
Answer Key for Lecsyony Gaz (7)

Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.1)

Part Teiby. Translate the following question word questions into Zapotec. Then, listen as your teacher reads the correct answers, and make sure you can imitate the question rhythm.

a. Who wants a book?

Tu rcaz teiby liebr?

b. Who did the bee sting?

Tu bguad manyser?

c. What does the teacher play?

Xi rcuzh mes?

d. Who turned off the radio?

Tu bcwez rrady?

e. What scared Elena?

Xi bchiby Lia Len?

f.  What is boiling?

Xi candieby?

Part Tyop. Translate each of the following a-queity questions into Zapotec. Then, listen as your teacher reads the correct answers, and make sure you can imitate the question rhythm.

a. Did Gloria give a pencil to the teacher?

Bdeidy Lia Glory teiby lapy mes e?

b. Is the cow running?

Cazhuny bag e?

c. Does the girl remember Elena?

Rnalaz zhyap Lia Len e?

d. Did Pedro teach Juan Zapotec?

Bseidy Bed Dizhsa Jwany e?

e. Is the bell ringing now?

Cabix campan na e?

f. Does Juan whistle every day?

Rtyepy Jwany rata zhi e?


Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.1)

Part Teiby. Write full sentence answers to each of the question word questions in Tarea Teiby, Part Teiby. Then work with another student to practice these mini-dialogues.

a. Tu rcaz teiby liebr?

Mniny rcaz teiby liebr.

b. Tu bguad manyser?

Mna bguad manyser.

c. Xi rcuzh mes?

Clarinet rcuzh mes.

d. Tu bcwez rrady?

Lia Len bcwez rrady.

e. Xi bchiby Lia Len?

Manyser bchiby Lia Len.

f. Xi candieby?

Nyis candieby.

Part Tyop. Write full sentence a “yes” answers each of the a-queity questions in Tarea Teiby, Part Tyop.  (You’ll learn later in this lesson how you could have answered these questions with negative sentences.) Then work with another student to practice these mini-dialogues.

a. Bdeidy Lia Glory teiby lapy mes e?

A, bdeidy Lia Glory teiby lapy mes.

b. Cazhuny bag e?

A, cazhuny bag.

c. Rnalaz zhyap Lia Len e?

A, rnalaz zhyap Lia Len.

d. Bseidy Bed Dizhsa Jwany e?

A, bseidy Bed Dizhsa Jwany.

e. Cabix campan na e?

A, cabix campan na.

f. Rtyepy Jwany rata zhi e?

A, rtyepy Jwany rata zhi.

Part Chon. Rewrite the questions in Tarea Teiby, Part Tyop with the nouns, names, or adverbs given below focused, as in the example. Then work with another student to practice mini-dialogues with these questions and the “yes” answers from Part Tyop above.

Example. a. “a pencil”

Answer. Teiby lapy bdeidy Lia Glory mes e?

A, bdeidy Lia Glory lapy mes.

b. “the cow”

Bag cazhuny e?

A, cazhuny bag.

c. “Elena”

Lia Len rnalaz zhyap e?

A, rnalaz zhyap Lia Len.

d. “Zapotec”

Dizhsa bseidy Bed Jwany e?

A, bseidy Bed Jwany Dizhsa.

e. “now”

Na cabix campan e?

A, cabix campan na.

f. “Juan”

Jwany rtyepy rata zhi e?

A, rtyepy Jwany rata zhi.


Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.2)

Part Teiby. Translate the following sentences and questions into Zapotec. Practice saying each one out loud.

a. He (that one) turned off the radio and the television.

Bcwezi rrady cuan telebisyony.

b. She (this one) turned on the tape recorder.

Grabador bcwualëng.

c. Did she (that one) laugh?

Bzhiezi e?

d. It (this one) is scaring the male turkey.

Cachibyëng budy ngual.

e. He (that one) speaks Spanish well.

Rgwezaqui Dizhtily.

f. She (this one) rode a horse.

Teiby cabai wbebëng.

g. It (that one) is really ringing.

Uas cabixi.

h. He (this one) is missing money.

Canyityëng muny.

i. She (that one) hit this cat.

Zhyet re rtazi.

j. He (this one) left a book and a pencil behind.

Teiby liebr cuan teiby lapy bsanëng.

Part Tyop. Create a Zapotec sentence for each of the pictures below using either a proximate or distal pronoun.  Then translate your sentence into English.

These are examples of possible answers.


Uas rtyepyi.  “He (that one) really whistles.”


Rcyetlazëng.  “He (this one) is happy.”


Cacuzhi chirmia.  “He (that one) is playing the flute.”


Rbebëng guan.  “He (this one) is riding the bull.”


Rzhibyëng bel.  “He (this one) is afraid of the snake.”


Cagyanëng cabai.  “He (this one) is feeding the horse.”


Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.3)

Part Teiby. Rewrite each of the following sentences by replacing the noun subjects with pronoun subjects. Then translate your new sentences into English. Most of the sentences with pronoun subjects could have additional different translations. Can you see what these would be?

These are examples of possible answers.

a. Rtyepy mna e?

Rtyepyëng e?  “Does she (this one) whistle?”

b. Caguch buny bdo.

Caguchi bdo.  “She (that one) bathes the baby.”

c. Zhyap bchiby wbwan.

Bchibyëng wbwan.  “It (this one) scared the thief.”

d. Mnaz mes guet.

Mnazëng guet.  “He (this one) grabbed the tortilla.”

e. Candieby nyis e?

Candiebyi.  “It (that one) is boiling.”

f. Dizhsa bseidy mes mniny.

