
Answer Key for Lecsyony Tseinyabteby (16)

Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby

Part Teiby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Ingles.

a. Gyicy Dyau Ndua.

“Santiago will return to Oaxaca.”

b. Gyats gyex.

“The avocado will ripen.”

c. Rata zhi rual Lia Chon.

“Asuncion reads every day.”

d. Cayicya.

“I am coming back.”

e. Xi ni gwualyu liebr re?

“Why will you (form.) read this book?”

f. Gyiabi.

“He will fall.”

g. Ydo cabai.

“The horse will get sold.”

Part Tyop. Now change each of the Zapotec sentences in Part Teiby so that it talks about the past. Then translate your new sentences into English.

a. Bicy Dyau Ndua. “Santiago returned to Oaxaca.”

b. Byats gyex. “The avocado ripened.”

c. Nai bual Lia Chon. “Yesterday Asuncion read.”

d. Bicya. “I came back.”

e. Xi ni bualyu liebr re? “Why did you (form.) read this book?”

f. Byiabi. “He fell.”

g. Bdo cabai. “The horse got sold.”


Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a. I want to take a bath.

Rcaza gaza.

b. Will you (form. pl.) return?

Gyicyyuad e?

c. The horse died.

Guty cabai.

d. They told the teacher.

Reipyrëng mes.

e. Did you receive those flowers as a gift?

Guadu ra gyia re e?

f. Will you ask Elena?

Gueipyloo Lia Len.

g. Read that paper!

Bual gyets re!

h. The bull is dying.

Cayaty guan.

i. The cook wants those peaches to get ripe.

Rcaz cosiner gyats ra durazn re.

j. She received this petate and that blanket as a gift.

Guadëng da re cuan dadich re.


Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a. Tell her to wash the dishes!

Gwuats laëng quibyëng plad!

b. I will ask the doctor to give me medicine.

Gueipya doctor ynizh doctor rmudy naa.

c. Did they tell Juan to deposit the money there?

Reipyri Jwany cu Jwany muly ricy e?

d. Tell your cousin to get up!

Gwuats xapryemu chisti xapryemu!

e. What did you ask Juana to tell the waiter?

Xi reipyu Lia Zhuan gueipy Lia Zhuan meser?


Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. Change the verbs of each of the sentences below into the habitual form.  Then translate your new sentences into English.

a. Bdas cabai gyizhya.

Ras cabai gyizhya. “The horse chews the grass.”

b. Ydanyën da.

Rdanyën da. “We sit on the petate.”

c. Bdauu moly e?

Rauu moly e? “Do you eat mole?”

d. Bdany Jwany dadich.

Rany Jwany dadich. “Juan sits on the blanket.”

e. Gacwa traj.

Racwa traj. “I put the suit on.”

f. Bdo gas guet.

Bdo ras guet.The baby chews the tortilla.”

g. Ydauwën ra bdua.

Rdauwën ra bdua. “We eat the bananas.”

h. Gwia serbes.

Ria serbes. “I drink beer.”

i. Bdacwëng cotony e?

Racwëng cotony e? “Does he put the shirt on?”

j. Gyia ra mna cub e?

Ria ra mna cub e? “Do the women drink tejate?”


Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby

Part Teiby. Make up Zapotec sentences that talk about the past using the following verbs and subjects. Then translate your new sentences into English.

a. racw (verb)ra mna (subject)

Bdacw ra mna xcotonyri. “The women put on their shirts.”

b. rany (verb); “I” (subject)

Bdanya almwad. “I put my head down on the pillow.”

c. ras (verb)bag (subject)

Bdas bag gyizhya. “The cow chewed the grass.”

d. rau (verb); “we” (subject)

Bdauwën budy cuan moly. “We ate chicken with mole.”

e. ria (verb); “we” (subject)

Bdeën nyis. “We drank the water.”


Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a. Why doesn’t the doctor drink beer?

Xi ni queity rquiny doctor serbes?

b. I told the child to eat the tortilla.

Reipya mniny gau mniny guet.

c. Do you (form.) want to eat?

