LA FAMIGLIA (family)

bambino/a (il / la) – child

cognato/a (il / la) – brother / sister- in-law

compagno/a (il / la) – partner

coppia (la) – couple

cugino/a (il / la) – cousin

famiglia (la) – family

fidanzato/a (il / la) – a more serious boyfriend/ girlfriend

figlio/a (il / la) – son / daughter

fratello (il) – brother

fratellastro* (il) – stepbrother

gemello/a (il / la) – twin

genero (il) – son-in-law

genitori (i) – parents

madre (la) – mother

marito (il) – husband

matrigna* (la) – stepmother

moglie (la) – wife

mamma (la) – mom

nipote (il / la) – nephew / niece & grandson / granddaughter

nonno/a (il / la) – grandfather / grandmother

nuora (la) – daughter-in-law

padre (il) – father

papà (il) – dad

parenti (i) – relatives

patrigno* (il) – stepfather

ragazzo/a (il / la)– boyfriend / girlfriend

sorella (la) – sister

sorellastra* (la) – stepsister

suocero/a (il / la) – father / mother- in-law

zio/a (lo / la) – uncle / aunt


maggiore – older

minore – younger

unico/a – only


convivere – to live together

divorziare – to divorce

sposarsi – to get married


convivenza (la) – living together, cohabitation

divorzio (il) – divorce

divorziato/a – divorced

matrimonio (il) – wedding


*While in Italian there are specific expressions for “stepmother/father/sister/brother”, these words have a negative meaning. Therefore, people prefer saying la moglie di mio padre (my father’s wife), il figlio di mia madre (my mother’s son) or just madre, sorella, fratello, especially when the relationship is good.


cane (il) – dog

coniglio (il) – bunny

criceto (il) – hamster

gatto (il) – cat

pesce rosso (il) – goldfish

tartaruga (la) – turtle

uccello (l’) – bird

LE PROFESSIONI (professions)

analista finanziario (l’) / analista finanziaria (l’) – financial analyst

architetto/a (l’) – architect

assistente sociale (l’) – social worker

autista (l’) – driver (m / f)

avvocato/a (l’) – lawyer

badante (il / la) – in-home nurse, caregiver (m / f)

barista (il / la) – barista (m / f)

cameriere/a (il / la) – waiter / waitress

casalinga (la) – housewife

cuoco/a (il / la) – cook, chef

dentista (il / la) – dentist (m / f)

donna d’affari (la) / uomo d’affari (l’) – businesswoman/ businessman

dottore (il) / dottoressa (la) – doctor

giornalista (il / la) – journalist (m / f)

giudice (il / la) – judge (m / f)

impiegato/a (l’) – employee, office worker

imprenditore (l’) / imprenditrice (l’) – entrepreneur

infermiere/a (l’) – nurse

ingegnere/a (l’) – engineer

insegnante (l’) – teacher (m / f)

lavoratore agricolo (il) / lavoratrice agricola (la) – agricultural worker

medico (il) – physician (m / f)

ministro/a (il / la) – minister

operaio/a (l’) – laborer, construction worker, factory worker

OSS (Operatore Socio Sanitario) (l’) – nurse’s aide, healthcare assistant

parrucchiere (il) / parrucchiera (la) – hairdresser

poliziotto/a (il / la) – policeman / policewoman

postino/a (il / la) – mailman / mail-woman

scienziato/a (lo / la) – scientist

scrittore (lo) / scrittrice (la) – writer

sindacalista (il / la) – union officer

sindaco/a (il / la) – mayor

veterinario/a (il / la) – veterinary

I NUMERI >100 (numbers over 100)

100. centoone hundred

101, 102…120, 121… centouno, centoduecentoventi, centoventuno… – one hundred one, one hundred two…one hundred twenty, one hundred twenty one…

200, 300, 400… duecento, trecento, quattrocento… – two hundred, three hundred, four hundred…

1.000. mille – one thousand

2.000, 3.000, 4.000…duemila, tremila, quattromila… – two thousand, three thousand, four thousand…

1.000.000. un milione – one million

2.000.000, 3.000.000, 4.000.000… due milioni, tre milioni, quattro milioni…two million, three million, four million…. un miliardo – one billion,,… due miliardi, tre miliardi, quattro miliardi…two billion, three billion, four billion…


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Cotto e mangiato. Corso di Italiano multiculturale 1 Copyright © 2024 by Roberta Ricci and Luca Zipoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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