
R-4. Prefixes, Endings, Extenders, and Particles

At the end of every lesson there is a list of prefixes, endings, extenders, and particles presented in that lesson, with meanings and pronunciation guides. Prefixes and endings are not included in the Rata Ra Dizh, but this is a complied list of prefixes and endings that you can consult if you want to remind yourself what they mean or find out what lesson they were introduced in.


b- [b] (perf. verb prefix) (L6).

byo- [byoo'] “we went and” (perf. and. prefix for verbs with “we” subj.) (L17).

ca- [ca] (prog. verb prefix) (L6).

cal- [cal] (irregular form of ca-) (L6).

can- [can] (irregular form of ca-) (L6).

chi- [chi] “will go and” (irr. and. prefix) (L17).

cho- [choo'] “we will go and” (irr. and. prefix for verbs with “we” subj.) (L17).

g- [g] (irr. prefix for verb bases that start with y) (L10).

gu- [gu] “went and” (perf. and. prefix) (L17).

m- [m] (perf. verb prefix for bases beginning with n) (L6).

n- [n] (neut. verb prefix, used on neut. verbs with vowel-initial bases) (L18).

n- [n] (sub. verb prefix, used on sub. verbs with hab. bases starting with consonants) (L23).

ny- [ny] (sub. verb prefix, used on sub. verbs with hab. bases starting with vowels) (L23).

r– [r] (hab. verb prefix) (L5).

r– [r] (used to change some nouns into e-poss. nouns) (L14).

ri- [ri] “goes and” (hab. and. prefix) (L17).

ryo- [ryoo'] “we go and” (hab. and. prefix for verbs with “we” subj.) (L17).

s- [s] (def. prefix, for verbs with bases starting with consonants) (L22).

s- [s] / sa- [sa] another (number or quantity); (number or quantity) more (L22).

w– [w] (perf. verb prefix for bases beginning with b) (L6).

x- [x:] (used to change some nouns into e-poss. nouns) (L14).

xa- [x:a] (used to change some nouns into e-poss. nouns) (L14).

y- [y] (irr. prefix) (L10).

z- [z] (inc. prefix) (L21).

z- [z] (def. prefix, for verbs with bases starting with vowels) (L22).

ze- [ze] (def. and. prefix) (L22).

zied- [zìe'd] (def. ven. prefix) (L22).

zo- [zoo'] (def. ven. prefix for verbs with a “we” subj.) (L22).

zyop- [zyoo'p] (def. and. prefix for verbs with a “we” subj.) (L22).

Endings, Extenders, and Particles

a [a'] I (bound subj. pronoun) (L8).

ad [ahd] you (inf. pl.) (L9).

-ag [ahg] this (L17).

-ag [ahg] later, then (particle) (S-26).

-agza [ahgza'] also (particle) (BXTP-7).

-azh [ahzh:] he, she (bound sg. fam. pronoun) (used differently by men and women; primarily used by male speakers) (L17).

-bag [bahg] really (particle) (as in bal a beinbagu xgab “if you really have thought (it over)”) (S-24).

-dan [daàa'n] 1. very (extender) (as in a bgyacdan “a very long time ago”, probydan “very poor”, xchidan “a very long time”); 2. very much (extender) (as in bdodani “it sold very well”) (S-24).

di [di'] (negative particle) (L7).

dy [dy] (form of –di used before bound pronouns beginning with vowels) (L7).

-e [e'eh] (dim. ending) (L24).

ëb [ëhb] he, she (resp.) (L9).

ëm [ëhmm] he, she, it (an. bound pronoun) (L11).

ën [ëhnn] we (L9).

ëng [ëng] he, she, it (prox. sg. bound pronoun) (L7).

-ëny [ëny] (dim. ending) (L24).

-i [i'ih] (dim. ending) (L24).

-i [ih] that (L17).

i [ih] he, she, it (dist. sg. bound pronoun) (L7).

-izy [ihzy] / -dizy [dihzy] only; just (particle) (L22).

la [làa'] (polite extender) (L9).

-na [nah] and (follows nouns and other phrases, as in gap buny derech ni gauni ladyna yuna… “people have the right to food, and clothes, and a house…”) (particle) (S-29).

-ne [nèe] with; at, to (extender) (L16).

-ni [nìi'] his own, her own, its own, their own (L14).

-razh [rahzh:] they (bound pl. fam. pronoun) (used differently by men and women; primarily used by male speakers) (L17).

rëb [rëhb] they (respectful) (L9).

rëm [rëhmm] they (an. bound pronoun) (L11).

rëng [rëng] they (prox.) (L9).

ri [rih] they (dist.) (L9).

-ru more (particle) (L24).

-sa [sa'ah] (reciprocal extender) (forms CB verb) (L23).

-tag [tahg] right away (particle) (as in mnietagi yo “he said yes right away”, bletagi “he took (it) out right away”) (S-25, S-28).

u [ùu'] you (inf. sg. bound subj. pronoun) (L8).

-we [we'eh] (dim. ending) (L24).

-yi [-yi'ih] (dim. ending) (L24).

yu [yuu'] /-yëbu [yëbuu'] you (form. sg.) (L9).

yuad [yùad] / –yëbuad [yëbùad] you (form. pl.) (L9).

-za [za'] unexpectedly, unfairly (particle) (as in a bzhichza manejador quën naa chicy “the manager unfairly got angry with me then, the manager went and got angry with me then”) (S-28).

-zag [zahg] so (particle) (as in chiru nazagui “so then he said”) (S-28).

-zhy [zhy] must (form of –zhyi used before pronoun endings that start with a vowel) (particle) (L17).

zhyi [zhyi'] must (particle) (L17).

-zhiby [zhiiby] terribly (extender) (as in xchizhiby “a terribly long time”) (S-26).


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