
R-1. Using the Rata Ra Dizh and Index

Each entry in the Rata Ra Dizh contains the Zapotec vocabulary word or phrase (in boldface), the pronunciation guide, all definitions, plus hyperlinked references to the sections of the book where these are introduced or discussed extensively. Lesson references consist of L plus the lesson number. Thus, a reference to Lecsyony Tsëbteby appears as L11. References to supplementary material consist of S plus the number of the item. References to chapters of the story “Blal Xte Tiu Pamyël” appear as BXTP plus the chapter number. Many entries also contain examples and other supplementary material, such as irregular verb forms. Some entries contain cross-references to other entries, preceded by “see”.


Each entry in the Index contains the English definition (in boldface) followed by the Zapotec vocabulary word and its pronunciation guide. Index entries generally do not contain as much information as the Rata Ra Dizh entries, so it’s always a good idea to check the Rata Ra Dizh after you’ve located a word in the Index.


There is a link to each alphabetized section at the beginning of both the Rata Ra Dizh and the Index. To navigate back to this list, click the red up arrow at the bottom of the screen.



Below is a  list of abbreviations used in entries in the Rata Ra Dizh, with references to the lessons in which these concepts are introduced.

an. animal pronoun (L11)
and. andative (L17)
aux. auxiliary (L23)
dim. diminutive (L24)
dist. distal (L7)
e-poss. essentially possessed (L14)
fam. familiar (L17)
form. formal (L9)
hab. habitual (L5)
imp. imperative (L6)
inc. incompletive (L21)
inf. informal (L8)
irr. irrealis (L10)
mod. modifying, modifier (L19)
neut. neutral (L16)
perf. perfective (L6)
pl. plural (L8)
prog. progressive (L6)
prox. proximate (L7)
resp. respectful (L9)
rev. reverential (L21)
sg. singular (L8)
sub. subjunctive (L23)
subj. subject (L5)
ven. venitive (L21)


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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.