R-3. Rata Ra Dizh Index: Ingles — Dizhsa
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a teiby [te’ihby]
a (breadstuff) cha [chah]
a few tyop chon [tyo’p chòonn], duzh [dùu’zh]
a little duzh [dùu’zh]
a long time xchi [xchihih]
a long time ago a guc xchi [a guhc x:chih], a wyac [a wya’ahc]
a lot, grows rrodan [rro’daàa’n]
a quarter past (in time expressions) cwart [cwa’rt]
a quarter to (in time expressions) cwart par [cwa’rt pahr]
abandons rbelaz [rbèe’lààa’z], rruan [rrùu’an]
Abel Bel [Be’ll]
ability, reasoning salyb [saalyb]
able to, is rac [rahc], racgan [rahcgaan], rda [rdàa], rile [rille’eh]
about xte [x:tèe’], xten [x:tèe’n]
about (approximately) xi [xiìi’]
about (in time sentences) zicydi [zi’ihcydi’]
about to a mer [a meer]
about to, is a gual [a gùa’ll]
about, is worried ru galarzya [ru’uh gahllarzyàa’ah]
about, speaks rgwe dizh xte [rgwèe’eh dìi’zh x:tèe’], rgwe xtizh [rgwèe’eh x:tìi’zh]
about, tells rgwe dizh xte [rgwèe’eh dìi’zh x:tèe’], rgwe xtizh [rgwèe’eh x:tìi’zh]
about (with a number) zicy [zi’cy]
above guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
absent from (school), is runy fald [ruhny fa’lld]
Abundio Bundy [Bu’unndy]
accompanies runy company [ruhny compa’anny]
according to zicy ni na [zi’cy nih nàa]
ace (in cards) as [a’s]
aches rac [rahc], racna [rahcnah], ryub [ryùùu’b]
across, brings rteidy [rtèèi’dy]
across, gets rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
across, takes rteidy [rtèèi’dy]
acts bossy rcwaya [rcwàa’yaàa’]
acts mean rcwaya [rcwàa’yaàa’]
acts stupid runyton [ruhnyto’onn]
Adela / Adele Lia Del [Lia Deell]
Adelina / Adeline Lia Delyen [Lia Delye’nn]
Adolfo / Adolph Dolf [Do’ollf]
afternoon wzhi [wzhih]
afterward, not too long nyec gac xchi [nyèe’c ga’c xchihih]
again steby [steeby]
again, please say that mnilai steby [mnnìi’lài’ steeby]
again (form.), please say that ynulayui steby [ynnìi’làa’yuu’-ih steeby]
against, hits rla [rlàa]
age, we’re the same sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc]
ago, a long time a guc xchi [a guhc x:chih], a wyac [a wya’ahc]
ago, a long time a bgyac [a bgya’ahc]
ago, long a wyac [a wya’ahc]
ago, that’s a really long time a guc xchidani [a guhc x:chihdaàa’nih]
ago, (time phrase) a guc [a guhc], a guc (time phrase) ni [a guhc.. nih]
ah a [àaa]
air bi [bihih]
airplane abyony [abyoony]
airport aeropwert [aeropwe’rt]
Alejandra Lia Can [Lia Ca’ann]
Alejandrina Lia Lejandrien [Lia Lejandriien], Lia Ryen [Lia Rye’nn]
Alejandro / Alexander Can [Ca’aann], Lijanr [Lija’nnr]
Alexandra Lia Can [Lia Ca’ann]
Alexandrina Lia Lejandrien [Lia Lejandriien], Lia Ryen [Lia Rye’nn]
Alfonsa Lia Ponzy [Lia Po’onnzy]
Alfonso Ponzh [Po’onnzh]
Alfred / Alfredo Pred [Preed]
all ra [raa], rata [ra’ta’], yrata [yra’ta]
all of it rati [ra’tih]
all over deibyta [de’ibyta’]
all over the place deibynezta [de’ibyne’ehzta’]
all people rata ra buny [ra’ta’ ra bùunny]
all right a bai [a ba’i]
all right (of a non-living subject), is rla [rlàa]
all the words rata ra dizh [ra’ta’ ra dìi’zh]
all year long chata iaz [chaata’ iihahz]
almost a mer [a meer], serc [se’rc]
along (a river, for example) gayata [gayàa’ta’]
along, walks rcanza [rcanzàa]
already a [a]
also zicygagza [zi’cygahgza’]
also goes riegza [riehgza’]
also helps racnegza [rahcnèegza’]
also not nyecza [nyèe’cza’]
altar (in a church) lo bcu [loh bcùùu’]
altar (in a home) lo pyeiny [loh pyeeiny], pyeiny [pyeeiny]
always syemr [sye’mmr]
Amada Lia Mad [Lia Maad]
amazed at, is rzhilo [rzhiloh]
Amelia Lia Meny [Lia Meeny]
amuses (someone) runy dibertier [ruhny dibertiier]
an teiby [te’ihby]
an (breadstuff) cha [chah]
Ana, Santa Xandan [Xanndaan]
Anastacia / Anastasia Lia Xtaisy [Lia Xtai’sy]
and cuan [cuahnn], quën [quëhnn], chiru [chiru’], chu [chuu’]
and…, both… zicy… zicy… [zi’cy…zi’cy…]
and so niela [nìellàa’]
and then chicy [chi’cy]
Andres / Andrew Ndres [Ndre’s]
anesthetizes rcwa bcal [rcwààa’ah bcàa’ll]
angel angle [a’nngle’eh]
Angel Angl [A’nngl]
Angelina Lia Anjalyen [Lia Anjalye’nn], Lia Anjalyend [Lia Anjalye’nnd]
Anglo (gringo) ryengw [rye’enngw]
angry, gets rzhich [rzhi’ch]
animal many [ma’any]
Aniseto Aniset [Anise’t]
Anita Lia Nyet [Lia Nye’t]
Anne, Saint Xandan [Xanndaan]
annoyed, gets rac enfad [rahc enfaad]
another steby [steeby]
another (breadstuff) scha [schah]
another four stap [sta’p]
another just like the ones that sa ra ni [sa’ah ra nih]
another one like sa [sa’ah]
another place steby lad [steeby laad]
another week xtuxman [x:tuhxmaan]
answer, gives an runy contest [ruhny connte’st]
answer the questions in … in Zapotec! bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa! [bzi’ihcy nih rnudìi’zh … cuahnn Dìi’zhsah !]
ant bdi [bdih]
Anthony Nduny [Nduuny], Tony [To’nny]
Antonia Lia Ntony [Lia Ntoony]
Antonina Lia Nien [Lia Ni’enn]
Antonio Nduny [Nduuny], Tony [To’nny]
Antonio Church, San Ydo Santony [Ydoòo’ Sanntoony]
apart, takes rtseily [rtse’ihlly]
apartment apartamen [apartame’enn]
appears rdica [rdi’cah], rrica [rri’cah]
apple mansan [mannsaan]
apple (chirimoya) tree, custard yanuan [yannuuan]
application solisitu [solisituu]
approximately xi [xiìi’]
April Abrely [Abre’ely]
apron (covering from the waist down) delantary [delantaary]
apron (with a bib) mandily [mandi’illy]
Araceli / Aracely Lia Arasely [Lia Arase’lly]
are around ri [rii]
are eliminated from rra [rrah]
are located in (a location) ri [rii]
are (located), we nuën [nu’ënn], zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn]
are there ri [rii]
are wiped out from (a place) rra [rrah]
are, where cuan[cu’an]
are you here? nuu re e? [nu’-ùu’ rèe’ èee?]
Aristeo Seu [Se’u]
arm, fore‑ na [nnaàa’]
arm, upper zhacw [zh:àa’cw]
Armando Man [Ma’aann]
Arnulfo Arnulf [Arnu’ullf]
around cangag [cangahg], gagyeita [gagye’ita]
around, are ri [rii]
around, gets rcanza [rcanzàa]
around, goes and looks rigwi [rgwi’ih]
around (in a location), looks rgwi [rgwi’ih]
around, just (response to cali chiu? or cali gweu?) nezgag [nehzgahg]
around, looks rgwi cangag [rgwi’ih cangahg]
around, wanders rcanza [rcanzàa]
arranges for (something) runy arreglad [ruhny arreglad]
arrives rzeny [rzehnny]
arrives right then rzenygaza [rzehnnygahza’]
Arthur / Arturo Tuar [Tuuar]
as xte [x:tèe’], xten [x:tèe’n]
as … as zhyëb … tyen [zhyë’b …tye’nn]
as far as nalo [na’loh]
as, just zicybaza [zi’cybaza’]
as you know ady a nanu [aady a nàannùu’]
Ascension Day Jweby Tyua Wbwizh [Jweeby Tyùùa’ Wbwi’ihzh]
Ash Wednesday Myercw Zhi De [Mye’rcw Zh:ih Deh], Xlyen [X:lye’enn]
Ash Wednesday, the Sunday before Domyengw Xlyen [Domye’enngw X:lye’enn]
asks rni [rnnììi’]
asks a question of (someone) rnudizh [rnuhdìi’zh]
asks for rnab [rnààa’b]
asks for (something) from (someone) rnab lo [rnààa’b loh]
asks for the hand of (a girl) in marriage, goes and ritiny [ritìi’iny]
asks for the hand of (a girl) in marriage (in a betrothal negotiation) rguiny [rguìi’iny]
asks, goes and rigueipy [rigue’ihpy]
asks permission from (someone) rbe permisy lo [rbee’eh permi’sy loh]
asks (someone) a question runy preguan [ruhny pregu’uann]
asks (someone other than the speaker or hearer) reipy [re’ihpy]
asks (someone other than the speaker or hearer) to reipy [re’ihpy]
assigned to (a job), is runytocar [ruhnytocaar]
assistant mayordomo totad [to’taad]
asthma azm [a’zm]
Asuncion Lia Chon [Lia Cho’nn]
at ru [ru’uh]
at first nadota [nadòo’ta’]
at home, is rbez [rbèez]
at least masa [mahsa’]
at (something) carefully, looks rgwizuats [rgwi’zùa’ts]
at that time chicy [chi’cy]
at the edge of ru [ru’uh]
at the peak of puan [pu’ann]
at the very top of guecy[gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
attacks (of a turkey) rla [rlàa]
August (man’s name) Juast [Ju’ast]
August (the month) Agost [Ago’st]
Augusto / Augustus Juast [Ju’ast]
Aunt Bied [Bied]
aunt bied [biied], nan zhiu [nna’an zhi’uu], sa bied [sa’ah biied]
Aurelia / Aureliana Lia Ryely [Lia Rye’lly]
Aurora Lia Ror [Lia Roor]
Avelina Lia Bel [Lia Be’ll]
avocado gyex [gye’ehx]
away from (a place), runs rzhuny [rzh:ùu’nny]
away, gives (someone or something) rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
away, got taken ze [zèe]
away, puts rguchia [rgu’chììa’]
away, right debolad [dehbolaad]
azucena (type of lily) gyia susen [gyìa’ suseen]
baby bdo [bdòo’]
baby (term of address) lyen [lye’nn]
back dets [dehts]
back, comes ricy [ri’ihcy]
back, goes ricy [ri’ihcy]
back leg (of an animal) ni [ni’ih]
back of, in dets [dehts], trasde [tráhsdeh]
bad nzhyab [nzhya’ab]
badly, behaves runyzhyab [ruhnyzhya’ab]
bag bolz [bo’oollz]
ball pelot [pelo’t]
banana bdua [bdùùa’]
band musyc [mu’syc]
band member musyc [mu’syc]
barks rduax [rdu’ahx]
Bart Bartol [Bartool]
Bartolo Bartol [Bartool]
baseball cap cachuch [cachu’ch]
basil flower gyia rrueg [gyìa’ rrueeg]
Basil / Basilio Sily [Siilly]
basket zhimy [zhìi’mmy]
basketball basquetbol [basque’tbo’ll]
bath bany [ba’nny]
bath, takes a rcwa bany [rcwààa’ah ba’nny]
bathes raz [ra’ahz]
bathes (someone or something) rguch [rguhch]
bathroom bany [ba’nny]
be with, comes to riedchune [rìe’dchu’uhnèe]
bean sauce bzya niu [bzyàa’ nìu]
beans bzya [bzyààa’]
beard luazh [lu’ahzh:]
beats up rtaz [rtàa’az]
because quëm [quëhmm], por loc ni [pohr lo’c nih] because, tan [ta’aann], tyen [tye’nn]
because of force per jwers [pehr jwe’rs]
becomes rac [rahc]
bed (modern style) cam [ca’mm]
bed (traditional style) luan [lùàa’n]
bedbug chinzh [chi’iinnzh]
bee manyser [ma’anyseer]
beer serbes [serbe’s]
before antesta [á’nntehsta’]
before (in time) antes de [á’nntehs deh]
before last, the night nas wxiny [nahs wxi’ihnny]
before the judge, goes ria lo jwes [rihah loh jwe’s]
before yesterday, the day nas [nahs]
begins rzalo [rzallohoh]
behalf of, on xpart [x:pa’rt]
behaves badly runyzhyab [ruhnyzhya’ab]
behind dets [dehts], trasde [tráhsdeh]
behind the house detsyu [dehtsyu’uh]
believes rindilaz [rinndi’lààa’z]
bell campan [campa’nn], guieb [guììe’b]
bell, rings a rcwa gyieb [rcwààa’ah gyììe’b]
bellybutton guepy [guèe’py], xquepy [x:quèe’py]
below, the thing that appears ni ca ni guet [nih càa ni’ih gue’et]
Benito Nyet [Nye’t]
Benjamin Mien [Miien]
Bernadine Lia Ndien [Lia Ndiienn]
Bernard Ndien [Ndiien]
Bernardina Lia Ndien [Lia Ndiienn]
Bernardino Ndien [Ndiien]
beside cwe [cwe’eh]
beside the house cweyu [cwe’yu’uh]
bet, I ca chia queity gac [ca chiia que’ihty ga’c]
Beta Lia Bet [Lia Be’t]
better, gets ryac [rya’ahc]
better, had runygan [ruhnygaan]
better that, it’s much maru mejor [maaru’ mejoor]
between (living things) lai [lài’]
between (non-living things) lad [làad]
beverage, traditional grain cub [cu’uhb]
bicycle bisiclet [bisicle’t]
big bro [bròo’oh], ro [ròo’oh]
bigger maru bro [maaru’ bròo’oh]
bill (for a service) rresieb [rresiieb]
bird many [ma’any]
bitch, son of a zhiny ni beinyande [zhìi’iny nih bèinyande’eh]
bites rauya [ra’uhya’ah], raugya [ra’uhgya’ah]
black ngas [nga’as]
black fever xlyiayas [x:lyiàa’yàa’as]
black magic, person who knows ni rcwa chies [nih rcwààa’ah chie’s]
black widow spider bzigui [bziguih], bzogui [bzoguih]
blal blal [blàaal]
blal, genuine blalbag [bla’albag]
blals, those blali [bla’alih]
Blanca Lia Blanc [Lia Blaa’nnc]
Blanche Lia Blanc [Lia Blaa’nnc]
blanket dadich [dahdi’ihch]
bleeds rria reiny [rrìàa’ re’ehiny]
blessed (title used before the name of a female saint or holy person) Nambied [Nnambied]
blessed (title used before the name of a male saint or holy person) Dadbied [Dadbied]
blond muzh [mmuuzh]
blood reiny [re’ehiny]
blood relative sa [sa’ah]
blood relative of blood relative’s godparent, female maly [maaly]
blood relative of blood relative’s godparent, male mbaly [mbaaly]
blood relative, parent’s sibling’s spouse’s sagual [saguuall]
blood relative, sibling’s spouse’s sagual [saguuall]
blood relative (term of address), parent’s sibling’s spouse’s male gux [gu’x:]
blood relative (term of address), sibling’s spouse’s male gux [gu’x:]
blood relative’s godparent, female blood relative of maly [maaly]
blood relative’s godparent, male blood relative of mbaly [mbaaly]
blouse cotony [cotoony]
blow golpy [go’oollpy]
blue nsual [nsu’all]
body cwerp [cwe’rp], lady [lahdy]
boils rdieby [rdììe’by]
boils (something) rsudieby [rsudììe’by]
bone zuat [zu’aht]
Boniface Paisy [Pa’isy]
Bonifacia Lia Baisy [Lia Bai’sy]
Bonifacio Paisy [Pa’isy]
book liebr [li’ebr]
border (between two countries) liny [li’nny]
border, crosses the rdeidy lo liny [rdèèi’dy loh li’nny]
border patrol / border patrol officer myegr [mye’gr]
born, gets raly [ràaly]
borrows rguiny [rguìi’iny]
borrows (something) from (someone) rguiny lo [rguìi’iny loh]
boss lam [la’mm]
bossy, acts rcwaya [rcwàa’yaàa’]
both… and… zicy… zicy… [zi’cy…zi’cy…]
both of ropta [ro’pta’], yropta [yro’pta’]
bothers rdeidy guerr [rdèèidy gue’rr], runy molestar [ruhny molestaar]
bottle botei [bote’i]
bottom cader [cadeer]
bougainvillea gyia bugambily [gyìa’ bugambi’lly]
box caj [ca’j]
boy mniny [mnìi’iny]
boy, little (term of address) pa [paa]
bracero (guest farm worker during the Bracero Program) braser [braseer]
Bracero Program, guest farm worker during the braser [braseer]
brain cubecy [cuhbe’cy], cubëcy [cuhbë’cy], galryeiny [gahllryeihny]
branch na [nnaàa’]
branch of na [nnaàa’]
bread guetxtily [guehtx:tiilly]
bread, Mexican sweet guetxtily nax [guehtx:tiilly nnahx]
breaks (a long object) rguich [rguìi’ch]
breaks (a round or compact object) rda [rdaa’ah]
bricklayer, master maestr [mae’str]
bridge pwen [pwe’eenn]
brings riedne [rìe’dnèe]
brings across rteidy [rtèèi’dy]
broadcasts (seeds) rtech [rte’ch]
broadcasts (seeds), goes and ritech [rite’ch]
broken piece of pottery bsiny [bsìi’iny]
broom gub [gùùu’b]
brother (of a female) bzyan [bzyaàa’n]
brother (of a male) bets [behts]
brother, younger (of a female) bzyan guny [bzyaàa’n gùuny]
brother‑in‑law cunyad [cunyaad], xluan [x:lu’ahnn]
brother‑in‑law, older tiu [ti’u]
Bruna Lia Ruan [Lia Ruuann]
buddy (term of address) cagwet [cagwe’t]
building edifisy [edifii’sy]
builds runy [ruhny], runychia [ruhnychììa’]
built, gets racchia [rahcchììa’]
bull guan [gùu’ann]
Bulmaro Mar [Maar]
bumps into rla [rlàa]
buried, gets rgats [rgàa’ts]
buries rcwats [rcwàa’ts]
bus autobuas [autobua’s], bas [ba’s], camyuny [cammyuuny], car [ca’rr]
bus station terminal xte camyuny [termina’ll x:tèe’ camyuuny]
but aty [a’ty], chiru [chiru’], chiru dac [chiru’ dàa’c], chu [chuu’], per [pehr]
but then chiru dac [chiru’ dàa’c]
butterfly baguidy [ba’gui’idy]
buttocks zha [zh:àa’], zhan [zh:ààa’n]
buys rzi [rzììi’]
buys (something) from (someone) rzi lo [rzìi’ loh]
buzzard beich [be’ich]
by por [pohr]
by (an author, for instance) par [pahr]
by force per jwers [pehr jwe’rs]
by (in arithmetic) lo [loh]
by telephone por telefono [pohr telé’fonoh]
cactus fruit, organ‑pipe btsë [btsëh]
cactus fruit, prickly pear bruiny [brùu’iny]
cactus, organ‑pipe gyibtsë [gyibtsëh]
cactus pad, prickly pear bya [byàa]
cactus, prickly pear gyibya [gyibyàa]
café comedor [comedoor]
cargo, does (someone’s) ran zeiny [ràann zèèi’ny]
California Califoryën [Cali’fóoryënn]
Calixto / Callistus Calyestr [Calye’estr]
call, makes a phone rni por telefono [rnnììi’ pohr telé’fonoh]
calls rreizh [rree’ihzh]
calls (on the phone) runy marcar [ruhny marcaar]
calls (someone) rbuzh [rbu’uhuhzh]
calls (someone) on the telephone rnine por telefono [rnnì’nèe pohr telé’fonoh]
calls (someone other than the speaker or hearer) (a name) reipy [re’ihpy]
calls to (someone) rbuzh [rbu’uhuhzh]
can (container) lat [la’t]
can (is able to) rac [rahc], racgan [rahcgaan], rile [rille’eh], rda [rdàa]
Candida Lia Can [Lia Ca’ann]
cántaro ri [ri’ih] (e-poss. xti [x:ti’ih])
cap, baseball cachuch [cachu’ch]
car camyuny [cammyuuny], car [ca’rr], coch [co’ch]
carbon dating test prweb xte carbono catorce [prweeb x:tèe’ carbono catórse]
card, playing baraj [bara’j]
care of, takes rculo [rculoh]
carefully, looks at (something) rgwizuats [rgwi’zùa’ts]
cargo zeiny [zèèi’ny], zëiny [zêêi’ny]
cargo, for a person to have a ni rac buny zeiny [nih rahc bùunny zèèi’ny]
cargo, has rac zeiny [rahc zèèi’ny]
Carlos Carl [Ca’rl]
carries (someone or something) in the arms rguez [rguèe’ez]
carries (something heavy or more than one item) rgue [rgueh]
Casimira Lia Mier [Lia Miie’r]
cast (on a broken limb) gyes [gye’s]
casts a shadow runy bda [ruhny bdaa]
cat zhyet [zhye’et]
Catalina Lia Cat [Lia Ca’t]
catches rnaz [rnnàa’az]
catches, goes and [rinnàa’az]
caught, gets rga [rgaa’ah]
Cayetana Lia Tan [Lia Taan]
Cayetano Tan [Taan]
C.D. sede [sedee]
celebrations, a large, heavy spherical frame covered with cloth carried during Oaxacan marimot [marimo’t]
Celestino Tyen [Tye’nn]
Celia Lia Sely [Lia Se’lly]
central courtyard lainde [la’indèe’]
century plant flower byol [byo’ol]
chair gyizhily [gyizhi’iilly]
changes (himself) rac cambiar [rahc cambiaar]
changes residence rchu yu [rchùu yu’uh]
changes (something) rchu [rchùu], runy cambiar [ruhny cambiaar]
chapulin bxady [bx:àady]
charcoal bo [bòo]
Charles Carl [Ca’rl]
chases rdinal [rdinàall]
cheats runy tram [ruhny tra’amm]
check (money) chec [che’c]
checks out rgwi lo [rgwi’ih loh]
cheek xag [x:ahg]
cheers (response to a toast) dizh be Dyoz [dìi’zh bèe Dyooz]
cheers (toast, when drinking) dizh beu [dìi’zh bèu’]
cheers (toast, when drinking ‑‑ used to form.) dizh beyu [dìi’zh bèeyuu’]
Chela Lia Chel [Lia Che’ll], Lia Chyel [Lia Chye’ll]
chest teix [tèe’ix]
chews (something) ras [rahs]
Chica Lia Zyec [Lia Zye’c]
chicken budy [bu’uhuhdy]
Chico Chiecw [Chie’cw]
chilacayote (type of large squash) gyet wez [gyeht wèèe’z]
child mniny [mnìi’iny], zhiny [zhìi’iny]
chile gyiny [gyììi’ny]
chin rsei [rsèi]
chirimoya nuan [nnuuan]
chirimoya tree yanuan [yannuuan]
chocolate nax [nnahx]
Chona Lia Chon [Lia Cho’nn]
chooses runy escojer [ruhny escojeer]
Christ Criest [Cri’est]
Christina / Christine Lia Cristyen [Lia Cristye’nn], Lia Tyen [Lia Tye’nn]
Christmas Nabida [Nabidaa]
church ydo [ydòòo’]
church, altar in a lo bcu [loh bcùùu’]
Church, San Antonio Ydo Santony [Ydoòo’ Sanntoony]
Chuy Chu [Chuu]
cigarette guez [guehehz]
cinnamon canel [caneel]
circle rrued [rrueed]
citizen syudadan [syudada’nn]
city syuda [syudaa]
city person gyizh [gyi’izh]
Clara / Clare Lia Clary [Lia Claary]
clarinet clarinet [clarine’t]
class clas [cla’s]
Claudia Lia Cau [Lia Ca’u] / [Lia Ca’au], Lia Claudy [Lia Cla’udy]
clay pot gues [guehs]
cleans / cleans up rsya [rsyàa]
clinic clinica [clí’nicah]
close blood relative sa gax [sa’ah gahx:]
clothes lady [lahdy] (e-poss. xab [x:ahb])
cob, corn on the ze [ze’eh]
cockroach zhacw [zh:aa’cw]
coffee cafe [cafee]
coin, flips a rcwa bolad [rcwààa’ah bolaad]
cold (culturally out of equilibrium with something “hot”) nal [nahll], nald [nahlld]
cold (illness) zhi [zhii’ih]
cold (in temperature) nal [nahll], nald [nahlld]
college scwel ro [sceel ròo’oh], unibersida [unibersidaa]
comb beu [be’èu]
come in! byuti! [byutìi!]
