LE ARTI E LO SPETTACOLO (arts and entertainment)

affresco (l’) – fresco

applauso (l’) – applause

arazzo (l’) – tapestry

atto (l’) – act

balletto (il) – ballet

band (la) – band

canzone (la) – song

cartone animato (il) – cartoon

commedia (la) – comedy

concerto (il) – concert

coro (il) – choir

cortometraggio (il) – short film

documentario (il) – documentary

favola (la) – fairy tale

festival (il) – festival

fiaba (la) – fable

film (il) – film

fumetto (il) – comic strip

genere (il) – genre

    • avventura (d’) – adventure
    • azione (d’) – action
    • comico – comic
    • drammatico – dramatic
    • erotico – erotic
    • fantascienza (di) – fantasy
    • giallo – thriller
    • orrore (dell’) – horror
    • poliziesco – detective, crime
    • psicologico – psychological
    • romantico – romantic
    • tragico – tragic

gruppo musicale (il) – music band

improvvisazione (l’) – improvisation

intervallo (l’) – intermission

libretto (il) – libretto

mosaico (il) – mosaic

murale (il) – wall painting

musica (la) – music

    • blues – blues
    • classica – classical
    • country – country
    • dance – dance
    • elettronica – electro
    • folk – folk
    • funky – funky
    • grunge – grunge
    • hip-hop – hip-hop
    • indie – indie
    • jazz – jazz
    • metal – metal
    • pop – pop
    • punk – punk
    • rap – rap
    • reggae – reggae
    • reggaeton – reggaeton
    • rock – rock
    • rock alternativo – alternative rock
    • salsa – salsa
    • strumentale – instrumental
    • trap – trap

musical (il) – musical

novella (la) – short story

opera (l’) – opera

orchestra (l’) – orchestra

palco (il) / palcoscenico (il) – stage

pennellata (la) – brush stroke

pittura (la) – painting

poesia (la) – poetry

proiezione (la) – screening

provino (il) – audition

pubblico (il) – public, audience

quadro (il) – painting, picture

racconto (il) – tale, story

radio (la) – radio

riassunto (il) –synopsis

ritratto (il) – portrait

romanzo (il) – novel

saggio di danza (il) – dance recital

scultura (la) – sculpture

spartito (lo) – score

spettacolo (lo) – play, performance

teatro (il) – theater

tragedia (la) – tragedy

trama (la) – plot

NOMI MASCHILI IN -MA (masculine words ending in -ma)

aroma (l’) – scent

cinema (il) – cinema, movie theater

clima (il) – climate

dilemma (il) – dilemma

diploma (il) – degree, certificate

panorama (il) – view

poema (il) – epic poem

problema (il) – problem

programma (il) – program

sistema (il) – system

tema (il) – composition, essay, topic

teorema (il) – theorem

I NUMERI ORDINALI (ordinal numbers)

primo – first

secondo – second

terzo – third

quarto – fourth

quinto – fifth

sesto – sixth

settimo – seventh

ottavo – eighth

nono – ninth

decimo – tenth

undicesimo – eleventh

ventesimo – twentieth

ventiduesimo – twenty-second

ventitreesimo – twenty-third

ventiseiesimo – twenty-sixth

trentesimo – thirtieth

quarantesimo – fortieth

centesimo – one hundredth

cinquecentesimo – five hundredth

millesimo – one thousandth

LE PERSONE (people)

agente (l’) – agent

artista (l’) – artist

attore / attrice (l’) – actor / actress

autore / autrice (l’) – author

ballerino/a (il/la) – dancer

bassista (il/la) – bass player

batterista (il/la) – drummer

cantante (il/la) – singer

chitarrista (il/la) – guitar player

drammaturgo/a (il/la) – playwright

editore (l’) / editrice (l’) – editor, publisher

musicista (il/la) – musician

personaggio (il) – character

pianista (il/la) – piano player

pittore / pittrice (il/la) – painter

poeta / poetessa (il/la) – poet

principe (il) – prince

principessa (la) – princess

produttore (il) / produttrice (la) – producer

protagonista (il/la) – protagonist, main character

pubblicità (la) – commercial, ad

regista (il/la) – director

sassofonista (il/la) – saxophonist, sax player

sceneggiatore / sceneggiatrice (lo/la) – screenwriter

scenografo/a (lo/la) – set designer

scrittore / scrittrice (lo/la) – writer

scultore / scultrice (lo/la) – sculptor

spettatore / spettatrice (lo/la) – spectator, viewer

tastierista (il/la) – keyboard player

televisione (la) – television

violinista (il/la) – violinist

SOSTANTIVI E AGGETTIVI ALTERATI (modified nouns and adjectives)

amichetto/a – nice, good friend

bicchierone – big glass

boccuccia – cute little mouth

borsetta – small bag, purse

cagnolino/a – puppy

calduccio – warm, cozy and confortable

caruccio/a – very cute

coniglietto – cute little bunny

gattino/a – kitten

giornataccia – bad day

libraccio – bad book

manina – small hand

paesino – small town

pezzetto – small piece

ragazzino/a – young kid

ragazzaccio/a – bad kid

tempaccio – bad weather

GLI STRUMENTI MUSICALI (musical instruments)

arpa (l’) – harp

basso (il) – bass

batteria (la) – drums

chitarra (la) – guitar

clarinetto (il) – clarinet

flauto (il) – flaute

percussioni (le) – percussions

pianoforte (il) – piano

sassofono (il) – saxophone

tastiera (la) – keyboard

tromba (la) – trumpet

violino (il) – violin

violoncello (il) – cello

VERBI UTILI (useful verbs)

applaudire – to applaud, to clap for

ballare – to dance

cantare – to sing

danzare – to dance

dipingere – to paint

dirigere – to direct

disegnare – to draw

girare – to film, to shoot

incidere – to engrave, to record

interpretare – to play, to perform

mettere in scena – to enact

pregare – to pray

pubblicare – to publish

recitare – to act, to play

scolpire – to sculpt, to carve

scrivere – to write

smuovere – to move, to raise awareness

sostenere – to hold up, to support

suonare – to play

suscitare – to evoke 


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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 2 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci, Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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