neut., as in nuëng fwers “he is strong”) (L23).

ru galarzya [ru’uh gahllarzyàa’ah] 1. worries (as in queity chuyuad galarzya “don’t worry (form. pl.)”) (S-26); 2. is worried about (an event) (used with a irr. sentence, as in uas gua galarzya ynitya scwel means “I was worried about missing school”) (BXTP-9).

ru xlyia [ru’uh x:lyiàa’] gets a fever (S-23).

rual [rùa’ll] / ruald [rùa’lld] 1. reads (L16, BXTP-7); 2. sings (L16, BXTP-7). § perf. bily [bìi’lly] / bual / buald; irr. gwual / gwuald; and. rigual [rigùa’ll].

ruald [rùa’lld] see rual.

Ruan [Ruuann] see Lia Ruan.

ruan [rùàa’n] cries (L3, S-24, L23). § perf. biny [bììi’ny]; irr. guan.

ruc [ru’c] here (S-26).

ruchia [ru’chììa’] gets saved, gets kept (S-22). § neut. nuchia.

rumbe [rumbèe’] see runybe.

runy [ruhny] 1. does, performs (as in gunyui “you will do it”; bienyëni “we did it”) (L12); 2. makes; 3. builds (L12); 4. gives (someone) (a cargo) (as in beinyrëng laëb totad seguan xten Dadbied San Luc “they gave him the cargo of second assistant to the blessed St. Luke mayordomo”) (S-19); 5. makes (someone) (adjective) (as in rryecwdan gunya liu “I will make you very rich”) (S-24); 6. makes (someone do something) (as in zicy naëb ni beiny mnalazëb tyem xte braser chi gugeinyëb zeiny Califoryën “he said that it makes him remember the time when he went to work as a bracero in California”) (BXTP-9). § rienyën [rie’nyëhnn] “we do”; perf. beiny [bèèi’ny]; bienyën [bie’nyëhnn] “we did”; irr. guny [guuny]; gyienyën [gyie’nyëhnn] “we will do”; prog. cayuny [cayuhny]; cayienyën [cayie’nyëhnn] “we are doing”.

runy alabar [ruhny alabaar] praises (L12). > runy.

runy arreglad [ruhny arreglad] arranges for (something) (L12). > runy.

runy bda [ruhny bdaa] casts a shadow, gives shade (L12). > runy.

runy bgwa [ruhny bgwah] ties a knot (L12). > runy.

runy bisy [ruhny bi’sy] lets (someone) know (L12). > runy.

runy cambiar [ruhny cambiaar] changes (something) (L22). > runy.

runy cas [ruhny ca’s] pays attention to (someone) (L12). > runy.

runy castiu [ruhny casti’u] punishes (L12). > runy.

runy col [ruhny co’oll] stands in line (L12). > runy.

runy company [ruhny compa’anny] accompanies (L12). > runy.

runy comprender [ruhny comprendeer] understands, sympathizes with (L12). > runy.

runy contest [ruhny connte’st] responds, gives an answer (L12). > runy.

runy comunicar [ruhny comunicaar] communicates (S-26, L24). > runy.

runy cham [ruhny cha’mm] works (L22). > runy.

runy dany [ruhny daany] makes (someone) sick; damages (something) (L12). > runy.

runy defender [ruhny defendeer] defends (L12). > runy.

runy dibertier [ruhny dibertiier] amuses (someone) (L22). > runy.

runy diborsyar [ruhny diborsyaar] divorces (L22) > runy.

runy escojer [ruhny escojeer] chooses, selects (S-29). > runy.

runy esplicar [ruhny esplicaar] explains (L23). > runy.

runy fabor [ruhny faboor] does a favor and (followed by irr. verb, as in reipyën lai zhi gunyi fabor gunyi comunicar que tac zicy guc “we asked him to do a favor and communicate what had happened”) (S-26). > runy.

runy fald [ruhny fa’lld] is absent from (school, for example) (L12). > runy.

runy gan [ruhny gaan] earns, wins (L12). > runy.

runy gaxt [ruhny ga’axt] spends money (L12). > runy.

runy guan [ruhny guuhahnn] makes a charitable donation (L12). > runy.

runy imbertier muly lo [ruhny imbertiier mùuully loh] invests money in (S-14). > runy.

runy mandad [ruhny mandaad] 1. does an errand (L12); 2. gives (someone) an errand to do (L12). > runy.

runy manejar [ruhny manejaar] drives (L12). > runy.

runy marcar [ruhny marcaar] dials (a phone), calls (on the phone) (S-26). > runy.

runy molestar [ruhny molestaar] bothers (L12). > runy.

runy nadar [ruhny nadaar] swims (L12). > runy.

runy nesesitar [ruhny nesesitaar] needs (L12). > runy.

runy odiar [ruhny odiaar] hates (L12). > runy.

runy operar [ruhny operaar] operates on (L22). > runy.

runy preguan [ruhny pregu’uann] asks (someone) a question (S-14). > runy.

runy preparar [ruhny preparaar] prepares (something); gets (something) ready (L12). > runy.

runy protejer [ruhy protejeer] protects (L22). > runy.

runy protestar [ruhny protestaar] protests (L12). > runy.

runy prweb [ruhny prweeb] tests, gives a test to (BXTP-7). > runy.

runy rreportar [ruhny rreportaar] reports (S-26). > runy.

runy sacrificar [ruhny sacrificaar] makes a sacrifice (used with an object pronoun matching the subject, as in gunyu sacrificar liu “you will make a sacrifice”) (S-24). > runy.

runy sospechar [ruhny sohspechaar] suspects (L12). > runy.

runy tocar [ruhny tocaar] takes one’s turn (impersonal idiom; see YY) (YY). > runy.

runy tomar fot [ruhny tomaar fo’t] takes photographs, takes pictures; takes photographs of, takes pictures of (someone or something) (L12). > runy.

runy tram [ruhny tra’amm] cheats (YY). > runy.

runy tratar [ruhny trataar] treats (S-29). > runy.

runy uas [ruhny ua’s] uses (L12). > runy.

runy xgab [ruhny x:ga’ab] / runyxjab [ruhny x:ja’ab] thinks (L12). > runy.

runy xjab [ruhny x:ja’ab] see runy xgab.

runy xten [ruhny x:tèe’n] works as (L12). > runy.

runy zeiny [ruhny zèèi’ny] works, does work (BXTP-2, L12). > runy.

runyaxten [ruhnyax:tèe’n] takes possession of (L12). > runy.

runybe [runybèe’] / rumbe [rumbèe’] knows, gets to know (BXTP-2, L12). > runy.

runybyuzh [ruhnybyùuzh] cuts into little pieces (S-24). > runy.

runychia [ruhnychììa’] makes, builds (L17). > runy..

runyfald [ruhnyfa’lld] does not have enough of (something), lacks (something) (L12). > runy.

runygan [ruhnygaan] should, had better (necessity aux., see L23). > runy.

runyrezh [ruhnyrehzh] helps (someone) regain his soul through a traditional ceremony (S-23). > runy. See also ni runyrezh.