come in (to more than one person)! ual gyuti! [u’all gyutìi!]
comes ried [rìe’d]
comes and tells riedni [rìe’dnììi’]
comes and visits riedgwi cuan [rìe’dgwi’ih cu’an]
comes back ricy [ri’ihcy]
comes back to (a place) ricy [ri’ihcy]
comes from za [zàa]
comes out (of a test, for example) rdica [rdi’cah], rrica [rri’cah]
comes out (of the truth of something) rdicaldi [rdi’cahldìi]
comes to be with riedchune [rìe’dchu’uhnèe]
comes to eat ridtau [ri’dta’uh]
comes to see rigan [rigàann]
comes up (of a plant) rdyeny [rdyehnny]
comes with riedne [rìe’dnèe]
communicates runy comunicar [ruhny comunicaar]
community service zeiny [zèèi’ny], zëiny [zêêi’ny]
compact disc sede [sedee]
compadre xtadambaly [x:ta’adambaaly]
completely deplan [depla’nn]
completely does (do) racgan [rahcgaan]
computer computador [computadoor]
Concepcion Lia Chon [Lia Cho’nn]
conscience galrieny [gahllryeihny], salyb [saalyb]
constable lasliery [lasliiery]
Constantino Cost [Co’st]
consuegro sagual [saguuall]
Consuelo Lia Conswel [Lia Conswe’ll]
cook cosiner [cosineer]
cooks (something) on an open fire rcyi [rcyi’ih]
copy copy [co’py]
corn zhub [zh:u’ub]
corn, dough made from ground cub[cu’uhb]
corn kernel zhub [zh:u’ub]
corn on the cob ze [ze’eh]
corner xquiny [x:quiiny]
corte zudy [zu’ùu’dy]
costs ria [rihah]
cottontail rabbit conejw [conne’jw]
cough ru [ruh]
court, goes to ria lo jwes [rihah loh jwe’s]
courts (a young woman) (of a young man) ria mach lo [rihah ma’ch loh]
courtyard, central lainde [la’indèe’]
cousin pryem [prye’mm]
cow bag [baag]
coyote (a guide) coyot [coyo’t]
coyote (animal) beu [be’èu’]
crazy loc [loo’c]
created, gets rbixti [rbihx:tih]
Crecencia Lia Carseinzy [Lia Carse’einnzy]
cries ruan [rùàa’n]
Crisanta Lia San [Lia Sa’ann]
Cristina Lia Cristyen [Lia Cristye’nn], Lia Tyen [Lia Tye’nn]
crosses (something) rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
crosses the border rdeidy lo liny [rdèèi’dy loh li’nny]
crosses to (a place) rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
crow bca [bca’ah]
crushes rtainy [rtàa’iny]
cup tas [ta’s]
cusses rgue [rguèe]
cusses at (someone) rgue lo [rguèe loh]
cusses out (someone) rgue lo [rguèe loh]
custard apple (chirimoya) tree yanuan [yannuuan]
cuts rtyug [rtyùu’g]
cuts into little pieces runybyuzh [ruhnybyùuzh]
cymbals plati [platii]
dahlia gyia daly [gyìa’ da’lly]
damages (something) runy dany [ruhny daany]
dances rgya [rgyàa’ah]
dark, very early in the morning when it’s still cai [ca’ài]
dating test, carbon prweb xte carbono catorce [prweeb x:tèe’ carbono catórse]
daughter zhiny [zhìi’iny], zhinyzhyap [zhìi’inyzhyàa’p]
daughter‑in‑law wliaz [wlihahz]
day zhi [zh:ih]
day after tomorrow, the guzh [gùuzh]
Day, All Saints Tagual [Taguuall]
Day, All Souls Tagual [Taguuall]
Day, Ascension Jweby Tyua Wbwizh [Jweeby Tyùùa’ Wbwi’ihzh]
day before yesterday, the nas [nahs]
day, every rata zhi [ra’ta’ zh:ih]
day, is the very next rratagguel [rratahgguèe’ll]
day, it is the next rragueli [rraguèe’llih]
day, mid- laizhi [laizh:ih]
Day, New Year’s Iaz Cweby [iihahz cweeby]
Day of the Dead Tagual [Taguuall]
day, some daru chu zhi [dàa’ru’ chu’uh zh:ih]
Dead, Day of the Tagual [Taguuall]
debt diny [dìi’iny]
debt, has ca diny [càa dìi’iny]
debts, has ca diny [càa dìi’iny]
descends ryet [rye’eht]
December Disyemr [Disye’mmr]
December 12 (the festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe) Loni Gwadalepy [Lohnih Gwadale’py], Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py]
December 25 (Christmas) Nabida [Nabidaa]
declaration declarasyony [declarasyoony]
deer bzeiny [bzèiny], bzëiny [bzêiny]
defends runy defender [ruhny defendeer]
degree, master’s maestria [mae’striia]
Delfina Lia Pyen [Lia Pye’nn]
Delfino Del [De’ell], Pyen [Pye’nn]
delicious nizh [nìi’zh]
delicious it is, to see how don cataly nizhi [do’onn cata’lly nìi’zhih]
delicious, smells nizh rdia [nìi’zh rdììa’]
Delphine Lia Pyen [Lia Pye’nn]
dents rtainy [rtàa’iny]
deposits (money) (somewhere) rgu [rgùu’uh]
deserves to ryal [ryàall]
destroys rtseily [rtse’ihlly]
Devil, the Dyabl [Dya’bl]
dialogue gal rgwe dizh [gahll rgwèèe’ dìi’zh]
dials (a phone) runy marcar [ruhny marcaar]
diarrhea galardeidy [gahllardèèi’dy]
dice dad [daad]
Diego Diegw [Diegw], Dyeu [Dye’u]
dies raty [rahty]
dies: God takes (someone) rca Dyoz [rcaa’ah Dyooz]
diet, follows a medical rban [rbàa’an]
digests ryeizy [ryèi’zy]
dignity dignida [dignidaa]
diputado totad [to’taad]
disease galguizh [gahllgui’ihihzh]
dish plad [plaàad]
dishwasher ni rguiby plad [nih rguìi’by plaad]
distant blood relative sa zyet [sa’ah zye’eht]
ditch blias [blìàa’s]
divided, gets rgaizy [rgàa’izy]
divorced from each other, get rlasa [rlàa’sa’ah]
divorced, gets rac diborsyar [rahc diborsyaar]
divorces runy diborsyar [ruhny diborsyaar]
doctor doctor [do’ctoor]
document gyets [gyèe’ts]
does runy [ruhny]
does a favor and runy fabor [ruhny faboor]
does an errand runy mandad [ruhny mandaad]
does (do), completely racgan [rahcgaan]
does not exist caria [carììa’]
does not have enough of (something) runyfald [ruhnyfa’lld]
does (someone’s) cargo ran zeiny [ràann zèèi’ny]
does (something) to survive, goes and ribanyne [ribàanynèe]
does (something) to survive, only goes and ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy]
does something wrong at (a place) runy fald [ruhny fa’lld]
does work runy zeiny [ruhny zèèi’ny]
doesn’t have time to queity rapdi tyem [que’ity ràa’pdi’ tye’emm]
dog becw [bèe’cw] / [bèe’ecw]
doll mon [moon]
dollar dolr [do’lr]
Dominga Lia Myeng [Lia Mye’enng], Lia Myengw [Lia Mye’enngw]
Domingo Myengw [Mye’engw]
Domingo, Santo Santo Domyengw [Sá’nntoh Domye’enngw]
Don Tiu [Ti’u]
Doña Bied [Bied]
donation, makes a charitable runy guan [ruhny guuhahnn]
done, gets rac [rahc]
donkey buarr [bua’rr]
don’t worry queity xi galarzyadi chuu [que’ity xi gallarzyaàa’di’ chu’-ùu’]
don’t know, I cwana [cwàanna’], cwanru [cwàannru’]
don’t worry (you guys) queity xi galarzyadi chuad [que’ity xi gallarzyaàa’di’ chu’-ahd]
door pwert [pwee’rt]
doorway of a house ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
doorway of the house, in the ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
dough made from ground corn cub[cu’uhb]
down, goes ryet [rye’eht]
drawing dibuj [dibu’j]
dregs ben [bèen]
dress bistied [bistiied]
dries (something) rsubiaz [rsubihahz]
drinks re [rèe’eh], ria [rìi’ah]
drinks (form. verb) rquiny [rquììi’ny]
drives rsa [rsahah], runy manejar [ruhny manejaar]
dude (term of address) cagwet [cagwe’t]
dulce, pan guetxtily nax [guehtx:tiilly nnahx]
dust de [deheh]
each cad [caad]
each other sa [sa’ah]
eagle bsia [bsihah]
ear dyag [dyahg]
earlier this morning ba rsily [baa’ah rsìiilly]
earlier today ba [baa’ah]
early in the morning when it’s still dark, very cai [ca’ài]
earns runy gan [ruhny gaan]
earth?, who on tuazh [tu-ahzh:]
earthenware figure, precolumbian blal [blàaal]
earthenware pot gues [guehs]
earthenware pottery item gues [guehs]
Easter Pascw [Pa’scw], Xmansan [Xmahnsa’ann]
Easter Monday Luny Pascw [Luuny Pa’scw]
easy fasily [fá’sihlly]
eat, comes to ridtau [ri’dta’uh]
eat it, so that people can tyen gau bunyi [tye’nn ga’u bùunnyih]
eat, what people are to ni gau buny [nih ga’u bùunny]
eat, you rauu [ràu’]
eats rau [ra’uh], rau guet [ra’uh gueht]
eats (form. verb) rquiny [rquììi’ny], rquiny guet [rquììi’ny gueht]
eats (something) rau [ra’uh]
echo of (someone’s) voice rse [rse’eh]
edge of, at the ru [ru’uh]
education educasyony [educasyoony]
eggs, vegetables, and meat; Oaxacan dish made with gyixeiny [gyix:e’ehiny]
eight xon [x:òon], och [o’ch], ocho [ó’choh]
eighteen tseinyabchon [tsèi’nyahbchòonn], diesiyoch [diesiyo’ch], diesiyocho [diesiyó’choh]
eighth ni rac xon [nih rahc x:òon]
eighty ta [tààa’], tap galy [tahp gàally], ochen [oche’nn], ochenta [oché’nntah]
eighty-seven, fifteen / eighty-seven, one thousand five hundred and milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
Elaine Lia Len [Lia Leen]
elbow xtubily [x:tubi’iilly]
elementary primary [primaary]
elementary school primary [primaary]
Elena Lia Len [Lia Leen]
Eleuteria Lia Tery [Lia Teery]
eleven tsëbteby [tsëbteeby], onse [ó’nseh]
eliminated from, are rra [rrah]
Elocadia Lia Cady [Lia Ca’ady]
else, somewhere steby lad [steeby laad]
else, what xiëru [xiëru’]
else, who tuëru [tuëru’]
email email [ímeil]
Emeteria Lia Mitery [Lia Miteery]
Emiliana Lia Milian [Lia Miliaan]
Emiliano Milyan [Milyaan]
empanada (type of turnover with a spicy filling) empanad [empanaad]
encounters (someone) rinda lo [rindàa loh]
Enedina Lia Ndien [Lia Ndiienn]
Enedino Ndien [Ndiien]
English language Ingles [Ingle’s]
enough, is ral [ràall]
Enrique Nryec [Nrye’c]
enters ryuti [ryutìi]
enters (college, for example) ryu [ryu’uh]
enters (somewhere) ryuti lany [ryu’tìi làa’any]
Epifania) Lia Bany [Lia Lia Ba’nny]
equal teblo [te’bloh]
Erlinda Lia Lienr [Lia Lie’nr], Lia Liendr [Lia Lie’ndr], Lia Lyen [Lia Lye’nn], Lia Lyend [Lia Lye’nnd]
Ermelinda Lia Lyen [Lia Lye’nn], Lia Lyend [Lia Lye’nnd]
Ernest Rnest [Rne’est]
Ernestina / Ernestine Lia Ernestyen [Lia Ernestye’nn]
Ernesto Rnest [Rne’est]
errand, does an runy mandad [ruhny mandaad]
errand, on an (response to cali chiu? or cali gweu?) mandad [mandaad]
errand to do, gives (someone) an runy mandad [ruhny mandaad]
establishes a separate household from his parents rdiareiny [rdìa’re’iny]
Esteban Teb [Te’eb]
Eucadia Lia Cady [Lia Ca’ady]
Eugene / Eugenio Jeiny [Jeeiny]
Europe Europ [Euro’p]
Eusebio Seby [Se’eby], Sëby [Së’ëby]
Eva / Eve Lia Gueb [Lia Gueeb]
even axta [a’xta’], nyec [nyèe’c]
even though por maz [pohr maaz]
even (equal) teblo [te’bloh]
even (including) contod [cohntood]
evening tomorrow zhi wxiny [zhii wxi’ihnny]
every rata [ra’ta’]
every day rata zhi [ra’ta’ zh:ih]
everybody rata ra buny [ra’ta’ ra bùunny]
everything rata [ra’ta’]
evil eye, powerful person who can give people (especially babies and children) the buny duax lo [bùunny dùa’x loh]
evil eye sickness galanduax lo [gahllandùa’x loh], xte buny duax lo [x:tèe’ bùunny dùa’x loh]
evil eye sickness, medicinal plant that can be used to treat cwan xte buny duax lo [cwààa’n x:tèe’ bùunny dùa’x loh]
exactly, just deplan zhi [depla’ann zhi’]
exam prweb [prweeb]
excited, is rdia ya [rdììa’ yaàa’]
exercise tarea [tareea]
exhibition ecsibizyony [e’csibisyoony]
exist, does not caria [carììa’]
exists nu [nu’uh]
exists (in a location) ru [ru’uh]
expensive wgyeizh [wgyee’ihzh]
explains runy esplicar [ruhny esplicaar]
eye bzilo [bziloh]
eyebrow gyich lag [gyihi’ch lahg]
eyelash gyich bzilo [gyihi’ch bziloh]
face lo [lohoh]
falls riab [riahb]
family family [fami’lly]
fancy zac [za’c]
fancy store dyen zac [dye’nn za’c]
fancy suit traj zac [tra’j za’c]
far zyet [zye’et]
far as, as nalo [na’loh]
far, how cataly zyet [cata’lly zye’eht]
farm worker during the Bracero Program, guest braser [braseer]
fast duarta [duarta’], nses [nsehe’s]
fat ndyo [ndyo’oh]
father dad [da’ad], xpangual [x:panguual], xtad [x:ta’ad]
father (term of address) dad [da’ad]
father‑in‑law swegr [swe’egr]
father‑in‑law (term of address) dad [da’ad]
Faustina Lia Pastiny [Lia Pahstiiny]
favor and, does a runy fabor [ruhny faboor]
February Febrer [Febreer]
fed up, gets rac enfad [rahc enfaad]
feeds (someone or something) rgyan [rgyaàa’n]
feels rzyeny [rzyèe’nny]
feels nauseated rbixlaz [rbihxlààa’z]
Feliciano Chan [Chaan]
Felicita / Felicity Lia Felisyet [Lia Felisye’t]
Felicity Lia Felisyet [Lia Felisye’t]
Felipa Lia Lyep [Lia Lye’p]
Felipe Lieb [Li’eb]
Felix Puisy [Pu’isy]
fellow (another one like) sa [sa’ah]
fellow (guy) gwual [gwu’all]
female blood relative of blood relative’s godparent maly [maaly]
festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe Loni Gwadalepy [Lohnih Gwadale’py], Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py]
fever xlyia [x:lyiàa’]
fever, black xlyiayas [x:lyiàa’yàa’as]
fever, gets a ru xlyia [ru’uh x:lyiàa’]
fever, yellow xlyiayats [x:lyiàa’yaàa’ts]
few gab [ga’ab]
few, a duzh [dùu’zh], tyop chon [tyo’p chòonn]
field lo nya [loh nyààa’], lo zhia [loh zhihah]
field work zeiny lo nya [zèèi’ny loh nyààa’]
fiesta lani [lahnih], loni [lohnih]
fifteen tseiny [tsèèi’ny], quinse [quí’nseh], tseiny (15)
fifteen eighty-seven milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
fifth ni rac gai [nih rahc gài’]
fifty sincwen [sinncwe’nn], sincwenta [sinncwé’nntah], tyua abtsë [tyùa’ ahbtsêë’]
fight each other rdily [rdìi’lly]
fights (a bull) rbecy lo [rbèe’cy loh]
fights someone rdily [rdìi’lly]
Filemon Pily [Pi’illy]
Filomena Lia Meny [Lia Meeny]
fin xga [x:gàa], xja [x:jàa]
finally a gucgan [a guhcgaan], naru [nahru’]
finds rzhiel [rzhìel]
fine izylaza [ihzylàa’za’], joz [jo’oz]
fine (response to xa nuu?) gwenag [gweenahg], izyla [ihzylààa’]
finger bcwany na [bcwahnny nnaàa’]
fingernail bzhug na [bzhùug nnaàa’]
fingerprint gwei [gwe’i]
finished, gets rluazh [rluhahzh], rra [rrah]
finishes rilo [riloh], rluazh [rluhahzh]
finishes (something) rduazh [rdùùa’zh]
fire baly [baahlly]
firecracker cwet [cwe’t]
firewood gyag [gyahg]
first primer [primeer]
first, at nadota [nadòo’ta’]
fish bel [behll], beld [behlld]
five gai [gài’], siengw [si’enngw], sinco [sí’nncoh]
five hundred and eighty-seven, one thousand milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
fixes (something) runyzac [ruhnyza’c]
flame baly [baahlly]
flea byiu [byìiú]
flees rzhuny [rzh:ùu’nny]
flesh bel lady [beèe’l lahdy]
flies rzu [rzuh]
flips a coin rcwa bolad [rcwààa’ah bolaad]
flirts with (a young woman) (of a young man) ria mach lo [rihah ma’ch loh]
