GLI ANIMALI (animals)

cane (il) – dog

canguro (il) – kangaroo

capra (la) – goat

cavallo (il) – horse

cervo (il) – deer

coniglio (il) – rabbit

delfino (il) – dolphin

elefante (l’) – elephant

falco (il) – hawk

farfalla (la) – butterfly

gallina (la) – hen

gallo (il) – rooster

gatto (il) – cat

ghiro (il) – dormouse

giraffa (la) – giraffe

leone (il) – lion

leopardo (il) – leopard

lumaca (la) – snail

marmotta (la) – marmot, groundhog

mucca (la) – cow

orso (l’) – bear

pecora (la) – sheep

pesce (il) – fish

pulcino (il) – chick

renna (la) – reindeer

serpente (il) – snake

tartaruga (la) – turtle

tigre (la) – tiger

toro (il) – bull

uccello (l’) – bird

ESPRESSIONI CON L’IMPERFETTO (expressions with the imperfect tense)

da bambino/a – as a child

da piccolo/a – as a child

quando ero piccolo/a – when I was little

quando ero bambino/a – when I was a child

spesso – often

sempre – always

di solito – usually

normalmente – normally

mentre – while

NUOVE ESPRESSIONI CON IL PASSATO PROSSIMO (new expressions with passato prossimo)

all’improvviso – all of a sudden

improvvisamente – suddenly

tutt’a un tratto – all of a sudden


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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 1 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci and Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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