FORME DI INVITO (invitations)

avere voglia di … – to fancy / to desire (+ verb or direct object)

certamente – certainly

perché non… – why don’t (we/you)…

perché no – why not

vorresti…? (informal) / vorrebbe…? (formal) – would you like to…

vorrei…- I’d like to…

ti piacerebbe…? (informal) / le piacerebbe…? (formal) – would you like to…

mi piacerebbe… – I’d like to…

ti va… ? (informal) / le va… ?(formal) – would you like to…

(non) mi va – I’d like to (I don’t want to)

LE UNITÀ DI MISURA (measurements)

centimetro – centimeter

chilo(grammo) – kilogram

chilometro – kilometer

etto – 100 grams

gallone – gallon

grammo – gram

iarda – yard

libbra – pound

litro – litermetro – meter

miglio – mile

oncia – once

piede – foot

pinta – pint

pollice – inch


alcuni/e – some

del/della/dello/dell’/delle/degli – a bit of / some

qualche –some

una fetta di… – a slice of

un po’ di … – a bit of / some


LE PREPOSIZIONI (prepositions)

a – at / in / to

con – with

da – from / at / since / by

di – of / from

in – in / at / to

per – for / in order to / through

su – on / in

tra / fra – among / between / in

I NEGOZI (stores)

drogheria (la) – bodega, small grocery store

droghiere/a (il/la) – person who works in a ‘drogheria’

fruttivendolo/a (il/la) – person who sells fruit and vegetables

gelateria (la) – ice cream store

gelataio/a (il/la) – person who works in a ‘gelateria’

macelleria (la) – butcher’s

macellaio/a (il/la) – butcher

mercato (il) – (farmers’) market

negozio (di alimentari) (il) – (grocery) store

panetteria (la) – bakery

panettiere/a (il/la) – person who works in a ‘panetteria’

pasticceria (la) – pastry shop

pasticcere/a (il/la) – person who works in a ‘pasticceria’ / pastry chef

pescheria (la) – fish store

pescivendolo/a (il/la) – person who works in a ‘pescheria’

salumeria (la) – cheese and cold cut store / deli

salumiere/a (il/la) – person who works in a ‘salumeria’

supermercato (il) – supermarket

VERBI (verbs)

conoscere – to know / to be acquainted with

saltare – to pan fry / to jump

sapere – to know / to be able to


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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 1 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci and Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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