Flo Lia Lenzh [Lia Le’nnzh]
flor de nubes (type of small white flower) gyia nub [gyìa’ nuub]
Flora Lia Flory [Lia Floory]
Florence Lia Lenzh [Lia Le’nnzh]
Florencia Lia Lenzh [Lia Le’nnzh]
Florentina Lia Florentyen [Lia Florentye’enn]
Florentino Flory [Floory], Plory [Ploory]
Florinda Lia Ryen [Lia Rye’nn]
flower gyia [gyììa’]
flower, basil gyia rrueg [gyìa’ rrueeg]
flower, century plant byol [byo’ol]
flower, type of red gyia panumr [gyìa’ pannu’ummr]
flower, type of small white gyia nub [gyìa’ nuub]
flute, traditional chirmia [chirmia]
foam btseny [btsehnny]
follows a medical diet rban [rbàa’an]
follows, what ni ca ni guet [nih càa ni’ih gue’et]
food ni gau buny [nih ga’u bùunny]
foot ni [ni’ih]
for par [pahr]
for a long time xchi [xchihih]
for a person to have a cargo ni rac buny zeiny [nih rahc bùunny zèèi’ny]
for a while duzh [dùu’zh]
for, gets paid razh [ra’ahzh]
for one to have a cargo ni rac buny zeiny [nih rahc bùunny zèèi’ny]
for the moment latizy [la’tihzy]
for (time phrase) a guc [a guhc]
force, because of per jwers [pehr jwe’rs]
force, by per jwers [pehr jwe’rs]
forearm na [nnaàa’]
forehead locwa [lohcwah]
forgets ryalaz [ryalààa’z]
forgets about (something) ryalaz [ryalààa’z]
forgets (something) ryalaz [ryalààa’z]
fortunate, it’s rlainy [rlàa-ihny]
forty tyua [tyùùa’], cwaren [cware’nn], cwarenta [cwaré’nntah]
founded, gets rbixti [rbihx:tih]
four tap [tahp]; cwatr [cwa’tr], cwatro [cwá’troh]
four, another / four more stap [sta’p]
four of, the ydapta [yda’pta’]
fourteen tsëda [tsëdah], catorse [cató’rseh]
fourth ni rac tap [nih rahc tahp]
Frances Lia Zyec [Lia Zye’c]
Francis Chiecw [Chie’cw], Fransyescw [Fransye’scw]
Francisca Lia Zyec [Lia Zye’c]
Francisco Chiecw [Chie’cw], Fransyescw [Fransye’scw]
Frank Chiecw [Chie’cw], Pacw [Pa’cw]
free liebr [li’ebr]
free (of charge) digaizy [digaa’-ihzy]
freedom liberta [libertaa]
Friday Byern [Byee’rnn]
Friday, Good Byernsan [Bye’rnnsa’ann]
friend amiegw [amiiegw]
friend (term of address) gwuale [gwu’alle’eh]
friendship amista [amistaa]
frog rran [rraan]
from (a place), runs away rzhuny [rzh:ùu’nny]
from, comes za [zàa]
from (in arithmetic) guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
from, is za [zàa]
front leg (of an animal) na [nnaàa’]
front of, in lo [lohoh]
front of the house, in ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
front of the house, in the area in loyu [lohyu’uh]
front of you, in nez loo [nehz lòo’]
fruit fruat [frua’t]
fruit, organ‑pipe cactus btsë [btsëh]
fruit, prickly pear cactus bruiny [brùu’iny]
fun, has rac dibertier [rahc dibertiier]
fun, so that people can have par gac buny dibertier [pahr ga’c bùunny dibertiier]
gain gan [gaan]
game, loses the rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
garlic xtiazh [xtiaazh]
gas / gasoline gasolyen [gasolye’nn]
gathers rtop [rtòo’p]
Genevieve / Genoveva Lia Gueb [Lia Gueeb]
gentlemen (term of address) lazatayuad [lazàa’ta’yùad]
genuine blal blalbag [bla’albag]
genuine, is not ati merbëg [a’ti meerbëg], atizh merbëg [a’tihzh: meerbëg]
George Jorj [Jo’orj]
geranium gyia jerany [gyìa’ jera’anny]
Gerard / Gerardo Jarard [Jera’rd]
Geronimo Rony [Ro’ony]
Gertruda / Gertrude / Gertrudiz Lia Xtruad [Lia X:trua’d]
get a turn to, should ryal [ryàall]
get divorced from each other rlasa [rlàa’sa’ah]
gets rca [rcaa’ah]
gets a fever ru xlyia [ru’uh x:lyiàa’]
gets a shot rzub guichgwuazh [rzùub guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh]
gets across rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
gets along well ranzac [ràannza’c]
gets along well with ranzac lo [ràannza’c loh]
gets angry rzhich [rzhi’ch]
gets annoyed rac enfad [rahc enfaad]
gets around rcanza [rcanzàa]
gets better ryac [rya’ahc]
gets born raly [ràaly]
gets built racchia [rahcchììa’]
gets buried rgats [rgàa’ts]
gets caught rga [rgaa’ah]
gets created rbixti [rbihx:tih]
gets divided rgaizy [rgàa’izy]
gets divorced rac diborsyar [rahc diborsyaar]
gets done rac [rahc]
gets fed up rac enfad [rahc enfaad]
gets figured out (of the truth of something) rdicaldi [rdi’cahldìi]
gets finished rluazh [rluhahzh], rra [rrah]
gets founded rbixti [rbihx:tih]
gets happy rcyetlaz [rcye’tlààa’z]
gets hungry rdyan [rdyaàa’n], rtyuginy [rtyùu’gihny]
gets into a position (on a flat, elevated surface) rbeb [rbèe’b]
gets itchy rbab [rbahb]
gets kept ruchia [ru’chììa]
gets lost rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
gets mad rzhich [rzhi’ch]
gets married rca buny [rcaa’ah bùunny], ruxna [ru’x:nnaàa’]
gets off ryet lany [rye’eht làa’any]
gets old ryux [ryùu’ux]
gets opened rzhyeily [rzhye’illy]
gets operated on rac operar [rahc operaar]
gets over rluazh [rluhahzh]
gets paid / gets paid for razh [ra’ahzh]
gets paid on a piecework basis rcwa por taria [rcwààa’ah pohr tariia]
gets placed rzub [rzùu’b]
gets plugged up rzhi [rzhìi’ih]
gets prepared rac [rahc]
gets protected rac protejer [rahc protejeer]
gets punished rac castiu [rahc casti’u]
gets ripe (of fruit) rats [raàa’ts]
gets saved ruchia [ru’chììa]
gets scared rzhiby [rzhihby]
gets sick racxu [rahcx:ùu]
gets sold rdo [rdòo’oh]
gets (something) ready runy preparar [ruhny preparaar]
gets sour rgui [rguii]
gets stuffed up rzhi [rzhìi’ih]
gets taken away rbica [rbicàa]
gets tired ran [rahnn]
gets to know runybe [runybèe’], rumbe [rumbèe’]
gets tortured rac torturar [rahc torturaar]
gets up (out of bed) risti [rihstìi]
gets well ryac [rya’ahc]
gets yellow rats [raàa’ts]
ghost ni runyzeny [nih ruhnyzeèe’ny]
gift rregal [rrega’ll]
girl lia [lia], zhyap [zhyàa’p]
girl, little (term of address) ma [maa]
girlfriend xchyap [x:chàa’p]
girlie (term of address) ma [maa]
gives a test to runy prweb [ruhny prweeb]
gives shade runy bda [ruhny bdaa]
gives (someone) (a cargo) runy [ruhny]
gives (someone) a shot rzub guichgwuazh [rzùu’b guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh]
gives (someone) an errand to do runy mandad [ruhny mandaad]
gives (someone or something) away rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
gives (something) to (someone other than the speaker or hearer) rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
gives (something) to (the speaker or hearer) rnizh [rnìi’izh]
gizzard xquets [x:quèe’ts]
gladiola gyia gradyol [gyìa gradyoo’ll]
Gloria Lia Glory [Lia Gloory]
Go Catch a Fish (“Go Fish” in Zapotec) Gunaz Bel [gunnàa’az behll]
go, let’s to [tòo’oh]
goat zhieb [zhi’eb]
God Dyoz [Dyooz]
God takes (someone) rca Dyoz [rcaa’ah Dyooz]
godchild zhiny bal [zhìiíny baaly]
godfather xtad mbaly [x:ta’ad mbaaly]
godmother xnan baly [x:nna’an baaly]
godparent, female blood relative of blood relative’s maly [maaly]
godparent, male blood relative of blood relative’s mbaly [mbaaly]
goes ria [rihah]
goes, also riegza [riehgza’]
goes and asks rigueipy [rigue’ihpy]
goes and asks for the hand of (a girl) in marriage ritiny [ritìi’iny]
goes and broadcasts (seeds) ritech [rite’ch]
goes and does (something) to survive ribanyne [ribàanynèe]
goes and does (something) to survive, only ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy]
goes and leaves (something) risan [risàa’an]
goes and looks around rigwi [rgwi’ih]
goes and reads rigual [rigùa’ll]
goes and sees rigan [rigàann]
goes and sings rigual [rigùa’ll]
goes and spills (a non-liquid) ritech [rite’ch]
goes and sows (seeds) by scattering them widely ritech [rite’ch]
goes and survives with (the aid of something) ribanyne [ribàanynèe]
goes and survives with (the aid of something), only ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy]
goes and takes rinde [rindee’eh]
goes back ricy [ri’ihcy]
goes back inside ria [rihah]
goes back to (a place) ricy [ri’ihcy]
goes before the judge ria lo jwes [rihah loh jwe’s]
goes down ryet [rye’eht]
goes home ria [rihah]
goes (into) ryuti [ryutìi]
goes into (a place) ryuti lany [ryu’tìi làa’any]
goes out rria [rrììa’]
goes outside rria jwer [rrììa’ jweer]
goes to ria [rihah]
goes to (college, for example) ryu [ryu’uh]
goes to court ria lo jwes [rihah loh jwe’s]
goes with rine [rinèe]
good gwen [gween], joz [jo’oz], zac [za’c]
good afternoon! zac wzhi! [za’c wzhih!], zacawzhi! [za’cawzhih!]
good as to, is so rsaguel [rsaguehll]
good evening! zac wxiny! [za’c wxi’ihnny!], zacawxiny! [za’cawxi’ihnny!]
good midday! zac laizhi! [za’c laizhih!]
good morning! zac rsily! [za’c rsìii’lly!], zacarsily! [za’carsìii’ly!]
Good Friday Byernsan [Bye’rnnsa’ann]
good it is, to see how don cataly nizhi [do’onn cata’lly nìi’zhih]
good student bwen studian [bween studi’aann]
good tasting nizh [nìi’zh]
goodbye yzhajae¨n [yzhàaja’e¨hnn], yzhagaën [yzhàaga’e¨hnn]
got taken away ze [zèe]
government wbyern [wbyee’rn]
governor gobernador [gobernadoor]
Goyo Goi [Go’i], Guly [Gùuully]
grabs (something) rnaz [rnnàa’az]
grabs, goes and rinaz [rinnàa’az]
Graciela Lia Grasyel [Lia Grahsye’ll], Lia Chel [Lia Che’ll], Lia Chyel [Lia Chye’ll]
grandchild zhyag [zhyahg]
grandfather dadmam [da’adma’mm], xtadmam [x:ta’adma’mm]
grandmother nanmam [nna’anma’mm], xnanmam [x:nna’anma’mm]
grandparent mam [ma’mm], xmam [x:ma’mm]
grasshopper, edible bxady [bx:àady]
grasshopper, type of medium‑sized barga [bargàa’]
grease za [zah]
great izylaza [ihzylàa’za’]
green nga [ngàa’ah]
Greg / Gregorio / Gregory Goi [Go’i], Guly [Gùuully]
grills (something) rcyi [rcyi’ih]
gringo (Anglo, white person from the United States or possibly Europe) ryengw [rye’enngw]
ground yu [yuhuh]
grounds ben [bèen]
grows rro [rro’oh]
grows a lot rrodan [rro’daàa’n]
Guadalupe, the festival of Our Lady of Loni Gwadalepy [Lohnih Gwadale’py], Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py]
guava wi [wii]
guava tree gyiwi [gyiwii]
guess what rindyau ne [rinydyàu’ neh]
guesses rnigya [rnnìi’gya’ah]
guest farm worker during the Bracero Program braser [braseer]
gun pistoly [pisto’lly], guieb [guììe’b]
gun, shoots a rcwa gyieb [rcwààa’ah gyììe’b]
guts garzi [garzììi’]
guy gwual [gwu’all], niny [nìi’iny]
guy (term of address) cagwet [cagwe’t]
had better runygan [ruhnygaan]
had happened, what que tac zicy guc [queh tahc zi’ihcy guhc]
hair gyichicy [gyihchi’ihcy]
half past (in time expressions) mudy [muudy]
hand na [nnaàa’]
hand of, in the losna [losnnaàa’]
hand, raise your bdes no [bde’s nnoòo’], bdesna [bde’snnaàa’]
hands of, in the losna [losnnaàa’]
hangs (in a location) rzeiby [rzèèi’by]
hangs (something) (in a location) rzeiby [rzèèi’by]
happen to him (how), has things rac [rahc]
happened, what had que tac zicy guc [queh tahc zi’ihcy guhc]
happening?, what’s xa caniiny? [x:a cannìi’-ihny], xa zuiny? [x:a zuu-ihny]
happy, gets rcyetlaz [rcye’tlààa’z]
happy, is rcyetlaz [rcye’tlààa’z]
hard duar [duuar], nzhung [nzh:uhnng], tyep [tyehp]
hard, it’s duar zuiny [duuar zuu-ihny], tyep zuiny [tyehp zuu-ihny]
harvests (produce) from a field ran [ràa’an]
has ca [caa’ah], rac [rahc], rap [ràa’p]
has a cargo rac zeiny [rahc zèèi’ny]
has an operation rac operar [rahc operaar]
has debt ca diny [càa dìi’iny]
has debts ca diny [càa dìi’iny]
has fun rac dibertier [rahc dibertiier]
has lost (something) rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
has not yet adi [aadi’]
has passed a wdeidy [a wdèèi’dy]
has, still rapag [ràa’pahg]
has things happen to him (how) rac [rahc]
has to na par [nàa pahr], rquiny [rquììi’ny]
has (what) as a problem rzac [rzahc]
hat zhomrel [zh:ommreel]
hates runy odiar [ruhny odiaar]
hauls (something heavy or more than one item) rgue [rgueh]
have a cargo, for a person to ni rac buny zeiny [nih rahc bùunny zèèi’ny]
have them too, I’ll niegza gauwa [nìehgza’ ga’uwa’]
have time to, doesn’t queity rapdi tyem [que’ity ràa’pdi’ tye’emm]
hawk byuc [byu’c]
he (an.) aëm [a’-ëhmm], laëm [làa’-ëhmm]
he (an.), only laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
he (dist.) ai [a’ai], lai [la’ai]
he (dist.), only laizyi [la’aihzyi]
he (dist.) writes rcwai [rcwài’]
he (fam.) aazh [àa-ahzh:], laazh [làa’zh:]
he (fam.), only laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
he (prox.) aëng [a’a-ënng], laëng [la’a-ëng]
he (prox.), only laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
he (resp.) aëb [àa-ëhb], laëb [làa’-ëhb]
he (resp.), only laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
he (rev.) ainy [àa-ihny], lainy [làa’-ihny]
he (rev.), only laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
head guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
healer who helps someone regain his or her soul, type of traditional ni runyrezh [nih ruhnyrehzh]
heals ryac [rya’ahc]
hears rinydyag [rinydyahg]
heart anym [a’anym], corason [coraso’nn], last [lastòo’], laz [lààa’z]
helper ayudan [ayuda’aann]
helps racne [rahcnèe]
helps, also racnegza [rahcnèegza’]
helps (someone) regain his soul through a traditional ceremony runyrezh [ruhnyrehzh]
Henry Nryec [Nrye’c]
her (an.) aëm [a’-ëhmm], laëm [làa’-ëhmm]
her (an.), only laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
her (dist.) ai [a’ai], lai [la’ai]
her (dist.), only laizyi [la’aihzyi]
her (fam.) aazh [àa-ahzh:], laazh [làa’zh:]
her (fam.), only laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
her (prox.) aëng [a’a-ënng], laëng [la’a-ëng]
her (prox.), only laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
her (resp.) aëb [àa-ëhb], laëb [làa’-ëhb]
her (resp.), only laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
her (rev.) ainy [àa-ihny], lainy [làa’-ihny]
her (rev.), only laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
Herbert Bet [Be’t]
here re [rèe’], ruc [ru’c], ren [re’nn]
here?, are you nuu re e? [nu’-ùu’ rèe’ èee?]