Rcazyu yquinyyu guet e?

d. Did he drink tejate? (referring to a young person)

Gweëm cub e?

e. Did he drink tejate? (referring to a priest)

Bquinyëb cub e?

f. The teacher will drink this coffee.

Yquiny mes cafe re.

g. My mother doesn’t want to eat fish.

Queity rcazdi xnana yquiny xnana beld.

h. That cow will not eat the grass.

Bag re queitydi bag re gau gyizhya.


Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. Make up new Zapotec sentences using the following verbs and -ne and the forms and subjects indicated, as in the example. Because the new sentences will include -ne, you’ll have to add objects to all of them; some of them will need two objects. Translate your new sentences into English.

Example. ria “drinks” (perfective, “you (pl. inf.)”)

Answer. Gwenead doctor cub e? “Did you guys drink tejate with the doctor?”

a. rany (habitual, “I”)

Ranynia Lia Da dadich. “I sit on the blanket with Soledad.”

b. rgwe dizh (perfective, “you”)

Bgweneu mes xtenu dizh e? “Did you speak to your teacher?”

c. rdeidy “crosses” (perfective, bzyanu)

Bdeidyne bzyanu liu lo liny. “Your brother crossed the border with you.”

d. rau (habitual, “we”)

Rdauneën laëng rata zhi. “We eat with him every day.”

e. rdica (irrealis, “he (prox.)”)

Ydicaëng betsëng. “He will appear with his brother.”

f. rquiny guet (irrealis, bxuaz)

Zhi yquinyne bxuaz guet liu. “The priest will eat with you tomorrow.”

g. ria “drinks” (perfective, “you”)

       Gweneu Mazh serbes. “You drank beer with Tomas.”



Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. The sentences below use either cuan or -ne to express the meaning “with”.  Change each of the sentences so that it uses the other method of expressing “with”.  If the sentence uses ne, change it to use cuan; if the sentence uses cuan change it to use -ne. (Remember that a -ne object will come before any other object in the sentence.) Then translate all the sentences into English.

a. Bicynia Lia Zhuan Ndua. “I returned to Oaxaca with Juana.”

Bicya cuan Lia Zhuan Ndua. “I returned to Oaxaca with Juana.”

b. Briane mna xabdoni. “The woman left with her baby.”

Bria mna cuan xabdoni. “The woman and her baby left.”

c. Bily doctor liebr cuan zhinyni. “The doctor read the book with his child.”

Bilyne doctor zhinyni liebr. “The doctor read the book with his child.”

d. Ychunia xnana yu. “I will move with my mom.”

Ychua yu cuan xnana. “I will move with my mom.”


Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. Change the following “say” sentences so they don’t use a quotation, using a dependent sentence. Then translate your new sentences into English.

a. Noo, “Ycweza telebisyony” e? “Did you say, ‘I will turn off the television?'”

Noo ycwezu telebisyony e? “Did you say you will turn off the television?”

b. Na Jwany, “Wbeba guan re.” “Juan said, ‘I rode that bull.'”

Na Jwany wbebëng guan re. “Juan said he rode that bull.”

c. Mnierëng, “Rcazën ydauwën moly” e? “Did they say, ‘We want to eat mole?'”

Mnierëng rcazrëng gaurëng moly e? “Did they say they want to eat mole?”

d. Naad, “Bcwanyën Dyau.” “You guys said, ‘We woke up Santiago.'”

Naad bcwanyad Dyau. “You guys said you woke up Santiago.”

e. Nia, “Rinylua Lia Mony.” “I said, ‘I take care of Monica.'”

Nia rinylua Lia Mony. “I said I take care of Monica.”


Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Tseinyabteby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a.  Did she like them?

Biabzacri lai e?

b.  You guys will like my relatives.

Gyiabzac familya laad.

c.  I like my teacher.

Riabzac xmesa naa.

d.  Santiago really likes you (form.).

Uas riabzacyu Dyau.

e.   Señor Jose doesn’t want to miss the train.

Queity rcazdi Tiu Wse ysan treiny Tiu Wse.

f.  Those women like me.

Mna re riabzaca.


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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.