
Answer Key for Lecsyony Tsë (10)

Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.1) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec.

a. They will follow a medical diet.


b. Will you measure the car tomorrow?

Zhi yreizhu coch e?

c. When will Juan run?

Guc yzhuny Jwany?

d. The student will really scare those girls.

Uas ychiby studian ra zhyap re.

e. They are going to ask for that truck.

Carr re ynabrëng.

f. I will take good care of the baby.

Bdo yculuazaca.

g. What will you give to Pedro?

Xi ydeidyu Bed?

h. When will the doctor be buried?

Guc ygats doctor?


Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.2) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice reading each of your sentences out loud.

a. Tomorrow the students will give me a present.

Zhi ynizh ra studian teiby rregal naa.

b. Are the police going to arrive?

Yzeny polisia e?

c. Will you guys get scared?

Yzhibyad e?

d. They are going to ask the doctor a question tomorrow.

Larëng ynudizhrëng doctor zhi.

e.  He will get better.

Lai gyaqui.

f. When will the border patrol officer send Soledad back?

Guc yzicy myegr Lia Da?

g. Those girls are going to get thirsty for water.

Ra zhyap re yzhyag nyis.

h. Will you guys take good care of the snake tomorrow?

Zhi yculozacad bel e?

i. We will measure the door.

Yreizhën pwert.

j. I will really scare you guys.

Uas ychibya laad.


Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.3) Change each of the following Zapotec sentences into sentences that talk about the future, using the irrealis. Then translate both the original sentence and your new sentence.

Example. Bcwany Lia Glory studyan.

Answer. Ycwany Lia Glory studyan.  “Gloria woke up the student.”  “Gloria will wake up the student.”

a. Rdeidyrëng ricy.  “They get across there.”

Teidyrëng ricy.  “They will get across there.”

b. Cabebu guan e?  “Are you riding a bull?”

Cwebu guan e?  “Will you ride a bull?”

c. Becw caduax.  “The dog is barking.”

Becw induax.  “The dog will bark.”

d. Bdyanyu.  “You (formal) got hungry.”

Yldyanyu.  “You (formal) will get hungry.”

e. Uas bdily ra zhyap cuan ra mniny.  “The girls really fought with the boys.”

Uas tily ra zhyap cuan ra mniny.  “The girls will really fight with the boys.”

f. Rdeidyu ladi.  “You (informal) get across over there.”

Teidyu ladi.  “You (informal) will get across over there.”


Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.4) Translate the following formal commands into Zapotec, using the polite extender -la. Practice reading each of your Zapotec sentences out loud.

a. Give Leon those clay pots, please (form.).

Ydeidylayu ra gues re Leony.

b. Turn on the television, please (form.).

Ycwuallayu telebisyony.

c. Take good care of the baby, please (form.).

Yculozaclayu bdo.

d. Turn off the radio, please (form.).

Ycwezlayu rrady.

e. Ask for the medicine, please (form.).

Ynablayu rmudy.

f. Give me the pipe, please (form.).

Ynizhlayu pyep naa.


Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.4) For each of the following informal imperatives, make three new commands, following the directions below.

(i) Change each of the imperatives into an informal polite command with ysaguel and -la.

(ii) Change each of the imperatives into a formal command using ysaguel followed by an irrealis verb plus -la.

(iii) Change each of the imperatives into a formal command using ysaguel followed by an informal imperative plus -la.

Translate each of the new commands you make up into English.

Example. Btyis!


(i) Ysaguelu btyisla.  “Would you be so good as to please jump?”

(ii) Ysaguelyu ytyislayu.  “Would you be so good as to please jump (form.)?”

(iii) Ysaguelyu btyisla.  “Would you be so good as to please jump (form.)?”


a. Mnudizh mes!

(i) Ysaguelu mnudizhla mes.  “Would you be so good as to ask the teacher a question?”

(ii) Ysaguelyu ynudizhlayu mes.  “Would you be so good as to please ask the teacher a question (form.)?”

(iii) Ysaguelyu mnudizhla mes.  “Would you be so good as to please ask the teacher a question (form.)?”

b. Bxyeily pwert!

(i) Ysaguelu bxyeilyla pwert.  “Would you be so good as to open the door?”

(ii) Ysaguelyu yxyeilylayu pwert.  “Would you be so good as to please open the door (form.)?”

(iii) Ysaguelyu bxyeilyla pwert.  “Would you be so good as to please open the door (form.)?”

c. Bsudeiby nyis!

(i) Ysaguelu bsudeibyla nyis.  “Would you be so good as to boil the water?”

(ii) Ysaguelyu ysudeibylayu nyis.  “Would you be so good as to please boil the water (form.)?”

(iii) Ysaguelyu bsudeibyla nyis.  “Would you be so good as to please boil the water (form.)?”

d. Bsubiaz ra plad!

(i) Ysaguelu bsubiazla ra plad.  “Would you be so good as to dry the dishes?”

(ii) Ysaguelyu ysubiazlayu ra plad.  “Would you be so good as to please dry the dishes (form.)?”

(iii) Ysaguelyu bsubiazla ra plad.  “Would you be so good as to please dry the dishes (form.)?”

e. Bseidy naa Dizhsa!

(i) Ysaguelu bseidyla naa Dizhsa.  “Would you be so good as to teach me Zapotec?”

(ii) Ysaguelyu yseidylayu naa Dizhsa.  “Would you be so good as to please teach me Zapotec (form.)?”

(iii) Ysaguelyu bseidyla naa Dizhsa.  “Would you be so good as to please teach me Zapotec (form.)?”


Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.5) For each of the informal imperatives in Tarea Gai, make two new commands, following the directions below. Then, translate each of your new sentences into English.