here, I’m a naa re [a nàa’ rèe’] / a naa nua re [a nàa’ nu’-a’ rèe’]
here it is a re [a rèe’]
here, right rega [rèe’gah]
here’s why ni [nihìi]
Heriberto Bet [Be’t]
Herlinda Lia Lienr [Lia Lie’nr], Lia Liendr [Lia Lie’ndr], Lia Lyen [Lia Lye’nn], Lia Lyend [Lia Lye’nnd]
Hernandez Rnany [Rna’anny]
hey / hi / hi there as [a’s], as nia [a’s nniìa’]
hides from (someone) rcwatslo lo [rcwàa’tsloh loh]
hides (something) rcwats [rcwàa’ts]
higaditos (Oaxacan dish made with eggs, vegetables, and meat) gyixeiny [gyix:e’ehiny]
high school scwel ro [sceel ròo’oh]
him (an.) aëm [a’-ëhmm], laëm [làa’-ëhmm]
him (an.), only laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
him (dist.) ai [a’ai], lai [la’ai]
him (dist.), only laizyi [la’aihzyi]
him (fam.) aazh [àa-ahzh:], laazh [làa’zh:]
him (fam.), only laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
him (prox.) aëng [a’a-ënng], laëng [la’a-ëng]
him (prox.), only laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
him (resp.) aëb [àa-ëhb], laëb [làa’-ëhb]
him (resp.), only laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
him (rev.) ainy [àa-ihny], lainy [làa’-ihny]
him (rev.), only laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
hip cader [cadeer]
Hipolito Poly [Po’oly]
history istory [istoory]
hit golpy [go’oollpy]
hitchhikes rnab teiby abenton [rnààa’b te’ihby abentoon]
hits raizy [ràa’izy], rguiny [rguìiny], rtaz [rtàa’az]
hits against rla [rlàa]
holding, is ca [caa’ah]
holiday lani [lahnih], loni [lohnih]
Holy Thursday Jwebysan [Jwebysa’ann]
Holy Week Xmansan [Xmahnsa’ann]
holy (title used before the name of a female saint or holy person) Nambied [Nnambied]
holy (title used before the name of a male saint or holy person) Dadbied [Dadbied]
home, goes ria [rihah]
home, is at rbez [rbèez]
homework tarea [tareea]
horn cach [ca’ch]
horse cabai [caba’i]
hospital ospitaly [o’spitaahlly]
hot nda [ndaàa’]
hot chocolate nax [nnahx]
hot (culturally out of equilibrium with something “cold”) nzha [nzha’ah]
hour or [oor]
house yu [yu’uh] (e-poss. liaz [liihahz])
house, behind the detsyu [dehtsyu’uh]
house, beside the cweyu [cwe’yu’uh]
house, doorway of a ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
house, in front of the ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
house, in the lanyu [làa’nyu’uh]
house, in the area in front of the loyu [lohyu’uh]
house, in the doorway of the ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
house, on the roof of the guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh]
house, on the top of the guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh]
house, roof of a guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh]
household from his parents, establishes a separate rdiareiny [rdìa’re’iny]
how ca [càa], xa [x:a], xa mod [x:a mo’od], xu [x:u]
how…! pëg [pë’g], pëg zhyëb [pë’g zhyë’b], zhyëb [zhyë’b]
how are you? xa nuu? [x:a nu’-ùu’?]
how are you (form.)? xa nuyu? [x:a nu’yuu’?]
how could it be xazhyi modëng [x:azhyi’ mo’odëng]
how do you say “___” in Zapotec? xa rni buny “___” cuan Dizhsa? [x:a rnnììi’ bùunny “___” cuahnn Dìi’zhsah?]
how far cataly zyet [cata’lly zye’eht]
how is …? xa nu … ? [x:a nu’uh … ?]
how is that? xa modi [x:a mo’odih]
how it is, that’s zicyi [zi’icyih]
how long xi zicydi [xi zi’ihcydi’]
how many bal [bàall], bald [bàalld], cataly [cata’lly]
how many more spal [spàall], spald [spàalld]
how many, wow! balizyza [bàallihzyza’]
how much cataly [cata’lly], xi zicydi [xi zi’ihcydi’]
how much (in arithmetic) bal [bàall], bald [bàalld]
how much (referring to money) bgaly [bgaaly]
how much money blac [bla’ac]
how much more money sabgaly [sabgaaly], sablac [sabla’c]
how old cataly ntiu [cata’lly nti’u], xi zicydi [xi zi’ihcydi’]
how people say the words (pronunciation guide) xa rni buny ra dizh [x:a rnnììi’ bùunny ra dìi’zh]
how to, knows rac [rahc], racgan [rahcgaan], rile [rille’eh]
however nieru [nìerùu]
hugs rguez [rguèe’ez]
hundred gaiyua [gaiyùùa’]
hundred and eighty-seven, one thousand five milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
hundred and ninety-nine, one thousand nine milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
hundred, nineteen milynobesyentos [mi’llynobesyé’nntohs]
hundred, one sieng [siehnng], siento [síenntoh], teiby gaiyua [te’ihby gaiyùùa’]
hunded, one thousand nine milynobesyentos [mi’llynobesyé’nntohs]
hundred, two tyop gaiyua [tyo’p gaiyùùa’]
hungry, gets rdyan [rdyaàa’n], rtyuginy [rtyùu’gihny]
hurts rac [rahc], racna [rahcnah], ryub [ryùùu’b]
husband chiel [chìel], xpangual [x:panguual]
Hypolitus Poly [Po’oly]
I naa [nàa’]
I bet ca chia queity gac [ca chiia que’ihty ga’c]
I don’t know cwana [cwàanna’], cwanru [cwàannru’]
I learned it ai bsedya [a’ài’ bsèe’dya’]
I learned that ai bsedya [a’ài’ bsèe’dya’]
I, only naizya [nàa’ihzya’]
I wish ucdi naa [u’cdi’ nàa’]
if bal [bàall], bald [bàalld]
if (contrary to fact) balna [ballnah]
if, says rgwe dizh don [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh do’onn]
if you (form.) say so that’s how it will be bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac [bàall zi’cy rnnììi’yuu’ zhi’ zi’cy ga’c]
if, who knows cwan o [cwàann o]
Ignacia Lia Naisy [Lia Nai’sy]
Ignacio / Ignatius Nach [Na’ch], Naisy [Na’isy]
I’ll have them too niegza gauwa [nìehgza’ ga’uwa’]
I’m going on an errand (response to cali chiu?) chaa mandad [cha’-a’ mandaad]
I’m just going around (response to cali chiu?) chaa nezgag [cha’-a’ nehzgahg]
illness galguizh [gahllgui’ihihzh]
I’m here a naa re [a nàa’ rèe’] / a naa nua re [a nàa’ nu’-a’ rèe’]
immediately debolad [dehbolaad]
important importan [importa’ann]
in lany [làa’any]
in (a language) cuan [cuahnn], quën [quëhnn]
in (a town or city) ni na [nih nàa]
in back of dets [dehts], trasde [tráhsdeh]
in (followed by a year) lo [loh]
in front of lo [lohoh]
in front of the house ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
in front of you nez loo [nehz lòo’]
in line, stands runy col [ruhny co’oll]
in order to par [pahr]
in order to see don [do’onn]
in place of xpart [x:pa’rt]
in the area in front of the house loyu [lohyu’uh]
in the doorway of the house ruyu [ru’yu’uh]
in the fields, work zeiny lo nya [zèèi’ny loh nyààa’]
in the hand of losna [losnnaàa’]
in the hands of losna [losnnaàa’]
in the house lanyu [làa’nyu’uh]
in the least, not nyec tebichi [nyèe’c tebichi’ih], nyec teiby bichi [nyèe’c te’ihby bi’chi’ih]
in the middle of / in the midst of lai [lài’]
in what way xa mod [x:a mo’od]
in‑law, brother‑ cunyad [cunyaad], xluan [x:lu’ahnn]
in‑law, daughter‑ wliaz [wlihahz]
in‑law, father‑ swegr [swe’egr]
in‑law, mother‑ swegr [swe’egr]
in‑law, older brother‑ tiu [ti’u]
in‑law, older sister‑ bied [biied]
in‑law, sister‑ cunyad [cunyaad], xyes [x:ye’ehs]
in‑law, son‑ bgwuaz [bgwuuhahz]
in‑law (term of address), father‑ dad [da’ad]
in‑law (term of address), mother‑ nan [nnàaan]
including contod [cohntood]
Ines / Inez Lia Nes [Lia Ne’s]
injection guichgwuazh [guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh]
insect many [ma’any]
inside, goes back ria [rihah]
inside, is (located) ru [ru’uh]
inside out, is rdets [rde’ts]
insincere smile; smiles a rzhiezdat [rzhìezda’t]
instead of xpart [x:pa’rt]
insults (someone) rgue lo [rguèe loh]
international internasyonal [interna’syona’ll]
intestines garzi [garzììi’]
into lany [làa’any]
into, bumps rla [rlàa]
invests money in runy imbertier muly lo [ruhny imbertiier mùuully loh]
Irene Lia Ren [Lia Re’nn]
Irma Lia Iarm [Lia I’armm]
is na [nàa], rac [rahc]
is a job opening, there riabiny [riahbihny]
is able to rac [rahc], racgan [rahcgaan], rda [rdàa], rile [rille’eh]
is about to a gual[a gùa’ll]
is absent from (school) runy fald [ruhny fa’lld]
is all right (of a non-living subject) rla [rlàa]
is amazed at rzhilo [rzhiloh]
is assigned to (a job) runytocar [ruhnytocaar]
is at home rbez [rbèez]
is enough ral [ràall]
is excited rdia ya [rdììa’ yaàa’]
is from za [zàa]
is happy rcyetlaz [rcye’tlààa’z]
is holding ca [caa’ah]
is in a position (on a flat, elevated surface) rbeb [rbèe’b]
is inside out rdets [rde’ts]
is it?, what time xorni [xoorni’], xyorni [xyoorni’]
is kept nuchia [nu’chììa’]
is located ca [càa]
is located (inside something) nu [nu’uh]
is (located) inside (usually habitually) ru [ru’uh]
is lucky rap swert [ràa’p swe’rt]
is missing (something) rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
is named la [laa]
is not genuine ati merbëg [a’ti meerbëg], atizh merbëg [a’tihzh: meerbëg]
is placed (on a flat, elevated surface) rzub [rzùu’b]
is plugged up zhi [zhìi’ih]
is respectful nu rrespeity lo [nu’uh rrespei’ty loh]
is safe (of a non-living subject) rla [rlàa]
is saved nuchia [nu’chììa’]
is sick racxu [rahcx:ùu]
is so good as to rsaguel [rsaguehll]
is strong ru fwers [ru’uh fwers]
is stuffed up zhi [zhìi’ih]
is sufficient ral [ràall]
is supposed to na par [nàa pahr], nadizh [nadìi’zh], rquiny [rquììi’ny]
is sure rap seguar [ràa’p seguuar]
is the next day, it rragueli [rraguèe’llih]
is the very next day rratagguel [rratahgguèe’ll]
is this a …? … nde e? […ndèe’ èee?]
is, where cuan [cu’an]
is worried about ru galarzya [ru’uh gahllarzyàa’ah]
Isabel Lia Sabely [Lia Sabeelly]
Ishmael Mel [Me’el]
Isidra Lia Siedr [Lia Siiedr]
Ismael Mel [Me’el]
it ni [nii], ricy [ri’cy]
it, all of rati [ra’tih]
it (an.) aëm [a’-ëhmm], laëm [làa’-ëhmm]
it (an.), only laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
it (dist.) ai [a’ai], lai [la’ai], nii [nìi]
it (dist.) is, what xii [xi’ìi’]
it (dist.), only laizyi [la’aihzyi]
it (dist.), what is xii [xi’ìi’]
it (prox.) aëng [a’a-ënng], laëng [la’a-ëng], niëng [ni’ëng]
it (prox.), only laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
it (rev.) ainy [àa-ihny], lainy [làa’-ihny]
it (rev.), only laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
it seems to (someone) that rrilo [rrilloh], rralo [rraloh]
it?, what time is xorni [xoorni’], xyorni [xyoorni’]
itchy, gets rbab [rbahb]
it’s fortunate rlainy [rlàa-ihny]
it’s hard duar zuiny [duuar zuu-ihny], tyep zuiny [tyehp zuu-ihny]
it’s like that zicyi [zi’icyih]
it’s much better that maru mejor [maaru’ mejoor]
it’s the next day rragueli [rraguèe’llih]
it’s time to a gual [a gùa’ll]
it’s up to you (form.) yu zhi [yuu’ zhi’]
it’s up to you (inf.) liu zhi [lìu’ zhi’]
Jacinta / Jacinth Lia Syen [Lia Sye’enn], Lia Syend [Lia Sye’ennd]
Jacinto Syen [Sye’enn]
jack (in cards) sot [so’t]
jackrabbit, type of big bez [be’ez]
Jacob / Jacobo Cob [Coob]
James Diegw [Diegw], Dyeu [Dye’u]
Jane Lia Zhuan [Lia Zh:ùaan]
January Ener [Eneer]
January 1 (New Year’s Day) Iaz Cweby [iihahz cweeby]
jealous nilo [niloh]
Jean Lia Zhuan [Lia Zh:ùaan]
Jeronimo Rony [Ro’ony]
Jesus Chu [Chuu]
jicama jiquëm [jí’quëmm]
Joan Lia Zhuan [Lia Zh:ùaan]
job cham [cha’mm], zeiny [zèèi’ny], zëiny [zêêi’ny]
job opening, there is a riabiny [riahbihny]
Joe Bse [Bsee], Wse [Wsee]
John Jwany [Jwaany]
John James Jwanydyau [Jwanydya’au]
Jorge Jorj [Jo’orj]
Jose / Joseph Bse [Bsee], Wse [Wsee], Se [See]
Juan Jwany [Jwaany]
Juan Diego Jwanydyau [Jwanydya’au]
Juana Lia Zhuan [Lia Zh:ùaan]
judge jwes [jwe’s]
judge, goes before the ria lo jwes [rihah loh jwe’s]
jug, water ri [ri’ih]
juice jug [juug]
Julia Lia July [Lia Juully]
July July [Ju’lly]
jumps rtyis [rtyi’ihs]
jumps up and down rdia ya [rdììa’ yaàa’]
June Juny [Juu’nny]
Junior (nickname) Bich [Bi’ch]
just deizy [de’ihzy], deizyta [dèi’zyta’], deplan [depla’nn], naxta [nàa’xta’], quëndizy [quëhnndihzy], zicyizy [zi’cyihzy], zicydizy [zi’cydihzy]
just a little while, in teiby ratizy [te’ihby ra’tihzy]
just around (response to cali chiu? or cali gweu?) nezgag [nehzgahg]
just as zicybaza [zi’cybaza’]
just exactly deplan zhi [depla’ann zhi’]
just like the one sa ni [sa’ah nih]
just like the ones that, another sa ra ni [sa’ah ra nih]
just little bichiizy [bi’chi’-ihzy]
just now naru [nahru’]
just so long as sindesdizy [sinnde’sdihzy]
just the same tebloizy [te’bloh-ihzy]
just the same, look rliu tebloizy [rllìu’ te’bloh-ihzy]
just what you say ni nadizyu [nih nnahdihzyùu’]
Justo Juast [Ju’ast]
Juvencia Lia Jub [Lia Juub]
Juvencio Benzy [Be’nnzy]
Kate Lia Cat [Lia Ca’t]
Katherine Lia Cat [Lia Ca’t]
Kathy Lia Cat [Lia Ca’t]
kept, gets ruchia [ru’chììa]
kept, is nuchia [nu’chììa’]
kernel, corn zhub [zh:u’ub]
kid mniny [mnìi’iny]
kidney xquets [x:quèe’ts]
kills rguty [rguhty]
kilo quily [qui’lly]
kilometer quilometr [quilome’tr]
king (in cards) rrei [rre’i]
kiss chat [cha’t]
knee zhiby [zhi’ihby]
knife bchily [bchiilly], wchily [wchiilly]
knot, ties a runy bgwa [ruhny bgwah]
know, as you (inf.) ady a nanu [aady a nàannùu’]
know, gets to runybe [runybèe’], rumbe [rumbèe’]
know, I don’t cwana [cwàanna’], cwanru [cwàannru’]
know what, you rindyau ne [rinydyàu’ neh]
knows nan [nàann], racbe [rahcbèe’], runybe [runybèe’], rumbe [rumbèe’]
knows about racbe [rahcbèe’]
knows how to rac [rahc], racgan [rahcgaan], rile [rille’eh]
knows if, who cwan o [cwàann o]
lacks (something) runyfald [ruhnyfa’lld]
ladies and gentlemen (term of address) lazatayuad [lazàa’ta’yùad]
ladies (term of address) lazatayuad [lazàa’ta’yùad]
lady, young (term of address) ma [maa]
Lady of Guadalupe, the festival of Our Loni Gwadalepy [Lohnih Gwadale’py], Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py]
land yu [yuhuh]
land, piece of da yu [da’ah yuhuh], dai yu [dài’ yuhuh]
language dizh [dìi’zh]
Larry Lauryan [Lauryaan]
last night nuchi [nu’chih]
last, the night before nas wxiny [nahs wxi’ihnny]
last week bduxman [bduhxmaan]
last year bdubiaz [bdubiihahz]
later asy [a’sy]
later today ngasy [nga’sy]
laughs rzhiez [rzhìez]
Laureano / Lauro Lauryan [Lauryaan]
law lei [le’i]
lays (a long object) down rguix [rguìi’x]
lays (something) down (in a location) rguixga / rguixja [rgui’xga’ah / rgui’xja’ah]
Lazaro / Lazarus Lazr [La’zr]
leaf, maguey btub [btùùu’b]
learned it, I ai bsedya [a’ài’ bsèe’dya’]
learned that, I ai bsedya [a’ài’ bsèe’dya’]
learns racbe [rahcbèe’], rseidy [rsèèi’dy]
least, at masa [mahsa’]
least, not in the nyec tebichi [nyèe’c tebichi’ih], nyec teiby bichi [nyèe’c te’ihby bi’chi’ih]
leaves rbelaz [rbèe’lààa’z], rria [rrììa’]
leaves behind rbelaz [rbèe’lààa’z], rruan [rrùu’an]
leaves (property) to (someone) rsan losna [rsàa’an losnnaàa’]
leaves (something) behind rsan [rsàa’an]
leaves (something), goes and risan [risàa’an]
left (as in left hand) rbes [rbe’s]
leg, lower ni [ni’ih]
leg (of an animal), back ni [ni’ih]
leg (of an animal), front na [nnaàa’]
lemon limony [limoony]
Lencha Lia Lenzh [Lia Le’nnzh]
Leo / Leon Leony [Leoony], Lyony [Lyoony]
Leonard Lyony [Lyoony]
Leonarda Lia Lyony [Lia Lyoony]
Leonardo Lyony [Lyoony]
Leonor / Leonora / Leonorda Lia Lyony [Lia Lyoony]
lesson lecsyony [lecsyoony]
let’s gyo [gyo’oh]
let’s go to [tòo’oh]
let’s sit down gyo subgaën [gyo’oh subga’ëhnn]
lets (someone) know runy bisy [ruhny bi’sy]
letter cart [ca’rt], gyets [gyèe’ts]
letter (of the alphabet) letr [le’tr]
lettuce lechu [lechuu]
library bibliotec [bibliote’c]
lies down (in a location) ratga [ràa’tga’ah]
lies with his head on (something) rany [ràa’nny]
light bulb foc [fo’c]
like beiny cwen [bèi’ny cwe’enn], zicy ni na [zi’cy nih nàa]
like, another one sa [sa’ah]
like it, you’ll asy a byulazyui [a’sy a byu’lààa’zyuu’ih]
like, looks rliu zicy [rllìu’ zi’cy], rliu zicy ni na [rllìu’ zi’cy nih nàa]
like that, it’s zicyi [zi’icyih]
like the one, just sa ni [sa’ah nih]
like the ones that, another just sa ra ni [sa’ah ra nih]
like them, you’ll asy a byulazyui [a’sy a byu’lààa’zyuu’ih]
like?, what is… xa mod na… [x:a mo’od nàa…]
liked to, would have nyuclaz [nyu’clààa’z]
likes ryulaz [ryu’lààa’z]
likes (inverse idiom) riabzac [riahbza’c]
lily, type of gyia susen [gyìa’ suseen]
lime limony [limoony]
Linda Lia Lyen [Lia Lye’nn], Lia Lyend [Lia Lye’nnd]
line (of people, for instance) col [co’oll]
line, stands in runy col [ruhny co’oll]
lion, mountain bez [bèèe’z]
listens to rinydyag [rinydyahg]
little bichi [bi’chi’ih]
little, a duzh [dùu’zh]
little boy (term of address) pa [paa]
little girl (term of address) ma [maa]