runyses [ruhnysèe’s] shakes (something) (as in beinyses liu “shake yourself”, beinysesi “shake it!”) (S-16). > runy.

runytocar [ruhnytocaar] is assigned to (a job) (as in beinytocar xtada zeiny xte mardom “my father was assigned to the job of mayordomo”) (S-19). > runy.

runyton [ruhnyto’onn] acts stupid (L12). > runy.

runyzac [ruhnyza’c] fixes (something) (L12). > runy.

runyzeny [ruhnyzeèe’ny] see ni runyzeny.

runyzhyab [ruhnyzhya’ab] behaves badly (L12). > runy.

ruxna [ru’x:nnaàa’] gets married; marries (someone) (L21). > na “hand”. § perf. buxna; irr. guxna; and. riguexna [rigue’x:nnaàa’]; ven. riedguexna [rìe’dgue’x:nnaàa’].

ruyu [ru’yu’uh] 1. doorway of a house (L21); 2. in front of the house, in the doorway of the house (L21).

rxel [rx:èe’ll] sends (L17).

rxi [rxìi’ih] spills (a liquid) (L15).

rxyeily [rxye’illy] opens (something) (L6).

ryac [rya’ahc] heals, gets well, gets better (L7). § irr. gyac [gya’ac].

ryal [ryàall] should, deserves to, should get a turn to (necessity aux., see L23).

ryal [ryàa’ll] loses his or her soul through a serious fright (a susto) (S-23).

ryala [ryàa’lla’] irregular “I” subject hab. of ried.

ryalaz [ryalààa’z] 1. forgets, forgets something (as in byalaza “I forgot!”) (S-19); 2. forgets, forgets about (something) (S-19).

ryalnia [ryàa’llniìa’] irregular “I” subject hab. of riedne.

ryan [ryàa’an] 1. stays in, stays at (a place) (BXTP-1, L20); 2. remains (as in triestdan byani “he remained very sad”) (S-24).

ryeizy [ryèi’zy] digests (L3).

Ryely [Rye’lly] see Lia Ryely.

Ryen [Rye’nn] see Lia Ryen.

ryengw [rye’enngw] gringo (Anglo, white person from the United States or possibly Europe) (L20).

Ryet [Rye’t] Margarito (S-2).

ryet [rye’eht] goes down, descends (S-26).

ryet lany [rye’eht làa’any] gets off (a bus) (S-26).

ryoën [ryoo’-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject hab. of ria “goes”.

ryoneën [ryoo’nèe-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject hab. of rine.

ryopën [ryoo’pëhnn] irregular “we” subject hab. of ried.

ryopneën [ryòo’pnèe-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject hab. of riedne.

ryu [ryu’uh] enters; goes to (college, for example) (BXTP-9).

ryual [ryu’ahll] pants (of a dog, for example) (L8).

ryub [ryùùu’b] hurts, aches (S-23).

ryulaz [ryu’lààa’z] likes (normally only used with a human object) (L6). § usually not used in perf. See also asy a byulazyui.

ryuti [ryutìi] goes (into), enters (BXTP-5).

ryuti lany [ryu’tìi làa’any] enters (somewhere), goes into (a place) (as in byutinia Bed lany xofisyenëng “I entered his office with Pedro”) (BXTP-6). See also lany.

ryux [ryùu’ux] gets old (S-29).

rza [rzah] walks (L13). § irr. sa [saa].

rzac [rzahc] has (what) as a problem (as in xi rzacu? “What do you have as a problem?, “What’s your problem?”) (S-24). § irr. yzac [yza’c].

rzalo [rzallohoh] starts, begins (possibility aux. (see L23), as in chi ady salo chia buny ladi “when people had not yet begun to go to the States”, a bzalo cayunya zeiny steby lad “I have already started working somewhere else”) (S-22, S-28, L22, L23). § irr. salo [salloh].

rzeby [rzèeby] puts (something) in (a location) (S-16).

rzeiby [rzèèi’by] hangs (in a location) (L18). § irr. seiby; neut. zeiby.

rzeiby [rzèèi’by] hangs (something) (in a location) (L20).

rzeny [rzehnny] arrives; arrives at (a place), arrives in (a place) (L8). § irr. yzeny [yze’nny], def. seny.

rzenygaza [rzehnnygahza’] arrives right then (as in as bzenygaza xtadën “our father arrived right then”) (BXTP-6).

rzi [rzììi’] buys (BXTP-5, L17). § comb. (used before “they” pron.) rzie [rzìe’]; irr. si.

rzi lo [rzìi’ loh] buys (something) from (someone) (L18). > rzi. See also lo.

rzie [rzìe’] comb. of rzi.

rzicy [rzi’ihcy] sends (someone) back to (a place) (L8).

rzilaz [rzilààa’z] thought that, used to think that (L9).

rzu [rzuh] flies (L3, L22). § def. su [suu].

rzu [rzuh] stands, stands up (something) (in a location) (L20).

rzu [rzuh] stands (in a location) (L13, L18). § def. su [suu]; neut. zu [zuu].

rzub [rzùu’b] gets placed, is (habitually) placed (on a flat, elevated surface) (L18). § irr. sub; neut. zub [zu’ùu’b].

rzub [rzùub] sits, sits down (in a location) (L18). § irr. sub; neut. zub.

rzub [rzùu’b] places (something) (in a location); sets (something) down (in a location) (S-23).

rzub guichgwuazh [rzùub guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh] gets a shot (S-23). > rzub “sits”.

rzub guichgwuazh [rzùu’b guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh] gives (someone) a shot (S-23). > rzub “places”.

rzubga [rzubga’ah] / [rzùu’bga’ah] / [rzùubga’ah] sits, sits down (in a location) (BXTP-3, S-17, L18). CB verb. § irr. subga; neut. zubga.

rzubga [rzubga’ah] / [rzùu’bga’ah] / [rzùubga’ah] sets (something) (in a location) (L20).

rzuca [rzucàa] 1. takes away (L13, S-28); 2. takes off (clothing) (S-28). § def. suca.

rzugwa [rzugwa’ah] stands (in a location) (L18). § irr. sugwa; neut. zugwa.

rzugwa [rzugwa’ah] stands, stands up (something) (in a location) (L20).

rzundi [rzundii] stands erect (in a location) (L20). § irr. sundi; neut. zundi.

rzundi [rzundii] stands (something) erect (in a location) (L20).

rzyeny [rzyèe’nny] feels (used with xa “how” or an adjective, as in nzhyab rzyenya “I feel bad”) (S-23).

rzhi [rzhìi’ih] 1. spills (of a liquid) (L15); 2. gets stuffed up, plugged up (S-23). § neut. zhi.

rzhiby [rzhihby] gets scared (L7).

rzhich [rzhi’ch] gets mad, gets angry (S-26).

rzhiel [rzhìel] finds (L3).

rzhiez [rzhìez] laughs; smiles (L7).

rzhiezdat [rzhìezda’t] smiles an insincere smile (BXTP-5). > rzhiez.

rzhilo [rzhiloh] is amazed at (as in rzhilodizy Tiu Pamyëli “Señor Panfilo was just amazed at it”) (BXTP-8).

rzhilo lo [rzhiloh loh] stares at (BXTP-5). See also lo.

