IL TEMPO LIBERO E LO SPORT (free time and sport)

arrampicata (l’) – climbing

atletica (l’) – track and field

baseball (il) – baseball

bicicletta (la) – bike

calcio (il) – soccer

campeggio (il) – camping

campo (il) – field

ciclismo (il) – cycling

corsa (la) – running

danza (la) – dance / ballet

gara (la) – competition

ginnastica (ritmica / artistica) ( la) – (rhythmic, artistic) gymnastics

nuoto (il) – swimming

palestra (la) – gym

palla (la) – ball

pallacanestro (la) – basketball

pallavolo (la) – volleyball

pallone (il) – ball

partita (la) – match

passeggiata (la) – walk

piscina (la) – swimming pool

rugby (il) – rugby

sci (lo) – skiing

sport (lo) – sport

squadra (la) – team

stadio (lo) – stadium

tennis (il) – tennis

yoga (lo) – yoga

LA MUSICA (music)

basso (il) – bass

batteria (la) – drums

chitarra (la) – guitar

gruppo (musicale) (il) – band

pianoforte (il) – piano

violino (il) – violin

tromba (la) – trumpet

VERBI REGOLARI IN -ARE (regular verbs in -are)

abitare – to live (in/at)

adorare – to adore

aiutare – to help

amare – to love

arrivare – to arrive

ascoltare – to listen

aspettare – to wait

ballare – to dance

cambiare – to change

camminare – to walk

cantare – to sing

cenare – to have dinner

chiamare – to call

comprare – to buy

dimenticare – to forget

disegnare – to draw

diventare – to become

frequentare – to attend, to date (someone)

giocare – to play (a game or a specific sport)

guardare – to watch

imparare – to learn

insegnare – to teach

lavorare – to work

mangiare – to eat

navigare (su internet) – to navigate (surf the internet)

nuotare –to swim

pagare – to pay

parlare – to talk

passare (il tempo) – to pass, to spend (the time)

pranzare – to have lunch

praticare (uno sport) – to practice (a sport)

ricordare – to remember

sollevare pesi – to lift weights

spiegare – to explain

studiare – to study

suonare – to play (an instrument)

telefonare (a + persona) – to call by phone

trovare – to find

usare – to use

viaggiare – to travel

VERBI IRREGOLARI IN -ARE ED ESPRESSIONI UTILI (irregular verbs in -are and useful constructions)

andare – to go

  • andare al mare – to go to the beach
  • andare in montagna – to go to the mountains
  • andare in vacanza – to go on vacation

dare – to give

  • dare del tu / del Lei – to address informally / formally
  • dare un esame – to take an exam
  • dare una mano – to help, to lend a hand

fare – to do / to make

  • fare colazione – to have breakfast
  • fare la spesa – to go grocery shopping
  • fare shopping – to go shopping
  • fare sport – to play sports
  • fare una corsa – to go for a run
  • fare una domanda – to ask a question
  • fare una gita – to take a trip
  • fare una passeggiata – to go for a walk
  • fare una vacanza – to have a holiday
  • fare yoga – to practice yoga

**NB: remember to use “giocare a” with most sports

stare – to stay

  • stare a casa – to stay home
  • stare attento/a – to pay attention
  • stare bene – to be fine, to feel good
  • stare in forma – to be fit, to be in shape
  • stare male – to feel bad



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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 1 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci and Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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