I MEZZI DI TRASPORTO (means of transportation)

abbonamento (l) – pass

aereo (l’) – airplane

aeroporto (l’) – airport

autista (l’) – driver

autobus (l’) – bus

automobile (auto) (l’) – car

barca (la) – boat

bicicletta (bici) (la) – bicycle

binario (il) – track

camion (il) – truck

camper (il) – RV

comandante (il) – captain

controllore (il) – ticket inspector

corriera (la) – stage coach

elicottero (l’) – helicopter

fermata dell’autobus (la) – bus stop

maniglia (la) – handle

metropolitana (metro) (la) – underground

motocicletta (moto) (la) – motorbike

motorino (il) – scooter

nave (la) – ship

orario (l’) – schedule

pilota (il / la) – pilot

prima classe / seconda classe (la) – first / second class

pullman (il) – coach

scompartimento (lo) – compartment

stazione (la) (dei treni, degli autobus, etc.) – station (train station, bus station)

treno (il) – train

I DOCUMENTI E I CONTROLLI (documents and controls)

biglietteria (la) – ticket office

biglietto (il) – ticket

carta di identità (la) – ID

check-in (il) – check-in

controllo passaporti (il) – passport control

multa (la) – fine

passaporto (il) – passport

LE VACANZE (vacations)

albergo (a cinque stelle) (l’) – (five star) hotel

bikini (il) – bikini

crema solare (la) – sunscreen

crociera (la) – cruise

ferie (le) – days off

giorno festivo (il) – national holiday

ombrellone (l’) – beach umbrella

ostello (l’) – hostel

posto disponibile (il) – vacancy

rifugio di montagna (il) – mountain cottage

settimana bianca (la) – skiing vacation

stabilimento balneare (lo) – beach resort

villaggio turistico (il) – resort

villeggiatura (la) – vacation

LE FESTE (holidays)

Carnevale (il) – carnival

Chanukkah – Hanukkah

Diwali – Diwali

Epifania (l’) – Epiphany

  • Befana (la) – Befana

Natale (il) – Christmas

  • pandoro (il) – traditional Christmas sponge cake
  • panettone (il) – traditional Christmas fruit cake
  • Babbo Natale – Santa Claus
  • mandorlato / torrone (il) – nougat

Pasqua (la) – Easter

  • uovo (l’)  / uova (le) – egg(s)
  • colomba (la) – traditional Easter sponge cake

Pasqua ebraica (la) – Pesach / Passover

Pasquetta (la) – Easter Monday

Ramadan (il) – Ramadan


celebrare / festeggiare – to celebrate

fare un picnic – to have a picnic

VERBI ED ESPRESSIONI (verbs and expressions)

andare / essere all’estero – to go / to be abroad

atterrare – to land

decollare – to take off

disdire – to cancel a reservation

essere in anticipo – to be early

essere in ritardo – to be late

fare il ponte – to take a long weekend

fare la valigia – to pack a suitcase

prendere (i mezzi pubblici / la macchina / l’aereo…) – to take (public transportation, car, plane…)

prenotare – to make a reservation


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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 1 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci and Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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