**rzhuny [rzh:ùu’nny] 1. runs (L5); 2. flees, runs away from (a place) (as in Benito Juarez bzhuny lazhni Meijy chi nyuclazrëng ngutyrëng lai “Benito Juarez fled his native country of Mexico when they wanted to kill him”) (L23).

rzhyag [rzhyàag] meets (L9).

rzhyeily [rzhye’illy] opens, gets opened (of a door, for example) (L6).


rra [rrah] 1. runs out; gets finished (of a product, for example) (may apply to bottles of beer or soda, but not other liquids) (L15); 2. are eliminated from, are wiped out from (a place) (pl. non-human subject) (L15).

rrady [rraady] radio (L7). § e-poss. xarrady.

rralo [rraloh] see rrilo.

rratagguel [rratahgguèe’ll] is the very next day (as in de bolad zhi brataggueli… “fortunately the very next day…”) (S-26).

rragueli [rraguèe’llih] it is the next day (L21).

Rram [Rra’mm] see Domyengw Rram.

rran [rraan] frog (L2, L14, S-1, S-6).

rrayos equis [rráayohs é’quihs] x-rays (S-23).

rrech [rre’ch] spills, spills out (of a non-liquid) (L15).

rregal [rrega’ll] gift (L9).

rrei [rre’i] king (in cards) (YY).

Rrei [Rre’i] Reynaldo, Reginald (S-2). See also Lia Rrei.

rreizh [rree’ihzh] calls (L4, L21). § irr. cuzh [cuuzh]; prog. cabuzh [cabu’uhuhzh].

rreizh [rrèe’izh] measures (L4, L10).

rrelo [rreloo] watch (L2, L14). § e-poss. xrelo, xarrelo.

rreportar [rreportaar] see runy rreportar.

rreset [rrese’t] prescription (S-23).

rresieb [rresiieb] bill (for a service); receipt (L11).

rrespeity [rrespei’ty] respect (L24). See also nu rrespeity lo.

rrestauran [rrestaura’ann] restaurant (BXTP-2, L14).

rria [rrììa’] goes out, leaves (S-16, L15). See also rria jwer, rria reiny.

rria jwer [rrììa’ jweer] goes outside (BXTP-5). See also jwer.

rria reiny [rrìàa’ re’ehiny] bleeds (S-23).

rrica [rricah] see rdica.

Rricard [Rrica’rd] / Rricardy [Rrica’rdy] Ricardo, Richard (S-2).

Rricardy [Rrica’rdy] see Rricard.

rrilo [rrilloh] / rralo [rraloh] 1. thinks, thinks that (S-14, L15); 2. it seems to (someone) that (L15). See also xi rrilo liu?

rro [rro’oh] grows (L15). § irr. tyo.

Rrod [Rro’d] see Rrot.

rrodan [rro’daàa’n] grows a lot (S-22).

rrompecabes [rrompecabe’s] puzzle (L12).

Rros [Rro’s] see Lia Rros.

rros [rro’s] see gyia rros.

rros [rro’s] rice (L14).

Rrot [Rro’t] / Rrod [Rro’d] (nickname for Rodrigo) (S-2).

rruan [rrùu’an] abandons, leaves behind (L15). § irr. tyuan, and. riruan [rirùu’an] “takes (someone) (somewhere)”.

rrued [rrueed] 1. wheel (L4, L14, S-16); 2. ring, circle (S-16). § e-poss. xrued, xarrued.

rrueg [rrueeg] see gyia rrueg.

rryecw [rrye’cw] rich (S-24).


sa [saa] irr. of rza.

sa [sa’ah] 1. blood relative (e-poss. only) (S-18); 2. each other, one another (as in uas rcyetlaza a rile ycwaën email lo saën “I’m very happy that we can write emails to each other”) (BXTP-8, S-29, L23); 3. fellow, another one like (e-poss. only) (as in na par ganzacri lo sari “they will be able to get along with their fellow men”) (S-29). (CB noun).

sa bied [sa’ah biied] uncle, aunt (e-poss. only) (S-18).

sa gax [sa’ah gahx:] close blood relative (e-poss. only) (S-18).

sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc] we’re the same age, our ages are the same (S-17).

sa ni [sa’ah nih] just like the one (as in sa ni bzhiel xtadmam Lia Glory “another just like the one Gloria’s grandfather found”) (BXTP-3).

sa ra ni [sa’ah ra nih] another just like the ones that (as in sa ra ni rtorëng Monte Albáni “another just like the ones that they sell at Monte Alban”) (BXTP-6). See also sa ni.

sa zyet [sa’ah zye’eht] distant blood relative (e-poss. only) (S-18).

Sabad [Sáabahd] Saturday (BXTP-1, S-25).

sabad [sabaad] shoe (L17).

Sabely [Sabeelly] see Lia Sabely.

sabgaly [sabgaaly] how much more money (L22). > bgaly.

Sabien [Sabiienn] see Lia Sabien.

sablac [sabla’c] how much more money (L22). > blac.

sacrificar [sacrificaar] see runy sacrificar.

sagual [saguuall] consuegro, sibling’s spouse’s blood relative, parent’s sibling’s spouse’s blood relative (L4, BXTP-3, S-18). § e-poss. rsagual.

salo [salloh] irr. of rzalo.

salyb [saalyb] reasoning ability; conscience (S-29).

San [Sa’ann] see Lia San.

San Dyegw [Sann Dye’gw] San Diego (S-7, L17).

San Luc [Sann Lu’uc] 1. San Lucas Quiaviní (S-6, L17); 2. Saint Luke, San Lucas (S-19, L21).

Santa Mony [Sánntah Moony] Santa Monica (S-7, L20).

Santo Domyengw [Sá’nntoh Domye’enngw] Santo Domingo (BXTP-5).

sarampyony [sarampyoony] measles (S-23).

sclab [sclaab] slave (S-29).

scwel [scweel] school (BXTP-1, L17).

scwel ro [sceel ròo’oh] high school, college, university (S-29).

scha [schah] another (tortilla, breadstuff) (L22).

Se [See] Jose (S-2, L8).

Sebastyang [Sebastya’anng] Sebastian (S-2).

sebu [sehbuu] see guan sebu.

Seby [Se’eby] / Sëby [Së’ëby] Eusebio (S-2).

sede [sedee] C.D., compact disc (L4, L5).

seguan [segu’ann] second (S-19). See also ni rac tyop.

seguar [seguuar] see rap seguar.

segurida [seguridaa] security (S-29).

seiby [sèèi’by] irr. of rzeiby “hangs”.

seiz [seiz] six (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

Sely [Se’lly] see Lia Sely.

seny [sehnny] def. of rzeny.