Bseidyëng mniny Dizhsa.  “He (this one) taught the child Zapotec.”


Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.4)

Part Teiby. Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Read each of your Zapotec sentences out loud.

a. He (this one) woke up a cat.

Teiby zhyet bcwanyëng.

b. Did it (that one) boil?

Bdiebyi e?

c. She (that one) gave the teacher a book and a pencil.

Mes bdeidyi teiby liebr cuan teiby lapy.

d. She (this one) really got scared.

Uas bzhibyëng.

e. Does he (that one) like the dog?

Ryulazi becw e?

f. He (this one) plays the clarinet and the flute.

Rcuzhëng clarinet cuan chirmia.

Part Tyop. Rewrite each sentence from Tarea Gai, Part Teiby, with a subject noun phrase (not a pronoun). Translate your new Zapotec sentence into English. Practice reading your new sentences aloud, paying attention to whether the verb base is pronounced the same in the new sentence, or whether a combination form is used.

a) Teiby zhyet bcwany Jwany.  “Juan woke up a cat.”

b) Bdieby nyis e?  “Did the water boil?”

c) Mes bdeidy Bed liebr cuan teiby lapy.  “Pedro gave a book and a pencil to the teacher.”

d) Uas bchiby mniny.  “The child really got scared.”

e) Ryulaz Lia Len becw e?  “Does the Elena like the dog?”

f) Rcuzh zhyap clarinet cuan chirmia.  “The girl plays the clarinet and the flute.”


Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.4) Complete the chart below, filling in the missing items in the first three columns as in the example. Then, make up an appropriate example sentence with a pronoun subject to illustrate each habitual and perfective verb. Give a translation for each sentence. Finally, read all your example sentences out loud, making sure to pronounce the verbs in their combination form.

These are examples of possible answers.

Habitual Stem English Meaning Perfective stem Habitual (with pronoun subject) Perfective example (with pronoun subject)
ex. rseidy teaches bseidy Rseidyi mniny Dizhsa Bseidyëng Lia Len Ingles.
a. rchiby scares (someone) bchiby Rchibyi mna rata zhi. Bchibyëng Lia Len.
b. rnalaz remembers mnalaz Rnalazëng bdo. Bnalazi liebr.
c. rcwez turns off bcwez Rcwezi rrady. Bcwezëng telebisyony.
d. rnab asks for mnab Rnabi guet. Mnabëng mansan.
e. rbany wakes up wbany Rbanyi rata zhi. Wbanyëng.
f. rcwual turns on bcwual Rcwuali rrady rata zhi. Bcwuali grabador nai.
g. rcuzh plays (an instrument) bcuzh Rcuzhi chirmia rata zhi. Bcuzhi clarinet.
h. rytepy whistles bytepy Rytepyi rata zhi. Bytyepyëng nai.
i. rzhiby gets scared bzhiby Rzhibyi rata zhi. Bzhibyi zhyet na.
j. rtyis jumps btyis Rytisi rata zhi. Btyisëng nai.
k. rzhiez laughs bzhiez Rzhiezëng rata zhi. Bzhiezi nai.
l. rzhyeily opens bzhyeily Rzhyeilyi. Bzhyeilyëng.
m. ryac heals byac Ryaqui. Byaquëng nai.
n. rguch bathes bguch Rguchi bdo. Bguchëng Lia Len.


Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.5) Complete the following sentences so that each includes at least one pronoun (bound or free; some sentences already include pronouns). Then translate your sentences into English.

These are examples of possible answers. The missing element in each sentence has been underlined.

a) Bcuzhi teiby clarinet. “He (that one) played a clarinet.”

b) Lai catyisi. “He (that one) is jumping.”

c) Uas rchiby zhieb mna. “The goat really scares the woman.”

d) Teiby mansan mnabëng. “He (this one) asked for an apple.”

e) Caguchëng bdo. “She (this one) is bathing a baby.”

f) Ryulazi mes. “She (that one) likes the teacher.”

g) Btyepyi. “He (that one) whistled.”

h) Teiby cabai wbebi. “She (that one) rode a horse.”

i) Catazëng zhily. “She (this one) is hitting the sheep.”

j) Lia Glory bcwual rrady. “Gloria turned on the radio.”


Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.6) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice saying each one out loud.

a. The teacher and she really speak English and Zapotec well.

Uas rgwezac mes cuan laëng Ingles cuan Dizhsa.

b. That boy and that girl got scared.

Mniny re cuan zhyap re bzhiby.

c. Pedro scared the goat with her.

Bchiby Bed zhieb cuan laëng.

d. The teacher and he boiled the water.

Mes cuan lai bsudieby nyis.

e. The boy and she are asking for a tortilla.

Mniny cuan laëng canab cha guet.


Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.8) Translate each of the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice saying each sentence out loud, paying special attention to the combination form of the verb.

a. The bell isn’t ringing now.

Queity cabixdyi campan na.

b. Isn’t she getting better?

Queity cagyaquëng e?

c. He doesn’t smile.

Queity rzhiezdyi.

d. She doesn’t remember the teacher.

Queity rnalazdyëng mes.

e. Didn’t the cat wake Tomas up?

Queity bcwany zhyet Mazh e?


Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Gaz. (§7.8) Rewrite each sentence you came up with in Tarea Ga so that it begins with a copy of the subject. Read the new sentences aloud.

a. Campan queity cabixdi campan na.

b. Laëng queity cayaquëng e?

c. Lai queity rzhiezdyi.

d. Laëng queity rnalazdyëng mes.

e. Zhyet queity bcwany zhyet Mazh e?


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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.