Answer Key for Lecsyony Tsëbteby (11)
Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.1) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec.
a. Ella lo abrasa todos los días..
Rguezi lai rata zhi.
b. Does Chico smoke a pipe?
Rgub Chiecw pyep e?
c. I am nodding off.
d. Are you guys paying the bill?
Caguizhad rresieb e?
e. She is sewing those skirts.
Ra fald re caguiebi.
f. The bus really uses a lot of gas.
Uas rgub autobuas gasolyen.
g. Are you (form.) looking for the chickens?
Caguilyyu ra budy e?
h. They are borrowing a car.
Caguinyri teiby carr.
i. Every day Modesta washes the shirts.
Rata zhi rguiby Lia Desy ra cotony.
j. We pay for the mass.
Rguizhën myes.
Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.2)
Part Teiby. Translate the following sentences into Zapotec.
a. Who is sweeping?
Tu candub?
b. What did Cayetano give you?
Xi mnizh Tan liu?
c. When will you (form. pl.) arrive in Oaxaca?
Guc yzenyuad Ndua?
d. Who did Modesta hit?
Tu btaz Lia Desy?
e. ¿A quién le diste el libro?
Tu bdeidyu liebr?
f. How did they scare her?
Xa bchibyri lai?
g. When does Ernesto play the clarinet?
Guc rcuzh Rnest clarinet?
h. Why didn’t Elena hit them?
Xi ni queity btaz Lia Len lari?
i. Who does the woman remember?
Tu rnalaz mna?
j. Why are you guys jumping?
Xi ni catyisad?
k. Who is teaching the girls Zapotec?
Tu caseidy ra zhyap Dizhsa?
l. Why don’t you speak Spanish well?
Xi ni queity rgwezacu Dizhtily?
m. Who hugged them?
Tu bdez lari?
n. How much money did you pay the doctor?
Blac bdizhu doctor?
o. Why does she smoke?
Xi ni rgubi?
Part Tyop. Three of the Zapotec questions you just wrote have another English translation (because they contain reversible verbs with noun subjects and objects). What are these additional meanings?
d. Who did Modesta hit?
Who hit Modesta?
i. Who does the woman remember?
Who remembers the woman?
k. Who is teaching the girls Zapotec?
Who are the girls teaching Zapotec to?
Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.3)
Part Teiby. Change each of the sentences you wrote in Tarea Teiby into a sentence that talks about the past, using the perfective stem of the verb. Practice reading your sentences out loud and translate each one into English.
a. Rguezi lai rata zhi.
Bdezi lai rata zhi.“She hugged him every day.”
b. Rgub Chiecw pyep e?
Bdub Chiecw pyep e? “Did Chico smoke a pipe?”
c. Caguixicya.
Bdixicya. “I nodded off.”
d. Caguizhad rresieb e?
Bdizhad rresieb e? “Did you guys pay the bill?”
e. Ra fald re caguiebi.
Ra fald re bdiebi. “She sewed those skirts.”
f. Uas rgub autobuas gasolyen.
Uas bdub autobuas gasolyen. “The bus really used a lot of gas.”
g. Caguilyyu ra budy e?
Bdilyyu ra budy e? “Did you (form.) look for the chickens?”
h. Caguinyri teiby carr.
Bdinyri teiby carr. “They borrowed a car.”
i. Rata zhi rguiby Lia Desy ra cotony.
Rata zhi bdiby Lia Desy ra cotony. “Every day Modesta washed the shirts.”
j. Rguizhën myes.
Bdizhën myes. “We paid for the mass.”
Part Tyop. Now, write question word questions that could be answered by the sentences below. Try using several different question words. Translate them. Practice the new mini-dialogues you’ve written with another student.
Example. Bdiby Lia Len Plad. “Elena washes the dishes.”
Answer Tu bdiby plad? “Who washed the dishes?”
or Xi bdiby Lia Len? “What did Elena wash?”
a. Bdez Lia Zhuan zhyap. “Juana hugged the girl.”