little, just / little, only bichiizy [bi’chi’-ihzy]
little pieces, cuts into runybyuzh [ruhnybyùuzh]
little while, in just a teiby ratizy [te’ihby ra’tihzy]
live, we nuën [nu’ënn], zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn]
lives nu [nu’uh], rbez [rbèez]
lives in poverty rbanyzi [rbàanyzìi’]
lives with nune [nu’nèe]
lizard brau [bra’au]
loaf of bread guetxtily [guehtx:tiilly]
located in (a location), are ri [rii]
located, is ca [càa]
located, we are nuën [nu’ënn], zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn]
long ago a wyac [a wya’ahc]
long, all year chata iaz [chaata’ iihahz]
long as, just so sindesdizy [sinnde’sdihzy]
long, how xi zicydi [xi zi’ihcydi’]
long time, a xchi [xchihih]
long time ago a bgyac [a bgya’ahc]
long time ago, a a guc xchi [a guhc x:chih], a wyac [a wya’ahc]
long time ago, that’s a really a guc xchidani [a guhc x:chihdaàa’nih]
long time, for a xchi [xchihih]
look just the same rliu tebloizy [rllìu’ te’bloh-ihzy]
looks after ran [ràann]
looks around rgwi cangag [rgwi’ih cangahg]
looks around (in a location) rgwi [rgwi’ih]
looks at rgwi lo [rgwi’ih loh]
looks at (something) carefully rgwizuats [rgwi’zùa’ts]
looks around, goes and rigwi [rgwi’ih]
looks for rguily [rguìi’lly] / [rguìi’illy]
looks like rliu beiny cwen [rllìu’ bèi’ny cwe’enn], rliu zicy [rllìu’ zi’cy], rliu zicy ni na [rllìu’ zi’cy nih nàa]
Lopez Loby [Lo’oby]
Lorenza Lia Lenzh [Lia Le’nnzh], Lia Lorenz [Lia Lore’ennz]
Los Angeles Los Angl [Lohs A’nngl]
Los Angeles, West West Los Angl [We’st Lohs A’nngl]
loses the game / lost, gets rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
lost (something), has rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
Louis Lusy [Lu’sy]
louse btsya [btsya’ah]
lower leg ni [ni’ih]
Lucas Luc [Lu’c]
Lucas, San / Lucas Quiaviní, San San Luc [Sann Lu’uc]
Lucio / Lucius Lusy [Lu’sy]
luck swert [swe’rt]
lucky, is rap swert [ràa’p swe’rt]
Luis Lusy [Lu’sy]
Luke Luc [Lu’c]
Luke, Saint San Luc [Sann Lu’uc]
lung lasto quizh [lastòo’ quìizh], pulmony [pulmoony]
Lupe Lepy [Le’py]
Lupe Lia Lepy [Lia Le’py]
Lusina Lia Syen [Lia Sye’enn], Lia Syend [Lia Sye’ennd]
ma’am (term of address) bied [biied], bied mna [bied mnnààa’], biede [biede’eh]
Macario Macary [Macaary]
machine guieb [guììe’b], macyëm [má’cyëmm]
machine, puts (something) through a rteidy lo macyëm [rtèèi’dy loh má’cyëmm]
mad, gets rzhich [rzhi’ch]
madam (term of address), my revered xnan bieda [x:nna’an bieda’]
madam (term of address), my very revered xnan bieda xnan wzana [x:nna’an bieda’ x:nna’an wzàana’]
magic, person who knows black ni rcwa chies [nih rcwààa’ah chie’s]
maguey dub [dùub]
maguey leaf btub [btùùu’b]
maintains rapdo [ràa’pdòo]
makes runy [ruhny], runychia [ruhnychììa’]
makes a charitable donation runy guan [ruhny guuhahnn]
makes a phone call rni por telefono [rnnììi’ pohr telé’fonoh]
makes a sacrifice runy sacrificar [ruhny sacrificaar]
makes (someone) (adjective) runy [ruhny]
makes (someone) (do something) runy [ruhny]
makes (someone) sick runy dany [ruhny daany]
makes (tortillas) rcwa [rcwààa’ah]
male blood relative of blood relative’s godparent mbaly [mbaaly]
male turkey budy ngual [bu’uhdy ngu’ahll]
man buny [bùunny], buny nguiu [bùunny nguìu’], nguiu [nguìu’]
man (term of address) cagwet [cagwe’t], gwuale [gwu’alle’eh], omre [oo’mre’eh]
man, old gwual [gwu’all]
man, old (term of address) gwuale [gwu’alle’eh]
man, young (term of address) pa [paa]
manager manejador [manejadoor]
Manolo Manol [Mano’ll]
Manuel Nel [Ne’ll]
many zyeiny [zyèiny]
many, how bal [bàall], bald [bàalld], cataly [cata’lly]
many more, how spal [spàall], spald [spàalld]
many, wow! how balizyza [bàallihzyza’]
Marcel Nyan [Nya’nn]
Marcelina Lia Maxlien [Lia Mahxliienn]
Marcelino / Marcelo Nyan [Nya’nn]
Marcelo Nyan [Nya’nn]
March Mars [Ma’ars]
Marga Lia Marg [Lia Ma’arg]
Margaret / Margarita Lia Marg [Lia Ma’arg], Lia Margaryet [Lia Margarye’t]
Margarito Marg [Ma’arg], Ryet [Rye’t]
Marge Lia Marg [Lia Ma’arg]
Maria Lia Maria [Lia Mariia]
Maria Ana Lia Marigyan [Lia Mahriagya’nn]
Mariana / Marianne Lia Marigyan [Lia Mahriagya’nn], Lia Maryan [Lia Maryaan]
marigold gyia cub [gyìa cu’ub]
Marina Lia Maryen [Lia Marye’nn]
Mario Mary [Maary]
Marisol (woman’s name) Lia Chyoly [Lia Chyoolly], Lia Marchyoly [Lia Marchyoolly]
market gyia [gyìi’ah], lo gyia [loh gyìi’ah]
marmota (a large, heavy spherical frame covered with cloth carried during Oaxacan celebrations) marimot [marimo’t]
marriage, asks for the hand of a (girl) in rguiny [rguìi’iny]
marriage, goes and asks for the hand of (a girl) in ritiny [ritìi’iny]
married, gets rca buny [rcaa’ah bùunny], ruxna [ru’x:nnaàa’]
marries (someone) rca [rcaa’ah], ruxna [ru’x:nnaàa’]
Martin Martiny [Martiiny]
Martina / Martine Lia Martin [Lia Ma’rtiin], Lia Martiny [Lia Martiiny], Lia Tiny [Lia Tiiny]
Mary Lia Maria [Lia Mariia]
Mary Anne Lia Marigyan [Lia Mahriagya’nn], Lia Maryan [Lia Maryaan]
masa cub [cu’uhb]
mass (in a Roman Catholic church) myes [mye’es]
master bricklayer maestr [mae’str]
master’s degree maestria [mae’striia]
mat, woven da [daa’ah]
Matea (woman’s name) Lia Mate [Lia Matee]
Mateo Madeu [Made’u]
Matthew Madeu [Made’u]
Maundy Thursday Jwebysan [Jwebysa’ann]
Maximilian / Maximiliano Milyan [Milyaan]
Maximino Mien [Miien]
May Mai [Ma’i]
maybe don [do’onn]
Mayolo (man’s name) Mayol [Mayo’oll]
mayordomo mardom [mardo’mm]
mayordomo, assistant totad [to’taad]
me naa [nàa’]
me, only naizya [nàa’ihzya’]
mean, acts rcwaya [rcwàa’yaàa’]
means zalo [zalloh]
measles sarampyony [sarampyoony]
measures rreizh [rrèe’izh]
meat bel [beèe’l]
medicinal plant that can be used to treat evil eye sickness cwan xte buny duax lo [cwààa’n x:tèe’ bùunny dùa’x loh]
medicine rmudy [rmuudy]
meets rzhyag [rzhyàag]
metal / metal, object made of guieb [guììe’b]
Mexican sweet bread guetxtily nax [guehtx:tiilly nnahx]
Mexico / Mexico City Meijy [Me’ijy]
Mexico (to someone in Mexico) lad re [làad rèe’]
Mexico (when used in the United States) ladi [laadih]
Michael Guely [Gueelly], Gyeily [Gye’eihlly]
midday laizhi [laizh:ih]
middle of, in the lai [lài’]
midnight guel [guèèe’ll]
midst of, in lai [lài’]
midwife wzhyes [wzhyehs]
Miguel / Mike Guely [Gueelly], Gyeily [Gye’eihlly]
mind galryeiny [gahllryeihny], guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
Mingo (man’s name) Myengw [Mye’engw]
minus (in subtraction) menos [mé’nohs]
minute minuat [minua’t]
miracle milagr [milàagr]
mirror gyigwan [gyigwàan]
Miss Lia [Lia]
misses (inverse idiom) rsan [rsàa’an]
misses (school) runy fald [ruhny fa’lld]
misses (someone) rnalaz [rnnahlààa’z]
misses (something) rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
missing (something), is rnyity [rnyi’ihty]
Mixe person buny Mizh [bùunny Mi’ii’zh], Mizh [Miìi’zh]
Modesta (woman’s name) Lia Desy [Lia De’sy], Lia Modesy [Lia Mode’sy]
Modesto (man’s name) Desy [De’sy]
Moises (man’s name) Moi [Mòi’]
mole moly [mo’lly]
moment, for the latizy [la’tihzy]
Monday Luny [Luuny]
Monday, Easter Luny Pascw [Luuny Pa’scw]
money muly [mùuully]
money, how much blac [bla’ac]
money, how much more sabgaly [sabgaaly], sablac [sabla’c]
money, spends runy gaxt [ruhny ga’axt]
Monica Lia Mony [Lia Mo’oony], Lia Xmony [Lia Xmo’oony]
month / moon beu [be’èu]
more maru [maaru’]
more, four stap [sta’p]
more, how many spal [spàall], spald [spàalld]
more money, how much sabgaly [sabgaaly], sablac [sabla’c]
more, much maru zyeiny [maaru’ zyèiny]
more than masta [maasta’], mazde [maazdeh]
morning rsily [rsìii’lly]
morning when it’s still dark, very early in the cai [ca’ài]
morning, earlier this ba rsily [baa’ah rsìiilly]
Moses Moi [Mòi’]
mosquito blidguidy [bli’dgui’ihdy]
most maru [maaru’]
mother / mother (term of address) nan [nnàaan]
mother‑in‑law swegr [swe’egr]
mother‑in‑law (term of address) nan [nnàaan]
mountain dany [dàany]
mountain lion bez [bèèe’z]
mouse bziny [bzihny]
moustache luazh [lu’ahzh:]
mouth ru [ru’uh]
moves rchu yu [rchùu yu’uh]
much, how cataly [cata’lly], xi zicydi [xi zi’ihcydi’]
much (in arithmetic), how bal [bàall], bald [bàalld]
much money, how blac [bla’ac]
much more maru zyeiny [maaru’ zyèiny]
much more money, how sabgaly [sabgaaly], sablac [sabla’c]
much, too demasta [demaasta’]
Mundo (man’s name) Muan [Mu’uann], Muand [Mu’annd]
municipio yulai [yu’làài’]
mushroom be [be’eh]
museum museu [muse’u]
must na par [nàa pahr], rquiny [rquììi’ny]
my revered madam (term of address) xnan bieda [x:nna’an bieda’]
my revered sir (term of address) xtad bieda [x:ta’ad bieda’]
my very revered madam (term of address) xnan bieda xnan wzana [x:nna’an bieda’ x:nna’an wzàana’]
my very revered sir (term of address) xtad bieda xtad wzana [x:ta’ad bieda’ x:ta’ad wzàana’]
Nacho (man’s name) Nach [Na’ch]
name la [lah]
name?, what is your tu layu [tu lòo’ ?]
name? (form.), what is your tu loo [tu lahyuu’ ?]
named, is la [laa]
namely zicy ni na [zi’cy nih nàa]
nationality nasyonalida [nasyonalidaa]
Natalia / Natalie Lia Nataly [Lia Nata’ally], Lia Taly [Lia Ta’ally]
navel guepy [guèe’py], xquepy [x:quèe’py]
near gax [gahx:]
neck gyeny [gyehnny]
needle guichgwuazh [guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh]
needs runy nesesitar [ruhny nesesitaar]
needs to na par [nàa pahr], rquiny [rquììi’ny]
neither (did) zicygagza [zi’cygahgza’]
neither… nor… nyec.. nyec… [nyèe’c… nyèe’c…]
nephew sobrein [sobriien]
new cweby [cweeby], ncweby [ncwèeby]
New Year’s Day Iaz Cweby [iihahz cweeby]
next day, is the very rratagguel [rratahgguèe’ll]
next day, it is the rragueli [rraguèe’llih]
next door to cwe xaly [cwe’eh x:a’ahlly]
next to cwe [cwe’eh]
next week xtuxman [x:tuhxmaan]
nice gwen [gween], yzla [yzlàa’], zac [za’c]
nice store dyen zac [dye’nn za’c]
nice suit traj zac [tra’j za’c]
Nicholas / Nick / Nico / Nicolas Nyec [Nye’c]
Nicolasa / Nicole Lia Claz [Lia Claaz], Lia Clwaz [Liz Clwaaz]
niece sobrein [sobriien]
night before last, the nas wxiny [nahs wxi’ihnny]
night, last nuchi [nu’chih]
night, mid- guel [guèèe’ll]
nights from now, two guzh wxiny [gùuzh wxi’ihnny]
Nina Lia Nien [Lia Ni’enn]
nine ga [gààa’], nweb [nweeb], nwebe [nwéebeh]
nine hunded, one thousand milynobesyentos [mi’llynobesyé’nntohs]
nine hundred and ninety-nine, one thousand milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
nine, nineteen ninety- milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
nine, one thousand nine hundred and ninety- milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
nineteen tseinyabtap [tsèi’nyahbta’p], diesinweb [diesinweeb], diesinwebe [diesinwéebeh]
nineteen hundred milynobesyentos [mi’llynobesyé’nntohs]
nineteen ninety-nine milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
ninety ta abtsë [tàa’ ahbtsêë’], noben [nobe’nn], nobenta [nobé’nntah]
ninety-nine, nineteen milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
ninety-nine, one thousand nine hundred and milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
ninth ni rac ga [nih rahc gààa’]
Nito (man’s name) Nyet [Nye’t]
no (followed by a noun refering to a human or an animal) nyec tu [nyèe’c tu], queity tu [que’ity tu], tewag tu [tèe’wahg tu]
no (followed by a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate) nyec xi [nyèe’c xi], queity xi [que’ity xi], tewag xi [tèe’wahg xi]
no longer queityru [que’ityru’]
no matter queity xi gunydi [que’ity xi guunydi’]
no one nyec tu [nyèe’c tu], queity tu [que’ity tu], tewag tu [tèe’wahg tu]
no problem tewag xi problemdi [tèe’wahg xi proble’mmdi’]
no (response) tegwag [tèe’gwahg], yac [yaa’c]
no time, there’s xi tyem [xi tye’emm]
nods off rguixicy [rguixi’ihcy]
noon laizhi [laizh:ih]
nopal cactus pad bya [byàa]
nope tegwag [tèe’gwahg]
nor…, neither… nyec.. nyec… [nyèe’c… nyèe’c…]
Norma Lia Norm [Lia No’rm]
North, the Nort [No’rt]
nose zhi [zhi’ih]
not ati [a’ti’], atizh [a’tihzh:], nyec [nyèe’c], nyecbaza [nyèe’cbaza’], tebag [tèe’bahg], tegwag [tèe’gwahg], tewag [tèe’wahg], queity [que’ity], quëity [quë’ity]
not … again queityru [que’ityru’]
not, also nyecza [nyèe’cza’]
not any more queityru [que’ityru’]
not exist, does caria [carììa’]
not genuine, is ati merbëg [a’ti meerbëg], atizh merbëg [a’tihzh: meerbëg]
not in the least nyec tebichi [nyèe’c tebichi’ih], nyec teiby bichi [nyèe’c te’ihby bi’chi’ih]
not to, right derech par queity [deree’ch pahr que’ity]
not too long afterward nyec gac xchi [nyèe’c ga’c xchihih]
not yet ady [aady]
not yet, has adi [aadi’]
notes about the vocabulary xiëru zalo ra dizh [xiëru’ zalloh ra dìi’zh]
nothing nyec xi [nyèe’c xi], queity xi [que’ity xi]
November Nobyemr [Nobye’mmr]
November 1 (All Saints Day) / November 2 (All Souls Day) Tagual [Taguuall]
now na [nah]
now, just naru [nahru’]
nowhere nyec cali [nyèe’c cali], queity cali [que’ity cali]
number numër [nú’mmër]
nurse enfermer [enfermer]
Oaxaca Ndua [Ndùu’ah]
Oaxaca City Ndua [Ndùu’ah]
Oaxacan celebrations, a large, heavy spherical frame covered with cloth carried during marimot [marimo’t]
Oaxacan dish made with eggs, vegetables, and meat gyixeiny [gyix:e’ehiny]
o’clock, one lauan [lah-ua’nn]
October Octubr [O’ctu’br]
of xte [x:tèe’], xten [x:tèe’n]
of it, all rati [ra’tih]
off, gets ryet lany [rye’eht làa’any]
office ofisyen [o’fisye’nn]
office, post correu [corre’u]
officer, border patrol myegr [mye’gr]
offspring zhiny [zhìi’iny]
often gaty-gaty [gahty-gahty]
oh yeah? a zicy [a zi’cy]
okay as buas [a’s buahs], yo [yoòo’]
old ntiu [nti’u]
old, gets ryux [ryùu’ux]
old, how cataly ntiu [cata’lly nti’u], xi zicydi [xi zi’ihcydi’]
old man gwual [gwu’all]
old man (term of address) gwuale [gwu’alle’eh]
old (of a person) / old person bangual [banguual]
old, too bangualte [bangualtèe’]
older brother‑in‑law tiu [ti’u]
older sister‑in‑law bied [biied]
Olivia Lia Oliby [Lia Oliiby], Lia Olieb [Lia Oliieb]
on lo [lohoh], ru [ru’uh]
on (a day) gal [gàall]
on an errand (response to cali chiu? or cali gweu?) mandad [mandaad]
on behalf of xpart [x:pa’rt]
on earth?, who tuazh [tu-ahzh:]
on, spies rdats [rdàa’ts]
on the branch of na [nnaàa’]
on the other side of that store steby lad lany dyeni [steeby laad làa’any dye’nnih]
on the top of the house guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh]
on the roof of the house guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh]
on the (very) top of puan [pu’ann]
on the telephone por telefono [pohr telé’fonoh]
on top of guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
one teiby [te’ihby], uan [ua’nn]
one another sa [sa’ah]
one (breadstuff) cha [chah]
one hundred sieng [siehnng], siento [síenntoh], teiby gaiyua [te’ihby gaiyùùa’]
one, no tewag tu [tèe’wahg tu]
one, that nde [ndèe], nden [ndèenn]
one, this nde [ndèe’], nden [nde’nn]
one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
one thousand nine hundred milynobesyentos [mi’llynobesyé’nntohs]
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
one o’clock lauan [lah-ua’nn]
one of those stores teiby ra dyeni [te’ihby ra dye’nnih]
one week tuxman [tuhxmaan]
one who ni [nih]
one year tubiaz [tuhbiihahz]
ones who, the ra ni [ra nih]
onion zhity [zhi’ihty]
only nazh [na’azh:]
only goes and does (something) to survive ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy]
only goes and survives with (the aid of something) ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy]
only he (an.) laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
only he (dist.) laizyi [la’aihzyi]
only he (fam.) laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
only he (prox.) laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
only he (resp.) laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
only he (rev.) laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
only her (an.) laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
only her (dist.) laizyi [la’aihzyi]
only her (fam.) laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
only her (prox.) laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
only her (resp.) laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
only her (rev.) laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
