
Answer Key for Lecsyony Xon (8)

Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.1) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Then pronounce each of your sentences.

a. I didn’t crush the box.

Queity btainydya caj.

b. I poked the stick at Jose.

Bguada gyag Wse.

c. I rode that horse.

Cabai re wbeba.

d. I don’t want a tortilla.

Queity rcazdya cha guet

e. Did I turn off the television?

Bcweza telebisyony e?


Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.2) Change the subject of each of the following sentences to “I”. Practice reading the original sentence and your new sentence out loud. Pay special attention to whether the vowel pattern of the verb changes when there is an “I” subject. Translate each of your new sentences into English.

a. Bzicy myegr Wse Meijy.

Bzicya Wse Meijy.  “I sent Jose back to Mexico.”

b. Queity bcwualdi Lia Da rrady.

Queity bcwualdya  rrady.  “I didn’t turn the radio on.”

c. Btyis mniny e?

Btyisa e?  “Did I jump?”

d. Plad re casubiaz buny.

Plad re casubiaza.  “I am drying that dish.”

e. Uas btaz zhyap zhieb.

Uas btaza zhieb.  “I really hit that goat.”

f. Rsudeiby mna nyis.

Rsudeibya nyis.  “I boil water.”


Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.2) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Then, read each of your Zapotec sentences aloud, paying special attention to the pronunciation of the verb with the “I” subject.

a. I am giving a tortilla to her.

Cadeidya cha guet lai.

b. I didn’t wake up.

Queity wbanydya.

c. I am drying the pot.

Gues casubiaza.

d. I want a blanket.

Rcaza teiby dadich.

e. I didn’t arrive in Mexico.

Queity bzenydya Meijy.


Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.3) Change the following questions into statements, using a “already”. Change any noun phrase subjects to corresponding pronoun subjects (-i or –ëng). Then translate the sentence pairs into English.

a. A bdieby nyis e?

A bdiebyi.  “It already boiled.”

b. A wbany mna e?

A wbanyëng.  “She already woke up.”

c. A bzenya Ndua e?

A bzenya Ndua.  “I already arrived in Oaxaca.”

d. Caj a bxyeily buny e?

A bxyeilyi caj.  “He already opened the box.”

e. A wbeb zhyap teiby guan e?

A wbebëng teiby guan.  “She already rode a bull.”


Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.4) Using each of the following verbs once, complete each of the questions with a verb and a “you” subject: rcwany, rguad, rnaz, rnudizh, rbeb, rsan, rtaz, rcaz, rchiby, rtainy. Practice reading each of your questions out loud. Then translate each of your sentences into English.

Here are some possible answers.

a. A bcwanyu mna e?  “Did you already wake up the woman?”

b. Mnazu teiby liebr cuan teiby lapy e?  “Did you grab a book and a pencil?”

c. Guan wbebu e?  “Did you ride the bull?”

d. Uas rcazu zhyet e?  “Do you really want the cat?”

e. Bsanu cha guetxtily e?  “Did you leave a loaf of bread behind?”

f. Lat re a btainyu e?  “Did you already crush that can?”

g. Uas bguadu gyag becw e?  “Did you really poke the stick at the dog?”

h. Canudizhu doctor e?  “Are you questioning the doctor?”

i. Btazu bolz e? “Did you hit the bag?”

j. Uas bchibyu zhyap e? “Did you really scare the girl?”


Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.5) Translate each of the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice reading each one aloud. Try to pronounce each sentence the way your teacher does!

a. Do you remember Juan?

Rnalazu Jwany e?

b. You are missing a book.

Canityu teiby liebr.

c. Are you teaching Petra Zapotec?

Caseidyu Lia Petr Dizhsa e?

d. You are really jumping.

Uas catyisu.

e. Did you send Pedro back to Oaxaca?

Bzicyu Bed Ndua e?

f. You like the cat.

Zhyet Ryulazu.

g. Did you dry the dish?

Bsubiazu plad e?


Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.6) Answer each of the following questions in Zapotec, starting with either a “yes” or queity “no”. Practice saying each of the pairs out loud. Pay careful attention to the pronunciation of the verb.

a. Bzicyu naa Meijy e?

A, bzicya liu Meijy.

b. Bcwanya liu e?

Queity bcwanydyu naa.

c. Caguad banua liu e?

A, caguad banua naa.

d. Mnalazu naa e?

Queity mnalazdya liu.

e. Caseidy Wse liu Ingles e?

A, caseidy Wse Ingles naa.


Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.7) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec, paying attention to the difference between rdeidy and rnizh. Then say each sentence out loud.

a. Did you give her the blanket?

Bdeidyu dadich lai e?

b. She didn’t give me the flower.

Queity mnizhdyëng gyia naa.

c. Give the child the toy!

Bdeidy juguet mniny!

d. I didn’t give you the basket.

Queity mnizhdya dadich liu.

e. She is giving Soledad that box.

Caj re cadeidyi Lia Da.

f. I gave a plate to the woman.

Bdeidya teiby plad mna.

g. Jose is giving me the table and the chair.

Canizh Wse mes cuan gyizhily naa.

h. Give me a tortilla!

Mnizh cha guet naa!


Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.8) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice reading each of them out loud.

a. Hey, give me the books!

As nia, mnizh ra liebr naa!

b. I want those apples.

Ra mansan re rcaza.

c. Did he give you the flowers?

Mnizhi ra gyia liu e?

d. I am gathering the baskets.

Catopa ra zhimy.

e. Did you open the boxes?

Bxyeilyu ra caj e?


Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Xon. (§8.9) Make up Zapotec sentences using each of the following number phrases. In some of them the number phrase should be the subject, in others it should be the object. Some sentences should be questions, some should be commands, some should be statements. Some sentences should be negative.

Here are some possible answers.

a. Gai plad

Gai plad re bsudiaz!  “Dry those five plates!”

b. Gaz gues

Queity btainydya gaz gues.  “I didn’t crush seven pots.”

c. Tsë becw

Tsë becw caduax.  “Ten dogs are barking.”

d. Tap dadich

Queity mnizhdyu tap dadich naa.  “You didn’t give me four blankets.”

e. Xon juguet

Rcazi xon juguet e?  “Does he want eight toys?”

f. Xop wi

Naa mnaba xop wi.  “I asked for six guavas.”

g. Chon zhyap

Chon zhyap re mnudizh mes e?  “Did these three girls question the teacher?”

h. Tyop doctor

Bzicyu tyop doctor Meijy.  “You sent two doctors back to Mexico.”



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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.