
Answer Key for Lecsyony Ga (9)

Tarea Teiby xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.1) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec, using the formal “you”.

a. Do you want coffee?

Rcazyu cafe e?

b. You gave me this gift.

Rregal re mnizhyu naa.

c. Do you speak Zapotec well?

Rgwezacyu Dizhsa e?

d. You smiled.


e. Are you learning English?

Caseidyyu Ingles e?

f. Did you open that door?

Pwert re bxyeilyyu e?

g. You are boiling water.

Casudiebyyu nyis.

h. You dried the dishes.

Yu bsubiazyu ra plad.


Tarea Tyop xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.1) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec, as you would use them in the contexts indicated. Pay careful attention to whether you should use the formal or the informal “you”, singular or plural.

a. talking to your teacher: Did you turn on the radio?

Bcwualyu rrady e?

b. talking to your sister: You speak Spanish well.

Rgwezacu Dizhtily.

c. talking to your grandparents: Are you getting better?

Cayacyuad e?

d. talking to a policeman: Did you arrive in Mexico City?

Bzenyyu Meijy e?

e. talking to a classmate: Are you giving Juana three books?

Cadeidyu chon liebr Lia Zhuan e?


Tarea Chon xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.2) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec using polite verbs with the extender –la. Don’t forget to focus the subject of polite sentences.

a. You (formal pl) gave me this gift (polite).

Yuad mnizhlayuad rregal re naa.

b. You (formal sg) fed the dog (polite).

Yu bgyanlayu becw.

c. Did you (formal pl) open that door (polite)?

Yuad bxyeilylayuad pwert re e?

d. Did you (for. sg) give Juana those blankets (polite)?

Yu bdeidylayu ra dadich re Lia Zhuan e?

e. You (formal pl) dried the dishes (polite).

Yuad bsubiazlayuad ra plad.

f. Sweep the house, please (polite).

Bdubla yu!


Tarea Tap xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.3) Give “yes” answers (using a) to the following questions, using pronouns rather than names or nouns to refer to the people mentioned in the questions. Read the question and answer pairs out loud, then translate the pairs into English.

For this exercise, assume the following: Juana is your friend, Gloria is your friend’s mother, Petra is your friend’s aunt, Leon is your brother, Pedro is your friend’s grandfather, and Juan is your classmate. Choose the pronouns you use to refer to each person with this information in mind.

Example: Rcaz Bied Lia Glory cha guet?  “Does Señora Gloria want a tortilla?”

Answer: A, rcazëb cha guet.  “Yes, she wants a tortilla.” 

a. Rnalaz mes Lia Zhuan e? A, rnalazëb laëng. “Does the teacher remember Juana?” “Yes, she remembers her.”
b. Caseidy Leony Bied Lia Glory Dizhsa e? A, caseidyëng laëb Dizhsa. “Is Leon teaching Aunt Gloria Zapotec?” “Yes, he is teaching her Zapotec.”
c. Cadeidy doctor rmudy Leony e? A, cadeidyëb rmudy laëng. “Is the doctor giving medicine to Leon?” “Yes, she is giving medicine to him.”
d. Btyepy bxuaz e? A, btyepyëb. “Did the priest whistle? “Yes, he whistled.”
e. Rcuzh Jwany chirmia e? A, rcuzhi chirmia. “Does Juan play the flute?” “Yes, he plays flute.”
f. Na candub Bied Lia Petr e? A, na candubëb. “Is Aunt Petra sweeping now?” “Yes, she is sweeping now.”
g. Rcaz Bed jug e? A, rcazëng jug. “Does Pedro want juice?” “Yes, he wants juice.”
h. Mnab Tiu Bed cha guet e? A, mnabëb cha guet. “Did Uncle Pedro ask for a tortilla?” “Yes, he asked for a tortilla.”
i. Mnudizh Lia Zhuan doctor e? A, mnudizhi laëb. “Did Juana ask the doctor something?” “Yes, she asked her something.”
j. Cacwany Bed Leony e? A, cacwanyëng lai. “Is Pedro waking up Leon?” “Yes, he is waking him up.”


Tarea Gai xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.4) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice reading each of your sentences out loud.

a. We don’t speak Spanish well.

Queity rgwezacdyën Dizhtily.

b. Give us the guavas!

Mnizh ra wi danoën!

c. We scared those girls.

Ra zhyap re bchibyën.

d. The bees stung us

Bguad ra manyser danoën.

e. Are we laughing?

Cazhiezën e?

f. We gave the apples to you (formal).

Danoën mnizhën ra mansan yu.

g. You (form.) are scaring us (polite).

Cachibylayu danoën.

h. We really poked the stick at the scorpion.

Uas bguadën gyag banua.

i. Did we leave the bags behind?

Bsanën ra bolz e?

j. You (formal) brought the men across.

Bteidyyu ra buny.


Tarea Xop xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.4) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec. Practice reading each of your sentences out loud, paying special attention to the pronunciation of the verbs.

a. We want those horses.

Ra cabai re rcazën.

b. Soledad didn’t wake us up.

Queity bcwanydi Lia Da danoën.

c. We are really happy.

Uas rcyetlazën.

d. We are giving these fish to Jeronimo.

Ra bel re cadeidyën Rony.

e. We asked the city person questions.

Danoën mnudizhën gyizh.

f. Does Petra remember us?

Rnalaz Lia Petr danoën e?

g. We are drying the dishes.

Casubiazën ra plad.

h. We really got scared.

Uas bzhibyën.

i. We are whistling.