only him (an.) laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
only him (dist.) laizyi [la’aihzyi]
only him (fam.) laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
only him (prox.) laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
only him (resp.) laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
only him (rev.) laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
only I naizya [nàa’ihzya’]
only it (an.) laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
only it (dist.) laizyi [la’aihzyi]
only it (prox.) laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
only it (rev.) laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
only little bichiizy [bi’chi’-ihzy]
only me naizya [nàa’ihzya’]
only she (an.) laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
only she (dist.) laizyi [la’aihzyi]
only she (fam.) laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
only she (prox.) laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
only she (resp.) laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
only she (rev.) laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
only them (an.) laizyrëm [làa’ihzyrëhmm]
only them (dist.) laizyri [làa’ihzyrih]
only them (fam.) laizyrazh [làa’ihzyrahzh:]
only them (prox.) laizyrëng [làa’ihzyrëng]
only them (resp.) laizyrëb [làa’ihzyrëhb]
only them (rev.) laizyriny [làa’ihzyrihny]
only they (an.) laizyrëm [làa’ihzyrëhmm]
only they (dist.) laizyri [làa’ihzyrih]
only they (fam.) laizyrazh [làa’ihzyrahzh:]
only they (prox.) laizyrëng [làa’ihzyrëng]
only they (resp.) laizyrëb [làa’ihzyrëhb]
only they (rev.) laizyriny [làa’ihzyrihny]
only you (inf. pl.) laizyad [làa’ihzyahd]
only you (inf. sg.) liizyu [lìihzyu’]
onto (something), ties (something) rdiby [rdi’ìi’by]
opened, gets rzhyeily [rzhye’illy]
opening, there is a job riabiny [riahbihny]
opens (of a door, for example) rzhyeily [rzhye’illy]
opens (something) rxyeily [rxye’illy]
operated on, gets rac operar [rahc operaar]
operates on runy operar [ruhny operaar]
operation, has an rac operar [rahc operaar]
or o [o], uala [ùa’lla’]
orange nrazh [nraazh]
orders (in a restaurant) rnab [rnààa’b]
organ‑pipe cactus gyibtsë [gyibtsëh]
organ‑pipe cactus fruit btsë [btsëh]
other, each sa [sa’ah]
other side of that store, on the steby lad lany dyeni [steeby laad làa’any dye’nnih]
ought to na par [nàa pahr], rquiny [rquììi’ny]
our ages are the same sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc]
Our Lady of Guadalupe, the festival of Loni Gwadalepy [Lohnih Gwadale’py], Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py]
outside jwer [jweer]
outside, goes rria jwer [rrììa’ jweer]
over the place, all deibynezta [de’ibyne’ehzta’]
over there ladi [laadih]
owl dam [da’amm]
ox with a hump, type of guan sebu [gùu’ann sehbuu]
Pablo Pabl [Pa’bl]
Paco (man’s name) Pacw [Pa’cw]
pad, prickly pear cactus bya [byàa]
paid for, gets razh [ra’ahzh]
paid, gets razh [ra’ahzh]
paid on a piecework basis, gets rcwa por taria [rcwààa’ah pohr tariia]
paints rcwa colory [rcwààa’ah coloory]
pair (of cards, for instance) par [paar]
Palm Sunday Domyengw Rram [Domye’enngw Rra’mm]
pan dulce guetxtily nax [guehtx:tiilly nnahx]
Panfila (woman’s name) Lia Pam [Lia Pa’amm]
Panfilo (man’s name) Pamyël [Pá’mmyëll]
pants cason [casoon], ryual [ryu’ahll]
paper gyets [gyèe’ts]
parent xawzan [x:awzahn], wzan [wzahn]
parent, grand- mam [ma’mm]
parents, establishes a separate household from his rdiareiny [rdìa’re’iny]
parent’s sibling’s spouse’s male blood relative (term of address) gux [gu’x:]
parent’s sibling’s spouse’s blood relative sagual [saguuall]
part part [pa’rt]
passed, has a wdeidy [a wdèèi’dy]
passes rdeidy [rdèèi’dy]
passport pasaport [pasapo’rt]
past (in time expressions), a quarter cwart [cwa’rt]
past (in time expressions), half mudy [muudy]
patience pasyenzy [pasye’ennzy]
patio lainde [la’indèe’]
Patricio / Patrick Resy [Re’sy]
patrol, border myegr [mye’gr]
Paul Pabl [Pa’bl]
Paula Lia Pau [Lia Pa’àu]
Paulo Pabl [Pa’bl]
pays (a person; a bill; an amount) rguizh [rgui’ihzh]
pays attention to (someone) runy cas [ruhny ca’s]
pays back (a person; an amount) rguizh [rgui’ihzh]
pays for rguizh [rgui’ihzh]
pays (someone) (an amount) rguizh [rgui’ihzh]
peace pas [pa’s]
peach durazn [dura’azn]
peak of, at the puan [pu’ann]
pear cactus fruit, prickly bruiny [brùu’iny]
pear cactus, prickly gyibya [gyibyàa]
Pedro Bed [Beed]
pen plum [plu’mm]
pencil lapy [la’py]
Pentecost Spryet [Sprye’eht]
people, all rata ra buny [ra’ta’ ra bùunny]
people can eat it, so that tyen gau bunyi [tye’nn ga’u bùunnyih]
pepper tree gyiluzh [gyi’lùùu’zh]
Pepsi Pepsy [Pe’epsy]
performs runy [ruhny]
perhaps don [do’onn]
permission from (someone), asks rbe permisy lo [rbee’eh permi’sy loh]
person buny [bùunny]
person, city gyizh [gyi’izh]
person, Mixe buny Mizh [bùunny Mi’ii’zh], Mizh [Miìi’zh]
person, old bangual [banguual]
person who can give people the evil eye, powerful buny duax lo [bùunny dùa’x loh]
person who knows black magic ni rcwa chies [nih rcwààa’ah chie’s]
person, Zapotec buny Dizhsa [bùunny Dìi’zhsah]
peso pes [pe’s]
petate da [daa’ah]
Peter Bed [Beed]
Petra Lia Petr [Lia Pe’tr]
pets (an animal) rgan [rgàa’n]
Philemon Pily [Pi’illy]
Philip Lieb [Li’eb]
Philippa Lia Lyep [Lia Lye’p]
Philomena Lia Meny [Lia Meeny]
phone telefono [telé’fonoh]
phone call, makes a rni por telefono [rnnììi’ pohr telé’fonoh]
phones runy marcar [ruhny marcaar]
photograph fot [fo’t]
photographs (someone or something) runy tomar fot [ruhny tomaar fo’t]
picks (fruit, flowers) rtyu [rtyu’uh]
picture dibuj [dibu’j], fot [fo’t]
picture of (someone or something), takes a runy tomar fot [ruhny tomaar fo’t]
piece of land da yu [da’ah yuhuh], dai yu [dài’ yuhuh]
piece of pottery, broken bsiny [bsìi’iny]
pieces, cuts into little runybyuzh [ruhnybyùuzh]
piecework basis, gets paid on a rcwa por taria [rcwààa’ah pohr tariia]
pierces (ears) rguied [rguìed], rguiad [rguìad]
pig cuch [cu’uch]
pill pasti [pastii]
pillow almwad [almwaad]
Pina (woman’s name) Lia Pyen [Lia Pye’nn]
Pino (man’s name) Pyen [Pye’nn]
Pioquinto (man’s name) Cyen [Cye’enn]
pipe (for smoking) pyep [pye’p]
place of, in xpart [x:pa’rt]
place, all over the deibynezta [de’ibyne’ehzta’]
places (something) (in a location) rzub [rzùu’b]
place, another steby lad [steeby laad]
plane abyony [abyoony]
plant cwan [cwààa’n]
plant that can be used to treat evil eye sickness, medicinal cwan xte buny duax lo [cwààa’n x:tèe’ bùunny dùa’x loh]
plants rsubiny [rsubi’ihnny]
plaster gyes [gye’s]
platform (traditional style of bed), sleeping luan [lùàa’n]
playing card baraj [bara’j]
plays rgyet [rgye’eht]
plays (a wind instrument) rcuzh [rcuhzh]
plays with rgyetne [rgye’ehtnèe]
please say that again mnilai steby [mnnìi’lài’ steeby]
please say that again (form.) ynulayui steby [ynnìi’làa’yuu’-ih steeby]
pleases (someone) (of a person) riabzac [riahbza’c]
plows (a field) ran [ràa’an]
plugged up, gets rzhi [rzhìi’ih]
plugged up, is zhi [zhìi’ih]
plus (in arithmetic) mas [ma’s]
poinsettia gyia reiny [gyìa’ re’ehiny]
points rliuna [rllìu’nnaàa’]
pokes at rguad [rgùad]
pole bar [baar]
police polisia [polisiia]
policeman polisia [polisiia]
pomegranate carnad [ca’rnaad]
pomegranate tree gyia carnad [gyìa’ ca’rnaad]
poor proby [prooby]
Porfirio (man’s name) Bily [Biilly], Pily [Pi’illy]
portion xpart [x:pa’rt]
possession of, takes runyaxten [ruhnyax:tèe’n]
post office correu [corre’u]
pot, clay or earthenware gues [guehs]
pottery, broken piece of bsiny [bsìi’iny]
pottery item, earthenware gues [guehs]
pours rga [rga’ah]
poverty, lives in rbanyzi [rbàanyzìi’]
powder de [deheh]
powerful nduax [ndùa’x]
powerful person who can give people (especially babies and children) the evil eye buny duax lo [bùunny dùa’x loh]
praises runy alabar [ruhny alabaar]
precolumbian earthenware figure blal [blàaal]
prepared, gets rac [rahc]
prepares (something) runy preparar [ruhny preparaar]
prescription rreset [rrese’t]
presidente municipal (mayor) pristen [prihste’enn]
pretty zagru [zagrùu]
prickly pear cactus gyibya [gyibyàa]
prickly pear cactus fruit bruiny [brùu’iny]
prickly pear cactus pad bya [byàa]
priest bxuaz [bxuuhahz]
print, finger‑ gwei [gwe’i]
prisoner pres [pre’s]
prisoner, takes (someone) rine pres [rinèe pre’s]
problem problem [proble’mm]
problem, has (what) as a rzac [rzahc]
problem, no tewag xi problemdi [tèe’wahg xi proble’mmdi’]
professional profesyonal [profesyona’ll]
pronunciation guide xa rni buny ra dizh [x:a rnnììi’ bùunny ra dìi’zh]
property) to (someone), leaves ( rsan losna [rsàa’an losnnaàa’]
protected, gets rac protejer [rahc protejeer]
protects runy protejer [ruhy protejeer]
protests runy protestar [ruhny protestaar]
pueblo gueizh [guee’ihzh], lazh [la’ahzh], lo gueizh [loh guee’ihzh]
punches rcwa punyeity [rcwààa’ah punyei’ty]
punished, gets rac castiu [rahc casti’u]
punishes runy castiu [ruhny casti’u]
pushes rcuya [rcu’yàa’ah], rlaya [rla’yàa’ah]
puts (a long object) down rguix [rguìi’x]
puts away rguchia [rgu’chììa’]
puts his head down on (something) rany [ràa’nny]
puts on (a shirt or similar garment; a suit) racw [ra’ahcw]
puts on (pants) rbecy [rbèe’cy]
puts (something) down (in a location) rguixga / rguixja [rgui’xga’ah / rgui’xja’ah]
puts (something) in (a location) rzeby [rzèeby]
puts (something) into rgu [rgùu’uh]
puts (something) through a machine rteidy lo macyëm [rtèèi’dy loh má’cyëmm]
puzzle rrompecabes [rrompecabe’s]
quarter past (in time expressions), a cwart [cwa’rt]
quarter to (in time expressions), a cwart par [cwa’rt pahr]
queen (in cards) cabai [caba’i]
question, asks (someone) a rnudizh [rnuhdìi’zh]
queue col [co’oll]
Quiaviní Gyibni [Gyi’bnnii], Gyimni [Gyi’mnnìi]
quickly derrepen [derrepe’eenn]
quiet! (to more than one person) ual zhixga! [u’all zhi’xgah !]
quiet! (to one person) zhixga! [zhi’xgah !]
quince membri [membrii]
Quirino (man’s name) Carien [Ca’riien]
quits rbelaz [rbèe’lààa’z]
rabbit, cottontail conejw [conne’jw]
race ras [ra’s]
radio rrady [rraady]
raise your hand bdes no [bde’s nnoòo’], bdesna [bde’snnaàa’]
Ramon Mony [Mòony]
raw nga [ngàa’ah]
Raymond / Raymundo Muan [Mu’uann], Muand [Mu’annd]
read rual [rùa’ll], ruald [rùa’lld]
reads, goes and rigual [rigùa’ll]
realizes rdeidy cwen [rdèèi’dy cwe’enn]
really deplan [depla’nn], tabaza [ta’baza’], dyebaza [dye’baza’], uas [u’as]
really long time ago, that’s a a guc xchidani [a guhc x:chihdaàa’nih]
rear end cader [cadeer], zha [zh:àa’], zhan [zh:ààa’n]
reasoning ability salyb [saalyb]
rebozo bai [ba’ai]
receipt rresieb [rresiieb]
receives (something) as a gift rad [raàa’d]
recently deizyta [dèi’zyta’]
recorder, tape grabador [grabadoor]
red xnia [xniaa]
Regina Lia Rrei [Lia Rre’i]
Reginald Rrei [Rre’i]
Reina (woman’s name) Lia Rrei [Lia Rre’i]
relative, blood sa [sa’ah]
relative, close blood sa gax [sa’ah gahx:]
relative, distant blood sa zyet [sa’ah zye’eht]
relative of blood relative’s godparent, female blood maly [maaly]
relative of blood relative’s godparent, male blood mbaly [mbaaly]
relative, sibling’s spouse’s blood sagual [saguuall]
relative (term of address), parent’s sibling’s spouse’s male blood gux [gu’x:]
relative (term of address), sibling’s spouse’s male blood gux [gu’x:]
religion relijyony [relijyoony]
remains ryan [ryàa’an]
remembers rnalaz [rnnahlààa’z]
repays (a person; an amount) rguizh [rgui’ihzh]
replaces (something) rchu [rchùu]
reports runy rreportar [ruhny rreportaar]
respect rrespeity [rrespei’ty]
respectful, is nu rrespeity lo [nu’uh rrespei’ty loh]
responds runy contest [ruhny connte’st]
restaurant rrestauran [rrestaura’ann]
restaurant, small informal comedor [comedoor]
returns / returns to (a place) ricy [ri’ihcy]
returns with ricyne [ri’ihcynèe]
Reynaldo Rrei [Rre’i]
Ricardo Caty [Ca’ty], Rricard [Rrica’rd], Rricardy [Rrica’rdy]
rich rryecw [rrye’cw]
Richard Caty [Ca’ty], Rricard [Rrica’rd], Rricardy [Rrica’rdy]
ride, thumbs a rnab teiby abenton [rnààa’b te’ihby abentoon]
rides (an animal) rbeb [rbèe’b]
right, all a bai [a ba’i]
right (as in right hand) ldi [ldii]
right away debolad [dehbolaad]
right here rega [rèe’gah]
right not to derech par queity [deree’ch pahr que’ity]
right (privilege) derech [deree’ch]
right then, arrives rzenygaza [rzehnnygahza’]
right to derech [deree’ch], derech par [deree’ch pahr]
ring rrued [rrueed]
rings a bell rcwa gyieb [rcwààa’ah gyììe’b]
rings (of a bell) rbix [rbi’ihx], rca [rcah]
ripe, gets rats [raàa’ts]
rises (of the sun) rdyeny [rdyehnny]
river gueu [guèu’]
road nez [ne’ehz]
roadrunner badia [badiia]
roasts (something) rcyi [rcyi’ih]
Robert / Roberto Bet [Be’t]
roof of a house / roof of the house, on the guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh]
room in a traditional home (which is open on one side to the central courtyard or patio) yu cordor [yu’uh co’rdoor]
rope du [dùùu’]
Rosa Lia Rros [Lia Rro’s]
Rosario (woman’s name) Lia Rsary [Lia Rsaary]
rose gyia rros [gyìa rro’s]
Rose Lia Rros [Lia Rro’s]
roughly (used before a locational phrase) nez [ne’ehz]
runs rzhuny [rzh:ùu’nny]
runs away from (a place) rzhuny [rzh:ùu’nny]
runs into (someone) rinda lo [rindàa loh]
runs out rra [rrah]
Sabina / Sabine Lia Sabien [Lia Sabiienn]
sacrifice, makes a runy sacrificar [ruhny sacrificaar]
sad triest [tri’est]
said (used before a quotation) zicy na [zi’cy nnah]
Saint Anne Xandan [Xanndaan]
Saint Luke San Luc [Sann Lu’uc]
safe (of a non-living subject), is rla [rlàa]
salt zeidy [zee’ihdy]
same lag [làa’g]
same age, we are the sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc]
same, just the tebloizy [te’bloh-ihzy]
same, look just the rliu tebloizy [rllìu’ te’bloh-ihzy]
same, our ages are the sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc]
same, the lag [làa’g], teblo [te’bloh]
same with, the zicygagza [zi’cygahgza’]
San Antonio Church Ydo Santony [Ydoòo’ Sanntoony]
San Diego San Dyegw [Sann Dye’gw]
San Lucas San Luc [Sann Lu’uc]
San Lucas Quiaviní San Luc [Sann Lu’uc]
sandwich, type of Mexican tort [to’rt]
Santa Ana Xandan [Xanndaan]
Santa Ana del Valle Xandan [Xanndaan]
Santa Monica Santa Mony [Sánntah Moony]
Santiago (man’s name) Dyau [Dyàu’]
Santo Domingo Santo Domyengw [Sá’nntoh Domye’enngw]
Saturday Sabad [Sáabahd]
sauce, a rich Oaxacan moly [mo’lly]
sauce, beans bzya niu [bzyàa’ nìu]
saved, gets ruchia [ru’chììa]
saved, is nuchia [nu’chììa’]
saves rguchia [rgu’chììa’]
say, just want you ni nadizyu [nih nnahdihzyùu’]
say so, that’s how it will be, if you (form.) bal zicy rniyu zhi zicy gac [bàall zi’cy rnnììi’yuu’ zhi’ zi’cy ga’c]
say that again, please mnilai steby [mnnìi’lài’ steeby]
say that again (form.), please ynulayui steby [ynnìi’làa’yuu’-ih steeby]
says rni [rnnììi’]
says if rgwe dizh don [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh do’onn]
says that na [nnah]
says to rni [rnnììi’]
says (used before a quotation) zicy na [zi’cy nnah]
says whether rgwe dizh don [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh do’onn]
scared, gets rzhiby [rzhihby]
scares (someone) rchiby [rchìiby]
scattering them widely, goes and sows (seeds) by ritech [rite’ch]
scattering them widely, sows (seeds) by rtech [rte’ch]
school scwel [scweel]
school, elementary primary [primaary]
school, high scwel ro [sceel ròo’oh]
scolds someone rdily [rdìi’lly]
scorpion banua [bannùùa’]
scratches (a part of one’s body) rguny [rgùuunny]
search, word gal rguily dizh [gahll rguìi’lly dìi’zh]
season tyem [tye’emm]
Sebastian Sebastyang [Sebastya’anng], Tyeiny [Tyeeiny]
second ni rac tyop [nih rahc tyo’p], ni rrop [nih rrohp], seguan [segu’ann]
security segurida [seguridaa]
see, comes to rigan [rigàann]
see, in order to don [do’onn]
see you later yzhajae¨n [yzhàaja’e¨hnn], yzhagaën [yzhàaga’e¨hnn]
see, you’ll ganu [gàannùu’]
seed, squash besgyet [be’sgyeht]
seems to (someone) that, it rrilo [rrilloh], rralo [rraloh]
sees rinylo [rinyloh]
sees (a situation) ran [ràann]
sees, goes and rigan [rigàann]
sees (something) ran lo [ràann loh]
sees to ran [ràann]
selects rbe [rbèe], runy escojer [ruhny escojeer]
self lag [làa’g]
sells rto [rtòo’oh]
sells (is sold) rdo [rdòo’oh]
sends rxel [rx:èe’ll].
