
Welcome to the website accompanying the Russian through Film textbook (Kudyma, Six, and Walsh, 2022)! This website offers vocabulary decks, vocabulary exercises, and practice quizzes, for the most frequent vocabulary covered in the textbook. The textbook consists of six chapters on six films released between 2010 and 2020. The films included in the volume are Про любовь (2015), Он дракон (2015), Движение вверх (2017), Женщины ГУЛАГа (2018), Без границ (2015), and Елена (2011).

The main purpose for this website is to help learners acquire and practice the vocabulary that is used in the films. Of the 1400 vocabulary items comprising the dictionary in the textbook, this website offers exercises on almost 300 most frequent vocabulary items.

The decks section in each chapter has two sets of decks, while the vocabulary list is organized alphabetically, vocabulary items in the two decks (Russian to English and English to Russian) are organized by part of speech. Note that the aspectual pairs are offered as different vocabulary items.

The vocabulary exercises section has three types of activities that let you use the vocabulary in context: in the first activity, you will use the correct form of the word provided in the parentheses in Russian; the second activity lets you choose the correct form from a list of forms (multiple choice activity); and in the third activity, you will use the correct form by translating it from English.

The practice quizzes section offers two fill-in-the-blanks activities (one providing the form in Russian and the other – in English). Your instructor may require you to take a screen shot of the page showing your completion of the assignment.

We hope this website helps you master the most frequent vocabulary of the textbook.

Anna Kudyma
Irina Six
Irina Walsh


Russian Through Film Copyright © 2022 by Irina Walsh. All Rights Reserved.