Septyemr [Septye’mmr] September (S-25).

serbes [serbe’s] beer (L16).

serc [se’rc] almost (S-22).

sesen [sese’nn] / sesenta [sesé’nntah] sixty (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

sesenta [sesé’nntah] see sesen.

seten [sete’nn] / setenta [seté’nntah] seventy (S-20).

setenta [seté’nntah] see seten.

Seu [Se’u] Aristeo (S-2).

Sëby [Së’ëby] see Seby.

si [sìi’] irr. of rzi.

sincwen [sinncwe’nn] / sincwenta [sinncwé’nntah] fifty (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

sincwenta [sinncwé’nntah] see sincwen.

Siedr [Siiedr] see Lia Siedr.

sieng [siehnng] / siento [síenntoh] one hundred (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (L4, S-20).

siengw [si’enngw] / sinco [sí’nncoh] five (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

siento [síenntoh] see sieng.

Sily [Siilly] Basilio, Basil (S-2). See also Lia Sily.

sinco [sí’nncoh] see siengw.

sindesdizy [sinnde’sdihzy] just so long as (S-24).

sobrien [sobriien] niece, nephew (S-18). § e-poss. rsobrien.

Sobryeiny [Sobryeeiny] (man’s name) (S-2).

solisitu [solisituu] application (L2, S-1).

sospechar [sohspechaar] see runy sospechar.

sot [so’t] jack (in cards) (YY).

spal [spàall] / spald [spàalld] how many more (L22). > bal, bald.

spald [spàalld] see spal.

Spany [Spa’nny] Spain (BXTP-8).

Spryet [Sprye’eht] Pentecost (S-25).

Stados Unied [Stadohs Uniied] the United States (S-7, L20).

stap [sta’p] another four, four more (L22).

steby [steeby] 1. again (YY, S-17); 2. another, another one; one more (YY, BXTP-6, L22). See also teiby.

steby lad [steeby laad] another place, somewhere else (S-28).

steby lad lany dyeni [steeby laad làa’any dye’nnih] on the other side of that store (BXTP-5). See also lany, dyen.

studian [studi’aann] / estudian [estudi’aann] student (L10). See also bwen studian.

su [suu] 1. def. of rzu “flies”; 2. def. of rzu “stands”.

sub [sùu’b] irr. of rzub “gets placed (in a location)”.

sub [sùub] irr. of rzub “sits (in a location)”.

subga [subga’ah] irr. of rzubga. See also gyo subgaën.

subgaën [subga’ëhnn] see gyo subgaën.

suca [sucàa] def. of rzuca.

sugwa [sugwa’ah] irr. of rzugwa “stands (in a location)”.

sundi [sundii] irr. of rzundi “stands erect”.

superbisor [superbisoor] supervisor (S-28).

susen [suseen] see gyia susen.

swegr [swe’egr] father-in-law, mother-in-law (S-18). § e-poss. rswegr.

swert [swe’rt] luck (BXTP-2). See also rap swert.

syemr [sye’mmr] always (L17).

Syen [Sye’enn] Jacinto (S-2).

Syen [Sye’enn] see Lia Syen.

Syend [Sye’ennd] see Lia Syen.

syet [sye’t] / syete [syé’teh] seven (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

syete [syé’teh] see syet.

syuda [syudaa] city (L2, S-1).

syudadan [syudada’nn] citizen (BXTP-2).


ta [tààa’] eighty (S-5).

ta abtsë [tàa’ ahbtsêë’] ninety (S-5).

tabaza [ta’baza’] / dyebaza [dye’baza’] really (S-24).

tac [tahc] see que tac zicy guc.

Talach [Tala’ch] see Lia Talach.

talo [talòo’] (term of address used informally to a friend) (S-2).

Taly [Ta’ally] see Lia Taly.

Tan [Taan] Cayetano (L2, S-1, S-2, L15). See also Lia Tan.

tan [ta’aann] because (S-24).

Tagual [Taguuall] the Day of the Dead (All Saints Day, November 1, and All Souls Day, November 2) (S-25).

tap [tahp] four (L4, S-5, L8).

tap galy [tahp gàally] eighty (S-5). See also ta.

tarea [tareea] exercise; homework (L5).

taria [tariia] see rcwa por taria.

tas [ta’s] cup (L18).

Teb [Te’eb] Esteban, Stephen, Steve (S-2).

tebag [tèe’bahg] see tewag.

teblo [te’bloh] equal; even; the same (as in teblo derech “equal rights”, tebloizy derech “just the same rights”) (S-29).

tebloizy [te’bloh-ihzy] just the same (BXTP-7, S-29). See also rliu tebloizy.

tecnica [té’cnicah] technical (S-29).

tegwag [tèe’gwahg] see tewag.

teiby [te’ihby] one; a, an (L3, S-5, L6). § steby [steeby] “another one; one more”; see also rnab teiby abenton.

teiby gaiyua [te’ihby gaiyùùa’] one hundred (S-5).

teiby ra dyeni [te’ihby ra dye’nnih] one of those stores (BXTP-5). See also ra, dyen.

teiby ratizy [te’ihby ra’tihzy] in just a litle while (S-22).

teidy [tèèi’dy] irr. of rdeidy “crosses”.

teix [tèe’ix] chest, trunk, side (e-poss. only) (L14).

telebisyony [telebisyoony] television (L7).

telefono [telé’fonoh] telephone (BXTP-4, L22). See also por telefono, rni por telefono, rnine por telefono.

tenizy [té’nnihzy] tennis shoes (L4).

tequily [tequi’ly] tequila (L4).

terminal xte camyuny [termina’ll x:tèe’ camyuuny] bus station (BXTP-7).

Tery [Teery] see Lia Tery.

tewag [tèe’wahg] / tebag [tèe’bahg] / tegwag [tèe’gwahg] 1. not (often used just like queity) (as in bdeidyta zhi, tewag “the whole day passed and there was none”) (S-26, L24); 2. no, nope (S-11, S-17).

tewag tu [tèe’wahg tu] 1. no one (followed by a verb plus -di, as in tewag tu gandi xa mod gyeinyën comunicar quën larëb “neither one knew how we could communicate with them”) (S-26, L24); 2. no (followed by a noun referring to a human or an animal) (L24).

tewag xi [tèe’wahg xi] no (followed by a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate, plus di, as in tewag xi problemdi “no problem”) (S-26, L24).

tewag xi problemdi [tèe’wahg xi proble’mmdi’] no problem (S-26).

Tijwan [Tijwa’nn] Tijuana (S-7, L20).

tily [tìi’lly] irr. of rdily.

Tiny [Tiiny] see Lia Tiny.

Tiu [Ti’u] 1. Señor, Don (respectful title used before a man’s first name) (S-2); 2. Uncle (S-2).

tiu [ti’u] 1. uncle (S-2, L14); 2. brother-in-law; stepfather (S-18); 3. señor, sir (respectful term of address used to someone one does not know) (S-14, L14). § e-poss. xtiu.

tiuwe [ti’uwe’eh] sir, señor (respectful term of address used to a man) (S-2).

to [too’oh] irr. of rdo.

to [tòo’oh] let’s go (BXTP-5).

tocar [tocaar] see runy tocar.

tomar [tomaar] see runy tomar fot.

