
52 CIL 10.4110 & 6.1852.4 

These two inscriptions are decorated by a bas-relief sculpture of two women joining their right hands in the dextarum iunctio, which is often (but not exclusively) used for married couples. The first inscription comes from Capua. In the second, the figure on left (Eleusis) was recarved in antiquity from a male figure and the start of the inscription was also recarved.





Text of CIL 10.4110 (pictured right)

Dexonia Selenio (sic) sibi et / Philemae suae ama[n]tis(s)i{u}mae.

Text of CIL 6.1852.4

Fonteia (mulieris) l(iberta) Eleusis. h(uic) o(lla) dat(a) a Fonteia (mulieris) l(iberta) Helena.