Tarea Gaz xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.5) Each of the following sentences has a plural subject. Rewrite each sentence so an appropriate plural pronoun is used for that subject. Practice reading both the original sentence and the new sentence out loud. Then, translate both sentences into English.

For this exercise, assume the following: Soledad is your friend, Petra is your friend’s grandmother, Jose is your brother, Jeronimo is your friend’s father, and Juan is your classmate.


a. Bzeny Lia Da cuan Wse Ndua. “Soledad and Jose arrived in Oaxaca.” Bzeinyrëng Ndua. “They (proximate) arrived in Oaxaca.”
b. Mnizh Bied Lia Petr cuan Tiu Rony ra dadich naa. “Petra and Jeronimo gave blankets to me.” Mnizhrëb ra dadich naa “They (respectful) gave blankets to me.”
c. Rchiby ra mes ra mna. “The teachers scare the women.” Rchibyrëb ra mna. “They (respectful) scare the women.”
d. Ryulaz Jwany cuan Lia Da mes. “Jose and Soledad like the teacher.” Ryulazrëng mes. “They (proximate) like the teacher.”
e. Cazicy ra myegr Bied Lia Petr cuan Tiu Rony Meijy. “The border patrol officers are sending Aunt Petra and Uncle Jeronimo back to Mexico.” Cazicyri Bied Lia Petr cuan Tiu Rony Meijy. “They (distal) are sending Petra and Jeronimo back to Mexico.”
f. Bzhyag ra bxuaz Jwany. “The priests met Juan.” Bzhyagrëb Jwany. “They (respectful) met Juan.”
g. Rgwezac ra zhyap Dizhsa. “The girls speak Zapotec well.” Rgwezacrëng Dizhsa. “They (proximate) speak Zapotec well.”


Tarea Xon xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.5)

Part Teiby. For each sentence you wrote for Tarea Gaz, rewrite that sentence with a focused pronoun subject. Translate each sentence into English and practice saying it aloud. (a) has been completed as an example.

a. Bzenyrëng Ndua. Larëng bzenyrëng Ndua. They (proximate) arrived at Oaxaca.”
b. Mnizhrëb ra dadich naa. Larëb mnizhrëb ra dadich naa. They (respectful) gave blankets to me.”
c. Rchibyrëb ra mna. Larëb rchibyrëb ra mna. They (respectful) scare the women.”
d. Ryulazri mes. Lari ryulazri mes. They like the teacher.”
e. Cazicyri Bied Lia Petr cuan Tiu Rony Meijy. Lari cazicyri Bied Lia Petr cuan Tiu Rony Meijy. They (distal) are sending Aunt Petra and Uncle Jeronimo back to Mexico.”
f. Bzhyagrëb Jwany. Larëb bzhyagrëb Jwany. They (respectful) met Juan.”
g. Rgwezacrëng Dizhsa. Larëng rgwezacrëng Dizhsa. They (proximate) speak Zapotec well.” 

Part Tyop. Now, take sentences (c) – (f) in Tarea Gaz and change the noun object to a pronoun. Translate your new sentences into English.

c. Rchiby ra mes ra mna. Rchiby ra mes larëng. “The teachers scare them (prox.).”
d. Ryulaz Jwany cuan Lia Da mes. Ryulaz Jwany cuan Lia Da laëb. “Jose and Soledad like her (form.).”
e. Cazicy ra myegr Bied Lia Petr cuan Tiu Rony Meijy. Cazicy ra myegr larëb Meijy. “The border patrol officers are sending them (form.) back to Mexico.”
f. Bzhyag ra bxuaz Jwany. Bzhyag ra bxuaz lai. “The priests met him (dist.).”

Tarea Ga xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.6) Translate the following sentences into Zapotec.

a. Are you guys getting hungry?

Candyanad e?

b. The city person gave you guys flowers.

Laad mnizh gyizh ra gyia.

c. You guys are hitting that dog.

Becw re catazad.

e. You guys are really whistling.

Uas catyepyad.

f. You guys don’t want tortillas.

Queity rcazdyad ra guet.

g. Did the thief scare you guys?

Bchiby wbwan laad e?

h. You guys are getting better now.

Cayacad na.

i. She didn’t remember you guys.

Queity mnalazdyi laad.

j. You guys speak Zapotec well.

Laad rgwezacad Dizhsa.


Tarea Tsë xte Lecsyony Ga. (§9.7) Each of the sentences below describes an action that was done as a favor. Replace the noun subjects of each sentences with appropriate pronouns, read your new sentences aloud, and translate them into English. For this exercise, assume that Elena is your friend and Juana is your friend’s grandmother.

a. Candubla Lia Len. Lai candublai. “She (distal) is sweeping (as a favor).”
b. Mnizhla Bied Lia Zhuan rregal liu. Laëb mnizhlaëb rregal liu. “She (respectful) gave the gift to you (as a favor).”
c. Mnizhla doctor rmudy yuad. Laëb mnizhlaëb rmudy yuad. “She (respectful) gave the medicine to you (formal pl.) (as a favor).”
d. Bcwanyla Bied Lia Zhuan naa. Laëb bcwanylaëb naa. “She (respectful) woke me up (as a favor).”
e. Bxeilyla mes caj. Laëb bxeilylaëb caj. “She (respectful) opened the box (as a favor).”




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Cali Chiu: A Course in Valley Zapotec Copyright © by Pamela Munro; Brook Danielle Lillehaugen; Felipe H. Lopez; Brynn Paul; and Lillian Leibovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.