Tu bdez zhyap? “Who hugged the girl?”
or Tu bdez Lia Zhuan? “Who did Juana hug?”
b. Bdixicy Mazh. “Tomas nodded off.”
Tu bdixicy? “Who nodded off?”
c. Bdiebën ra cotony. “We sewed the shirts.”
Tu bdieb ra cotony? “Who sewed the shirts?”
or Xi bdiebad? “What did you guys sew?”
or Xi bdiebyuad? “What did you (form. pl.) sew?”
d. Bdubri guez. “They smoked cigarettes.”
Tu bdub guez? “Who smoked cigarettes?”
or Xi bdubri? “What did they smoke?”
e. Bdiny Leony teiby lapy rata zhi. “Leon borrowed a pencil every day.”
Tu bdiny lapy rata zhi? “Who borrowed the pencil every day?”
or Xi bdiny Leon rata zhi? “What did Leon borrow every day?”
or Guc bdiny Leon teiby lapy? “When did Leon borrow a pencil?”
f. Fald re bdibyi. “She washed that skirt.”
Xi bdibyi? “What did she wash?”
g. Bdizhëb myes. “He (resp.) paid for the mass.”
Tu bdizh myes? “Who paid for the mass?”
or Xi bdizhëb? “What did he (resp.) pay for?”
Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.4)
Part Teiby. Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice reading the Zapotec sentences out loud.
a. Would you (form.) be so kind as to please look for the picture?
Ysaguelyu quilylayu fot.
b. Tomorrow I will wash the van.
Zhi quibya camyuny.
c. Who will hug the children?
Tu quez ra mniny?
d. The priest will put the pipe down.
Quix bxuaz pyep.
e. Tomorrow we will look for (edible) grasshoppers.
Zhi quilyën ra bxady.
f. How will the baby wash the clothes?
Xa quiby bdo lady?
Part Tyop. For each of the following questions about the future, write an appropriate Zapotec response using a “yes”, creating a short dialogue. You may have to change the pronoun in the answer, as in the example. If a person’s name is used in the question, replace it with a pronoun in the response, as in the example. Translate your dialogue into English. Then, practice the Zapotec dialogue with another student.
Example: Quizhyuad Gyeily tsë pes e? “Are you (form. pl.) going to pay Miguel ten pesos?”
Answer: A, quizhyën laëng tsë pes. “Yes, we will pay him ten pesos.”
a. Quinyu Lia Petr e? “Will you ask for Petra’s hand in marriage?”
A, quinya lai. “Yes, I will ask for her (hand).”
b. Quily Jwany cuan Leony ra many e? “Will Juan and Leon look for the animals?”
A, quilyri ra many. “Yes, they will look for the animals.”
c. Quixicy ra bxuaz e? “Will the priests nod off?”
A, quixicy ra bxuaz. “Yes, the priests will nod off.”
d. Quizhu myes e? “Will you pay for the mass?”
A, quizha myes. “Yes, I will pay for the mass.”
e. Quieb Lia Da teiby bistied e? “Will Soledad sew a dress?”
A, quiebi teiby bistied. “Yes, she will sew a dress.”
Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.5) The following sentences contain noun phrases that refers to animals and children. Change each sentence so that you use a singular or plural animal pronoun to refer to these noun phrases. An example has been done for you. Practice reading the original and new sentences out loud. Then translate both the original and new sentences into English.
Example: Bzhiby zhyet. “The cat got scared.”
Answer: Bzhibyëm.“It got scared.”
a. Bdeidya liebr mniny. “I gave the book to the child.”
Bdeidya liebr laëm. “I gave the book to him/her.”
b. Ra becw rduax. “The dogs bark.”
Rduaxrëm. “They bark.”
c. Bguad banua mna e? “Did the scorpion sting the woman?”
Bguadëm mna e? “Did it sting the woman?”
d. Canab zhyap bdua. “The girl is asking for the banana.”
Canabëm bdua. “She is asking for the banana.”
e. Bcwany bdo! “Wake the baby up!”
Bcwanyëm! “Wake it/him/her up!”
Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.6) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec.
a. Chico wants the woman to carry the animal in her arms.
Rcaz Chiecw quez mna many.
b. Do you (form.) want them to cross there?
Rcazyu teidyri ricy e?
c. I want them (an.) to bark.
Rcaza ylduaxrëm.
d. Soledad wants him to give you (form. pl.) the money.
Rcaz Lia Da ynizhi muly yuad.
e. The teacher wants the students to speak Zapotec well.
Rcaz mes ygwezac ra studian Dizhsa.
Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.6) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec using the “wants to” sentence pattern 1.
a. Do you guys want to wash the shirts?
Rcazad quibyad ra cotony e?
b. She wants to sew this skirt.
Rcazi quiebi fald re.
c. The woman wants to look for the city person.
Rcaz mna quily mna gyizh.
d. The priest wants to borrow the books.
Rcaz bxuaz quiny bxuaz ra liebr.
e. The students want to nod off.
Rcaz ra studian quixicy ra studian.
Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.6)
Part Teiby. Make new sentences from your answers for Tarea Gaz (c)-(e) by changing them to follow the “wants to” sentence pattern 2.
Example. Rcaz Jwany ytainy Jwany lat.
Answer. Rcaz Jwany ytainy lat.
c. Rcaz mna quily mna gyizh.
Rcaz mna quily gyizh.
d. Rcaz bxuaz quiny bxuaz ra liebr.
Rcaz bxuaz quiny ra liebr.
e. Rcaz ra studian quixicy ra studian.
Rcaz ra studian quixicy.
Part Tyop. Make new sentences from your answers for Part Teiby by changing them so that they have focused subjects.
Example. Rcaz Jwany ytainy lat.
Answer. Jwany rcaz ytainy lat.
c. Rcaz mna quily gyizh.
Mna rcaz quily gyizh.
d. Rcaz bxuaz quiny ra liebr.
Bxuaz rcaz quiny ra liebr.
e. Rcaz ra studian quixicy.
Ra studian rcaz quixicy.
Part Chon. Make new sentences from your answers for Part Tyop, by changing the subject noun phrases to an appropriate pronoun. Keep in mind that this may require other changes in your sentences as well!
c. Mna rcaz quily gyizh.
Lai rcazi quilyi gyizh.
d. Bxuaz rcaz quiny ra liebr.
Lai rcazi quinyi ra liebr.
e. Ra studian rcaz quixicy.
Lari rcazri quixicyri.
Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.7) Practice saying sentences with “and” subjects by translating the following sentences into Zapotec.
a. Elena and I laid the babies down.
Lia Len cuan naa bdixën ra bdo.
b. You and the boys will pay Señor Pedro back.
Liu cuan ra mniny quizhad Dad Bed.
c. You (form.) and the teacher paid the bill.
Yu cuan mes bdizhyuad rresieb.
d. The doctor and you (form.) will learn Zapotec.
Doctor cuan yu yseidyyuad Dizhsa.
e. The deer and you are running.
Bzeiny cuan liu cazhunyad.
f. I and the girl poked the stick at the crow.
Naa cuan zhyap bguadën gyag bca.
Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Tsëbteby. (§11.8) Translate the following sentences into English. Some sentences may have more than one meaning!
a. Naa cuan Rony cubën guez.
I and Jeronimo will smoke cigarettes.
b. Bal bistied bdiby ra mna?
How many dresses did the women wash?
c. Lia Zhuan bdizh Chiecw.
Juana paid Chico./Chico paid Juana.
d. Cagueza bdo.
I am hugging the baby.
e. Rcazu quiby Bed ra plad e?
Do you want Pedro to wash the dishes?
f. Blac quizh bxuaz doctor?
How much money will the priest pay the doctor?
g. Uas bdub autobuas gasolyen.
The bus really used a lot of gas.
h. Xi ni bdixicyrëng na?
Why did they nod off now?
i. Bdizha Lia Len.
I paid Elena.
j. Xa mod quixu bdo?
How will you lay the baby down?