Tony [To’nny] Antonio, Anthony (S-2).

tort [to’rt] torta (type of Mexican sandwich) (L23).

torturar [torturaar] see rac torturar.

Tory [Toory] see Lia Tory.

totad [to’taad] assistant mayordomo, diputado (S-19, L20). See also xtadi na totad.

traj [tra’j] (man’s) suit (L16).

traj zac [tra’j za’c] nice suit, fancy suit (BXTP-5).

tram [tra’amm] see runy tram.

trasde [tráhsdeh] behind, in back of (L18).

tratar [trataar] see runy tratar.

treinta [tré’inntah] see treny.

Treiny [Treeiny] see Lia Treiny.

treiny [treeiny] train (L4, L16).

treny [tre’enny] / treinta [tré’inntah] thirty (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

trenytidoz [tre’nnytidooz] thirty-two (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

trenytyuan [tre’nnytyua’nn] thirty-one (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

trese [tré’seh] thirteen (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

trez [treez] three (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

Trez [Treez] Tereso (S-2). See also Lia Trez.

triest [tri’est] sad (as in triestdani “it’s very sad”) (BXTP-4, S-24).

trus [tru’s] (a male’s) underpants (L13).

tu [tu] who (L3, L7); whose (L17). See also nu tu, nyec tu, queity tu, tewag tu.

tu layu [tu lòo’ ?] what’s your name? (S-9). See also la “name”.

tu loo [tu lahyuu’ ?] what’s your name? (form.) (S-9). See also la “name”.

Tuar [Tuuar] Arturo, Arthur (S-2).

tuazh [tu-ahzh:] who on earth? (S-28).

tubiaz [tuhbiihahz] one year (S-19). See also iaz.

tuëru [tuëru’] who else (L24).

turyest [turye’st] tourist (L15).

tuxman [tuhxmaan] one week (BXTP-9). See also xman.

Tyeiny [Tyeeiny] Sebastian (S-2).

tyem [tye’emm] 1. season; weather (S-25); 2. time (in certain expressions) (S-25). See also queity rapdi tyem, xi tyem.

Tyen [Tye’nn] Celestino, Tino (S-2). See Lia Tyen.

tyen [tye’nn] 1. because (BXTP-1); 2. so that (followed by a sentence with an irr. verb, as in cayunya uas computador tyen ycwa email re “I’m using the computer so that I can write this email”) (BXTP-3). See also zhyëb … tyen.

tyen gau bunyi [tye’nn ga’u bùunnyih] so that people can eat it (S-22). See also buny, rau.

tyep [tyehp] hard (L22).

tyep zuiny [tyehp zuu-ihny] it’s hard (rev. idiom) (L22). > zu.

tyo [tyo’oh] irr. of rro.

Tyofl [Tyo’fl] Teofilo, Theophilus (S-2).

tyop [tyo’p] two (L3, S-5, L8). § styop “another two; two more”.

tyop chon [tyo’p chòonn] two or three; a few (BXTP-2).

tyop gaiyua [tyo’p gaiyùùa’] two hundred (S-5).

tyua [tyùùa’] forty (S-5). See also Jweby Tyua Wbwizh.

tyua abtsë [tyùa’ ahbtsêë’] fifty (S-5).

tyuan [tyùu’an] irr. of rruan.


tseiny [tsèe’iny] / tseiny (13) thirteen (S-5).

tseiny [tsèèi’ny] / tseiny (15) fifteen (S-5).

tseinyabchon [tsèi’nyahbchòonn] eighteen (S-5).

tseinyabtap [tsèi’nyahbta’p] nineteen (S-5).

tseinyabteby [tsèi’nyahbteeby] sixteen (S-5).

tseinyabtyop [tsèi’nyahbtyo’p] seventeen (S-5).

tsë [tsêë’] / tsëa [tsêa’] ten (L2, S-5, L8). § stsë “another ten; ten more”.

tsëa [tsêa’] see tsë.

tsëbteby [tsëbteeby] eleven (S-5).

tsëbtyop [tsëbtyo’p] twelve (S-5).

tsëda [tsëdah] fourteen (S-5).


u [u] (question marker used at the beginning of question; suggests that the hearer will say “yes” to the question) (S-14, BXTP-3).

ual [u’all] / gual [gu’all] (used in plural commands) (L10).

ual gyuti! [u’all gyutìi !] come in! (to more than one person) (S-3).

ual rida [u’all ridàa’] pl. imp. of ried.

ual zhixga! [u’all zhi’xgah !] quiet! (to more than one person) (S-8).

uala [ùa’lla’] or (BXTP-8).

uan [ua’nn] one (modern word; see S-20 and S-25) (S-20).

uas [u’as] really, very (L5).

uas [ua’s] see runy uas.

uaszuatsa [ua’szuatza’] wow (BXTP-2).

uc [u’c] see also guc “when”.

ucdi naa [u’cdi’ nàa’] I wish (BXTP-2).

unibersida [unibersidaa] university, college (BXTP-2, L20).

unida [unidaa] unit (L5).

Unied [Uniied] see Stados Unied.

utale [ú’taleh] wow (L4).


wbizh [wbi’ihzh] / wbwizh [wbwi’ihzh] / wwizh [wwi’ihzh] sun (L21). See also Jweby Tyua Wbwizh.

wbwan [wbwààa’n] thief (L7).

wbwizh [wbwi’ihzh] see wbizh.

wbyern [wbyee’rn] government (S-29).

wchily [wchiilly] see bchily.

wdeidy [wdèèi’dy] variant perf. of rdeidy “crosses”. See also a wdeidy.

West Los Angl [We’st Lohs A’nngl] West Los Angeles (S-7, L20).

wez [wèèe’z] see gyet wez.

wgyeizh [wgyee’ihzh] expensive (BXTP-7).

wi [wii] guava (L2, S-1, L6, S-13).

wlez [wlèez] 1. perf. of rbez; 2. imp. of rbez.

wliaz [wlihahz] daughter-in-law (S-18). § e-poss. xawliaz.

wnya [wnyààa’] traditional healer (curandero, curandera) (L19, S-23).

wri [wrih] see bri.