(i) Change each of the imperatives into a plural command using ual.

(ii) Change each of the imperatives into a formal plural command using ysaguel.

Example. Btyis!


(i) Ual ytyis! “Jump (pl.)!” or Ual ytyisla. “Jump, please (pl.).”

(ii) Ysaguelyuad ytyisyuad. “Would you be so good as to jump (form. pl.)?”


a. Mnudizh mes!

(i) Ual ynudizh mes!  “Ask the teacher a question (pl.)!” or Ual ynudizhla mes.  “Ask the teacher a question, please (pl.).”

(ii) Ysaguelyuad ynudizhyuad mes.  “Would you be so good as to ask the teacher a question (form. pl.)?”

b. Bxyeily pwert!

(i) Ual yxyeily pwert!  “Open the door (pl.)!” or Ual yxyeilyla pwert.  “Open the door, please (pl.).”

(ii) Ysaguelyuad yxyeilyyuad pwert.  “Would you be so good as to open the door (pl.)?”

c. Bsudeiby nyis!

(i) Ual ysudeiby nyis!  “Boil the water (pl.)!” or Ual ysudeibyla nyis.  “Boil the water, please (pl.).”

(ii) Ysaguelyuad ysudeibyyuad nyis.  “Would you be so good as to boil the water (form. pl.)?”

d. Bsubiaz ra plad!

(i) Ual ysubiaz ra plad!  “Dry the dishes (pl.)!” or Ual ysubiazla ra plad.  “Dry the dishes, please (pl.).”

(ii) Ysaguelyuad ysubiazyuad ra plad.  “Would you be so good as to dry the dishes (form. pl.)?”

e. Bseidy naa Dizhsa!

(i) Ual yseidy naa Dizhsa!  “Teacher me Zapotec (pl.)!” or Ual yseidyla naa Dizhsa.  “Teacher me Zapotec, please (pl.).”

(ii) Ysaguelyuad yseidyyuad naa Dizhsa.  “Would you be so good as to teacher me Zapotec (form. pl.)?”


Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.6) Give two different English translations for each of the following Zapotec sentences.

a. Rata zhi rguchën bdo cuan Lia Da.

“We bathe the baby with Soledad every day.”

“Soledad and I bathe the baby every day.”

b. Cadeidyrëng lo liny cuan Wse.

“They are crossing the border with Jose.”

“He and Jose are crossing the border.”

c. Bcuzhad chirmia cuan ra studyan.

“You guys played the flute with the students.”

“You (sg.) and the students played the flute.”

d. Zhi yxyeilyyuad ra rregal cuan Lia Petr e?

“You (form. pl.) will open the gifts with Petra tomorrow.”

“You (form. sg.) and Petra will open the gifts tomorrow.”

e. Btainyrëb ra lat cuan polisia.

“They crushed the cans with the police.”

“He and the police crushed the cans.”

f. Yzhunyri cuan ra mniny zhi.

“They will run with the children tomorrow.”

“He and the children will run tomorrow.”


Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.7) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec in two different ways, if it’s possible. Practice reading your Zapotec sentences out loud.

a. The goat won’t get better.

Queitydi zhieb gyac.

Queitydi zhieb gyac zhieb.

b. Those boys won’t get scared.

Queitydi ra mniny re yzhiby.

Queitydi ra mniny re yzhiby ra mniny re.

c. She won’t laugh.

Queitydyi yzhiezi.

d. Juana isn’t going to whistle.

Queitydi Lia Zhuan ytyepy.

Queitydi Lia Zhuan ytyepy Lia Zhuan.

e. I won’t drink tejate.

Queitydya gyiaa cub.

f. The girls aren’t going to chase the bus.

Queitydi ra zhyap ydinal autobuas.

Queitydi ra zhyap ydinal ra zhyap autobuas.

g. We won’t cross the border with the coyote.

Queitydyën teidyën lo liny cuan coyot.

h. The student won’t measure the snake.

Queitydi studian yreizh bel.

Queitydi studian yreizh studian bel.


Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.8) Change each of the negative irrealis sentences you made up in Tarea Xon into a negative irrealis question. Practice reading your questions out loud and then translate them into English.

a. “Won’t the goat get better?”

Queity zhieb gyac e?

Queity zhieb gyac zhieb e?

b. “Won’t those boys get scared?”

Queity ra mniny re yzhiby e?

Queity ra mniny re yzhiby ra mniny re e?

c. “Won’t she laugh?”

Queityi yzhiezi e?

d. “Isn’t Juana going to whistle?”

Queity Lia Xhuan ytyepy e?

Queity Lia Zhuan ytyepy Lia Juan e?

e. “Won’t I drink tejate?”

Queitya gyiaa cub e?

f. “Aren’t the girls going to chase the bus?”

Queity ra zhyap ydinal autobuas e?

Queity ra zhyap ydinal ra zhyap autobuas e?

g. “Won’t we cross the border with the coyote?”

Queityën teidyën lo liny cuan coyot e?

h. Won’t the student measure the snake?

Queity studian yreizh bel e?

Queity studian yreizh studian bel e?


Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Tsë. (§10.9) Translate each of the following negative commands into Zapotec. Pay attention to whether each command is informal or formal, singular or plural, or “stop” or “don’t”.

a. Stop whistling!

Queity rtyepyu!

b. Don’t leave the book behind (form.)!

Queity ysanlayu liebr!

c. Don’t open this door (form. pl.)!

Queity yxyeilylayuad pwert!

d. Stop scaring me (pl.)!

Queity rchibyad naa!

e. Don’t ride the horse!

Queity cwebu cabai!

f. Don’t cross the border!

Queity teidyu lo liny!


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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.