People in circle making the sign of "love"
Foto di Darelle da Pixabay


In questa unità imparerai:

  • i parametri principali della lingua dei segni italiana (LIS)
  • la distinzione tra la lingua dei segni italiana (LIS) e quella americana (ASL)
  • l’alfabeto LIS
  • espressioni utili e semplici vocaboli nella lingua dei segni


1. Per cominciare

1.1Come configurare le mani

1.2Il segno e lo spazio

1.3Il movimento delle mani

1.4L’orientamento nello spazio

1.5L’importanza delle espressioni facciali

 CULTURA: La lingua dei segni è universale?

Throughout this unit, you may be asking yourself, “Why should I learn about sign language?” To answer this question, it is important to first clarify some common misconceptions regarding sign languages, used as forms of communication around the world, to educate yourself and eventually others.

Often, people unfamiliar with sign languages associate them with linguistic simplicity. For example, outsiders to these languages may assume the gestures they see signal a lack of rules, structure, and syntax. Instead, as a real and complex means of communication and expression, sign languages honor the same linguistic principles as spoken languages.

We use the plural form of the umbrella term “sign language” because it more accurately reflects that sign languages vary widely by place, much like spoken languages. For example, people in Italy use Italian Sign Language (LIS), those in France use French Sign Language (LSF), those in the United States use American Sign Language (ASL), etc.

Though they are informed by cultural influence, sign languages also diverge from their respective spoken language counterparts regarding their grammar, syntax, rules, and constraints. In the case of LIS (Italian Sign Language) specifically, verbs must agree with both the subject and object of the sentence; in spoken Italian, verbs must only agree with the subject.



2.2 Presentiamoci!

2.3La famiglia!

2.4 Usiamo i numeri!

2.5 Parliamo del tempo!

2.5Usiamo i colori e le emozioni!

2.6 Parliamo di animali!

2.7Andiamo al ristorante!



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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 1 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci and Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.