Wse [Wsee] Jose, Joseph, Joe (S-2, L8).

wwizh [wwi’ihzh] see wbizh.

wxiny [wxi’ihnny] evening (S-24, S-25). See also guzh wxiny, nas wxiny, zhi wxiny.

wyac [wya’ahc] see a wyac.

wzan [wzahn] parent (usually used in the e-poss. form) (S-29). § e-poss. xawzan.

wzana [wzàana’] see xnan bieda xnan wzana.

wzhi [wzhih] afternoon (S-25).

wzhyar [wzhyaar] spoon (L2, L13).

wzhyes [wzhyehs] midwife (S-23).


xa [x:a] 1. how (L11); 2. what (as in xa gunyyu? “what are you (form.) going to do?” and xa rriloyu? “what do you think?”) (S-14). See also nu xa.

xa caniiny? [x:a cannìi’-ihny] what’s happening? (rev. idiom) (L22). > rni.

xa mod [x:a mo’od] how, in what way (L11).

xa mod na … ? [x:a mo’od nàa … ?] what is … like? (S-22).

xa modi [x:a mo’odih] how is that? (S-22).

xa nu … ? [x:a nu’uh … ?] how is … ? (S-4)

xa nuu? [x:a nu’-ùu’?] how are you? (S-4).

xa nuyu? [x:a nu’yuu’?] how are you? (form.) (S-4).

xa rni buny “___” cuan Dizhsa? [x:a rnnììi’ bùunny “___” cuahnn Dìi’zhsah?] how do you say “___” in Zapotec? (S-3).

xa rni buny ra dizh [x:a rnnììi’ bùunny ra dìi’zh] pronunciation guide (how people say the words) (L7).

xa zuiny? [x:a zuu-ihny] what’s happening? (rev. idiom) (L22). > zu.

xab [x:ahb] e-poss. of lady “clothes”.

xabgwuaz [x:abgwuhahz] e-poss. of bgwuaz.

xag [x:ahg] cheek (e-poss. only) (S-15).

xaly [x:a’ahlly] see cwe xaly.

xambaly [x:ambaaly] e-poss. of mbaly.

Xandan [Xanndaan] 1. Saint Anne, Santa Ana (L21); 2. Santa Ana del Valle (S-6, L21).

xawliaz [x:awlihahz] e-poss. of wliaz.

xawzan [x:awzahn] parent (e-poss. of wzan) (S-18).

xazhyi modëng [x:azhyi’ mo’odëng] how could it be (BXTP-6).

xban [x:bààa’n] / xfan [x:fààa’n] tail (e-poss. only) (L14).

xbied [x:biied] e-poss. of bied.

xcach [x:ca’ch] e-poss. of cach.

xcalryeiny [x:cahllryeihny] e-poss. of galryeiny.

xchimy [x:chìi’mmy] e-poss. of zhimy.

xcorason [x:coraso’nn] e-poss. of corason.

xcumnier [x:cumniier] e-poss. of cumnier.

xcuna [x:cuhnnaàa’] e-poss. of bcwany na.

xcuni [x:cuhnni’ih] e-poss. of bcwany ni.

xcunyad [x:cunyaad] e-poss. of cunyad.

xchi [xchihih] a long time, for a long time (as in xchidan “a very long time”) (BXTP-4). See also a guc xchi, a guc xchidani, nyec gac xchi.

xchi [x:chih] e-poss. of zhi “day”.

xchidani [x:chihdaàa’nih] see a guc xchidani.

xchyap [x:chàa’p] girlfriend (e-poss. only) (L14).

xfamily [x:fami’lly] e-poss. of family.

xfan [x:fààa’n] see xban.

xga [x:gàa] / xja [x:jàa] wing; fin (e-poss. only) (L14).

xgab [x:ga’ab] see runy xgab.

Xgyia [X:gyìi’ah] Teotitlán del Valle (S-7).

xi [xi] what (S-14, BXTP-3, L7). See also nu xi, nyec xi, queity xi, queity xi galarzyadi chuad, queity xi galarzyadi chuu, queity xi gunydi, tewag xi, tewag xi problemdi.

xi [xiìi’] about, approximately (S-26).

xi dibuj xten nde? [xi dibu’j x:tèe’n ndèe’?] what is this a picture of? (S-6).

xi ni [xi ni’ih] why (L11).

xi rrilo liu [xi rriloh lìu] what do you think? (BXTP-4).

xi tyem [xi tye’emm] there’s no time (S-25).

xi zicydi [xi zi’ihcydi’] 1. how much (L17); 2. how long (S-19); 3. how old (BXTP-6).

xiahzh [xiahzh:] what?! (introduces a disbelieving question) (S-17).

xiëru [xiëru’] what else (L24).

xiëru zalo ra dizh [xiëru’ zalloh ra dìi’zh] notes about the vocabulary (L5).

xii [xi’ìi’] what it (dist.) is, what is it (dist.) (S-17).

xja [x:jàa] see xga.

xjab [x:ja’ab] see runy xgab.

Xlyen [X:lye’enn] Ash Wednesday (S-25). See also Domyengw Xlyen.

xluan [x:lu’ahnn] brother-in-law (e-poss. only) (S-18).

xlyia [x:lyiàa’] fever (L19, S-23).

xlyiayas [x:lyiàa’yàa’as] black fever (L19).

xlyiayats [x:lyiàa’yaàa’ts] yellow fever (L19).

xmaly [x:maaly] e-poss. of maly.

xmam [x:ma’mm] grandparent (S-18) (e-poss. of mam).

xman [xmaan] week (L2, S-1, S-25).

Xmansan [Xmahnsa’ann] Easter; Holy Week (S-25). See also xman.

Xmony [Xmo’oony] see Lia Xmony.

xnan baly [x:nna’an baaly] godmother (e-poss. only) (S-18).

xnan bieda [x:nna’an bieda’] my revered madam (respectful term of address used to a woman) (S-2).

xnan bieda xnan wzana [x:nna’an bieda’ x:nna’an wzàana’] my very revered madam (extremely respectful term of address used to a woman) (S-2).

xnan mam [x:nna’anma’mm] grandmother (e-poss. only) (BXTP-1, S-18, L21).

xnan zhiu [x:nna’an zhi’uu] e-poss. of nan zhiu.

xnia [xniaa] red (L2, L19).

xon [x:òon] eight (S-5, L8). § sxon “another eight; eight more”.

xop [x:òp] six (S-5, L8). § sxop “another six; six more”.

xorni [xoorni’] / xyorni [xyoorni’] what time is it? (S-25).

xpangual [x:panguual] huband; father (casual) (e-poss. of bangual) (S-18).

xpart [x:pa’rt] 1. share, portion (e-poss. only) (as in tyen laëb a cayunyëb zeiny chicy, laëb bdizhëb xparta zhi “because he was working then, he paid my share”) (S-26); 2. in place of, on behalf of, instead of (as in xpart xtada “on my father’s behalf, in place of my father”) (S-19, L20).

xquepy [x:quèe’py] bellybutton, navel (e-poss. only, but see guepy) (S-15).

xquets [x:quèe’ts] kidney; gizzard (e-poss. only) (L14).

xquiny [x:quiiny] corner (L3).

xtad [x:ta’ad] father (BXTP-1).

xtad bieda [x:ta’ad bieda’] my revered sir (respectful term of address used to a man) (S-2).

xtad bieda xtad wzana [x:ta’ad bieda’ x:ta’ad wzàana’] my very revered sir (extremely respectful term of address used to a man) (S-2).

xtad chiu [x:ta’ad chi’uu] e-poss. of dad chiu.

xtad mbaly [x:ta’ad mbaaly] godfather (e-poss. only) (S-18).

xtadambaly [x:ta’adambaaly] compadre (BXTP-2).

xtadmam [x:ta’adma’mm] grandfather (e-poss. only) (BXTP-3, S-18, L21).

