
S-8. More Language for the Classroom

This section continues the “Language for the Classroom” section of Unida Teiby. The three sections below contain more general classroom language (with a few items repeated from Unida Teiby), some materials for interaction in the classroom, and some material that is useful for students of all ages.

As in the first “Language for the Classroom” section, things that the teacher would be likely to say to students are expressed informally, while things that students would be likely to say to the teacher are expressed formally. Formal “you” is (marked as “(form.)”), while informal “you” is not marked below. Again, “you” is singular unless indicated otherwise; plural “you” is marked as “(pl.)”.

§1. More classroom language

In this section and following ones, pronunciation guides given in a separate column are labeled Xa Rni Buny Ra Dizh [x:a rnììi’ bùunny ra dìi’zh] “How People Say the Words”.

Dizhsa Ingles Xa Rni Buny Ra Dizh
Tempran bzenyu. “You’re early.” [te’mpraan bzehnnyùu’]
Gunyu dispensar wzha bzennya. “Excuse me for coming late.” [guunyyuu’ dispensaar a wzha’ah bze’nnya’]
Ble xchamarru. “Take off your jacket.” [blee’eh x:cham’arrùu’]
Bcudyag ni rgwia. “Listen to what I say.” [bcudyahg nih rgwiìa’]
Zhixga! “Quiet!” (to one person) [zhi’xgah!]
Ual zhixga! “Quiet!” (to more than one person) [u’all zhi’xgah!]
Bdesna. / Bdes no. “Raise your hand.” [bde’snnaàa’] / [bde’s nnoòo’]
Ratad gual cwe teiby dag gyets. “Everyone take out a piece of paper.” [ra’tahd gu’all cwe’eh te’ihby dahg gyèe’ts]
Mnilai steby. “Please say that again.” [mnnìi’lài’ steeby]
Ynilayui steby. “Please say that again (form.).” [ynnìi’làa’yuu’-ih steeby]
Ysaguelyu ynilayui steby. “Would you (form.) be so good as to please repeat that.” [ysaguehllyuu’ ynnìi’làa’yuu’-ih steeby]
A gual gyoën. “It’s time for us to go home.” [a gua’ll gyòo’ëhnn]
A gual gyiu. “It’s time for you to go home.” [a gua’ll gyìu’]
A gual gyiad. “It’s time for you (pl.) to go home.” [a gua’ll gyìahd]
Queity gyilazu… “Don’t forget… [que’ity gyilàa’zùu’…
…xchamarru. …your jacket.” …x:chama’rrùu’]
…xliebru. …your book.” …x:li’ebrùu’]
…xdibuju. …your picture.” …x:dibu’jùu’]

§2. More basic expressions

Although some of the expressions in the following section may be more suitable for use with younger students, they are useful for anyone to learn.

Dizhsa Ingles Xa Rni Buny Ra Dizh
Xiëng runyu? “What are you doing?” [xiëng rùu’nyùu’?]
Xi gyienyën na? “What should we do now?” [xi gyie’nyëhnn nah?]
Xi dibujëng cayunyu? “What are you drawing?” [xi dibu’jëng cayùu’nyùu’?]
Uas zagruta na xdibuju. “Your picture is really pretty.” [ua’s zagùuta’ nàa x:dibu’jùu’]
Queity rdilyu! “Don’t fight!” [que’ity rdìi’llyùu’!]
Queity rdilyad! “Don’t fight!”, “Don’t fight with each other!” (to more than one person) [que’ity rdìi’llyahd!]
Queity runyung!
“Stop it! (Don’t do that!)” [que’ity rùu’nyùu’ng!]
Queity runyadeng! “Stop it! (Don’t do that!)” (to more than one person) [que’ity rùu’nyahdëng!]
Guc cwidad! “Be careful!” [guhc cwidaad!]
Ual gac cwidad! “Be careful!” (to more than one person) [u’all ga’c cwidaad!]
Xi gucu? “What happened to you?” [xi guhcùu’?]
Xi guc Lia Len? “What happened to Elena?” [xi guhc Lia Leen?]
Xi ni ruanu? “Why are you crying?” [xi ni’ih rùa’nùu’?]
Chiu xquix e? “Do you want to go to the bathroom?” (less polite) [chìu’ x:qui’x èee?]
Chiu lany bany e? “Do you want to go to the bathroom?” (more polite) [chìu’ làa’any ba’nny èee?]



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