
Answer Key for Lecsyony Tseiny (13)

Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.1)

Part Teiby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a. The woman is warming the soup.

Cacha mna cald.

b. Juan moved.

Bchu Jwany yu.

c. The children didn’t break the blal.

Queity bdadi ra mniny blal.

d. They broke the knife.

Bdichri wchily.

e. Soledad grilled the fish.

Bcyi Lia Da bel.

f. Petra is taking care of the baby.

Caculo Lia Petr bdo.

g. The doctor didn’t get up.

Queity gustidi doctor.

Part Tyop. Write a Zapotec caption for each of the pictures below, using one of the verbs from the Ra Dizh of this Lecsyony with a noun subject for each one. (Hint: if you can’t figure out what the men in picture a are doing, check out the new vocabulary!)

a. Rtyu Bed bruiny rata zhi. “Pedro picks prickly pears every day.”

b. Cacyi Lia Da budy. “Soledad is grilling the chicken.”

d. Cato Jwany cuch. “Juan is selling the pig.”


Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.2) Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Ingles. Then, practice reading each of the sentences out loud.

a. Cald rchari.

They warm the soup.

b. Ycyiyuad bel e?

Will you (form. pl.) grill the meat?

c. Querëb ra liebr.

They (resp.) will carry the books.

d. Nde bdarëm.

They (an.) broke this one/that one.

e. Gustiyuad.

You (form. pl.) got out of bed.

f. Bcwayu ra letr.

You (form.) wrote the letters.


Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.2) Make up new Zapotec sentences using the focused subjects and verbs specified below (if a free pronoun subject is given, remember to use the appropriate form of the verb along with that subject word, as in the example). Change the verb from habitual to perfective, irrealis, or progressive, and include an object noun if that seems appropriate. Practice reading your sentences out loud, being especially careful when pronouncing the verb. Then translate your sentence into English.

Example. Focused subject: lari; Zapotec verb: rtyo.

Answer. Lari btyori carr. They sold the car.”

a. Focused subject: Lia Da; Zapotec verb: rcha

Lia Da bcha guet.Soledad warmed the tortilla.”

b. Focused subject: laëng; Zapotec verb: rcha

Laëng ychaëng cald.He (prox.) will warm the soup.”

c. Focused subject: lari; Zapotec verb: rtyu

Lari catyuri bruny.They (dist.) are picking the cactus fruit.”

d. Focused subject: lai; Zapotec verb: rtyu

Lai btyui btsë.She (dist.) picked the tuna.”

e. Focused subject: ra mna; Zapotec verb: rto

Ra mna cato zhily.The women are selling the sheep.”

f. Focused subject: danoën; Zapotec verb: rto

Danoën btoën dadich.We sold the blankets.”

g. Focused subject: larëm; Zapotec verb: rcyi

 Larëm ycyirëm bel.They (anim.) will grill the fish.”

h. Focused subject: yuad; Zapotec verb: rcyi

Yuad ycyiyuad bel zhieb.You (form. pl.) will grill the goat.”

i. Focused subject: laëm; Zapotec verb: rtyu

Laëm ytyuëm wi.He (anim.) will pick the guava.”

j. Focused subject: Bed; Zapotec verb: rtyu

Bed btyu mansan.Pedro picked the apple.”


Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.3) Now, let’s make up some more Zapotec sentences! Using the Zapotec verbs and subjects specified below, make a new sentence by changing the verb to match the subject. (Remember, you have to use the correct bound pronoun to match the free pronoun subjects given here.) You can use the perfective, irrealis, or progressive form of the verb and an object noun if that seems appropriate. Practice reading your sentences out loud. Remember to be especially careful when pronouncing the verb. Then translate these new sentences into English.

a. Focused subject: naa; Zapotec verb: rcyi

Naa cacyia bel.I am grilling the meat.”

b. Focused subject: liu; Zapotec verb: rcyi

Liu bcyiu ze.You grilled the corn on the cob.”

c. Focused subject: naa; Zapotec verb: rda

Naa bdaa plad.I broke the plate.”

d. Focused subject: liu; Zapotec verb: rda

Liu yndoo blal.You will break the blal.”

e. Focused subject: naa; Zapotec verb: rto

Naa catua budy.I am selling chicken.”

f. Focused subject: liu; Zapotec verb: rto

Liu ytoo zhily.You will sell sheep.”

g. Focused subject: naa; Zapotec verb: rcha

Naa ychaa guet.I will warm the tortilla.”

h. Focused subject: liu; Zapotec verb: rcha

Liu cachoo bzia.You are warming the beans.”

i. Focused subject: naa; Zapotec verb: rtyu

Naa btyua ra wi.I picked the guavas.”

j. Focused subject: liu; Zapotec verb: rtyu

Liu ytyuu mansan.You will pick the apples.”


Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.4)

Part Teiby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa. Then, practice pronouncing them, paying special attention to the verb. Check your pronunciation of each verb with your teacher or in the Ra Dizh.

a. He (prox.) will get up.


b. Chico got up.

Gusti Chiecw.

c. Will you (inf. pl.) take care of the baby?

Yculoo bdo e?

d. Will you (form. pl.) take care of the children?

Yculoyu ra mniny e?

e. She (resp.) moved.

Bchuëb yu.

f. Will Soledad move?

Ychu Lia Da yu e?

g. He (an.) cussed.


h. The cook is cussing.

Cague cosiner.

i. We saw the avocados.

Binyloën gyex.

j. Did Miguel see the peaches?

Binylo Gyely durazn e?

k. She (an.) got up.


l. Get up!


Part Tyop. Now go back to Part Tyop xte Tarea Teiby and rewrite the sentences you created there, using pronoun subjects.

a. Rgue mna budy ngual.

Rgueëng budy ngual.

b. Rtyu Bed bruiny rata zhi.

Rtyuëng bruiny rata zhi.

c. Cacyi Lia Da budy.

Cacyiëng budy.

d. Cato Jwany cuch.

Catoëng cuch.


Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.5)

Part Teiby. Create new Zapotec sentences with the following verbs, using distal -i subjects. Translate your sentences into English. Then, practice pronouncing each sentence, paying special attention to the pronunciation of the verb.

a. rculo

Rculoi bdo. “He takes care of the baby.”

b. rchu

Rchui cotony. “She changes her shirt.”

c. rgue “carries”

Rguei cwet. “He carries the firecracker.”

d. rgue “cusses”

Rguei rata zhi. “She cusses every day.”

e. rinylo

Rinyloi zhyap. “He sees the girls.”

f. risti

Ristii. “She gets up.”

g. rchu yu

Rchui yu. “He moves.”

Part Tyop. For each of your sentences in Part Teiby, change the subject to “I”. In addition, change the form of the verb in each sentence (if it’s habitual, use perfective, progressive, or irrealis; if it’s perfective, use habitual, progressive, or irrealis, and so on). Translate your new sentences into English. Finally, practice pronouncing your new Zapotec sentences!

a. Rculoi bdo. “He takes care of the baby.”

Bculua bdo. “I took care of the baby.”

b. Rchui cotony. “She changes her shirt.”

Cachua cotony. “I am changing my shirt.”

c. Rguei cwet. “He carries the firecracker.”

Quia cwet. “I will carry the firecracker.”

d. Rguei rata zhi. “She cusses every day.”

Bdia rata zhi. “I cussed every day.”

e. Rinyloi zhyap. “He sees the girls.”

Guinylua zhyap. “I will see the girls.”

f. Ristii. “She gets up.”

Chistia. “I will get up.”

g. Rchui yu. “He moves.”

Cachua yu. “I am moving.”


Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.5) Finish each of the following sentences. Then translate the sentences into English. Practice pronouncing each sentence.

a. Bculua _____________.

Bculua zhieb. “I took care of the goat.”

b. Rchui _____________.

Rchui foc. “He (dist.) changes the light bulb.”

c. Quia _____________.      (this example uses “carries”)

Quia ra gyia. “I will carry the flowers.”

d. Binyloi _____________.

Binyloi zhyet. “He (dist.) saw the cat.”

e. Rzucaa _____________.

Rzucaa camyuny. “I move the car.”

f. Bdeu _____________.      (this example uses “cusses”)

Bdeu nai. “You cussed yesterday.”

g. Caculoo _____________.

