
Answer Key for Lecsyony Tsëda (14)

Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Tsëda

Part Teiby. Tell how you would refer to each of the items below with the possessor given, as in the example. Translate your answers, and read them aloud. Two answers are provided for some items below, either one of which is correct.

Example. “you”. Answer. gues xtenu “your pot”

a. doctor

wchily xten doctor / wchily xte doctor “the doctor’s knife”

b. “you (form.)”

bolz xtenyu “your bag”

c. Bied Lia Petr

bai xten Bied Lia Petr / bai xte Bied Lia Petr “Señora Petra’s rebozo”

d. “me”

gyizhily xtena “my chair”

e. Lia Glory

cotony xten Lia Glory / cotony xte Lia Glory “Gloria’s shirt”

f. Tiu Pamyël

blal xten Tiu Pamyël / blal xte Tiu Pamyël “Señor Pánfilo’s blal”

Part Tyop. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a. Did you break Señor Panfilo’s blal?

Bdoo blal xte Tiu Pamyël e?

b. I am washing her rebozo.

Caguibya bai xteni.

c. Did you sell your blanket?

Btoo dadich xtenu e?

d. My doctor moved.

Bchu doctor xtena yu.

e. I will ride Pedro’s horse.

Cweba cabai xte Bed.

f. Do you want my book?

Rcazu liebr xtena e?

g. Their horse really runs!

Uas rzhuny cabai xtenri!

h. Juana’s friend warmed my coffee.

Bcha amiegw xte Lia Zhuan cafe xtena.

i. Take Juan’s knife away!

Bzuca wchily xte Jwany!

j. My friend broke the cook’s spoon.

Bdich amiegw xtena wzhyar xte cosiner.


Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Tsëda. Look at the family tree below. A horizontal line between two names (–) indicates marriage, and a vertical line ( | ) from a married couple to another name or group of names indicates a line of descent from parent to children. Find the name of the person or people that fit the descriptions given after the family tree. List all the people who fit the description; if no one fits the description, or the description doesn’t make sense, then say so.

Ex: bel Lia Len. This means “Elena’s sister”, and so the answer must be Lia Da.

a. bzyan Lia Da


b. bets Wse


c. chiel Jwany

Lia Da

d. bets Mazh

No one fits this description.

e. bets Lia Desy

This description does not make sense: bets refers to the brother of a male, and Lia Desy is a female name.

f. chiel Lia Petr


g. zhiny Jwany

Pamyël, Lia Glory

h. bel Lia Da

Lia Len

i. zhinyzhyap Lia Petr

Lia Desy

j. zhiny Bed

Lia Da, Lia Len, Leony

k. zhinygan Lia Zhuan


l. bzyan Mazh

No one fits this description.


Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Tsëda

Part Teiby. Practice the possession patterns expressing the possession of each of the following items with the following possessors: 1. Bed; 2. “me”; 3. “you”, as with the example. If the picture represents a noun that is e-possessed, use the Essential Possession 1 pattern. If the picture represents a noun that is not e-possessed, use one of the Optional Possession Patterns. Translate your answers, and practice saying each one aloud. When more than one answer is provided, either is acceptable.

Example. 1. dyag Bed “Pedro’s ear”; 2. dyaga “my ear”; 3. dyagu “your ear”

a. 1. bzilo Bed “Pedro’s eye”; 2. bzilua “my eye”; 3. bziloo “your eye”

b. 1. zhimy xten Bed / zhimy xte Bed “Pedro’s basket”; 2. zhimy xtena “my basket”; 3. zhimy xtenu “your basket”

c. 1. liebr xten Bed / liebr xte Bed “Pedro’s book”; 2. liebr xtena “my book”; 3. liebr xtenu “your book”

d. 1. zhiby Bed “Pedro’s knee”; 2. zhibya “my knee”; 3. zhibyu “your knee”

Part Tyop. Form possessed noun phrases using the following nouns and possessors, as in the examples. If the noun is e-possessed, use the Essential Possession 1 pattern. If the noun is not e-possessed, use one of the Optional Possession Patterns. If the possessor listed is a free pronoun, use the appropriate bound pronoun on the possessed noun. Then make up a new Zapotec sentence using each possessed noun phrase. Finally, translate your sentences into English, and read each one aloud.

Example 1. Cwet (noun to be possessed); mniny (possessor).

Answer. Cwet xte mniny (or cwet xten mniny) — Bdily mes cwet xte mniny. “The teacher looked for the child’s firecracker.”

Example 2. Na (noun to be possessed); “me” (possessor).