sends for (someone) to join them rnab [rnààa’b]
sends (someone) back to (a place) rzicy [rzi’ihcy]
Señor Dad [Dad], Tiu [Ti’u]
señor (term of address) tiu [ti’u], tiuwe [ti’uwe’eh]
Señora Bied [Bied], Nan [Nnan]
señora (term of address) bied [biied], bied mna [bied mnnààa’], biede [biede’eh]
Señorita Lia [Lia]
señorita (term of address) bied [biied]
separate from each other rlasa [rlàa’sa’ah]
separate household from his parents, establishes a rdiareiny [rdìa’re’iny]
September Septyemr [Septye’mmr]
server meser [meseer]
service, community zeiny [zèèi’ny], zëiny [zêêi’ny]
sets (something) down (in a location) rzub [rzùu’b]
sets (something) (in a location) rzubga [rzubga’ah] / [rzùu’bga’ah] / [rzùubga’ah]
seven gaz [gàaz], syet [sye’t], syete [syé’teh]
seven, fifteen eighty- milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
seven, one thousand five hundred and eighty- milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
seventeen tseinyabtyop [tsèi’nyahbtyo’p], diesisyet [diesisye’t], diesisyete [diesisyé’teh]
seventh ni rac gaz [nih rahc gàaz]
seventy gayon abtsë [gayòon ahbtsêë’], seten [sete’nn], setenta [seté’nntah]
sews rguieb [rguìeb]
sews (something) rguieb [rguìeb]
shade, gives runy bda [ruhny bdaa]
shadow, casts a runy bda [ruhny bdaa]
shakes (something) runyses [ruhnysèe’s]
share xpart [x:pa’rt]
shawl bai [ba’ai]
she (an.) aëm [a’-ëhmm], laëm [làa’-ëhmm]
she (an.), only laizyëm [làa’ihzyëhmm]
she (dist.) ai [a’ai], lai [la’ai]
she (dist.) writes rcwai [rcwài’]
she (dist.), only laizyi [la’aihzyi]
she (fam.) aazh [àa-ahzh:], laazh [làa’zh:]
she (fam.), only laizyazh [làa’ihzyahzh:]
she (prox.) aëng [a’a-ënng], laëng [la’a-ëng]
she (prox.), only laizyëng [la’aihzyëng]
she (resp.) aëb [àa-ëhb], laëb [làa’-ëhb]
she (resp.), only laizyëb [làa’ihzyëhb]
she (rev.) ainy [àa-ihny], lainy [làa’-ihny]
she (rev.), only laizyiny [làa’ihzyihny]
sheep zhily [zhi’ìilly]
shepherd ni rculo zhily [nih rculoh zhi’ìilly]
shirt cotony [cotoony]
shoe sabad [sabaad]
shoes, tennis tenizy [té’nnihzy]
shoots a gun rcwa gyieb [rcwààa’ah gyììe’b]
short dop [dòo’p]
shot guichgwuazh [guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh]
shot, get a rzub guichgwuazh [rzùub guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh]
shot, gives (someone) a rzub guichgwuazh [rzùu’b guìi’chgwu’ùa’zh]
should na par [nàa pahr], nadizh [nadìi’zh], rquiny [rquììi’ny], runygan [ruhnygaan], ryal [ryàall]
should get a turn to ryal [ryàall]
shoulder quizhacw [quizh:àa’cw]
shouts rbuzhya [rbuzhya’ah]
shower bany [ba’nny]
shower, takes a rcwa bany [rcwààa’ah ba’nny]
shows rliu [rllìu’]
shows up rdica [rdi’cah], rrica [rri’cah]
shrine capi [capii]
sibling’s spouse’s male blood relative (term of address) gux [gu’x:]
sibling’s spouse’s blood relative sagual [saguuall]
sick, gets racxu [rahcx:ùu]
sick, is racxu [rahcx:ùu]
sick, makes (someone) runy dany [ruhny daany]
sickness galguizh [gahllgui’ihihzh]
sickness, evil eye galanduax lo [gahllandùa’x loh], xte buny duax lo [x:tèe’ bùunny dùa’x loh]
side cweteix [cwe’tèe’ix], teix [tèe’ix]
side of that store, on the other steby lad lany dyeni [steeby laad làa’any dye’nnih]
side (of the border), this lad re [làad rèe’], nezag [nehzahg]
Silverio (man’s name) Bery [Beery]
Silvia Lia Sily [Lia Siilly]
sin dual [du’ahll]
since quënla [quëhnnlàa’]
sings rual [rùa’ll], ruald [rùa’lld]
sings, goes and rigual [rigùa’ll]
sir, my revered (term of address) xtad bieda [x:ta’ad bieda’]
sir (term of address) tiu [ti’u], tiuwe [ti’uwe’eh]
sir (term of address), my very revered xtad bieda xtad wzana [x:ta’ad bieda’ x:ta’ad wzàana’]
sister (of a female) bel [bèe’ll]
sister (of a male) bzyan [bzyaàa’n]
sister, younger (of a male) bzyan guny [bzyaàa’n gùuny]
sister‑in‑law cunyad [cunyaad], xyes [x:ye’ehs]
sister‑in‑law, older bied [biied]
sit down! bri! [brih!]
sit down, let’s gyo subgaën [gyo’oh subga’ëhnn]
sits rbez [rbèez]
sits down rbi [rbih]
sits down (in a location) rzub [rzùub], rzubga [rzubga’ah] / [rzùu’bga’ah] / [rzùubga’ah]
sits (in a location) rzub [rzùub], rzubga [rzubga’ah] / [rzùu’bga’ah] / [rzùubga’ah]
sits on (something on the ground) rany [ràa’nny]
six xop [x:òp], seiz [seiz]
six, two thousand and dozmilyseiz [doozmi’llyseiz]
sixteen tseinyabteby [tsèi’nyahbteeby], diesiseiz [diesiseiz]
sixth ni rac xop [nih rahc x:òp]
sixty chon galy [chòonn gàally], gayon [gayòon], sesen [sese’nn], sesenta [sesé’nntah]
skin guidy lady [gui’dy lahdy]
skirt fald [fa’alld]
skirt, traditional Zapotec wrap‑around zudy [zu’ùu’dy]
skunk bat [bàa’t]
slaps (a part of someone’s body, especially the face) rgap [rgàa’p]
slave sclab [sclaab]
sleeping platform (traditional style of bed) luan [lùàa’n]
sleeps raisy [ra’ihsy]
slices rtyug [rtyùu’g]
slowly neiny [nèiny]
smallpox birwel [birwe’ll]
smells delicious nizh rdia [nìi’zh rdììa’]
smiles rzhiez [rzhìez]
smiles an insincere smile rzhiezdat [rzhìezda’t]
smokes rgub [rgùùu’b]
snake bel [bèèe’ll], beld [beèèe’lld]
sneezes rchyezhy [rchyèeezhy]
so a [àa’], don [do’onn], na [nah]
so, and niela [nìellàa’]
so long as, just sindesdizy [sinnde’sdihzy]
so that tyen [tye’nn]
so that people can eat it tyen gau bunyi [tye’nn ga’u bùunnyih]
so that people can have fun par gac buny dibertier [pahr ga’c bùunny dibertiier]
so (used in exclamations) zhyëb [zhyë’b]
so what? a zicy [a zi’cy]
soil yu [yuhuh]
sold, gets rdo [rdòo’oh]
Soledad (woman’s name) Lia Da [Lia Daa]
some duzh [dùu’zh]
some day daru chu zhi [dàa’ru’ chu’uh zh:ih]
somebody nu tu [nu’uh tu]
somehow nu xa [nu’uh x:a]
someone nu tu [nu’uh tu]
something nu xi [nu’uh xi]
sometimes nu gwel [nu’uh gwe’ell]
somewhere nu cali [nu’uh cali]
somewhere else steby lad [steeby laad]
somewhere, takes (someone) riruan [rirùu’an]
son zhiny [zhìi’iny], zhinygan [zhìi’inygaàa’n]
son of a bitch zhiny ni beinyande [zhìi’iny nih bèinyande’eh]
son‑in‑law bgwuaz [bgwuuhahz]
sonny (term of address) pa [paa]
soon amer [ameer]
soul anym [a’anym]
soup cald [ca’lld]
sour ngui [nguii]
sour, gets rgui [rguii]
sows rsubiny [rsubi’ihnny]
sows (seeds) by scattering them widely rtech [rte’ch]
sows (seeds) by scattering them widely, goes and ritech [rite’ch]
Spain Spany [Spa’nny]
Spanish language Dizhtily [Dìi’zhtiilly]
speaks rgwe [rgwèèe’], rgwe dizh [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh]
speaks about rgwe dizh xte [rgwèe’eh dìi’zh x:tèe’], rgwe xtizh [rgwèe’eh x:tìi’zh]
speaks (a language) rgwe [rgwèèe’]
speaks (a language) well rgwezac [rgwèe’za’c]
spends money runy gaxt [ruhny ga’axt]
spherical frame covered with cloth carried during Oaxacan celebrations, a large and heavy marimot [marimo’t]
spider, black widow bzigui [bziguih], bzogui [bzoguih]
spies on rdats [rdàa’ts]
spills (a liquid) rxi [rxìi’ih]
spills (a non-liquid) rtech [rte’ch]
spills (a non-liquid), goes and ritech [rite’ch]
spills (of a liquid) rzhi [rzhìi’ih]
spills / spills out (of a non-liquid) rrech [rre’ch]
spoon wzhyar [wzhyaar]
spouse cumnier [cumniier], chiel [chìel]
sprouts rdyeny [rdyehnny]
squash seed besgyet [be’sgyeht]
squash, type of large gyet wez [gyeht wèèe’z]
squirrel bsuaz [bsu’ahz]
St. Luke San Luc [Sann Lu’uc]
stands erect (in a location) rzundi [rzundii]
stands (in a location) rzu [rzuh], rzugwa [rzugwa’ah]
stands in line runy col [ruhny co’oll]
stands (something) erect (in a location) rzundi [rzundii]
stands / stands up (something) (in a location) rzu [rzuh], rzugwa [rzugwa’ah]
stares at rzhilo lo [rzhiloh loh]
starts rzalo [rzallohoh]
States, the United Stados Unied [Stadohs Uniied]
station, bus terminal xte camyuny [termina’ll x:tèe’ camyuuny]
stays at / stays in (a place) ryan [ryàa’an]
steals rban [rbààa’n]
stepchild entenad [entenad]
stepfather tiu [ti’u]
Stephen Teb [Te’eb]
stepmother bied [biied]
Steve Teb [Te’eb]
stick bar [baar], gyag [gyahg]
sticks out his tongue rbeluzh [rbee’lùuzh]
sticks out his tongue at (someone) rbeluzh lo [rbee’lùuzh loh]
still axta na [a’xta’ nah]
still dark, very early in the morning when it’s cai [ca’ài]
still has rapag [ràa’pahg]
stings rguad [rgùad]
stingy mbisy [mbii’sy]
stomach lany [làa’any]
stops going rbez [rbèez]
stops it rbez [rbèez]
store dyen [dye’nn]
store, fancy dyen zac [dye’nn za’c]
store, nice dyen zac [dye’nn za’c]
store, on the other side of that steby lad lany dyeni [steeby laad làa’any dye’nnih]
stores, one of those teiby ra dyeni [te’ihby ra dye’nnih]
story cwen [cwe’enn]
story, tells a rcwa cwen [rcwààa’ah cwe’enn]
street cai [ca’i], ladcai [ladca’i]
strokes (an animal) rgan [rgàa’n]
strolls rcanza [rcanzàa]
strong fwers [fwe’rs]
strong, is ru fwers [ru’uh fwers]
stucco gyes [gye’s]
student estudian [estudi’aann], studian [studi’aann]
student, good bwen studian [bween studi’aann]
stuffed up, gets rzhi [rzhìi’ih]
stuffed up, is zhi [zhìi’ih]
stupid nton [nto’onn]
stupid, acts runyton [ruhnyto’onn]
succeeds in (doing) racgan [rahcgaan]
sucks rgub [rgùùu’b]
suffers from (a disease) rac [rahc]
sufficient, is ral [ràall]
suit traj [tra’j]
suit, fancy traj zac [tra’j za’c]
suit, nice traj zac [tra’j za’c]
sun wbizh [wbi’ihzh], wbwizh [wbwi’ihzh], wwizh [wwi’ihzh]
Sunday Domyengw [Domye’enngw]
Sunday before Ash Wednesday, the Domyengw Xlyen [Domye’enngw X:lye’enn]
Sunday, Palm Domyengw Rram [Domye’enngw Rra’mm]
supervisor superbisor [superbisoor]
supposed to, is na par [nàa pahr], nadizh [nadìi’zh], rquiny [rquììi’ny]
sure, is rap seguar [ràa’p seguuar]
survive, goes and does (something) to ribanyne [ribàanynèe]
survive, only goes and does (something) to ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy]
survives with (the aid of something), goes and ribanyne [ribàanynèe]
survives with (the aid of something), only goes and ribanynedizy [ribàanynèedihzy]
suspects runy sospechar [ruhny sohspechaar]
sweeps rdub [rdùu’b]
sweet bread, Mexican guetxtily nax [guehtx:tiilly nnahx]
swims runy nadar [ruhny nadaar]
Sylvia Lia Sily [Lia Siilly]
sympathizes with runy comprender [ruhny comprendeer]
table mes [me’es]
tail xban [x:bààa’n], xfan [x:fààa’n]
tailor ni rguieb lady [nih rguìeb lahdy]
taken away, gets rbica [rbicàa]
taken away, got ze [zèe]
takes rca [rcaa’ah], rine [rinèe]
takes a bath raz [ra’ahz], rcwa bany [rcwààa’ah ba’nny]
takes a picture of (someone or something) runy tomar fot [ruhny tomaar fo’t]
takes a seat rbi [rbih]
takes a shower rcwa bany [rcwààa’ah ba’nny]
takes across rteidy [rtèèi’dy]
takes away rzuca [rzucàa]
takes care of ran [ràann], rculo [rculoh]
takes apart rtseily [rtse’ihlly]
takes good care of rculozac [rculohza’c]
takes one’s turn (impersonal idiom) runy tocar [ruhny tocaar]
takes photographs runy tomar fot [ruhny tomaar fo’t]
takes pictures rbe fot [rbee’eh fo’t], runy tomar fot [ruhny tomaar fo’t]
takes possession of runyaxten [ruhnyax:tèe’n]
takes (someone), God rca Dyoz [rcaa’ah Dyooz]
takes (something) out rbe [rbee’eh]
takes (someone) prisoner rine pres [rinèe pre’s]
takes (someone) somewhere riruan [rirùu’an]
takes, goes and rinde [rindee’eh]
talks rgwe [rgwèèe’], rgwe dizh [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh]
talks with rnine [rnnìi’nèe]
tall zyual [zyuàa’ll]
tanker truck pyep [pye’p]
tape recorder grabador [grabadoor]
teacher mes [me’s]
teaches rseidy [rsèèi’dy]
technical tecnica [té’cnicah]
tejate cub [cu’uhb]
telephone telefono [telé’fonoh]
telephone, by por telefono [pohr telé’fonoh]
telephone, calls (someone) on the rnine por telefono [rnnì’nèe pohr telé’fonoh]
telephone, on the por telefono [pohr telé’fonoh]
telephones (an institution) rni por telefono [rnnììi’ pohr telé’fonoh]
telephones (someone) rnine por telefono [rnnì’nèe pohr telé’fonoh]
television telebisyony [telebisyoony]
tell what …. asks in Zapotec! bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa! [bzi’ihcy nih rnudìi’zh … cuahnn Dìi’zhsah !]
tells rni [rnnììi’]
tells a story rcwa cwen [rcwààa’ah cwe’enn]
tells about rgwe dizh xte [rgwèe’eh dìi’zh x:tèe’], rgwe xtizh [rgwèe’eh x:tìi’zh]
tells, comes and riedni [rìe’dnììi’]
tells (someone other than the speaker or hearer) reipy [re’ihpy]
tells (someone other than the speaker or hearer) to reipy [re’ihpy]
temple (side of the forehead) cwas [cwa’ahs]
ten tsë [tsêë’], tsëa [tsêa’], diez [diiez]
tennis shoes tenizy [té’nnihzy]
tenth ni rac tsë [nih rahc tsêë’]
Teofilo (man’s name) Tyofl [Tyo’fl]
Teotitlán del Valle Xgyia [X:gyìi’ah]
tequila tequily [tequi’ly]
Teresa Lia Trez [Lia Treez]
Tereso (man’s name) Trez [Treez]
terrible jodied [jodiied]
test prweb [prweeb]
test, carbon dating prweb xte carbono catorce [prweeb x:tèe’ carbono catórse]
tests runy prweb [ruhny prweeb]
than ca [cah], cano [canoh]
than, more masta [maasta’], mazde [maazdeh]
thank you xtyozën liu [x:tyoozëhnn lìu’]
thank you (form.) xtyoze¨n yu [x:tyoozëhnn yu’uu’] / xtyoze¨n ye¨bu [x:tyoozëhnn yëbu’uu’]
thank you (form. pl.) xtyoze¨n yuad [x:tyoozëhnn yùad]
thank you (pl.) xtyoze¨n lad
that deque [dequeh], ni [nih], ni [nii], re [rèe], ren [rèenn]
that (used before a modifying phrase) ni [nih]
that one nde [ndèe], nden [ndèenn]
that’s a really long time ago a guc xchidani [a guhc x:chihdaàa’nih]
that’s how it is zicyi [zi’icyih]
that’s why ni [nihìi], niebagli [ni’ebaglii], niebagui [ni’ebaguii], niela [nìellàa’]
the day after tomorrow guzh [gùuzh]
the day before yesterday nas [nahs]
the Day of the Dead Tagual [Taguuall]
the Devil Dyabl [Dya’bl]
the festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe Loni Gwadalepy [Lohnih Gwadale’py], Loni xte Nambied Gwadalepy [Lohnih x:tèe’ Nnambied Gwadale’py]
the four of ydapta [yda’pta’]
the North Nort [No’rt]
the one that ni [nih]
the one who ni [nih]
the ones who ra ni [ra nih]
the place where laty [lahty]
the same lag [làa’g], teblo [te’bloh]
the same, just tebloizy [te’bloh-ihzy]
the same age, we’re sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc]
the same, look just rliu tebloizy [rllìu’ te’bloh-ihzy]
the same, our ages are sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc]
the same with zicygagza [zi’cygahgza’]
the thing that ni [nih]
the thing that appears below ni ca ni guet [nih càa ni’ih gue’et]
the three of ygyonta [ygyòonnta’], gyonta [gyòonnta’]
the two of ropta [ro’pta’], yropta [yro’pta’]
the United States Nort [No’rt], Stados Unied [Stadohs Uniied]
the United States (to someone in the US) lad re [làad rèe’]
the very next day, is rratagguel [rratahgguèe’ll]
the way that zicy ni [zi’cy nih]
them (an.) arëm [aarëhmm], larëm [làa’rëhmm]
them (an.), only laizyrëm [làa’ihzyrëhmm]
them (dist.) ari [aarih], lari [làa’rih]
them (dist.), only laizyri [làa’ihzyrih]
them (fam.) arazh [aarahzh:], larazh [làa’rahzh:]
them (fam.), only laizyrazh [làa’ihzyrahzh:]
them (prox.) arëng [aarëng], larëng [làa’rëng]
them (prox.), only laizyrëng [làa’ihzyrëng]
them (resp.) arëb [aarëhb], larëb [làa’rëhb]
them (rev.) ariny [aarihny], lariny [làa’rihny]
them (rev.), only laizyriny [làa’ihzyrihny]
then buas [buahs], chicy [chi’cy], chigual [chigùall], chigualdi [chigùalldi’], chiru [chiru’], chu [chuu’], na [nah]
then (again) chicyru [chi’cyru’]
then, and chicy [chi’cy]
then, arrives right rzenygaza [rzehnnygahza’]
then, but chiru dac [chiru’ dàa’c]
Theophilus Tyofl [Tyo’fl]
there re [rèe], ren [rèenn], ricy [ri’cy]
there is a job opening riabiny [riahbihny]
there, are ri [rii]
there, over ladi [laadih]
there’s no time xi tyem [xi tye’emm]
Theresa Lia Trez [Lia Treez]
these re [rèe’]
they (an.) arëm [aarëhmm], larëm [làa’rëhmm]
they (an.), only laizyrëm [làa’ihzyrëhmm]
they (dist.) ari [aarih], lari [làa’rih]
they (dist.), only laizyri [làa’ihzyrih]
they (fam.) arazh [aarahzh:], larazh [làa’rahzh:]
they (fam.), only laizyrazh [làa’ihzyrahzh:]
they (prox.) arëng [aarëng], larëng [làa’rëng]
they (prox.), only laizyrëng [làa’ihzyrëng]
they (resp.) arëb [aarëhb], larëb [làa’rëhb]
they (rev.) ariny [aarihny], lariny [làa’rihny]
they (rev.), only laizyriny [làa’ihzyrihny]
thief wbwan [wbwààa’n]
thigh cudy [cuùu’dy]
time, there’s no xi tyem [xi tye’emm]
thing cos [co’s]
thing that appears below, the ni ca ni guet [nih càa ni’ih gue’et]
think that, used to rzilaz [rzilààa’z]