Caculoo ra miny. “You are taking care of the children.”

h. Bzucoo _____________.

Bzucoo nde. “You moved that.”

i. Ychua _____________.

Ychua wchily. “I will change knives.”

j. Guinylua _____________.

Guinylua Jwany zhi. “I will see Juan tomorrow.”


Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.6)

Part Teiby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa. Then read each sentence you wrote out loud.

a. We threw the ball.

Bcwaën pelot.

b. Do you want to take a shower?

Rcazu ycoo bany e?

c. The doctor flipped a coin.

Bcwa doctor bolad.

d. The teacher is ringing the bell.

Cacwa mes gyieb.

e. I didn’t punch you!

Queity bcwadya punyet liu!

f. Are you going to paint the table?

Ycoo colory mes e?

g. Don’t punch me!

Queity ycoo punyet naa!

h. Would you (form.) be so good as to tell a story.

Ysaguelyu bcwala cwen.

i. You guys didn’t write this book.

Queity bcwadyad liebr re.

j. He (dist.) won’t shoot a gun.

Queitydyi ycwai gyieb.

Part Tyop. Create a Zapotec sentence describing each of the pictures below.

a. Cacwa mniny bany.

b. Cacwa buny gyieb.


Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.7) Make each of the sentences below negative. Then translate your sentences into English. Practice reading all the Zapotec sentences out loud.

a. Bdaa blal.

Queity bdadya blal. “I didn’t break the blal.”

b. Catyuu durazn.

Queity catyudyu durazn. “You are not picking the peach.”

c. Binyloo ra guan.

Queity binylodyu ra guan. “You didn’t see the bulls.”

d. Cazucaëb cald.

Queity cazucadyëb cald. “He (resp.) is not taking the soup away.”

e. Quia.

Queitydya quia. “I will not cuss.”

f. Bculua bdo.

Queity bculuadya bdo. “I didn’t take care of the baby.”

g. Bdicha gyag.

Queity bdichdya gyag. “I didn’t break the stick.”

h. Ytyuëb gyex.

Queitydyëb ytyuëb gyex. “He (resp.) will not pick the avocado.”


Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Tseiny (13). (§13.8)

Part Teiby. Make up new Zapotec sentences using the verbs below with the subjects specified in English in parentheses. Objects are given for some verbs. Translate your sentences, and read each one out loud.

a. Zapotec verb: rtyu; subject: (“I”); object: gyex

Rtyua gyex. “I pick the avocado.”

b. Zapotec verb: rzu; subject: (“you” form.)

Rzuyu gyag re. “You (form.) stand up this stick.”

c. Zapotec verb: rto; subject: (“we”); object: trus

Rtoën trus. “We sell underpants.”

d. Zapotec verb: rcyi; subject: (“she” dist.); object: bel

Rcyii bel. “She (dist.) grills the meat.”

e. Zapotec verb: rcha; subject: (“they” an.); object: nyis

Rcharëm nyis. “They (an.) warm the water.”

f. Zapotec verb: risti; subject: (“you” inf.)

Ristiu rata zhi. “You (inf.) get up every day.”

g. Zapotec verb: rzuca; subject: (“he” prox.); object: btyux

Rzucaëng btyux. “He (prox.) takes the tomato.”

h. Zapotec verb: rguich; subject: (“she” resp.); object: lapy

Rguichëb lapy. “She (resp.) breaks the pencil.”

i. Zapotec verb: rinylo; subject: (“we”); object: cald

Rinyloën cald. “We see the soup.”

j. Zapotec verb: rda; subject: (“you” form. pl.); object: blal

Rdayuad blal. “You (form. pl.) break the blal.

k. Zapotec verb: rgue “cusses”; subject: (“you” inf. pl.)

Rguead. “You (inf. pl.) cuss.”

l. Zapotec verb: rchu “changes”; subject: (“he” dist.); object: foc

Lai rchui foc.He (dist.) changes the light bulb.”

Part Tyop. Write a few sentences describing the following picture. Maybe you can make it into a story!

Rza tyop buny cuan tyop mniny. Caguerëng gyag. Rzarëng cuan becw. Quixrëng gyag. Ycyirëng bel zhieb. Gunyrëng uas gyag.


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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.