Answer. Naa — Bdapëng naa. “He slapped my hand.”

a. bai (noun to be possessed)mna (possessor)

bai xte mna — Quinya bai xte mna. “I will borrow the woman’s rebozo.”

b. zhinyzhyap (noun to be possessed)naa (possessor)

zhinyzhyapa — Cacyi zhinyzhyapa bel zhieb. “My daughter is grilling the goat.”

c. bzyan (noun to be possessed)Lia Len (possessor)

bzyan Lia Len — Bcwany bzyan Lia Len laad. “Elena’s brother woke you guys up.”

d. amiegw (noun to be possessed)danoën (possessor)

amiegw xtenën — Rcaz amiegw xtenën nyis. “Our friend wants water.”

e. cotony (noun to be possessed)Rony (possessor)

cotony xte RonyCaguibyyu cotony xte Rony. “You (form.) are washing Jeronimo’s shirt.”

f. ru (noun to be possessed)larëm (possessor)

rurëm — Queity rinylodya rurëm. — “I don’t see their (an.) mouths.”

g. liebr (noun to be possessed)cosiner (possessor)

liebr xte cosinerRnyity liebr xte cosiner. “The cook’s book is missing.”

h. ni (noun to be possessed)laëm (possessor)

niëmGuny Pamyël tomar fot xten niëm. “Panfilo will take a picture of its (an.) back leg.”

i. guan (noun to be possessed)mes (possessor)

guan xte mes — Cazhuny guan xte mes. “The teacher’s bull is running.”

j. dets (noun to be possessed)liu (possessor)

detsu — Tu bdap detsu? “Who slapped your back?”


Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Tsëda. Create possessed noun phrases using each of the nouns below by first turning the noun into an e-poss. noun. Then use your possessed noun phrase in a sentence. Translate your sentence into English.

a. caj

xcaj — Caxyeilyyu xcajyu. “You (form.) are opening your (form.) box.”

b. dadich

xtadich — Queitydya ytua xtadicha. “I will not sell my blanket.”

c. tarea

xtarea — Bzuca zhyet xtena xtarea Lia Zhuan. “My cat took away Juana’s homework.”

d. bistied

xpistied — Quibyu xpistiedëng. “You will wash her dress.”

e. telebisyony

xtelebisyony — Caad xtelebisyonyri. “You guys have their television.”

f. bel “meat”

xpel — Cacyi Lia Da xpelrëb. “Soledad is grilling their (resp.) meat.”

g. campan

xcampan — Rbix xcampanën rata zhi. “Our bell rings every day.”

h. cart

xcartA bcoo xcartu. “You already wrote your letter.”

i. coch

xcoch — Quinyu xcoch Gyeily e? “Will you borrow Miguel’s car?”

j. bolz

xpolz — Caguilyën xpolzëng. “We are looking for his bag.”


Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Tsëda

Part Teiby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa. When more than one answer is provided, all are acceptable.

a. my crow

bca xtena / xabcaa

b. Juana’s cow

bag xten Lia Zhuan / bag xte Lia Zhuan / xpag Lia Zhuan

c. your banana

bdua xtenu / xabduoo

d. our tape recorder

grabador xtenën / xgrabadorën

e. the doctor’s chapulin

bxady xten doctor / bxady xte doctor / xabxady doctor

f. the teacher’s computer

computador xten mes / computador xte mes / xcomputador mes

g. your (form.) photograph

fot xtenyu / xfotyu

h. our door

pwert xtenën / xpwertën

i. Señor Panfilo’s radio

rrady xten Tiu Pamyël / rrady xte Tiu Pamyël / xarrady Tiu Pamyël

j. Petra’s rebozo

bai xten Lia Petr / bai xte Lia Petr / xpai Lia Petr

Part Tyop. Use each of the items pictured below in an e-possessed noun phrase, with some noun or name possessors and some pronoun possessors. Then put each of your possessed noun phrases into a sentence. Read your sentences out loud to another student, and have them read their sentences to you. Can you understand each other’s sentences?

a. xawzhyar cosiner — Bdichu xawzhyar cosiner. “You broke the cook’s spoon.”

b. xilyrëb — Zhi ybany xilyrëb. “Their (resp.) sheep will wake up tomorrow.”

c. xchimy Pamyël — Caguilyën xchimy Pamyël. “We are looking for Panfilo’s basket.”

d. xomrelu — Btua xomrelu. “I sold your hat.”

e. xyet zhyap — Caculua xyet zhyap. “I am taking care of the girl’s cat.”


Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Tsëda

Part Teiby. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a. Juan’s friend’s book

liebr xten amiegw xte Jwany

b. my spouse’s face

lo chiela

c. the woman’s sister’s soup

cald xten bel mna

d. the teacher’s student’s table

mes xte studian xte mes

e. the doctor’s cat’s stomach

lany zhyet xte doctor

Part Tyop. Use each of the possessed noun phrases you made up in Part Teiby in a sentence. Translate each of your new sentences into English.

a. Caguinya liebr xten amiegw xte Jwany. “I am borrowing Juan’s friend’s book.”

b. Beinya tomar fot xten lo chiela. “I took pictures of my spouse’s face.”

c. Ysaguelu bcha cald xten bel mna. “Would you be so good as to please warm the woman’s sister’s soup?”

d. Bdei mes xte studian xte mes. “She carried the teacher’s student’s table.”

e. Rbab lany zhyet xte doctor. “The doctor’s cat’s stomach gets itchy.”


Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Tsëda

Part Teiby. Below is the family tree from Tarea Tyop. Translate the possessed noun phrases that follow the family tree into Zapotec. Then find the person or people who match that description. If no one matches the description, then say so. Two examples have been completed for you.

Ex. 1. Pedro’s daughter’s husband

Ans. chiel zhinyzhyap Bed — The description applies to both Juan and Tomas.

Ex. 2. Leon’s sister’s daughter

Ans. zhinyzhyap bzyan Leony — This is Gloria.

a. Panfilo’s cousin’s grandfather

xtadmam xapryem Pamyël — This is Pedro.

b. Petra’s son’s cousin

xapryem zhinygan Lia Petr — No one fits this description.

c. Juana’s son’s wife

chiel zhinygan Lia Zhuan — This is Petra.

d. Soledad’s brother’s child

zhiny bzyan Lia Da — This is Modesta.

e. Elena’s brother’s wife

chiel bzyan Lia Len — This is Petra.

f. Juan’s wife’s father

xtad chiel Jwany — This is Pedro.

Part Tyop. Choose five of the people in the family tree, and give a description in Zapotec of each of them. (There are many ways to describe each person in the family tree – choose descriptions that have not been used here.)

1. Mazh: chiel xnan Rony “Jeronimo’s mother’s husband”

2. Lia Glory: bzyan zhinygan Jwany “Juan’s son’s sister”

3. Lia Zhuan: xnanmam bets Wse “Jose’s brother’s grandmother”

4. Pamyël: zhinygan bzyan Leony “Leon’s sister’s son”

5. Lia Len: bzyan xtad Lia Desy “Modesta’s father’s sister”


Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Tsëda. Below is a list of items and possessors. For each item, make a possessed noun phrase with the possessor given. (If the possessor listed is a free pronoun, you’ll have to change it to the appropriate bound pronoun ending, of course.) Read the phrases you make up out loud. Then, translate your possessed noun phrase into English, as in the example. (Hint: sometimes your translation will depend on who you are!)

a. lady (item)ra mna (possessor)

xab ra mna “the women’s clothes”

b. tiu (item)Lia Da (possessor)

xtiu Lia Da “Soledad’s uncle”

c. bzyan (item)naa (possessor)

bzyana “my brother” / “my sister”

d. xban (item)zhyet (possessor)

xban zhyet “the cat’s tail”

e. yu (item)liu (possessor)

liazu “your house”

f. dad (item)doctor (possessor)

xtad doctor “the doctor’s father”

g. becw (item)lai (possessor)

xyecwi “his dog”

h. pryem (item)Gyeily (possessor)

xapryem Gyeily “Miguel’s cousin”

i. xja (item)budy (possessor)

xja budy “the chicken’s wing”

j. dyag (item)laëm (possessor)

dyagëm “her (an.) ear”


Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Tsëda. Bcwa ni ca ni guet cuan Dizhsa.

a. The cook is warming his own coffee.

Cacha cosiner xcafeni.

b. The women arrived at their (someone else’s) house.

Bzeny ra mna liazri.

c. The doctor hates her (someone else’s) cousin.

Runy doctor odiar xapryemi.

d. The student does his own homework.

Runy studian xtareani.

e. The woman gets to know her (someone else’s) teacher.

Runybe mna xmesi.

f. Soledad is missing her own bag.

Rnyity Lia Da xpolzni.


Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Tsëda. For each of the sentences you created in Tarea Ga, change the sentence so that it repeats the subject noun phrase, as presented above. Then, explain any differences in meaning between your original and new sentence, as in the example.

Example. Bdich mes zhacwi.

Answer. Bdich mes zhacw mes. In the original sentence, the teacher must have broken someone else’s arm. In the new sentence, he must have broken his own arm or some other teacher’s arm.

a. Cacha cosiner xcafeni.

Cacha cosiner xcafe cosiner. In the original sentence, the cook must be warming his own coffee. In the new sentence, the cook could be warming his own coffee or some other cook’s coffee.

b. Bzeny ra mna liazri.

Bzeny ra mna liaz ra mna. In the original sentence, the women must have arrived at some other people’s house. In the new sentence, the women could have arrived at some other people’s house or their own house.

c. Runy doctor odiar xapryemi.

Runy doctor odiar xapryem doctor. In the original sentence, the doctor must hate someone else’s cousin. In the new sentence, the doctor could hate her own cousin or some other doctor’s cousin.

d. Runy studian xtareani.

Runy studian xtarea studian. In the original sentence, the student must be doing his own homework. In the new sentence, the student could be doing his own homework or some other student’s homework.

e. Runybe mna xmesi.

Runybe mna xmes mna. In the original sentence, the woman must be getting to know someone else’s teacher. In the new sentence, the woman could be getting to know her own teacher or someone other woman’s teacher.

f. Rnyity Lia Da xpolzni.

Rnyity Lia Da xpolz Lia Da. In the original sentence, Soledad must be missing her own bag. In the new sentence, Soledad could be missing her own bag the bag of some other person named Soledad.


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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.