think?, what do you xi rrilo liu [xi rriloh lìu]
thinks rni [rnnììi’], runy xgab [ruhny x:ga’ab], runy xjab [ruhny x:ja’ab], rrilo [rrilloh], rralo [rraloh]
thinks about (someone) rnalaz [rnnahlààa’z]
thinks that rrilo [rrilloh], rralo [rraloh]
third ni rac chon [nih rahc chòonn], ni ryon [nih ryohnn]
thirteen tseiny [tsèe’iny], trese [tré’seh], tseiny (13)
thirty galy abtsë [gàally ahbtsêë’], treinta [tré’inntah], treny [tre’enny]
thirty‑eight galy abtsë cuan xon [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn xòon]
thirty‑five galy abtsë cuan gai [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn gài’]
thirty‑four galy abtsë cuan tap [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn tahp]
thirty‑nine galy abtsë cuan ga [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn gààa’]
thirty‑one galy abtsë cuan teiby [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn te’iby], trenytyuan [tre’nnytyua’nn]
thirty‑seven galy abtsë cuan gaz [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn gàaz]
thirty‑six galy abtsë cuan xop [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn xo’p]
thirty‑three galy abtsë cuan chon [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn chòonn]
thirty‑two galy abtsë cuan tyop [gàally ahbtsêë’ cuahnn tyo’p], trenytidoz [tre’nnytidooz]
this re [rèe’], ren [re’nn]
this one nde [ndèe’], nden [nde’nn]
this side (of the border) lad re [làad rèe’], nezag [nehzahg]
this way zicy [zi’cy]
Thomas Mazh [Ma’azh]
those re [rèe]
those blals blali [bla’alih]
those who ra ni [ra nih]
though, even por maz [pohr maaz]
thought that rzilaz [rzilààa’z]
thousand and six, two dozmilyseiz [doozmi’llyseiz]
thousand five hundred and eighty-seven, one milquinyentosochentaysyete [milquinyentohsoche’nntaysyé’teh]
thousand nine hundred, one milynobesyentos [mi’llynobesyé’nntohs]
thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, one milynobesyentosnobentaynwebe [mi’llynobesye’nntohsnobe’nntaynwéebeh]
three chon [chòonn], trez [treez]
three of, the ygyonta [ygyòonnta’], gyonta [gyòonnta’]
throat gyeny [gyehnny]
through por [pohr]
through a machine, puts (something) rteidy lo macyëm [rtèèi’dy loh má’cyëmm]
throws rcwa [rcwààa’ah]
throws (something) to (someone) rcwa lo [rcwààa’ah loh]
thumbs a ride rnab teiby abenton [rnààa’b te’ihby abentoon]
Thursday Jweby [Jweeby]
Thursday, Holy Jwebysan [Jwebysa’ann]
Thursday, Maundy Jwebysan [Jwebysa’ann]
thus zicy [zi’cy]
ticket bolet [bole’t]
tickles rchiguely [rchiguèe’lly]
ties (something) onto (something) rdiby [rdi’ìi’by]
ties a knot runy bgwa [ruhny bgwah]
Tijuana Tijwan [Tijwa’nn]
time, a long xchi [xchihih]
time ago, a long a guc xchi [a guhc x:chih], a wyac [a wya’ahc]
time ago, long a bgyac [a bgya’ahc]
time ago, that’s a really long a guc xchidani [a guhc x:chihdaàa’nih]
time is it?, what xorni [xoorni’], xyorni [xyoorni’]
time to, doesn’t have queity rapdi tyem [que’ity ràa’pdi’ tye’emm]
time to, it’s a gual [a gùa’ll]
time sentences), about (in zicydi [zi’ihcydi’]
time (occasion) gwel [gwe’ell]
time, at that chicy [chi’cy]
time, for a long xchi [xchihih]
times (in multiplication) gwel [gwe’ell]
Tino (man’s name) Tyen [Tye’nn]
tired, gets ran [rahnn]
Tlacolula de Matamoros Bac [Ba’ahc]
to (in time expressions), a quarter cwart par [cwa’rt pahr]
to lo [lohoh]
to see how good (how delicious) it is don cataly nizhi [do’onn cata’lly nìi’zhih]
to, about a mer [a meer]
toad baxat [bax:aa’t]
today nazhi [nazhih]
today, earlier ba [baa’ah]
today, later ngasy [nga’sy]
toe bcwany ni [bcwahnny ni’ih]
toenail bzhug ni [bzhùug ni’ih]
Tomas Mazh [Ma’azh]
tomatillo btyux guizh [btyùu’ux gui’ihzh]
tomato btyux [btyùu’ux]
tomorrow yzhi [yzhii], zhi [zhii]
tomorrow evening zhi wxiny [zhii wxi’ihnny]
tongue luzh [lùuzh]
tongue at (someone), sticks out his rbeluzh lo [rbee’lùuzh loh]
tongue, sticks out his rbeluzh [rbee’lùuzh]
too lagza [làa’gza’]
too much demasta [demaasta’]
too old bangualte [bangualtèe’]
too, I’ll have them niegza gauwa [nìehgza’ ga’uwa’]
tooth lai [la’aih]
top of the house, on the guecyu [gue’ehcyu’uh]
top of, at the very guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
top of, on guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
top of, on the (very) puan [pu’ann]
torta (type of Mexican sandwich) tort [to’rt]
tortilla guet [gueht]
tortillas), makes ( rcwa [rcwààa’ah]
tortured, gets rac torturar [rahc torturaar]
tourist turyest [turye’st]
town gueizh [guee’ihzh], lo gueizh [loh guee’ihzh]
toy juguet [jugue’t]
traditional flute chirmia [chirmia]
traditional healer who helps someone regain his or her soul, type of ni runyrezh [nih ruhnyrehzh]
train treiny [treeiny]
translate what follows into Zapotec bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa [bcwààa’ nih càa ni’ih gue’et cuahnn Dìi’zhsah]
treats runy tratar [ruhny trataar]
tree gyag [gyahg]
tree, chirimoya (custard apple) yanuan [yannuuan]
tree, guava gyiwi [gyiwii]
tree, pepper gyiluzh [gyi’lùùu’zh]
tree, pomegranate gyia carnad [gyìa’ ca’rnaad]
Trini (woman’s name) Lia Treiny [Lia Treeiny]
Trinidad (woman’s name) Lia Treiny [Lia Treeiny]
truck camyuny [cammyuuny], car [ca’rr]
truck, tanker pyep [pye’p]
trunk teix [tèe’ix]
Tuesday Mart [Ma’rt]
tuna (organ‑pipe cactus fruit) btsë [btsëh]
tuna (prickly pear cactus fruit) bruiny [brùu’iny]
turkey budy gwuar [bu’uhdy gwu’uar]
turkey, male budy ngual [bu’uhdy ngu’ahll]
turn (impersonal idiom), takes one’s runy tocar [ruhny tocaar]
turn to, should get a ryal [ryàall]
turnover, with a spicy filling; type of empanad [empanaad]
turns rcwa gwel [rcwààa’ah gwe’ell]
turns (something) rcwa gwel [rcwààa’ah gwe’ell]
turns off (an appliance) rcwez [rcwèez]
turns on (a radio, stereo, etc.) rcwual [rcwùa’ll]
turtle beu [be’euh]
twelve tsëbtyop [tsëbtyo’p], dose [dó’seh]
twenty galy [gàally], galyd [gàallyd], beinte [bé’innyteh], beny [be’enny]
twenty‑eight galy abxon [gàally ahbxòon], beinytyocho [be’inntyó’choh], benytyoch [be’ennytyo’ch]
twenty‑five galy abgai [gàally ahbgài’], beinytisinco [be’inntisí’nncoh], benytisiengw [be’ennytisi’enngw]
twenty‑four galy abtap [gàally ahbtahp], beinyticwatro [be’innticwá’troh], benyticwatr [be’ennyticwa’tr]
twenty‑nine galy abga [gàally ahbgààa’], beinytinwebe [be’inntinwéebeh], benytinweb [be’ennytinweeb]
twenty‑one galy abteiby [gàally ahbte’ihby], benytyuan [be’ennytyua’nn]
twenty‑seven galy abgaz [gàally ahbgàaz], beinytisyete [be’inntisyé’teh], benytisyet [be’ennytisye’t]
twenty‑six galy abxop [gàally ahbxo’p], benytiseiz [be’ennytiseiz]
twenty‑three galy abchon [gàally ahbchòonn], benytitrez [be’ennytitreez]
twenty‑two galy abtyop [gàally ahbtyo’p], benytidoz [be’ennytidooz]
two tyop [tyo’p], doz [dooz]
two hundred tyop gaiyua [tyo’p gaiyùùa’]
two nights from now guzh wxiny [gùuzh wxi’ihnny]
two of, the ropta [ro’pta’], yropta [yro’pta’]
two or three tyop chon [tyo’p chòonn]
two thousand and six dozmilyseiz [doozmi’llyseiz]
type clas[cla’s]
type of traditional healer who helps someone regain his or her soul ni runyrezh [nih ruhnyrehzh]
Uncle Tiu [Ti’u]
uncle dad chiu [da’ad chi’uu], sa bied [sa’ah biied], tiu [ti’u]
uncooked nga [ngàa’ah]
under ni [ni’ih], zha [zh:àa’], zhan [zh:ààa’n]
underpants, (a male’s) trus [tru’s]
understands racbe [rahcbèe’], runy comprender [ruhny comprendeer]
unit unida [unidaa]
United States Nort [No’rt], Stados Unied [Stadohs Uniied]
United States (when used in Mexico) ladi [laadih]
university scwel ro [sceel ròo’oh], unibersida [unibersidaa]
unripe nga [ngàa’ah]
until axta [a’xta’ nah]
up ya [yaàa’]
up and down, jumps rdia ya [rdììa’ yaàa’]
up to axta [a’xta’ nah]
upper arm zhacw [zh:àa’cw]
us danoën [dannooh-ëhnn], danuën [dannuuh-ëhnn]
used to think that rzilaz [rzilààa’z]
uses runy uas [ruhny ua’s]
uses a lot of (fuel) (of a vehicle) rgub [rgùùu’b]
Vale (man’s name) Bal [Ba’ll]
Valente (man’s name) Lien [Liienn]
Valentin (man’s name) Balyen [Balye’eenn], Lien [Liienn], Lyen [Lye’eenn]
Valentine (man’s name) Balyen [Balye’eenn], Lien [Liienn], Lyen [Lye’eenn]
Valerian (man’s name) Bal [Ba’ll], Baleryan [Baleryaan]
Valeriano (man’s name) Bal [Ba’ll], Baleryan [Baleryaan]
van camyuny [cammyuuny]
vase zhar [zhaar]
vegetables, and meat; Oaxacan dish made with eggs gyixeiny [gyix:e’ehiny]
Vela (woman’s name) Lia Bel [Lia Be’ll]
Ventura (woman’s name) Lia Bentuar [Lia Bentuuar]
very uas [u’as]
very early in the morning when it’s still dark cai [ca’ài]
very next day, is the rratagguel [rratahgguèe’ll]
very top of, at the guecy [gue’ehcy], guëcy [guë’ëhcy]
Vicente Bzyeny [Bzye’enny]
Victoria Lia Bitory [Lia Bi’to’ory], Lia Tory [Lia Toory]
village gueizh [guee’ihzh], lo gueizh [loh guee’ihzh]
Vincent Bzyeny [Bzye’enny]
Virginia Lia Rgyien [Lia Rgyiien], Lia Rjien [Lia Rjiien]
visits rgwi cuan [rgwi’ih cu’an]
visits, comes and riedgwi cuan [rìe’dgwi’ih cu’an]
vocabulary ra dizh [ra dìi’zh]
vocabulary, notes about the xiëru zalo ra dizh [xiëru’ zalloh ra dìi’zh]
vomits, throws up reiby [rèèi’by]
wait! (to form.) lezla ganyu [lèezlàa’ gàannyuu’]
waiter meser [meseer]
waitress meser [meseer]
waits for rbez [rbèez]
wakes (someone) up rcwany [rcwàa’nny]
wakes up rbany [rbahnny]
walks rza [rzah]
walks along rcanza [rcanzàa]
wanders around rcanza [rcanzàa]
wanted to nyuclaz [nyu’clààa’z]
wants rcaz [rcàa’z]
warm (in temperature) nzha [nzha’ah]
warms rcha [rcha’ah]
washes rguiby [rguìi’by]
wasp btyep [btye’ep]
watch rrelo [rreloo]
watches rgwi lo [rgwi’ih loh]
watches over ran [ràann]
water nyis [nnyi’ihs]
water jug ri [ri’ih]
way nez [ne’ehz]
way that, the zicy ni [zi’cy nih]
way, this zicy [zi’cy]
we danoën [dannooh-ëhnn], danuën [dannuuh-ëhnn]
we are (located) nuën [nu’ënn], zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn]
we are the same age sa ngwalyën rac [sa’ah ngwaalyëhnn rahc]
we came byopën [byoo’pëhnn]
we come ryopën [ryoo’pëhnn]
we live nuën [nu’ënn], zhuën [zhu’-ëhnn]
we were coming zyopën [zyoo’pëhnn]
we will come gyopën [gyoo’pëhnn]
we will surely go zoën [zoo’-ëhnn]
weather tyem [tye’emm]
Wednesday Myercw [Mye’rcw]
Wednesday, Ash Myercw Zhi De [Mye’rcw Zh:ih Deh], Xlyen [X:lye’enn]
Wednesday, the Sunday before Ash Domyengw Xlyen [Domye’enngw X:lye’enn]
week xman [xmaan]
week, another xtuxman [x:tuhxmaan]
Week, Holy Xmansan [Xmahnsa’ann]
week, last bduxman [bduhxmaan]
week, next xtuxman [x:tuhxmaan]
week, onetuxman[tuhxmaan]
well ganu [gàannùu’], joz [jo’oz]
well with, gets along ranzac lo [ràannza’c loh]
well, gets ryac [rya’ahc]
well, gets along ranzac [ràannza’c]
went ze [zèe]
were coming, we zyopën [zyoo’pëhnn]
West Los Angeles West Los Angl [We’st Lohs A’nngl]
wet nazhy [na’ahzhy]
what ni [nih], xa [x:a], xi [xi]
what…! pëg [pë’g], pëg zhyëb [pë’g zhyë’b], zhyëb [zhyë’b]
what?! xiahzh [xiahzh:]
what about? a [àa’]
(what) as a problem, has rzac [rzahc]
what do you think? xi rrilo liu [xi rriloh lìu]
what else xiëru [xiëru’]
what follows ni ca ni guet [nih càa ni’ih gue’et]
what had happened que tac zicy guc [queh tahc zi’ihcy guhc]
what is … like? xa mod na … [x:a mo’od nàa …]
what is it (dist.) xii [xi’ìi’]
what is this a picture of? xi dibuj xten nde? [xi dibu’j x:tèe’n ndèe’?]
what is your name? tu layu [tu lòo’ ?]
what is your name? (form.) tu loo [tu lahyuu’ ?]
what it (dist.) is xii [xi’ìi’]
what people are to eat (food) ni gau buny [nih ga’u bùunny]
what?, so a zicy [a zi’cy]
what time is it? xorni [xoorni’], xyorni [xyoorni’]
what way, in xa mod [x:a mo’od]
what you say, just ni nadizyu [nih nnahdihzyùu’]
what’s happening? xa caniiny? [x:a cannìi’-ihny], xa zuiny? [x:a zuu-ihny]
wheel rrued [rrueed]
when chi [chih], guc [gu’c], uc [u’c]
when (in the future) asy chi [a’sy chih]
where cali [cali], laty [lahty]
where are you going? (greeting) cali chiu? [cali chìu’?]
where are you going? (form. greeting) cali chieyu? [cali chieyuu’?]
where did you go? (greeting) cali gweu? [cali gwèu’?]
where did you go? (form. greeting) cali gweyu? [cali gwehyuu’?]
where are cuan[cu’an]
where is cuan [cu’an]
whether, says rgwe dizh don [rgwèèe’ dìi’zh do’onn]
which ni [nih]
while, for a duzh [dùu’zh]
while, in just a little teiby ratizy [te’ihby ra’tihzy]
whistles rtyepy [rtyèe’py]
white ncyets [ncye’ts]
white person from the United States or possibly Europe (gringo) ryengw [rye’enngw]
who ni [nih], tu [tu]
who else tuëru [tuëru’]
who knows if cwan o [cwàann o]
who on earth? tuazh [tu-ahzh:]
who, one ni [nih]
who, the ones ra ni [ra nih]
who, those ra ni [ra nih]
whole deibyta [de’ibyta’]
whose tu [tu]
why xi ni [xi ni’ih]
why, here’s ni [nihìi]
why, that’s ni [nihìi], niebagli [ni’ebaglii], niebagui [ni’ebaguii], niela [nìellàa’]
wide nlag [nllaag]
wife chiel [chìel], family [fami’lly]
window bentan [bentaan]
wing xga [x:gàa], xja [x:jàa]
wins runy gan [ruhny gaan]
wiped out from (a place), are rra [rrah]
witch bzhya [bzh:yàa]
with cuan [cuahnn], quën [quëhnn]
with, gets along well ranzac lo [ràannza’c loh]
woman buny mna [bùunny mnnààa’], mna [mnnààa’]
wood gyag [gyahg]
word dizh [dìi’zh]
word search gal rguily dizh [gahll rguìi’lly dìi’zh]
words ra dizh [ra dìi’zh]
words, all the rata ra dizh [ra’ta’ ra dìi’zh]
work zeiny [zèèi’ny], zëiny [zêêi’ny]
worker during the Bracero Program, guest farm braser [braseer]
work in the fields zeiny lo nya [zèèi’ny loh nyààa’]
works runy zeiny [ruhny zèèi’ny]
works as runy xten [ruhny x:tèe’n]
world gaxlyu [gahxlyuh]
worried about, is ru galarzya [ru’uh gahllarzyàa’ah]
worries ru galarzya [ru’uh gahllarzyàa’ah]
worry galarzya [gahllarzyàa’ah]
worry, don’t queity xi galarzyadi chuu [que’ity xi gallarzyaàa’di’ chu’-ùu’]
worry (you guys), don’t queity xi galarzyadi chuad [que’ity xi gallarzyaàa’di’ chu’-ahd]
would have liked to nyuclaz [nyu’clààa’z]
wow uaszuatsa [ua’szuatza’], utale [ú’taleh]
wow! how many balizyza [bàallihzyza’]
write what follows in Zapotec bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa [bcwààa’ nih càa ni’ih gue’et cuahnn Dìi’zhsah]
writes rcwa [rcwààa’ah]
writes (something) to (someone) rcwa lo [rcwààa’ah loh]
wrong (at a place), does something runy fald [ruhny fa’lld]
x‑rays rrayos equis [rráayohs é’quihs]
xoconostle (prickly pear cactus fruit) bruiny [brùu’iny]
Yadira (woman’s name) Lia Yadier [Lia Yadiier]
Yagul Yagul [Yagu’ll]
yeah?, oh a zicy [a zi’cy]
year iaz [iihahz]
year, last bdubiaz [bdubiihahz]
year long, all chata iaz [chaata’ iihahz]
year, one tubiaz [tuhbiihahz]
Year’s Day, New Iaz Cweby [iihahz cweeby]
yellow ngats [ngaàa’ts]
yellow fever xlyiayats [x:lyiàa’yaàa’ts]
yellow, gets rats [raàa’ts]
yells rbuzhya [rbuzhya’ah]
yes a [àaa’], ajy [a’jy]
yesterday nai [nài’]
yesterday, the day before nas [nahs]
yet, has not adi [aadi’]
yet, not ady [aady]
yoke yug [yuug]
Yola Yol [Yo’oll]
Yolanda Lia Gyol [Lia Gyo’oll], Lia Yol [Lia Yo’oll]
you (form. pl.) yuad [yùad], yëbuad [yëbùad]
you (form. sg.) yu [yu’uu’], yëbu [yëbu’uu’]
you (form. sg.), it’s up to yu zhi [yuu’ zhi’]
you (inf.) know, as ady a nanu [aady a nàannùu’]
you (inf. pl.) laad [làa’-ahd]
you (inf. pl.), only laizyad [làa’ihzyahd]
you (inf. sg.) liu [lìu’]
you (inf. sg.), only liizyu [lìihzyu’]
you know what rindyau ne [rinydyàu’ neh]
you say, just what ni nadizyu [nih nnahdihzyùu’]
you, in front of nez loo [nehz lòo’]
you’ll like it asy a byulazyui [a’sy a byu’lààa’zyuu’ih]
you’ll like them asy a byulazyui [a’sy a byu’lààa’zyuu’ih]
you’ll see ganu [gàannùu’]
young lady (term of address) ma [maa]
young man (term of address) pa [paa]
younger brother (of a female) bzyan guny [bzyaàa’n gùuny]
younger sister (of a male) bzyan guny [bzyaàa’n gùuny]
Zapotec!, answer the questions in … in bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa! [bzi’ihcy nih rnudìi’zh … cuahnn Dìi’zhsah !]
Zapotec, how do you say “___” in xa rni buny “___” cuan Dizhsa? [x:a rnnììi’ bùunny “___” cuahnn Dìi’zhsah?]
Zapotec!, return (tell) what …. asks in bzicy ni rnudizh … cuan Dizhsa! [bzi’ihcy nih rnudìi’zh … cuahnn Dìi’zhsah !]
Zapotec language Dizhsa [Dìi’zhsah]
Zapotec person buny Dizhsa [bùunny Dìi’zhsah]
zebu (type of ox with a hump) guan sebu [gùu’ann sehbuu]