Xtaisy [Xtai’sy] see Lia Xtaisy.

xte [x:tèe’] 1. of (as in Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Gai “Exercise One of Lesson Five”) (L5); 2. (used in possessed noun phrases) (L14); 3. as (as in cayuny Chiecw zeiny xte meser “Chico has been working as a waiter”) (followed by nouns or names) (BXTP-2); 4. about (as in choën museu chi yzhyeily ecsibisyony cweby ni raprëng xte Ndua ricy “we are going to the museum when a new exhibition opens that they are having on Oaxaca there”) (BXTP-9). § not used before bound pronouns. See also cwan xte buny duax lo, Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy, prweb xte carbono catorce, rgwe dizh xte, terminal xte camyuny.

xte buny duax lo [x:tèe’ bùunny dùa’x loh] evil eye sickness (same as galanduax lo) (S-23). See also cwan xte buny duax lo.

xten [x:tèe’n] 1. of (L5); 2. (used in possessed noun phrases) (L14); 3. (possession, as in xtena “mine”, xtenu “yours”) (S-28); 4. about (BXTP-9). See also runy xten.

xti [x:tìi’ih] 1. handle (on pottery) (L4); 2. e-poss. of ri.

xtiazh [xtiaazh] garlic (L4).

xtily [x:tiilly] see guetxtily, guetxtily nax.

xtiu [xti’u] e-poss. of tiu.

xtizh [x:tìi’zh] see rgwe xtizh.

Xtruad [X:trua’d] see Lia Xtruad.

xtubily [x:tubi’iilly] elbow (e-poss. only) (S-15).

xtuxman [x:tuhxmaan] next week; another week (BXTP-3). See also xman.

xtyoze¨n liu [x:tyoozëhnn lìu’] thank you (S-4).

xtyoze¨n yu [x:tyoozëhnn yu’uu’] / xtyoze¨n ye¨bu [x:tyoozëhnn yëbu’uu’] thank you (form.) (S-4)

xtyoze¨n lad [x:tyoozëhnn làa’-ahd] thank you (pl.) (S-4).

xtyoze¨n yuad [x:tyoozëhnn yùad] thank you (form. pl.) (S-4).

xu [x:u] how (same as xa) (S-26).

xyecw [x:yèe’cw] / [x:yèe’ecw] e-poss. of becw.

xyes [x:ye’ehs] sister-in-law (e-poss.only) (S-18).

xyorni [xyoorni’] see xorni.


ya [yaàa’] up (L3, S-24). See also rdia ya.

ya [yàa] traditional sweat bath (temazcal) (S-23).

-ya [ya’ah] mod. of nga.

yac [yaa’c] no (L7).

Yadier [Yadiier] see Lia Yadier.

Yagul [Yagu’ll] Yagul (an archaeological site near Tlacolula) (BXTP-2).

yanuan [yannuuan] chirimoya (custard apple) tree (S-13).

-yas [yàa’as] mod. of ngas.

-yats [yaàa’ts] mod. of ngats.

yca [ycaa’ah] irr. of rca “gets”.

ydapta [yda’pta’] the four of (L21).

ydauwën [ydau’wëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of rau.

ydeën [ydèe’ëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of re.

ydica [ydi’cah] irr. of rdica.

ydo [ydòòo’] church (L3, L12).

Ydo Santony [Ydoòo’ Sanntoony] San Antonio Church (the old church in San Lucas Quiviní) (L17).

yëbu [yëbu’uu’] see yu “you”.

yëbuad [yëbùad] see yuad.

ygyonta [ygyòonnta’] / gyonta [gyòonnta’] the three of (L21).

ynulayui steby [ynnìi’làa’yuu’-ih steeby] please say that again (form.) (S-8). > rni. See also steby.

yo [yoòo’] okay (S-14).

Yo [Yoo] see Lia Yo.

Yol [Yo’oll] Yola (L4). See also Lia Yol.

yrata [yra’ta] all (same as rata) (S-24).

yropta [yro’pta’] / ropta [ro’pta’] the two of, both of (as in ropta ra blal “both blals” or ropti, roptiri “both of them”: ropti rliuri chiru roptiri rliuri zicy ni na ni mnaën loni San Dyegw “both of them look alike and both of them look like the one we saw in San Diego”) (BXTP-7, L21).

yu [yu’uh] house (L2, L12). § e-poss. liaz [liihahz]. See also rchu yu.

yu [yuhuh] land; soil, ground (L3, L16). See also da yu.

yu [yu’uu’] / yëbu [yëbu’uu’] you (form. sg.) (L9). § lazhyiyu [làa’zhyi’yu’uu’] yu plus –zhyi (L17).

yu cordor [yu’uh co’rdoor] the room in a traditional home, which is open on one side to the central courtyard or patio (S-22).

yu zhi [yuu’ zhi’] it’s up to you (form.) (S-17). See also liu zhi.

yuad [yùad] / yëbuad [yëbùad] you (form. pl.) (L9). § lazhyiyuad [làa’zhyi’yùad] yuad plus –zhyi (L17).

yug [yuug] yoke (for oxen) (L2, S-1).

yulai [yu’làài’] municipio (town hall) (L3).

yzac [yza’c] irr. of rzac.

yzeny [yze’nny] irr. of rzeny.

yzla [yzlàa’] nice (BXTP-9).

yzhajae¨n [yzhàaja’e¨hnn] / yzhagae¨n [yzhàaga’e¨hnn] goodbye, see you later (S-4).

yzhuën [yzhu’-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject irr. of ri “are around”.


za [zàa] is from; comes from (as in Galería ni na Barcelona ricy za mulyi! “that money is from a gallery in Barcelona!”) (BXTP-9).

za [zah] grease (L3).

zaa [za’-a’] irregular “I” subject def. of ria “goes”.

zac [za’c] nice, good, fancy (used after a noun) (BXTP-2, BXTP-5). See also dyen zac, traj zac.

zac laizhi! [za’c laizhih!] good midday! (S-4)

zac rsily! [za’c rsìii’lly!] / zacarsily! [za’carsìii’ly!] good morning! (S-4).

zac wxiny! [za’c wxi’ihnny!] / zacawxiny! [za’cawxi’ihnny!] good evening! (S-4)

zac wzhi! [za’c wzhih!] / zacawzhi! [za’cawzhih!] good afternoon! (S-4).

zagru [zagrùu] pretty (L19).

zale [zalle’eh] def. of rile.

zalo [zalloh] means (as in xi zalo…? “what does … mean?”)(S-19). See also xieru zalo ra dizh.

zaty [zahty] def. of raty.

ze [ze’eh] corn on the cob (L3).

ze [zeheh] def. of ria “goes”.

ze [zèe] 1. was going (inc. of ria “goes”) (L21); 2. went, got taken away (special use, as in gucgan queity zedi xmulya “my money didn’t all get taken”) (S-26, L23).

