
Book Title: Reading Friendship and Enmity in Ancient Rome

Subtitle: An Intermediate Latin Sourcebook

Author: Bret Mulligan

Cover image for Reading Friendship and Enmity in Ancient Rome
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Book Information

Book Description

This sourcebook offers a carefully-honed selection of Latin authors, predominately from classical antiquity, and supplemented by texts from later periods. The sourcebook purposefully includes both prose and poetry, and a range of genres, including epic, epigram, history, oratory, the letter, and the philosophical essay. Most of the core texts include supplemental notes that will elucidate key grammatical and cultural information for intermediate-level Latin students, as well as provide questions to guide their reading and contextualizing essays on the authors, texts, and ideas with which students are engaging. The book will also include a range of pedagogical resources for students at this level that have been developed and tested through over 15 years of educational practice.


Bret Mulligan



Ancient, classical and medieval texts


Reading Friendship and Enmity in Ancient Rome
Bret Mulligan
Primary Subject
Ancient, classical and medieval texts
Additional Subject(s)
Language acquisition, Latin, European history: the Romans