AVVERBI (adverbs)

a volte – sometimes

di solito – usually

frequentemente – frequently

mai – never

raramente – rarely

sempre – always

spesso – often


allegramente – joyfully

astutamente – astutely, cunningly

coraggiosamente – courageously

difficilmente – with difficulty

disperatamente – desperately

facilmente – easily

finalmente – at last, finally

fisicamente – physically

generosamente – generously

lentamente – slowly

mentalmente – mentally

perfettamente – perfectly

probabilmente – probably

solamente – exclusively, only

specialmente – especially

tranquillamente – calmly

tristemente – sadly

velocemente – quickly

veramente – truly


bene – well

meglio – better [adv.]

male – poorly

peggio – worse [adv.]

LE PARTI DEL CORPO (body parts)

bocca (la) – mouth

braccio (il) – arm

– pl.: le braccia

caviglia (la) – ankle

cervello (il) – brain

ciglio (il) – eyelash

– pl.: le ciglia

collo (il) – neck

coscia (la) – thigh

dito (il) – finger

– pl.: le dita

faccia (la) – face

fronte (la) – forehead

gamba (la) – leg

ginocchio (il) – knee

– pl.: le ginocchia

gomito (il) – elbow

labbro (il) – lip

– pl.: le labbra

mano (la) – hand

– pl.: le mani

naso (il) – nose

occhio (l’) – eye

orecchio (l’) – ear

– pl.: le orecchie

pancia (la) – tummy

petto (il) – chest

piede (il) – foot

polso (il) – wrist

schiena (la) – back

sopracciglio (il) – eyebrow

– pl.: le sopracciglia

spalla (la) – shoulder

stomaco (lo) – belly

testa (la) – head

LA ROUTINE (the routine)

addormentarsi – to fall asleep

alzarsi – to get up

asciugarsi – to dry off, up

farsi la barba – to shave

farsi la doccia – to shower

interessarsi di – to be interested in

lavarsi – to wash [oneself]

  • lavarsi i capelli – to wash one’s hair
  • lavarsi i denti – to brush one’s teeth
  • lavarsi la faccia – to wash one’s face
  • lavarsi le mani – to wash one’s hands

mettersi [un vestito] – to put on [a dress]

pettinarsi – to brush one’s hair

prepararsi – to get ready

radersi – to shave

rilassarsi – to relax

specchiarsi – to look at oneself in the mirror

svegliarsi – to wake up

truccarsi – to put on make up

vestirsi – to dress up


asciugacapelli (l’) / phon (il) – hairdryer

asciugamano (l’) – towel

bagnoschiuma (il) – shower gel, body wash

crema (la) – cream

dentifricio (il) – toothpaste

pettine (il) – comb

rasoio (il) – razor

sapone (il) – soap

sciampo / shampoo (lo) – shampoo

spazzola (la) – hairbrush

spazzolino da denti (lo) – toothbrush

specchio (lo) – mirror

trucchi (i) – make up

  • fondotinta (il) – foundation
  • mascara (il) – mascara
  • ombretto (l’) – eyeshadow
  • rossetto (il) – lipstick

PARAGONI (comparisons)

più …. di/che – more…than

meno… di/che – less…than

come – as, like, as much as

VERBI RECIPROCI (mutual verbs)

abbracciarsi – to hug each other

aiutarsi – to help each other

amarsi – to love each other

baciarsi – to kiss each other

chiamarsi – to call each other

conọscersi – to know each other

darsi – to give to each other

dirsi – to say something to each other

guardarsi – to look at each other

incontrarsi – to meet each other

innamorarsi – to fall in love with each other

lasciarsi – to leave each other, to split up

odiarsi – to hate each other

parlarsi – to speak to each other

salutarsi – to greet each other

scrịversi – to write to each other

separarsi – to get separated

sposarsi – to get married

telefonarsi – to phone each other

vedersi – to see each other


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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 1 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci and Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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