zeiby [zèèi’by] neut. of rzeiby “hangs”.

zeidy [zee’ihdy] salt (S-23).

zeiny [zèèi’ny] / zëiny [zêêi’ny] 1. work, job (L3, L23); 2. cargo, community service (S-19). See also ni rac buny zeiny, rac zeiny, ran zeiny, runy zeiny, zeiny lo nya.

zeiny lo nya [zèèi’ny loh nyààa’] field work, work in the fields (S-22). See also lo nya.

zëiny [zêêi’ny] see zeiny.

zicy [zi’cy] 1. thus, this way (S-17); 2. about (with a number) (as in rrilua zicy tseinyabchon mardom “I think there are about 18 mayordomos”) (S-19). See also a zicy, bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac, rliu zicy, rliu zicy ni na, zicy na.

zicy [zi’ihcy] see que tac zicy guc.

zicy na [zi’cy nnah] says, said (used before a quotation, as in zicy nab, xi quinyyu? “she said, what are you (form.) going to eat?”) (S-17).

zicy ni [zi’cy nih] the way that (as in …zicy ni na cani Declarasyony re “…the way that this Declaration says) (S-29).

zicy ni na [zi’cy nih nàa] 1. like, namely (BXTP-1); 2. according to (S-29).

zicy… zicy… [zi’cy…zi’cy…] both… and… (as in zicy mna zicy nguiu rap derech… “both women and men have the right…”) (S-29).

zicybaza [zi’cybaza’] just as (as in zicybaza ni na Dyabl “just as the Devil had said”) (S-24).

zicydi [zi’ihcydi’] about (in time sentences) (S-25). See also xi zicydi.

zicydizy [zi’cydihzy] see zicyizy.

zicygagza [zi’cygahgza’] also, the same with; neither (did) (after a negative sentence, as in Bed cuan naa queity bindilazdyën ni binyloën, zicyagza Mazh, xamiegw Bed. “Pedro and I couldn’t believe what we saw, and neither did Tomas, Pedro’s friend.”) (BXTP-3).

zicyi [zi’icyih] that’s how it is, it’s like that (S-19).

zicyizy [zi’cyihzy] / zicydizy [zi’cydihzy] just (BXTP-2, S-22).

zied [ziìe’d] was coming (inc. of ried) (L21).

zoën [zoo’-ëhnn] irregular “we” subject def. of ria “goes”.

zu [zuu] neut. of rzu “stands (in a location)” (L2, S-1, BXTP-5, L18). See also duar zuiny, xa zuiny.

zuat [zu’aht] bone (e-poss. only) (L14).

zub [zu’ùu’b] neut. of rzub “gets placed (in a location)”.

zub [zùub] neut. of rzub “sits (in a location)”.

zubga [zubga’ah] neut. of rzubga.

zudy [zu’ùu’dy] corte (traditional Zapotec wrap-around skirt) (e-poss. only) (L14).

zugwa [zugwa’ah] neut. of rzugwa “stands (in a location)”.

zuiny [zuu-ihny] see duar zuiny, tyep zuiny, xa zuiny?

zundi [zundii] neut. of rzundi “stands erect (in a location)”.

zyala [zyàa’lla’] irregular “I” subject inc. of ried.

Zyec [Zye’c] see Lia Zyec.

zyeiny [zyèiny] many (BXTP-2, BXTP-3). See also maru zyeiny.

zyet [zye’eht] far (S-22). See also cataly zyet, sa zyet.

zyopën [zyoo’pëhnn] irregular “we” subject inc. of ried.

zyual [zyuàa’ll] tall (L19).


zha [zh:àa’] 1. rear end, buttocks (e-poss. only) (L18); 2. under (L18, L20).

zha [zha’ah] mod. of nzha.

zhacw [zh:aa’cw] cockroach (S-6, L15).

zhacw [zh:àa’cw] upper arm (e-poss. only) (L14).

zhagyeny [zh:a’gyehny] see gyich zhagyeny.

zhan [zh:ààa’n] 1. rear end, buttocks (e-poss. only) (L14); 2. under (L2, L18, L20).

zhar [zhaar] vase (L2, S-1, S-19).

zhi [zh:ih] day (L2, BXTP-2, S-25). § e-poss. xchi. See also daru chu zhi, Myercw Zhi De, rata zhi.

zhi [zhi’ih] nose (e-poss. only) (L3, L14).

zhi [zhii] / yzhi [yzhii] tomorrow (L2, L10, S-25).

zhi [zhi’] (adds emphasis at the end of a thought) (as in cwana yu zhi bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac “all right, if you say so, that’s how it will be”) (BXTP-2, S-17). See also bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac, deplan zhi, liu zhi, yu zhi.

zhi [zhii’ih] cold (illness) (L4, L19, S-23).

zhi [zhìi’ih] is stuffed up, plugged up (neut. of rzhi) (S-23).

zhi wxiny [zhii wxi’ihnny] tomorrow evening (S-24, S-25).

zhia [zhihah] see lo zhia.

zhiby [zhi’ihby] knee (e-poss. only) (L1, L14).

zhibya [zhiibya’ah] serious fright (susto) that could result in the loss of the soul (S-23).

zhieb [zhi’eb] goat (S-6, L7).

zhily [zhi’ìilly] sheep (S-6, L7). See ni rculo zhily.

zhimy [zhìi’mmy] basket (L8). § e-poss. xchimy.

zhiny [zhìi’iny] child (offspring: son, daughter) (e-poss. only) (BXTP-2, L14).

zhiny baly [zhìiíny baaly] godchild (S-18).

zhiny ni beinyande [zhìi’iny nih bèinyande’eh] son of a bitch (vulgar) (S-26).

zhinygan [zhìi’inygaàa’n] son (e-poss. only) (L14).

zhinyzhyap [zhìi’inyzhyàa’p] daughter (e-poss. only) (L14).

zhity [zhi’ihty] onion (S-13).

zhixga! [zhi’xgah !] quiet! (to one person) (S-8). See also ual zhixga!

zhomrel [zh:ommreel] hat (L3, L6).

Zhuan [Zh:ùaan] see Lia Zhuan.

zhub [zh:u’ub] corn, corn kernel (L3, S-22, L23).

zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn] 1. irregular “we” subject neut. of ru “is (located)”; 2. irregular “we” subject neut. of ri “are around”.

zhyab [zhya’ab] mod of nzhyab.

Zhyac [Zhya’c] see Lia Zhyac.

zhyag [zhyahg] grandchild (e-poss. only) (S-18).

zhyap [zhyàa’p] girl (S-2, L5).

zhyet [zhye’et] cat (S-6, L6).

zhyëb [zhyë’b] 1. so (used in exclamations) (L4); 2. what…!, how…! (used in exclamations) (S-22). See also pëg zhyëb.

zhyëb … tyen [zhyë’b … tye’nn] as … as (as in zhyëb nizhi tyen zagrudan guc lia ni guc btub “it was as delicious as the girl who became the maguey leaf was pretty”) (S-24).


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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.